[Mianmian baby! I am coming! Don’t be afraid that you’ll be left out in the cold by His Royal Highness! I’m here to warm you up!]

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In the Zoological Garden, Sivir’s eyes froze on this StarNet comment.

There was a strange emotion that surfaced in his heart.

He turned to look at his side.

Under the guidance of the director of the garden, Tu Mianmian stopped in front of a plant and talked with him in a low voice.

The golden sunlight spread a thin layer of shimmer on Mianmian’s hair, and the picture of him smiling with curved eyes at the plant was particularly beautiful.

The Duke was distracted for a bit, and when he came back to his senses, he took advantage of his authority and deleted this comment with a cold expression.

Light Brain’s AI: …

Sivir turned off his light brain and walked towards Tu Mianmian.

The plant had rolled its leaves up and was rubbing Tu Mianmian intimately.

However, after the Duke approached with his powerful aura, it quickly retracted its leaves, shook them a bit, and stopped moving.

It sat there, looking very well-behaved.

The director of the Zoological Garden smiled and commented, “It’s afraid of His Royal Highness.”

Sivir glanced at the plant.

Tu Mianmian reached out and pinched its leaves and saw that the plant was really paralyzed by Sivir’s aura.

Because it didn’t dare to move, he didn’t force it.

He followed the director forward to meet the next plant.


Sivir and Tu Mianmian had been greeted by the director of the garden in person.

However, even though he accompanied the Duke and Duchess around the Zoological Garden, it would be better to say that Sivir and the director were accompanying Tu Mianmian around.

When Sivir faced his subordinates in the army, he had very few words.

With the director of the garden, who had no common topic with him, he had even less things to say.

On the contrary, Tu Mianmian was in high spirits and was quite easy to get along with, so the director luckily had a role to play as a guide.

Along the way, the mutant plants they saw were very enthusiastic towards Mianmian.


The garden director had heard about the infinite favorability rating that Tu Mianmian received, so when he saw the plants reactions, he thought it was due to his overall high affinity.

He was surprised to see it, but was also just happy.

Tu Mianmian knew very well that these mutant plants with wisdom were close to him only because of his demon power.

After passing by another plant that waved its leaves eagerly at Tu Mianmian, the director smiled and complimented, “It seems that all the exotic plants in our garden have been tamed by the Duchess. Even those with the coldest temperament are gentle after meeting the Madam. Incredible.”

Hearing this, Mianmian glanced at Sivir subconsciously.

Why do the director’s words feel like he’s alluding to his ruthless husband?

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As the garden director continued to talk, he took the lead in revealing a bit of news to Sivir and Tu Mianmian.

“After the announcement of Dululu’s favorability rating yesterday, the Interplantation Association intends to conduct a comprehensive survey on the compatibility of many plants with the Duchess.”

He continued to explain: “However, the details have not yet been confirmed. After the confirmation, the Duchess will be contacted in a few days.”

Sivir nodded slightly after hearing this.

He has to leave the Central Star in a few days, so this matter will most likely be handed over to the butler to deal with.

Sivir followed up on the director’s words and said to Tu Mianmian, “It’s up to you. If you don’t want to go, don’t go.”


Tu Mianmian had his back turned to the two of them.

He was squatting down towards a short mutant plant, secretly communicating something.

From Sivir’s point of view, he could see that Mianmian’s cheeks were moving.

“Mianmian?” Because Mianmian didn’t respond, Sivir called out to him again.

There happened to be a commotion not far away, so the garden director went to check on the situation.

This left only Sivir and Tu Mianmian in place.

Mianmian stood up, puffed out his cheeks, and said slowly, “Well, I see…”

The Duke suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched his little husband’s cheeks.

Tu Mianmian’s face was suddenly pinched and his mouth protruded out like a goldfish.

He glared at Sivir, which made him look even more like a silly goldfish.

The Duke’s hand slowly loosened.

Mianmian didn’t hide his bulging cheeks, and chewed directly in front of him.

Mianmian pointed to the short mutant plant and said, “It’s what its eating. I thought it smelled good. I just wanted to taste it.”

Sivir stepped forward to read the mutant plant’s introduction.

The short mutant plant was frightened by the bloody aura surrounding Sivir.

When he approached, it shrank back into a ball and shivered.

The mutant plant was called Dandan Grass.

In the soil beside it, food for its daily consumption was planted—a wild vegetable.

Wild vegetables are non-toxic and can also be eaten by humans.

A trace of complex emotions flashed through Sivir’s eyes: “Did it give you some to eat?”

“Yeah!” Mianmian nodded firmly.

After thoroughly chewing, Mianmian’s throat moved as he swallowed, “It gave me a wild vegetable to taste.”

He didn’t expect Mianmian to do such a cute thing, stealing wild vegetables like a small thief.

The Duke became absent-minded.

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…Is it because the variety of food in the Duke’s Mansion can’t satisfy the little husband’s appetite?

Otherwise, how could he be reduced to the level of begging for food from a mutant plant?

His little husband also commented: “I think the taste isn’t bad. It’s crunchy, full of water, and sweet.”

Sivir: “…”

Sivir: “……”

The Duke, for the first time, realized that his little spouse’s eating habits seemed a little special.

At this time, the garden director came back after having checked on the commotion that occurred.

He wasn’t completely sure about what was going on, but he was a bit worried that the enthusiastic crowd would overwhelm the Duchess.

The director of the garden suggested: “The rest of the mutant plants are similar. I would like to ask if His Royal Highness and the Duchess would like to go to the zoo area on the other side?”

“Yeah.” Sivir answered as he glanced at the Dandan Grass and the wild vegetables, naturally agreeing.

Tu Mianmian had yet to see an interstellar animal, and was very curious about it.

“Let’s go,” he moved to follow behind the director, “Go go go!”


At the same time, a large number of airships landed on the berth at the Zoological Garden’s entrance.

A countless number of people hurried towards the garden with roughly the same goal.

They all met each other and conversed and shouted loudly:

“Where?! Where are His Royal Highness the Duke and Mianmian?!”

“I don’t know, but good luck. I’m going to the aquatic mutant plant area to search for them.”

“Hahahah, head out to chase stars! Go!”

“Are there any little sisters who have been keeping tabs on His Royal Highness the Duke and Mianmian? Can you post a specific location?”

“I brought my flying camera! I must take pictures. I’ll frame a photo of His Royal Highness and Mianmian!”

“I wanted to come just to get a glance. Is His Highness the Duke himself really here in the Central Star?”

“Quick, let’s find His Royal Highness and Mianmian separately, then share the location when you find it!”

As soon as this suggestion came out, there were a lot of responses in agreement.

Then everyone headed off happily to find where the Duke and Mianmian were.


In a quiet area, in the depths of the Zoological Garden, a girl walked with the nanny robot that raised her.

They looked at the comments on the light brain, many chanting “Catch the Duchess Alive” with gusto.

They also met a large group of people who ran past them.

This group of people were very lively, injecting vitality into the usually quiet garden.

The nanny robot looked at the retreating backs of the crowd and said with a humorous tone, “What wave of people is this? They’re more like troops scouting for His Royal Highness and the Duchess.”

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“Hahaha.” The girl laughed: “It’s a pity that we just went around two to three areas and still didn’t meet His Royal Highness and Mianmian.”

At that moment, they saw three people walking out of a path nearby.

The leader was a middle-aged man who treated the two behind him respectfully.

In the middle of the group was a fair-skinned young man who seemed to be glowing under the baptism of sunlight.

As he walked with a skip in his step, it was like an elf dancing in the woods full of light.

Walking at the end was a tall and mature man with steady steps and an indifferent expression.

From a distance, one could feel the aura from him that rejected other people a million miles away.

The young man in the middle seemed to have something to say to the man in the back.

He turned his head, and his delicate and beautiful face suddenly caught her eye.

That face was full of anticipation and had a bright smile stretched over it.

The overall feeling he gave was soft and cute.

The girl was instantly attracted.

Utter a small “hey”, she lowered her head and said to the nanny robot, “I think those people look familiar!”

The nanny robot also cheerfully said, “Yeah. I also think they’re familiar!”

The girl: “…”

Nanny robot: “…”

The girl: “!!!”

Her eyes widened instantly.

Using almost all her strength to break her footsteps, she turned her head quickly and observed them carefully.

That. Is that Mianmian and His Royal Highness the Duke?!

The nanny robot also reacted by taking pictures with its quick robot eyes and hands.

They hurried to catch up.

But the middle-aged man who led the way had already swiped his identity verification in front of a protective cover and entered with Tu Mianmian and Sivir.

The protective cover blocked the girl and her nanny robot from the outside.

The girl patted her thigh in annoyance, “Oh! This is the zoo area. We didn’t buy tickets for the zoo area! We can’t get in!”

Behind her, the nanny robot was already on the star network to buy tickets.

Hohoho~ Robots also chase stars!

His Royal Highness the Duke, the Glory of the Empire! Its heading for his signature!

When the tickets were purchased, the nanny robot sent the pictures it took and the coordinates of the area nearby to the star network.


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A group of people who were blindly searching the Zoological Garden like brainless flies suddenly had a target.

[Discovered! Found! Everyone go!]

[Mianmian, here I come! Come to my arms!]

[The original rumors are true! His Royal Highness is really here in the Central Star! He’s back!]

[I have to go and see it myself. Seeing is believing. The current synthesis technology is so powerful tat I can’t believe the pictures.]

[Coordinates are in the zoo area. I’ve already bought a ticket and rushed in. Waiting to meet His Royal Highness the Duke and Mianmian!]

[Huh? I don’t understand. Is there any problem with His Royal Highness the Duke himself being in the Central Star? I see a lot of people taking this issue very seriously.]

[Think about it. There’s a war at the border. His Royal Highness, who is the chief commander, suddenly returned alone at a critical moment. It’s inevitable that…]

[Haha! I seem to have seen Mianmian!!! Come on everyone! 1/100 of the Stealing Team!]

[I think you’re sending yourself to have your head taken off! Dare to snatch Mianmian with His Royal Highness the Duke there?!]


At the still peaceful zoo area—

Tu Mianmian stood before an ‘animal’ as the director gave a narration introducing it.

This animal was pitch-black in its entirety.

It had a strange body shape, almost like a polygonal creature, with a sharp black horn growing from its forehead.

Mianmian looked at the animal in front of him, and then looked down at himself.

Looked at the animal, looked at himself.

As expected, he is still the cutest!


In front of him, the voice of the director introducing the animal suddenly stopped abruptly.

The director looked down at a message sent to his light brain.

There was a hint of surprise on his face.

Immediately, he stepped forward to explain the situation outside to Sivir in a low voice.

When Sivir heard his explanation, he nodded and said that he understood.

He stretched out his hand to Tu Mianmian, “Mianmian, come here.”

“What’s wrong?” Mianmian didn’t know the reason for his sudden request, but still listened.

He put his hand into Sivir’s palm

Then his hand was clenched by Sivir, and with force, he was pulled into Sivir’s arms.

This scene was witnessed by the crowd that quickly poured in around them.

The crowd set off a wave of noise, and the peaceful atmosphere was instantly broken.


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