Behind Xu Lu was Dululu chasing him down.

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The mutant plant Dululu chased him over in an arrogant and domineering way.

Its white roots stepped on the ground as if it was marching, and the leaves and soft vines on it waved non-stop in the air.

When Dululu felt that Xu Lu walked too slowly in front of it, it would wave its vines and slap Xu Lu’s buttocks, forcing him to walk more quickly.

However, Xu Lu was already at the point where he was running to get back.

Dululu, who was walking on multiple roots, was a bit slower than him.

Nevertheless, it kept swaying it vines and slapping Xu Lu on his back with a loud ‘smack’!

Such ‘torture’ was really embarrassing for a big star.

Once he spotted his group, Xu Lu almost flew to Tu Mianmian’s side.

He hid himself behind Fritsch and shouted in embarrassment: “He’s here! The Duchess is here!”

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Who’s calling me?


Tu Mianmian turned over on the large leaf he laid on and looked left and right to probe out the person calling him.

Dululu arrived beside him once he saw Tu Mianmian, and immediately waved its body and rejoiced.

It danced with joy, and when its vines flew about wildly, it looked a bit like a monster.

After its dance, Dululu rushed up and wrapped its vines around Tu Mianmian.

Mianmian screamed, and almost suffocated due to the vines’ entanglement.

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Tu Mianmian quickly reached out and grabbed one of Dululu’s vines and shouted: “Relax! Relax! Don’t wrap around me!”

Next to them, Xu Lu who almost died from Dululu’s whipping and had escaped, had a soulless expression on his face.

Seeing that Dululu’s attention was entirely focused on Tu Mianmian, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Lu twisted his neck and looked back behind himself.

He relaxed when he saw that the back of his clothes were intact and not torn by Dululu’s vines.

Interstellar law stipulates that no nudity could happen on live broadcasts, so exposing flesh below the neck would result in mosaic treatment.

Fortunately, he wasn’t whipped to the point of tattered clothes by Dululu, or else he would be in a difficult situation.

He came to earn more traffic and popularity, not to become a criminal or pervert.

“What’s the matter?” Robbins asked as he came over after reading a few private messages on his StarNet account.

Looking at Tu Mianmian’s embarrassment, he stretched out a hand and tried to help pull him away from the enthusiastic Dululu.

However, he was almost swept away by one of Dululu’s vines in return.

Robbins hurriedly retreated in the face of possible harm.

He also remembered his pitifully low affinity for mutant plants and didn’t dare to approach any more.

He carefully stood to the side and identified the plant, and commented sharply: “Isn’t this the mutant plant that beat Bob last time?”

“Yes…” Tu Mianmian said as he struggled to break free from Dululu’s warm embrace while panting: “It’s that mutant plant.”

Fritsch laughed briefly and gave Robbins a thumbs up: “The way you identify mutant plants is really special.”

Dululu, whose vines were pulled loose by Tu Mianmian, regained its senses and let go, no longer clinging to Mianmian.

However, Dululu was still enthusiastic.

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So, it wrapped one vine around Tu Mianmian’s arm and stuck to his side refusing to leave.

Dululu also raised another vine and brought it in front of Tu Mianmian.

A bunch of beautiful bright carrots hung from the vine.

The green tassels were tender, and the carrots looked fresh and juicy at a glance.

There were also a few lettuce-like leaves from who-knows-where that were pulled by Dululu.

The leaves were slender and almost a transparent light blue-purple.

There was even a bow tied around the carrots.

It looked very ceremonial, as if it had prepared the best just for Tu Mianmian.

A hint of surprise flashed across Mianmian’s face when he saw it.

You could tell he was overjoyed by the gift prepared for him.

Luckily, he had yet to go rob from Dululu, even though he heard it brought food with it.

Instead, Dululu sent himself to his door and even came with a gift.

Tu Mianmian’s face was full of relief.

He accepted the bundle of carrots and touched Dululu’s vines as if he was touching its head and said, “Thank you.”

[I am moved to tears! Is this the feeling of being favored by mutant plants?! This is Dululu, who is known for its violent temper! Come to see! It even brought Mianmian a gift!]

[Question: What is the experience like to be favored by mutant plants? I have a low affinity for all plants, and I’ve wanted to find out the answer to such a question all my life.]

[Mianmian: Thank you for your invitation. I’m on the Central Star, just got off the airship. I think it’s probably the experience of never being beaten by a mutant plant, and when you want to lie down for a while, there will be different plants wanting to contribute a leaf bed. It’s also the experience of sharing food with mutant plants.]

[I think that Dululu is so smart. Last time Mianmian took a bite of carrots from Dululu and it remembered. This time it came to see Mianmian with such a big bundle of carrots.]

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[Wooooo, why do mutant plants love Mianmian so much?! Tu Mianmian, I announce that you are under arrest! You heart-stealing thief!]

[Mutant plants have a particularly high IQ! They feel just like us, except that they can’t speak. Plants can also have emotions. Like the last time I got lost, a mutant plant planted nearby came to show me the way. But, it also despised me… Can’t Laugh or Cry.jpg]

[No, no, no. Research shows that mutant plants can ‘speak’. The difference is that they generally communicate with each other through spiritual power to convey their thoughts and wishes. If your mental power level isn’t high, you won’t be able to understand the mutant plants your entire life unless you can understand their body language—like the disgust they show you when they hit you.]

[Seeing Dululu’s sticky and clingy appearance, Xu Lu’s eyes have changed.]

[One second Xu Lu was still being beaten by Dululu, and the next second Dululu turned and changed its face in front of Tu Mianmian. I ask if the gentle sweetheart Xu Lu now has a psychological shadow~]

Xu Lu: “…”

Xu Lu now has a very large psychological shadow, and the place where Dululu beat him is still aching.

Tu Mianmian happily accepted the gift in front of everyone, and placed the carrots in his space button for later.

Fritsch and Robbins gained a new understanding of the degree of preference mutant plants have for Tu Mianmian.

While Xu Lu stood a little further away from Dululu.

He scratched his hair and sighed.

With a hint of anger mixed in, he said in a helpless tone: “My mission was robbed.”

As soon as Xu Lu’s explanation came out, Tu Mianmian, Robbins and Fritsch all looked at him.

“I met Borg and the others on the way to complete our task.” Xu Lu said: “Their task was more difficult, so they squatted by the roadside to take ours away, leaving their own task behind for me.”

“When I was about to come back and discuss with you, I met Dululu.” Xu Lu said as he glanced at Dululu.

Dululu waves its vines at him threateningly.

“Dululu wanted to see Mianmian, so I brought it here.” Xu Lu said carefully, covering up the tragedy and his pain and tears from being beaten by the irritable Dululu due to his inability to communicate with it when he first met it.

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Robbins didn’t really care about the robbery, since it was within the allowable action range of the show.

Instead, he asked, “How difficult was the task Borg and the others had?”

He dragged Xu Lu over so he could see their new task and asked: “Do you still need us to take action and exchange tasks again?”

“Most likely, it’s not about how difficult the task is.” Fritsch said as he began to analyze the other group’s actions.

“Maybe they just wanted to make some noise and compete for attention.”

“I guess Borg and the others weren’t able to get a lot of viewers.” Tu Mianmian said, accurately stabbing at their weak point.

“We still have five cameras on our side, so they weren’t attracted by Borg and his group’s behavior.”

The three urged Xu Lu to take out the new task for them to see and update it on their light brains.

After Tu Mianmian saw it clearly, he immediately exclaimed, “Gah?”


<Author’s note>

Why are mutant plants so good to Mianmian?

Mutant plants (in unison): Who doesn’t like to suck on plush? Bunny is so cute! Mua!

(づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Why is Mianmian so interested in mutant plants?

Mianmian: I want to learn more about what kind of plants I can eat! (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

Mutant plants: We’re so good to you, but you want to eat us… (ㆆ_ㆆ)

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