Judy immediately stepped forward and protected Tu Mianmian behind her.

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She slapped away the hand of the guest blocking the road and said in a condescending tone, “This dog, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

Tu Mianmian: “!”

You turned out to be such a person, Judy!

Hearing Judy’s words, the guest’s eyes instantly widened.

Judy stared back at him.

She’s already made many little sisters in the fans circle, and has also undergone a lot of edification and experience.

So now, her expression was cold, and she had a demeanor that screamed she’d tear up this person on the spot.

The atmosphere in the rest area became even more tense, and the other guests all looked over, their expressions were either surprised or showed avoidance.

The guest who was slapped looked down at his arm, and a trace of pain flashed through his eyes.

Judy used a lot of power, so his arm that was slapped away had red marks.

“Isn’t it just right to make you wait?” A voice came from behind while they were at a stalemate.

The last guest, Robbins, arrived on the battlefield.

Robbins walked leisurely to Tu Mianmian’s side.

One hand rested on Mianmian’s shoulder, the other pointed at the guest in front of him, and with an extremely arrogant attitude said: “Borg, isn’t it understandable that you have to wait for the investors. Why so impatient?”

Robbins didn’t conceal that he was an investor behind the scenes.

“Is this the kind of attitude you should have in front of a gold master (T/N: money behind the scenes)?”

So strong.

Tu Mianmian gave Robbins a thumbs up.

The guest, Borg’s, momentum instantly weakened, and he stepped aside, not daring to block the way.

“No, no…” Borg stammered, “I just wanted to say hello to the Duchess.”

Judy rolled her eyes and commented, “Then the way you say hello is quite unique.”

Then, Borg turned away.

Fritsch, another guest with a gentle personality turned towards them—his first impression was that he was approachable.

He walked over to Tu Mianmian, smiled and said: “Borg has a rough personality and isn’t really likable. Duchess, you can come and sit in my resting area. I just bought fresh juice. Let’s drink some together.”

Borg’s face turned green.

His eyes held animosity as he looked at Fritsch, and he gritted his teeth and said, “You…” You actually insulted me!

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When the other guests saw the situation, they came over, joining the commotion.

In addition to Fritsch, another guest, Xu Lu, stood beside Tu Mianmian, while the rest surrounded Borg.

Four to four, the group split and faced off against each other.

Tu Mianmian glanced over them and felt that the members of each faction were quite distinct.

On his side, he felt like he was being pushed out as the leader, and Robbins even gave him an encouraging look.

No, no.

He’s just a little bunny.

In the live broadcast room:

[Sure enough, the live broadcast at the beginning of a show is particularly prone to god-level content.]


[I saw Mianmian for the first time in so long. His face looks ruddy and healthy, and he doesn’t seem to be affected by public opinion at all. I’m instantly relieved.]

[That young lady who rolled her eyes is so cool, woohoo! I want all her information in three minutes!!!]

[I have a vague hunch that this show won’t be too quiet. Just the beginning made me see a very big hint at drama.]

[Go Mianmian! Fight them!]

[Mianmian is the best! Come on, Mianmian! We still love you!]

[I’m following Robbins. I’m making a bet with my friends to see if Robbins will continue to recruit for a husband on the show.]

[Tu Mianmian still has face to come here?!]

[Gah? Please be rational upstairs. His Royal Highness the Duke should do things he wants. Thank you. Don’t involve our innocent Mianmian.]

[Damn, are you a CP fan of the Duchess?]

After this not-so-beautiful episode ended, the variety show finally went back on track.

But the gimmick about this variety show was that there were only eight live cameras which followed the guests based on the amount of attention they received on the star network.

There was no such rule that each guest would be allotted one camera.

If one guest received the most attention, they could even have eight lenses focused on them.

Then the remaining seven guests would be left completely out of the show.

As soon as this regulation was explained, the atmosphere amongst the guests instantly dropped to a freezing point.

Several guests were big names, and they came to the show to increase their already high popularity.

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But without a camera, they’d be unable to do anything. It would be humiliating.

Fritsch and another guest on the opposite side met each other’s gaze with sparks and lightning coming out of their eyes.

Plus, with the tension between Borg and Tu Mianmian, the electric atmosphere could be felt across the display of the live broadcast room.

The early stages of the show were very high-energy.

The guests were vying for the spotlight, and the atmosphere amongst the fans on the live broadcast was also very lively.

Robbins, who had a carefree attitude at first, was aroused to fight.

So he grabbed two cameras with a strong momentum, and generously distributed shots to the people in his group.

There were always two live cameras around Tu Mianmian, and no one could snatch them away.

Fritsch and Xu Lu teamed up to grab one, adding up to five cameras on Tu Mianmian’s side.

with a large number of lenses, they got great exposure.

It happened that the variety show entered a leisurely period—the two sides had drawn different tasks and had to complete them separately, but there was no rush.

Seeing the four people on Borg’s side take three live cameras away, Tu Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief.

They could have a moment of peace now.

Tutu is Breathless.jpg

This variety show was too high-energy.

It really wasn’t suitable for a fluffy and soft little rabbit.

Several times, Mianmian became so agitated that he felt his hair would explode out.

Fritsch went to get a few bottles of juice, and sat down beside Tu Mianmian after handing them out.

He looked at the retreating backs of Borg’s group of four, smiled, and said meaningfully: “Those four have to divide up three cameras for shots. They’ll probably end up arguing quite a lot.”

Tu Mianmian trembled and said: “I think the program team is in on a conspiracy to make us kill each other.”


Tu Mianmian felt weak, pitiful, and helpless.

He took a sip of the juice and burped.

After getting along for a short period of time, he also saw that Fritsch was not as gentle as he seemed on the surface.

He was very much a mix of black and white in personality.

Xu Lu next to him drank the juice in one breath and volunteered to complete the task after quenching his thirst.

The tasks drawn by Tu Mianmian’s team were very simple, and one person could complete the tasks.

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Xu Lu was well-known, but despite his popularity he had a very good attitude, and he was always at the forefront of things and kept positive.

He did this for the same purpose as Fritsch—a precaution against Tu Mianmian.

Although the Duke’s Mansion was blackened on the star network, smart people like Fritsch and Xu Lu have to always maintain a bit of caution.

Not all rumors will lead to a bad result.

Coupled with the fact that they’ve seen some unusual signs on the star network recently, it’s even better to show their good side in front of the Duchess Tu Mianmian.

After all, it’s easy to add icing to a cake, but even rarer to find firewood in the snow. (T/N: basically a saying that means it’s hard to find people who stick out for you in tough times)



“You’re doing the task alone?” Tu Mianmian scratched his face and looked at Xu Lu who was preparing, “Then you have to have a camera.”

The two live cameras that Tu Mianmian had were due to the high attention from fans.

The fans missed him, so it was a blessing that all five cameras were together, leaving no shortage of content revolving around Tu Mianmian.

So, after soliciting the opinion of fans, Tu Mianmian generously divided some of the viewers to Xu Lu.

He designated a camera to follow Xu Lu to shoot, and made sure that the camera wouldn’t lose him when Xu Lu does the task alone.

Xu Lu thanked Mianmian continuously, then looked at his light brain with the mission task and went away in a hurry.

Tu Mianmian watched Xu Lu leave.

Then he poked a mutant plant beside him, which stretched out its leaves and swayed about.

The mutant plant then reached out its wide, thick and flexible leaves, meandered behind Tu Mianmian, and helped him lack back firmly on its leaves.

The center of the leaves were slightly sunken, like a soft bed.

Mianmian felt very comfortable being able to lie on a bed made of leaves.

The wind was blowing softly, and the leaves were rustling gently in the Zoological Garden.

It was a quiet, peaceful moment in time.

Watching Tu Mianmian lying comfortably down and brushing through his light brain, a trace of envy flashed through Fritsch’s eyes.

He also lowered his head to browse through his light brain.

After a while, Fritsch remembered something and asked, “Duchess, is it true that the Duke is seriously injured as they say on the star network?”

“I don’t know.”

Fritsch asked again, “Is His Highness in the Duke’s Mansion now?”

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Tu Mianmian shook his head again: “I don’t know, I don’t know.”

Fritsch asked: “Then…”

Tu Mianmian shook his head frantically: “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know!”

Fritsch: “…”

Tu Mianmian’s actions and words felt perfunctory.

[Ha ha ha ha!]

[Fritsch asked all the questions I wanted to ask, but couldn’t get an answer.]

[Don’t ask. It’s just pointless.]

[Mianmian: Just think I’m dumb!]

[Alas, what is the situation with His Royal Highness the Duke?]

[I looked at the latest news on the star network and found that the so-called true insiders news was reversed again.]

[In the beginning, they said that His Royal Highness returned from the fleet privately and neglected his duties. Later, they said that His Royal Highness returned because he was seriously injured and needed treatment. Then, they said he couldn’t be treated and is now waiting for death. Presently, they say that His Royal Highness is seriously injured due to his own greed and rash command.]

[The troublesome gossip on the star network makes me upset. Mianmian’s attitude also makes me feel a bit suspicious. Let me guess…]

Fritsch sighed. Seeing that Tu Mianmian didn’t want to say more, he didn’t continue to ask, lest he be considered pushy and ignorant.

Mianmian laid leisurely on the leaves of the mutant plant.

This mutant plant played kiss-up by stretching out a large leaf and covered Tu Mianmian with it, like a soft little quilt just for him.

Fritsch got only a little bit of love from it, having just extended a small leaf to help him block a bit of sun.

In front, Robbins unknowingly fished a live camera out from the air.

He forcibly stuck the camera on a branch of a tree and pointed at the camera with a firm posture: “Right now! If you are interested, please send a private message to my StarNet account. Thank you!”

The camera then broke away from the tree branches and flew back into the sky.

This time when Robbins reached out to catch it, he was unable to.

He mumbled a few words beneath his breath and turned on his light brain to go onto the star network: “Forget it… Let me see! Has anyone sent a private message to sign up as my partner!”

Fritsch sighed: “Alas…”

I suddenly feel tired from the sand sculpture behavior and a bit of loneliness.

After a while, Xu Lu came back in a state of embarrassment.

He walked back in a hurry, as if there was a ghost chasing behind him.

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