When a large number of people swarmed in and saw the Duke hug Mianmian into his arms, there was a burst of discussion.

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“Woo woo woo. Mianmian belongs to His Royal Highness after all!”

“I also want to hug Mianmian and pinch him to see if he’s soft.”

“It’s really His Royal Highness!”

“I never expected that the Duke, in addition to touching mechas, His Royal Highness’s precious hands could also touch other people!”

“Hahahaha, that’s an old joke from more than 20 years ago!”

Tu Mianmian: “???”

Mianmian was confused.

More and more onlookers poured in, merging into a sea of people that almost drowned the zoo area.

The group of people standing at the front of the crowd seemed to be afraid of the Duke’s aura.

So, they lingered in the same place and didn’t seem to dare approach.

But in fact, they were secretly inching forward.

Sivir naturally didn’t miss their small movements.

As the crowd drew closer, he quickly grasped Tu Mianmian’s waist with one hand, and nodded slightly to the garden direction beside him: “Farewell.”

Before he finished speaking, he spun on his toes, lifted Mianmian into a princess hold, and quickly dashed away into the depths of the garden.

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Sivir’s light brain popped up simultaneously to plan a route for him to avoid fans and escape from the Zoological Garden.

With the naked eye, Mianmian could only see the scenery quickly blur by, as the wind whistled past his cheeks.

Mianmian hurriedly put his arms around Sivir’s neck and buried his head into his shoulder.

For the first time, Tu Mianmian felt the strength of Sivir’s double S-level physical strength.

Every time Sivir touched the ground and pushed off, he could glide in the air for a moment and travel freely due to his physique.

Mianmian pressed his face against Sivir’s chest.

But suddenly, he remembered the enthusiastic onlookers so he raised his head slightly to look over Sivir’s shoulder.

He was startled by what he saw.

After Sivir picked up his little husband and ran away, the crowd moved in after them.

They bypassed the garden director who was trying to stop them, and chased closely after Tu Mianmian and the Duke.

The scene of a crowd of fans chasing them was as comparable to zombies rushing to eat them.

“Wow…” Mianmian exclaimed in a tiny voice.

The Duke didn’t look back.

He used his mental power to understand what was going on behind him.

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Hugging Mianmian a little tighter, he said in a plain tone: “They’re too free.”

They’re so free that they came to watch them like they were rare animals.

“Hmmm.” Tu Mianmian, a rare animal being held in the arms of the Duke, responded enthusiastically to him, “You’re right.”

The Duke ran in front, and the fanatic fans chased behind him.

It was like a race or a marathon.

And the Chaoyang Empire deserves its name as a country where all the people are physically fit and powerful individuals.

During the chase, although many people were left behind, many were also able to continue chasing after the Duke, a big guy with double S-level physical fitness.

The chat of the fanatic fans—

“Wow~ This is what’s called chasing stars! The key is ‘chasing’!”

“To those outside! The fact that His Royal Highness the Duke returned to the Central Star from the border has been confirmed! His Royal Highness is here!”

“His Royal Highness, please don’t run away! I just want a signed photo of the Duchess!”

“Live broadcast! Live broadcast!! His Royal Highness is running away with his little baby!!”

When Tu Mianmian hear this shout, he showed his head over Sivir’s shoulder to look back.

Seeing this, the crazy fans behind became even more enthusiastic.

“Our Mianmian—!!!”

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Their voices were sincere, as if they were calling for their own son.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Mianmian shivered and immediately retracted his head to bury it in the broad and warm chest of the Duke.

Instantly feels safe.

After Sivir made a turn along the route planned by the light brain AI, his narrow vision widened.

In front was a large sea of flowers located at the periphery of the Zoological Garden.

On the road outside the sea of flowers, the airship belonging to the Duke’s Mansion was waiting.

Sivir easily leaped over the flower field with Tu Mianmian in his arms, with the wind lifting the corner of his clothes and the fluttering petals brushing past them.

A burst of screams erupted behind them—

“Ah, ah, the Duke, you have changed!!!”

“What a goddamn beautiful love!!”

“Mianmian!! Mom loves you!”

“I miss my man too! My man should fly over the sea of flowers with me in his arms!!!”

“His Royal Highness the Duke’s boyfriend power is MAX!”

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“His Royal Highness the Duke, hug me… Ow! Who hit me just now?!”

On the other side, Sivir had landed safely.

After he released Tu Mianmian, Mianmian still hadn’t recovered from the leap they just took.

Although his feet were standing firmly on the ground, one hand was still tightly clutching the clothes over Sivir’s chest.

“Mianmian.” Sivir called him softly.

He reached out and took off a petal that fell on top of Mianmian’s head.

Only then did Mianmian come back to his senses, and he loosened his grip on Sivir’s clothes, leaving behind a few wrinkles.

Mianmian’s eyes were as bright as stars, and his expression was very excited, as if there were thousands of things he wanted to say to him.

Sivir couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong?”

Tu Mianmian looked at Sivir, his eyes were shining as he blurted out, “Fuck! You’re amazing!”

Sivir: “…”

Tu Mianmian was puzzled by his silent reply.

After a moment of silence, the Duke took a look back outside.

There were fanatical fans trying to cross the sea of flowers, but were stopped by robots in their path.

The Duke took back his gaze and led his little husband further into the airship to head home.

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