Chapter 11 - Foxaholic

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7-9 minutes 04.07.2022

Sivir took the initiative to reach out and drag Tu Mianmian from the balcony into the bedroom.

The floor-to-ceiling windows closed, and the scene inside became unknown to outsiders.

In the courtyard, the butler who witnessed the whole process withdrew his gaze with a look of relief.

A good cabbage has been arched by a pig raised by them (T/N: Chinese expression about couples) …good job!

Butler Anderson took out a mecha button with a smile to put Daylight away.

Every wrinkle on his face was filled with happiness as he turned to the kitchen, intending to signal to the servants that dinner would be a little bigger tonight.


Nothing happened in the bedroom.

Everything was calm.

The Duke dragged his petite husband into the bedroom.

His hand closed over Tu Mianmian’s arm, whose skin felt warm and delicate underneath his palm.

The pulse transmitted through his fingers seemed to hit straight at his heart, which began to beat even louder.

The strange numbness that had only existed on his fingertips before began to spread, as Sivir’s entire palm touched Tu Mianmian’s skin.

It was as if he was infected by this tingling and numbing sensation.

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Sivir had never encountered such a situation before.

He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t think it was bad.

In the face of thousands of troops and battleships, the Duke has never had any fluctuations in his heart.

However, now, he felt a bit nervous and the palm holding Tu Mianmian became slightly sweaty.

Once Tu Mianmian was brought to the bedside, Sivir quietly let go.

Then he discretely hid his palm behind him and clenched them into fists as he silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Tu Mianmian was unaware of the Duke’s psychological state.

Not to mention holding hands, it wasn’t uncommon for him to be carried around and held preciously when he was a lop-eared rabbit.

Therefore, he didn’t realize that there was something unusual about holding hands in this era to promote feelings.

After Sivir let him go, Mianmian laid down on the big, soft, and comfortable bed.

As his limbs moved around to find a comfortable position, he said in a relaxed way, “You did a good job today.”

Although he hadn’t gotten along with Sivir for a long time yet, Tu Mianmian knew at a glance that Sivir’s appearance in today’s video communication was purposefully made.

With a boss-like appearance, he looked handsome and evil, even though he was affectionate to him.

He was just like a perfect dream lover, but completely different from the usual indifferent image of his.

“Yeah.” Sivir’s face was a little unnatural.

He looked away, not daring to look at Tu Mianmian, who showed his small belly.

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“My adjutants Yuri and Anna gave me some ideas and help.”

“They will come to visit you,” Sivir pursed his lips, and the marks between his furrowed eyebrows deepened as he continued to explain, “but that will have to wait until the army’s victory.”

“Only I came back to the Central Star, and the two of them are still sitting on the main battleship.”

Sivir’s expression was a little serious as he said in a low voice: “I mentioned to you in the communication…”

When it came to business, Tu Mianmian and Sivir were both in high spirits.

The two whispered secretly as they reconnected and went over their plans.

After talking, Sivir left Tu Mianmian to go to the study next door.

His two adjutants sent him a few military affairs he needed to deal with.

But once he sat down in the quiet study room, Sivir for the first time, felt uncomfortable as if something was missing from around him.

His heart was a bit chaotic, and he tried to calm down, but failed.

The Duke became lost in thought for a bit, but was unable to figure out why, and could not help but frown.

He switched the light brain terminal on his wrist to medical mode, “AI, check my body.”

Could he be sick?

On the other side, Tu Mianmian stayed alone in the bedroom.

The close encounter he had just now surrounded him in the Duke’s aura, which was much nicer than having to sneak into the Duke’s clothes to absorb a trace of it at noon.

Approaching the Duke and feeling his presence, made Tu Mianmian feel comfortable and relaxed.

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Tu Mianmian laid on the bed lazily, not wanting to move, when his light brain suddenly vibrated.

Glancing at it, he saw it was a message from Robbins.

Robbins: [Mianmian, have you had dinner yet? I saw that StarNet was very lively, and some people say that they saw Daylight above the Central Star.]

Robbins: [In addition, there are rumors that His Royal Highness the Duke has visited His Majesty the Emperor. Has His Royal Highness the Duke really returned to the Central Star?]

Tu Mianmian blinked when he saw these two messages.

The Duke’s actions were really powerful, and he paved the way for the initial part of their plan so quickly.

Robbins continued to send messages: [If so, please be sure to express my admiration to His Royal Highness the Duke for me! The Light of the Empire, I sincerely admire him!]

After he finished his rainbow fart (T/N: slang for heaping on compliments), he cut to the point: [If you have the time, you must remember to help me ask if there is a good seedling to become my husband. I’m in a hurry!]

It could be seen that Robbins was very eager to find a spouse.

In this regard, Mianmian was confused about why from the beginning and couldn’t help but ask: [Why are you so anxious to find a husband? Is there any difficulty?]

Tu Mianmian suddenly had a flash of inspiration: [Hey, you have been talking about multiple husbands and multiple homes before, so do you want to change husbands and move to a new home?]

[…No. That’s all bullshit! You! Don’t believe it!] Robbins replied quickly: [My time of need is coming soon!]

Robbins continued to type: [I will die if I don’t find someone to help me get through the heat!]

Tu Mianmian’s stayed on his message as he remembered the situation ten days ago.

At that time, the Duke was in his period of lust, and he was hurriedly grabbed to the bed by the Duke…

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Tu Mianmian’s thoughts drifted away, his face flushed, and he quickly shook his head, trying to forget the things that came to mind.

He replied to Robbins, promising to ask for him as soon as possible.


When dinner was served on the dining table, Tu Mianmian and Sivir both came out of the bedroom and the study respectively, ready to eat together.

With the two events, the Duke’s return home and Tu Mianmian’s debut, they decided to celebrate, so the dishes on the table were much richer.

This was also the first time Tu Mianmian and Sivir were truly eating together.

For their first breakfast together after their marriage, the Duke just sat down at the dining table for a short while before he hurried to the military headquarters with nutrient solution.

After that, Tu Mianmian, who was alone in the mansion, usually enjoyed every meal in solitude.

The dishes on the table seemed too plentiful to Sivir who was used to taking care of every meal by simply drinking nutrient solution.

But, he didn’t resist. On the contrary, he was very happy.

After all, the three meals carelessly taken care of when you’re single are different from dining together with a spouse.

At the end of the meal, the Duke used his keen insight that was often used to scout out the enemy’s situation, and wrote down everything about the meal, not letting go of the details.

According to the frequency of Tu Mianmian eating certain dishes, he guessed Mianmian’s tastes and what he liked.

—Mianmian likes to eat delicious things all day, every day. ▼_▼

“Sivir! Look!” Tu Mianmian put down what he was doing and turned around on the sofa.

He sat cross-legged and said excitedly, “Now, the trend of the hot topics have changed!”

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