If being cute is an attack, then Anna had already been killed by Tu Mianmian!

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After secretly kissing Mianmian Rabbit, Anna was panting heavily.

She felt like her soul had come out of her body, and had ascended to heaven.

She died under the Duchess’ plush claws! Becoming a ghost could be so romantic!


On the other side, Sivir had already unpacked all the gift boxes.

Afraid that the Duke would find out that she had kissed his Mianmian Rabbit, Anna hurriedly stroked Tu Mianmian’s fur.

She smoothed out the dimple on Mianmian Rabbit’s chest, and the fur on the fluffy little chest became neat, soft, and fluffy again.

Anna looked at the top of Tu Mianmian’s head again and made sure that she didn’t leave any traces of her kiss, so she felt relieved.

Finally, she touched the fur on Tu Mianmian’s little paws, looking like she had made a lot of money.

Yuri who witnessed the whole process: “…”

Yuri didn’t dare to speak.

Not to mention reporting Anna.

Thinking about the sentence he just said not that long ago, “Lend me your pet to play with, or I’ll cry”…Where did he get the guts?!

He actually dared to ask His Royal Highness to lend him his spouse to play with!

It was already good that His Royal Highness didn’t kill him just now.

“Mianmian.” Sivir called Tu Mianmian and turned around holding a small object.

Anna and Yuri sat upright at this moment with serious expressions.

Tu Mianmian was very relaxed, shaking his tail and raising his head to look up at Sivir.

Sivir was holding a velvet neckband in his hand, with a small and delicate bell in the middle of the neckband.

Tu Mianmian stared at it, sitting still: “…?”

Seeing Mianmian staring at the neckband, a smile flashed in Sivir’s eyes.

He stretched out his long legs and walked towards Tu Mianmian: “This suits you very well.”

Tu Mianmian’s body suddenly tensed, and he stepped back with a stern face, his eyes full of vigilance.


Sivir, what do you want to do to me, you dog man?!

Moments later, Yuri and Anna were invited out the door.

Through the door crack, they could faintly hear the coaxing voice of the Duke:

“Don’t run away, come here.”

“If you don’t like this one, you can change it to another one.”

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Sivir’s voice was accompanied by the sounds of ‘ping-ping-ping-pong-pong’, due to Tu Mianmian running around to escape.

“Alas.” Anna stood outside the door and sighed in a regretful tone, “Why do I feel like I prostituted someone?”

“We bought those things and brought them. Does this count as pushing the Duchess into the wolf’s den?” Anna sighed again.

She stared at the closed door, as if she could see the scene inside through the door, “We did a really inappropriate thing!”

Yuri who heard her words: “…”

He squinted at Anna, “If your mood and expression wasn’t so excited, I would have believed you.”



In the living room, where only Tu Mianmian and Sivir were left alone together, the Duke stretched out his claws toward the cute Mianmian Rabbit.

Mianmian Rabbit resisted.

And failed to resist.

He was caught by the Duke and was forced to put on a neckband.

The neckband was about a finger’s width wide, the color and texture of red velvet, and it was slightly large when worn on Mianmian Rabbit’s neck.

Fortunately, it was a product that could adjust its length intelligently, a product of the Interstellar Era.

After Sivir made some adjustments, it perfectly fit onto Tu Mianmian’s neck.

The white fluff on Mianmian Rabbit’s chest covered a bit of the neckband, but the crimson velvet contrasted beautifully against Mianmian’s fluffy, snow-white rabbit fur.

The bell in the middle of the neckband was made in a short, chubby q-version carrot style, which reduced the solemnity of the neckband and added a bit of cuteness.

Worn on the cute and lovely rabbit’s neck, it had both a dignified and a cutesy-soft atmosphere.

Sivir looked at Mianmian Rabbit’s appearance after putting on the neckband with the bell, and a look of satisfaction flashed over his face.

He lowered his head and kissed Mianmian Rabbit’s long ears, “It’s beautiful.”

The Duke reached out a brushed over the fluff on Tu Mianmian’s chest, tidied up the neckband, rubbed Tu Mianmian’s small tail, and praised him: “It’s very cute.”

Tu Mianmian lowered his head to look at the neckband, but the way it was worn on him made him unable to see what it looked like.

Tu Mianmian jumped down onto the coffee table, and spread out his limbs, becoming a large piece of rabbit cake.

He used his mental power to communicate with Sivir, and conveyed his deep spite: [Sivir, you’re dead.]

The corners of the Duke’s lips curved slightly.

The Duke, who was satisfied with his actions done in bad taste, was particularly happy, and he didn’t refute the accusation from his little husband, but instead just pinched Mianmian’ Rabbit’s tail.

[You’re bothering me too much!]

Tu Mianmian kicked his hind legs and his rabbit jiojio knocked away Sivir’s hand, not allowing him to pinch his tail again.

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Tu Mianmian used his front paws to scratch the small carrot bell on his chest, and the bell shook and made a crisp sound.

The bell sounded inexplicably shameful.

Tu Mianmian buried his head and covered his eyes with his front paw: [I’m going to lose face!]

“It doesn’t matter.” The smile that showed through the Duke’s eyes grew stronger and stronger, “There’s no one else here.”

He half-squatted by the coffee table and whispered to Mianmian Rabbit: “You’re dressed only for me to see like this.”

Sivir reached out and picked up Mianmian Rabbit, then sat on the sofa.

He fiddled with the small bell on Mianmian Rabbit’s chest, and it rang out.

The Duke secretly called his light brain’s AI, and ordered it: Mianmian looks cute like this, take a photo.

The light brain’s AI: “…?”

Didn’t he just say that the Duchess wouldn’t be shown to outsiders? So it wasn’t an outsider?

…ah no, it wasn’t human.

Just an AI. So of course it could look directly at the Duchess.

Click, click, click.

The AI dutifully took numerous photos.

It was just an indifferent camera machine.


Sivir took advantage of Tu Mianmian’s inattentiveness, and hurriedly glanced at the photos secretly taken by the AI.

The Mianmian Rabbit in the photos was cute—cute and naive.

Sivir was satisfied.

He stroked the neckband on Tu Mianmian’s chest, and his eyes fell on the opened gift boxes.

There were also a lot of new small clothes and accessories in there.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Tu Mianmian again.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Sivir: “…”

Mianmian Rabbit jumped up and kicked the Duke’s knee: [Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking!]

The small rabbit scolded: [Shameless!]

Still want to try something else?



However, after a few days…

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The mentality of Mianmian Rabbit, who was dressed up like a doll, changed a lot.

From being ashamed at the beginning, to becoming resigned and accepting everything.


Before heading out, Sivir would give Tu Mianmian a new outfit to wear.

Tu Mianmian didn’t want to be surrounded by the fanatical maids and robots in the Duke’s Mansion, so he didn’t even open the bedroom door.

Mianmian Rabbit spun, jumped and ran around happily in the bedroom.

After his run, he rolled around on the bed, entertaining himself for a while, and then would finally become bored again.

He laid on the bed and refused to move.

Tu Mianmian’s light brain AI noticed the owner’s situation, and reminded him at the right time: “Duchess, if you have nothing to do, you can log into the star network to respond to your fans.”

The AI continued to say: “Your Star Net account has accumulated a lot of comments and private messages and haven’t been checked.”

Tu Mianmian: “Huh?”

That’s right. He’s been acting as a cute little mascot in the Duke’s Mansion these days, and he had become lawless and completely let go of himself, so he forgot to look at the news on the star network.

So Tu Mianmian decisively waved his rabbit claws and poked his light brain to log into his StarNet account to see the latest comments—

[Mianmian really hasn’t updated news for several days! He didn’t really have an accident, right?]

[Could it be that he was hospitalized at the Royal Hospital?]

[Mianmian must be accompanied by someone to take care of him if he’s hospitalized. But, in the past few days, I haven’t seen His Royal Highness entering or leaving the Royal Hospital, and even the people from the Duke’s Mansion haven’t appeared in the hospital.]

[Maybe Mianmian was hospitalized alone, and didn’t let His Royal Highness and others accompany him to relieve his boredom?]

[Impossible! If Mianmian is really hospitalized, even if he refuses to let His Royal Highness accompany him, His Royal Highness will still accompany him, okay? His Royal Highness isn’t a scumbag!]

[Hey, I actually wonder if Mianmian was really hospitalized. Think about it, the night after the Zoo and Plantation Variety Show ended, His Royal Highness the Duke picked up Mianmian and headed to the hospital. At that time, I was squatting down nearby and took pictures of the Duchess leaving the hospital late at night.]

[Later, the next morning I saw the airship of the Duke’s Mansion parked outside the Royal Hospital again. After waiting for a while, only His Royal Highness the Duke walked out and hurried back to the Duke’s Mansion. So strange…]

[When they heard the analysis upstairs, they were shocked and realized that this fan was a Sherlock Holmes.]

[This is the ninth day since Mianmian hasn’t appeared. I miss him.]

Tu Mianmian looked at the various comments on the star network, tilted his head, and felt that things weren’t simple.

Although he had previously released news that he wasn’t sick, everyone was in a state of skepticism.

Most of his fans are still clamoring for the truth.

After all, he himself didn’t appear and clarify things.

There was only a text explanation—not even an audio, which left fans worried and suspicious.

However, if you want to show up to clarify so that fans don’t get more worried…

Tu Mianmian lowered his head and looked at his chubby little body.

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Ah no! He’s not fat, he’s just hairy! It’s all fluff.

Ugh. It’s impossible for him to face fans and an audience with this lop-eared rabbit appearance.

He’d be sucked bald.

Tu Mianmian continued to worry until Sivir pushed open the bedroom door and walked in from the outside.

Sivir took off his jacket, trousers and leather shoes as he came in, and then sat by the bed just wearing a shirt.

The fitted shirt perfectly outlined the Duke’s figure.

Tu Mianmian screamed and rushed towards Sivir, sticking to his abdominal muscles, fascinated.

What a greedy little bunny.

The Duke accepted the embrace of his little husband.

He hugged Mianmian Rabbit in one hand, and then handed the thing in his other hand to Tu Mianmian.

It was a ramet of a mutant, edible aquatic plant shaped like Chinese cabbage.

The leaves bloomed like a lotus flower, and the stamens looked similar to morning glories.

It was the mutant plant that Tu Mianmian had taken a fancy to when he first went on a variety show in Yizhi Park.

Later, Sivir found the plant and gave it to Tu Mianmian, placing it in the backyard of the Duke’s Mansion for cultivation.

Now, an edible ramet had finally been bred.

After Sivir came back, he brought a fresh harvest of the mutant plant to feed Mianmian Rabbit.

Sivir broke off a leaf and handed it to Mianmian Rabbit’s mouth.

Mianmian Rabbit probed the leaf a bit and then his little mouth moved and gnawed slowly while holding it with claws.

“Mianmian.” After a moment of silence, Sivir’s voice sounded above Tu Mianmian’s head: “The Zoological Garden is preparing for its second episode.”

The first episode of the Zoological Garden’s Variety Show got a good response.

Even though the incident with Borg happened, the reviews of the variety show itself wasn’t hurt much.

At that time, everyone was in a hurry to help Tu Mianmian, and the timely submission of Borg’s crime to the Overwatch Council by the Zoological Garden also added positive points to the program.

Also, among the guests in the first episode of the show was Tu Mianmian, the Duchess, who had a naturally high popularity.

Even after more than ten days had passed, his popularity was still stable.

The Zoological Garden Variety Show decided to strike now while the iron was hot, and began preparing to launch another episode.

They wanted to continue to invite Tu Mianmian to the show.

An invitation had already been sent to the Duke’s Mansion.

Sivir turned on his light brain and brought up the invitation letter from the Zoological Garden to show Tu Mianmian, “Mianmian, the program team would like to continue to invite you to participate in the second live broadcast of the program.”

Sivir looked at the soft and cute Mianmian Rabbit in his arms, and the emotion in his emerald green eyes was deep and difficult to distinguish.

His thin lips pursed slightly: “Are you going?”

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