—Get affirmation from the Dandan Grass.

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The new task that they received after being robbed was as above.

The task that was difficult for Borg’s group wasn’t a difficult task for Tu Mianmian.

After all, he is a little treasure favored by all mutant plants.

Tu Mianmian had already visited the Zoological Garden once.

So this time when he received this task, he took a shortcut and found his way around the garden skillfully.

Finally, he arrived in front of the Dandan Grass.

Tu Mianmian was very happy to learn that the mutant grass he saw last time was the target for their mission.

The Dandan Grass was also very happy to see Mianmian.

The two had a friendly reunion, and the task was accomplished with little effort put in.

A ‘ding-dong’ sounded on Xu Lu’s light brain, indicating that the task had been completed.

Although Mianmian finished the task, he didn’t leave.

He stood in front of the Dandan Grass and muttered something secretly to it.

After listening to Tu Mianmian, Dandan Grass swayed back and forth as if shaking its head.

Then, it swayed up and down as if it was nodding.

One person and one mutant plant—who knows what they were up to, secretly communicating between themselves.

In the distance, Robbins, Fritsch, and Xu Lu hurried over.

“Mianmian!” Robbins yelled as he saw Tu Mianmian’s figure from afar.

“Why did you run away without a live camera! The footage wasn’t recorded!”

Tu Mianmian didn’t seem to hear his shouting.

Before Robbins could continue speaking, he saw a slender blade of grass stretch out from the Dandan Grass in front of Mianmian, which was wrapped around a wild vegetable from nearby.

Then, the Dandan Grass pulled out the wild vegetable with a bit of force.

It moved its slender blade of grass and carefully pinched off the roots and leaves on the wild vegetable, leaving only the tender heart of the vegetable.

Then it handed it to Tu Mianmian’s mouth.

Mianmian ate it in one bite, and when he chewed it, his cheeks bulged out.

He also sneakily looked left and right with his large rabbit eyes, like a thief in fear of being caught.

[Ah, ah, Mianmian, what are you doing?! I saw it all!!!]

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[Cute cute. Stealing Wild Vegetables.jpg]

[White and Fat, Full of Hope.jpg]

[Hahahaha. I’m going to die from laughing! Tu Mianmian! Do you know what you’re doing! Not only did you receive gifts (carrots) in front of us, but now you’re also stealing vegetables and eating them in front of the masses!]

[Bullshit! Slander! Has Mianmian ever touched that wild vegetable? No! Then, can food that hasn’t passed through Mianmian’s hands be called stolen food?]

[The food was offered by the mutant plant voluntarily. How can it be said to be stolen?]

[Can you still see? Look! What are they secretly doing? The camera has already caught everything and recorded it, woo woo woo my stupid Mianmian~]

[Robbins and the others’ expressions have cracked! Hahahah! Others are diligent and hardworking on the show. Mianmian, you should reflect on what you’re doing right now!]

[Oh—the so-called Duchess has this character. Obviously the food belongs to the mutant plants, but he ate it. After he finishes eating it, what does the mutant plant eat? Moral corruption!]

[Black fans are here again? Report! Warm reminder, please roll far away!]

[What moral corruption are you talking about? Nonsense!]

[Mianmian is so funny, grabbing food to eat! Hahahaha! It’s so cute! Seriously, it’s a foul!]

Robbins and the other three: “…”

They stopped in place and quietly watched Tu Mianmian’s back.

Mianmian seemed to sense something and looked back, “Huh?”

When he saw that all his teammates came, Mianmian chewed quicker, and waved to them, saying hello vaguely: “You guys are here. Anything?”

The group of three walked up to Tu Mianmian with indescribable feelings, and the live cameras behind them flew towards Mianmian quickly.

The cameras had lost Tu Mianmian and couldn’t take any footage.

Now after finding him, the cameras hurriedly aimed their lenses at Mianmian to record everything.

One, two, three…eight live cameras came to circle over him.

Tu Mianmian was startled, “What’s the matter?!”

The vegetables he was chewing on instantly became more fragrant as he chewed harder.

Robbins turned his head this way and that to observe him, and understood something.

He started intently at Tu Mianmian’s bulging cheeks, “Can I be as popular as you if I switch careers and broadcast myself eating?”

Fristch raised his head and looked at the eight cameras aiming their lenses at Tu Mianmian, then muttered to himself: “…It’s amazing.”

“Borg and the others should be dying of anger.” Xu Lu sighed.

Dandan Grass didn’t know or care about what happened.

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Except for Tu Mianmian, it wasn’t interested in the other three humans.

Instead, it continued to diligently pick vegetables, and chose the best ones to feed Tu Mianmian.

The Dandan Grass rolled a fresh piece of cabbage and handed it to Tu Mianmian’s mouth.

But this time, Mianmian didn’t open his mouth to eat it.

The Dandan Grass was puzzled, so it stretched out a blade of grass and poked his cheek, as if urging him to hurry and open his mouth.

“Huh.” Tu Mianmian ate the food with tears in his eyes, “Stop recording.”

Mianmian pointed to the live broadcast cameras hovering mid-air, “Who do you belong to? Any more cameras that come will be destroyed!”

It’s just being fed a bit. Why did eight cameras have to suddenly focus on him?


On the other side, Borg’s team—

When they saw that their three live broadcast cameras all flew away, Borg and his teammates’ faces instantly turned dark.

The reason for the distribution of the cameras based on attention in this variety show was to give guests a sense of urgency and pressure so that they’d perform more diligently.

In this way, the guests can always bring explosive points to the show and make it more popular than ever.

However, Borg and his group couldn’t grab many live cameras since the show began.

He had also planned to sneak up on Tu Mianmian’s group and rob their task to win some heat, but he didn’t expect that Xu Lu would go do the task alone.

Their plan to rob tasks failed and it didn’t increase their popularity or help them grab extra footage at all.

And now, the three live cameras that had been divided up amongst four people were now gone.

Now that the cameras had left, the four in a group couldn’t get any shots recorded for the show.

As a result, everyone lost their bright masks and their expressions became ugly.

“What happened over there?” Someone asked in a low voice, “What did Frtisch and the others do over there? There’s such a high degree of enthusiasm.”

Borg had a worried look on his face as he opened the star network to see what was happening.

The Zoological Garden Variety Show didn’t block the network signals from the guests, so they could easily see what was going on in the live broadcast room.

“…” Borg’s face turned green and his expression became more and more ugly.

He gritted his teeth and said, “They’re all watching Tu Mianmian eat wild vegetables.”

“Doing what?”

“The audience is too difficult to please, and their preferences are difficult to figure out.”

Borg’s teammates whispered to each other: “But Tu Mianmian still looks like this when he eats. It’s cute…”

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Borg gave them a sideways glance.

His teammates stopped talking immediately.

Borg felt uneasy.

This variety show isn’t a small resource.

The background behind it is linked to the imperial family, and it’s equivalent to adding a halo to yourself.

If you can seize the opportunity and do well on the show, it will be easier to gain more fame and fortune.

But, he’s been unable to make a big splash on the show so far.

Borg complained in his heart about Tu Mianmian, who was always in the limelight.

New hatred and old hatred flooded into his heart.

The old hatred lies in the fact that Bob, who is his distant cousin, suffered a loss due to Tu Mianmian.

Bob had come over from a remote planet, and Borg wanted to train Bob as a little helper and help him enter the entertainment industry.

He had also gotten his hands on the variety show resource in Yizhi Park at that time, so he let Bob go.

He thought Bob would make a smooth debut, but he didn’t expect him to run into a wall, a wall named Tu Mianmian who turned out to be the Duchess.

Borg had accepted Bob’s ruined fate.

After all, His Royal Highness the Duke isn’t an easy person to mess with.

However, he didn’t expect that Duke Sivir would become riddled with bad news and that his reputation would plummet.

As a result of that, Duchess Tu Mianmian who was sheltered by the Duke, didn’t look as difficult to deal with as before.

Borg’s eyes became deep.

His cousin Bob once fell at the hands of Tu Mianmian.

He was also blocked by Tu Mianmian today.

Looking down at the footage on his light brain, he saw that the live broadcast room was entirely focused on Tu Mianmian.

Eight shots were combined into a complete picture, and all of the viewer’s attention was taken up by Tu Mianmian alone.

It really happened—eight cameras were occupied by one person, and the rest of them were left in the dust.

Tu Mianmian captured by the live camera was simply eating vegetables, but the live broadcast room was lively and full of joy.

As long as it was Mianmian who stood there, countless eyes would look at him and give him their likes.

Borg really couldn’t understand why Tu Mianmian was so favored.

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Although Mianmian does look delicate and cute, in Borg’s view, he was just weak.

The Chaoyang Empire is a martial empire.

Although stars in the entertainment industry aren’t as strong as soldiers, they’re at least healthy and in good shape.

Tu Mianmian who was petite and had tender skin would be easily hit ten meters away with a single punch from him.

“Hey, what do we do now?” Some of the guests turned off their light brains and said not very kindly: “Are we just going to stand here stupidly?”

“I came to this variety show but ended up not getting any exposure. Might as well head home to sleep.” Another guest echoed.

“I’ve been unhappy with Tu Mianmian for a long time now. Rumors about the Duke are also flying about, and his fans are whitewashing him, saying that the Duke takes responsibility for his own actions and it doesn’t involve Tu Mianmian.”

The sour and envious guests spoke out loudly.

“Why can he live in peace and quiet, gain all the attention he wants, but make us live in his shadow?”

“Borg,” The jealous guests asked, “what’s your opinion?”

“What?” Borg restrained his emotions, and spoke slowly, “Do you still want to beat him?”

Borg was also overtaken with envy and his face didn’t look good.

He smiled hideously and said, “Don’t we still have an S-level mission that’s quite difficult to complete?”

“Tu Mianmian’s mutant plant affinity is high. Since we can’t complete it, why don’t we go to him for help.”

Borg spoke with a meaningful tone, “He’ll definitely be able to complete it.”


Near the S-class mission point is the junction between the mutant plant garden and the mutant zoo area.

There is a place located at this junction that is a restricted area in the Zoological garden.

Inside is where the last Rainbow-colored Flower of the Chaoyang Empire is being carefully cultivated.

It’s known that the Rainbow Flower, once fully mature, can produce a kind of creature that only existed in ancient times—an ’elf’.

The citizens of the Empire have also been anxiously waiting with high expectations for the Rainbow-colored Flower’s maturity.

Rainbow-colored flowers are already a rarity.

The previous dozen or so flowers they discovered have all withered during the cultivation process.

So the significance of the last one is self-evident.

If this Rainbow-colored Flower also withers, even the emperor can’t afford the series of adverse consequences that would follow.

Not to mention…if it’s just the weak, little Duchess who causes the trouble.

The corner of Borg’s mouth curved up, revealing a scheming and malicious smile.

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