Inside the Duke’s Mansion—

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Butler Anderson received the news that the Duke and Duchess had returned from the Royal Hospital, and was waiting in the courtyard for them.

Anderson was a little anxious, and he paced back and forth in the courtyard, not at all at peace.

“Butler Anderson?” Judy called out, puzzled at the butler’s state which was different from usual: “What’s wrong with you?”

Butler Anderson shook his head: “No, nothing…”

Before Butler Anderson finished his words, the energy protection layer above the Duke’s Mansion automatically opened, and an airship slowly flew down from the sky and landed steadily on the flat ground in front of the courtyard.

Butler Anderson didn’t continue to respond to Judy.

His eyes were fixed on the airship, and his mood became more nervous.

His Royal Highness was on the airship, and the Duchess, who had fully reverted to his animal form…was on the ship as well.

Judy was ignorant of this, and when she saw the airship land, she simply let out a soft “Huh”, “Did the Duchess come back from the examination so soon?”

Tu Mianmian had said goodbye to her before going out not too long ago.

Suddenly, the airship’s door opened.

Sivir stepped out from the inside, and his long legs were very eye-catching.

The plush creature he held in the palm of his hand was even more eye-catching.

Sivir approached them with Tu Mianmian in his arms.

He nodded slightly towards Butler Anderson and Judy, raised the little rabbit in his palm forward, and said solemnly, “This is Mianmian.”

Butler Anderson pushed up his glasses to adjust them and saw the white, fluffy fur.

His eyes widened and his old hands trembled slightly.

Judy’s pupils shrank, and she lost her voice for a moment.

Her breathing suddenly became rapid, “This, this…”

Tu Mianmian squatted on the Duke’s palm.

He tilted his head and looked at Butler Anderson and Judy for a moment.

It was unclear what he was thinking about, but it looked like his emotions had begun to soar as his tail started shaking with joy.

Tu Mianmian poised himself on Sivir’s palm, and his limbs began to rear up.

Sivir: “?”

The Duke noticed something was wrong.

Mianmian Rabbit’s four jiojios were all preparing hard, as if he was about to jump.

This thought just flashed through Sivir’s mind, and in the next second, Mianmian Rabbit really jumped up!


Sivir was caught off guard, and he immediately folded his palms to grab Mianmian Rabbit, but he missed him.

Tu Mianmian’s bouncing ability was excellent, and he jumped from Sivir’s palm to Butler Anderson’s shoulder in one fell swoop.

Then, he climbed to the top of Butler Anderson’s head and accidentally stepped on his glasses while doing so.

Tu Mianmian sat on top of Butler Anderson’s head, and then jumped to the top of Judy’s head.

Finally, he climbed from the top of Judy’s head to her shoulder.

The soft rabbit fur and tail ball brushed against Judy’s cheek as Mianmian climbed down.

Judy: “!!!”

Tu Mianmian squatted on Judy’s shoulder for a moment, and then kicked his hind legs to jump towards Sivir.

Judy seemed to be able to feel the imprint of the two little rabbit paws left on her shoulder.

She was already out of it: “#%&*…”

Sivir reached out to catch Tu Mianmian, and pinched his tail ball, “Naughty.”

How can you parkour on others.

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“His Royal Highness, Madam’s actions were not naughty.”

Anderson’s hands trembled as if he had Parkinson’s.

To resist the excitement in his heart, he picked up his glasses from the ground, wiped them, and put them on again.

Then, Anderson, who was blinded by cuteness, corrected the Duke with a serious look: “It was lively and cheerful!”

The Duke: “…”

Butler Anderson was old and had gone through many winds and waves, so he could now still stabilize his emotions quickly.

However, Judy, who was beside them couldn’t do so.

She was still young. How could she endure this kind of stimulation?

Her expression was still dreamy, and she stared straight forward in a daze, and nearly fell on her back in a faint.

Seeing that Judy was about to lie on the ground, a group of maids were fortunately nearby to immediately rush up and support her with their hands.

“Sister Judy! What’s wrong with you?!”

“She’s about to faint!”

“Pinch her! Quickly pinch her!”

“What’s wrong with Judy?”

Judy’s mood settled back down.

With the help of the maids, she took in deep breaths.

Judy’s eyes were still staring straight at Mianmian Rabbit as she did this, and her lips trembled slightly as she stuttered: “Husband, Madam, Duchess…”

The maids beside her followed her gaze!

They first caught sight of the Duke, then, their gazes fell upon the Duke’s palm.

Tu Mianmian tilted his head, and his bright and clean eyes watched them in return.

“Ah!” A maid suddenly exclaimed.

She reacted quickly and covered her mouth in a hurry, then mumbled: “His Royal Highness! I’m sorry!”

Sivir: “…”

Sivir had made psychological preparations early.

In the face of the maid’s apology, he nodded slightly, and without making any accusations, he just said: “It’s forbidden to spread the word.”

Everyone was stunned at first, and then they became surprised.

Don’t let anyone know about it…

So, that, doesn’t that mean that the fluffy and cute Duchess is exclusively sucked by them!?

The only one! No one else!

This kind of job benefit is too intoxicating!!!

Everyone was almost overwhelmed by happiness.

Judy and the maids were so happy, it was as if they were celebrating New Years.

And the usually steady Butler Anderson had a dreamy and loving smile on his face.

Seeing this, Sivir stopped standing there, and hugged Mianmian Rabbit into the house.

The various types of robots in the mansion have already gone completely crazy.

But, it remains to be seen how much of a sensation Mianmian’s transformation into a lovely plush will have on the rest of the staff of the Duke’s Mansion.


Tu Mianmian was placed on the sofa in the living room, while Sivir headed back to the bedroom to change clothes.

Mianmian had just laid down on the sofa, when he turned his head and found a circle of robots in front of him.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

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The robots huddled around the sofa and stared at Tu Mianmian, each with a smile on their face, like a lunatic.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Should he move?

But he dare not move.

Mianmian Rabbit shivered and moved quietly to the corner of the sofa, trying to find a little sense of security to comfort his poor and helpless self.

The robots in the Duke’s Mansion didn’t dare to sneakily touch Mianmian Rabbit when the Duke wasn’t around, unlike the nurse robots of the Royal Hospital.

They were already very satisfied just by looking at the Duchess.

They whispered blatantly in front of Tu Mianmian:

“Madam is so cute.”

“I-I want to touch…!”

“No, His Royal Highness will interrupt our hands.”

“My program seems to have gone wrong, hurry! Help me kill the virus!”

“It’s not a virus that can be killed, woo woo woo, this is the feeling of a heartbeat!”

“I remember that animals can make noises. Does the Madam also bark?”

“Madam, look at me.”

A robot began to tease Tu Mianmian: “Cheep?”


“No. It should be meow meow~”

“Wrong, Madam should say baa baa baa. Madam, look at me! Baa~!”

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Sivir walked down the stairs, and the robots scattered like birds after being startled.

The living room became quiet again, and Mianmian Rabbit was rescued from the terrifying circle of robots.

The Duke walked to the sofa and sat down beside Tu Mianmian.

He stretched out his palm towards Tu Mianmian.

The Duke wanted to continue to hold his little husband in his palm.

But, Tu Mianmian didn’t jump on it. Instead, he bumped his small head against Sivir’s arm and rubbed against it: [The robots at home have become mentally retarded robots!]

“Yeah.” His palm was empty, so Sivir had no choice but to put his palm on Tu Mianmian’s back and pat his fur, “You’re too cute.”

Tu Mianmian: ( ˘▽˘)っ

The way the Duke strokes the rabbit is professional level, and Tu Mianmian was very comfortable.

After a while, the Lord Duke’s palm moved away.

Tu Mianmian raised his head and looked at him, and found that the Duke’s palm was hovering near his leg, and his palm was just about his height above the Duke’s thigh.

Tu Mianmian tilted his head, jumped up and down on the Duke’s thigh, placed his head under the Duke’s palm and rubbed it.

Begging for rua!

The Duke succeeded in abducting Tu Mianmian and pinned Mianmian on his leg.

In the same position, Mianmian Rabbit fell asleep.

He laid between the Duke’s legs and was so comfortable that his soles were tingling.

One person and one rabbit were surrounded by a warm atmosphere.

Then, they were interrupted when Sivir’s light brain AI sent a reminder: !

“His Royal Highness, your adjutants Yuri and Anna are visiting.”

Outside the gate of the Duke’s Mansion, Yuri and Anna, who were given entry, handed over large and small bags and exquisite gift boxes to the robot that came to greet them, and headed inside.

When the two passed through the courtyard of the Duke’s Mansion, they found that the maids serving in the mansion were gathering in twos and threes, all of them were in a strange state of excitement.

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They chanted words and phrases such as ‘touch him’, ‘want to steal’, ‘cute to death’ and so on.

Anna was slightly puzzled: “?”

Yuri looked around and also noticed something was wrong: “What happened today? Why are these people in the Duke’s residence not normal?”

Anna shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Yuri turned around, looking behind him, he saw the robot helping him carry two large gift boxes.

Yuri’s gaze stopped for a few seconds on the gift boxes.

His expression became complicated, and he sighed and continued to say: “But speaking of abnormal, His Royal Highness is the most abnormal one.”

“Could it be…Is this the so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked?” Yuri’s face revealed his true thoughts. (T/N: Chinese saying about a person being crooked or having bad morals)

“Shut up.” Anna scolded him coldly.

It was rare to be allowed to come to the Duke’s Mansion.

If she knew that Yuri would say so much nonsense, she wouldn’t have asked him to come to see the Duchess together.

“I really don’t understand, why does His Royal Highness want to buy those little things?” Yuri felt puzzled.

He took out a slap-sized knitted sweater from his pocket and held it up to the sun to examine it.

The sun shone a warm light around the sweater’s rough edges, “Could it be that he wanted to play a dress-up game with a doll?”

“Huh? Yuri thought of something and his eyes lit up.

“His Royal Highness finally felt that his childhood was too boring,” Yuri recalled Sivir’s appearance as a small ice cube when he was young, “so did he want to make up for the lack of a childhood and have fun?”


Anna slapped Yuri on the back of the head.

“Did you play dress-up games with dolls when you were young?” She glanced at Yuri, who was a child that played with mud.

“No matter what, if you spout nonsense, you’ll be slapped.”

Turning her head, Anna was a little depressed again.

Before coming to the Duke’s Mansion, she sent a lot of messages to Judy, the little sister she knew who worked in the Duke’s Mansion.

She asked about the Duchess, but Judy never replied to her!

With the mansion’s door in front of her, Anna sighed, stood in place and tidied up her clothes.

Then, she dropped Yuri aside and walked in quickly.

Her heart was full of anticipation and excitement about seeing the Duchess soon.

“Report!” Anna maintained her military demeanor and stood at the door and knocked.

As soon as her words fell, Anna was keenly aware of a scrutinizing gaze.

She turned her head and saw that at the entrance, there was a cute little dumpling staring at her with snow-white fur and eyes like obsidian.

Anna’s breath tightened: “…”

Tu Mianmian, who was squatting at the entrance, stared at Anna, moved his jiojio, and was about to hop.

Sivir saw what Tu Mianmian wanted to do at a glance.

“Mianmian.” He came over, nodded slightly to Anna, and then coddled Tu Mianmian into his hands, “Don’t jump on others.”

This sentence contained too much information.

Anna couldn’t react for a while.

Behind Anna, Yuri also walked in.

He didn’t hear Sivir’s words and didn’t know the truth about the bunny.

Seeing Mianmian Rabbit, his eyes widened instantly, “F***! Your Royal Highness! You have a fluffy animal?!”

Yuri’s eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands together, “Lend it to me to play with, or I’ll cry.”

Sivir: “…”

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Tu Mianmian: “?”

Anna had already kicked Yuri to the ground.

Yuri: “???”

Yuri sensed that the atmosphere was not right as he rubbed his aching buttocks and got up from the ground in confusion.

“What, what’s wrong?” Yuri looked around blankly, and his eyes fell on Mianmian Rabbit in Sivir’s hands again.

He scratched his face a bit and asked, “Your Highness, this is a rare breed, right?”

Yuri didn’t dare to mention about borrowing things again, so he found the sofa and sat down tremblingly.

“His Royal Highness, you have to go to register. Otherwise, what will you do if you accidentally let it die.” Yuri’s words turned out to be exactly the same as Sivir’s previous rhetoric with Mianmian.

“No.” Sivir shook his head.

He saw that Anna and Yuri both had sat down on the sofa opposite him, and placed Mianmian rabbit on the coffee table, facing Anna and Yuri.

Sivir introduced: “This is Tu Mianmian, my spouse.”

“He changed back to this animal form because of atavism.”

Sivir lowered his head and rubbed Tu Mianmian’s long rabbit ears: “He’s the ‘rabbit’ found in the Extinct Creatures Manual.”

Then, Sivir introduced Tu Mianmian to Anna and Yuri, explaining their position as adjutants and their responsibilities under his command.

The two guests and one rabbit were getting acquainted with each other, and the robot who helped carry the gift boxes came in from outside.

Sivir’s eyes fell on the large boxes.

He said to Anna and Yuri, “Didn’t you always want to come visit the Duchess? Just get to know each other today.”

Then, he stood up casually, took the gift boxes from the robot, and unpacked it next to them.

Tu Mianmian sat in a dignified posture, with his front paws together, and his furry paw pads on the coffee table.

Facing Yuri and Anna with his fluffy little chest, he lifted his chin slightly and swayed his tail, like a proud king receiving the respect of his people.

Anna was fascinated by Tu Mianmian’s small appearance.

She pushed Yuri away and squatted in from of Mianmian Rabbit alone with her eyes sparkling.

Anna understood why Judy didn’t reply to her messages—because she was ‘dead’! Her little sister died!!

She was cute to death by the Duchess!!!

Anna’s hand shook as she stole a glance at the Lord Duke, then..stole another glance.

Seeing that the Duke was indeed unpacking the gifts, he didn’t notice her.

She slowly stretched out a finger and stopped in front of Tu Mianmian’s fluffy chest.

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Tu Mianmian was puzzled, took two steps back, lowered his head to look at the finger, and then leaned in for a sniff.

Anna stretched out her finger more and poked it into Tu Mianmian’s fluffy chest.

The chest that was originally fluffy and smooth was poked with a concave pit, which was very obvious against his fur.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

At the same time, a ‘chirp’ sounded.

Anna kissed Tu Mianmian’s head.

Tu Mianmian shook his little head, and raised it up to stare innocently at Anna who kissed him with big, round eyes.

How can you look at me like that!

Anna’s mood was agitated.

She was screaming madly inside–

She-she stole-stole a kiss!

She sneaked a kiss on the Duchess!

Ahhh! ! ! ! !

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