I Am the Cutest in the Universe

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annccha9-12 minutes 04.07.2022

[What kind of fairy love is this between Mianmian and His Royal Highness the Duke?! Ms. Doujin! Make another one!] (T/N: doujin are fan-produced works)

[It has been confirmed! Daylight really appeared above the Central Star! And the pilot was also the Duke himself! My sister-in-law’s son’s girlfriend’s sister saw with her own eyes that His Royal Highness the Duke entered and left the palace and went to see His Majesty the Emperor!]

[*Hiccup* Didn’t His Royal Highness just go to the border a while ago? Coming back from victory so soon???]

[No, it seems that the Duke returned to the Central Star alone. I live on a planet not far from the border. The war alert on our side has not been lifted, and the fleet is still at the border.]

[Then why did His Royal Highness suddenly return to the Central Star? Did he turn his back for love… ah no, go back to the Central Star for love?]

[Please don’t start a war for love! What about my family? During the war, His Royal Highness came back for Mianmian, so my family’s Mianmian has become a disaster for the country and its people?!]

On the star network, the hot topics changed from the exposure of the Duchess’ romance to why the Duke returned to the Central Star alone.

Sivir’s gaze watched over the comments and only paused for a moment on the comment “harming the country and the people”, then quickly browsed through the rest of the comments and information.

“Indeed. The trend of the topics have changed.” He responded to Tu Mianmian.

Sivir could predict that after enough time to ferment, and with the help of secret pushers, the topic would continue to change directions.

“Mmmm.” Tu Mianmian nodded at the Duke, holding his light brain and looking at it with relish, but not forgetting to praise the Duke, “You really predicted it.”

Everything the Duke told him about the plan played out like he said they would.

Sivir was taken aback for a moment, and then gave a short “um”.

The compliment from the little husband makes the Duke feel unaccustomed.

He looked at the comments on StarNet, which continued to rise in views and popularity.

He also opened other sites, but he didn’t find anything else interesting.

It just so happened that at that moment, a home service robot brought some fruits and dessert after their meal.

Sivir reached out and took them from the robot and placed them on the low table in front of the sofa, at a distance that Mianmian could reach.

The dinner was already very rich, and the dessert and fruit after dinner could also be compared to a gluttonous meal.

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Sivir looked at Tu Mianmian’s belly, and faintly felt that his small body should not be able to bear the weight of so much food.

“What’s wrong?” Mianmian followed the Duke’s line of sight and looked down at his belly.

It was a tummy obscured by loose clothing that looked like it was three months pregnant from eating too much.

Tu Mianmian reached out and touched his chubby belly, then patted it a bit very pleasantly.

“Can you still eat?” The Duke asked politely, “Will you feel it’s too much?”

The home service robot hadn’t left yet, and it replied with a robotic smile, “Don’t worry His Royal Highness. You’ve not been at home these days, so you don’t know. There’s no need to worry at all.”

The robot praised: “The little husband eats more than this, and he won’t feel like he is overeating at all!”

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Damn! You robot!

Sivir couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s okay.” He sat down beside Tu Mianmian and said, “I can afford it.”

Tu Mianmian snorted twice, wrinkled his nose, and stared at the home service robot with a death glare.

The robot slipped away instantly.

“But you can’t curl up and lay down after you eat so much.”

Sivir looked at Tu Mianmian who was huddled in a ball next to him, showed the greatest tenderness in his life, and tried to persuade very patiently, “Mianmian, sit up.”

“I don’t want to!” Tu Mianmian stuck to the sofa, “I don’t have any bones!”

He threw his hands and feet up as he laid back on the sofa, looking like a slob.

The loose clothes rolled up because of his movements, revealing his tender belly.

The Duke sighed. He found that he could do nothing about his little husband.

Only condone everything.

The physiology book was right, husbands who have sex with each other will naturally have feelings for each other.

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Now, Tu Mianmian and Sivir were probably such an example.

Tu Mianmian was greedy for Sivir’s aura, and subconsciously leaned over, creating a sense of intimacy with Sivir.

When Sivir was by Mianmian’s side, he also showed a peaceful side of himself that was completely different from when he was outside.

There wasn’t any strange alienation between the two of them.

Instead, they were very harmonious.

After some interaction to promote the relationship between husband and ‘wife’, Tu Mianmian asked about the scenery the Duke saw on the way back, “Can you see the Milky Way when you’re in space? Will there be stars?”

The Duke nodded.

Tu Mianmian tilted his head, “Does it look good? What does it look like?”

“…” The Duke, who was usually on top of everything, had never paid attention to these details.

He tried his best to recall the vague impressions in his memory, and hesitantly said: “…It’s similar to the starry sky of the Central Star.”

Tu Mianmian was a rabbit of action, so he immediately rushed to the window to look up at the sky, “No!”

He turned his head and asked Sivir: “The stars don’t go to work today?”

Mianmian vaguely remembered that Judy told him the artificial starry sky of the Central Star would only appear every few days.

When the Duke heard his question, he couldn’t help but laugh again.

When he was with his little husband, he was relaxed and happy.

Right now, he was the happiest he’s been in the past twenty years.

“Yes.” Sivir’s always indifferent expression melted like ice and snow.

There was even a slight smile on his face and the furrow between his eyebrows softened.

He followed Tu Mianmian’s words and said, “The stars are not working today.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sivir keenly sensed some movement in the corner.

Out of the corner of his eye, he found it was the sneaky butler, Anderson.

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Butler Anderson hid himself in the shadows in the corner of the room.

He seemed to have heard the conversation between Tu Mianmian and Sivir, and was staring at the Duke with a heated gaze.

Every wrinkle on his face was filled with regret and sorrow for having raised a pig who would never be able to arch the cabbage again. (T/N: Chinese idiom meaning something like ‘steal the baby away’)

Sivir: “…”

Under the butler’s frantic winking, which looked like he’d end up with an eye cramp, Sivir sat there in a confused daze for a bit.

Then, he suddenly understood the suggestion hinted by Butler Anderson’s winking, and he also understood his responsibility as a lover.

The Duke took the little husband’s hand, “Take you to see what the stars look like when they go to work.”

Tu Mianmian was led by the Sivir to a room located outside the Duke’s Mansion.

After pushing the door in, they entered a dark space.

When the two stood still, a faint light began to light up in front of them.

Then the surrounding scenery comes into view.

Like being in space, the nebula surged and rolled around him, and the Milky Way was even in sight.

Tu Mianmian: “!”

He was surprised, and turned his head up to look at Sivir beside him, “This…”

Sivir already guessed what Mianmian wanted to ask, and replied: “The virtual galaxy you see is almost exactly the same as the one seen in space.”

He looked down at Tu Mianmian’s bright eyes, reached out and touched the ends of Mianmian’s hair, “This is what the stars look like.”

This isn’t the same as what the Duke said before. He said it would look like the Central Star’s starry sky.

Mianmian took a few steps forward to touch the unreal nebula before him.

The lights passed between Mianmian’s fingers and scattered like sand.

After a while, the surroundings darkened.

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Tu Mianmian was unprepared, so he took a few steps back in shock.

He then slammed into Sivir’s arms behind him.

Sivir stretched out his hands to support Mianmian’s shoulders, and in a low voice, said into his ear: “Mianmian, don’t be afraid.”

After Sivir’s voice fell, the lights reappeared around him.

They were little bits of sparkles, small and irregular.

From near to far, they slowly flickered and lit up, and the darkness became their embellishment and backdrop.

The night sky reflected in Mianmian’s eyes was vast, and the stars were bright.

The hands resting on Tu Mianmian’s shoulders were released at some point.

Sivir took out a juvenile plant wrapped in a circular protective layer from his space button.

Its tiny leaves were glowing like jade.

“This,” Sivir handed the plant in his hand to Mianmian, “for you.”

The Duke seemed like he was giving a gift for the first time.

His movements were very stiff and unfamiliar, and there was a hint of apprehension in his emerald-green eyes.

Tu Mianmian looked at the plant and felt that it looked very much like the aquatic mutant plant that resembled a Chinese cabbage he’d seen in the botanical park today.

“Today, when you were at Yizhi Park, you told me that you liked it very much.”

Sivir’s low voice echoed in the darkness: “I went to the palace to find its mother seed.”

“I brought it back so you could keep it at home.” The Duke said.

The Duke was happy to satisfy all the hobbies of his little spouse, “You can see it every day.”

Mianmian took the plant from the Duke’s hands in a daze.

It feels wonderful to be valued.

Standing amongst the starry sky, Tu Mianmian’s eyes were also filled with the most dazzling starlight.

“Thank you.” He looked at Sivir and said softly, “I like it very much.”

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