“Mianmian, are you going?”

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Tu Mianmian was stunned when he heard the question.

His chewing slowed down, and he raised his head to look at Sivir.

Sivir also lowered his head and looked at him solemnly.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

I feel like you’re making me say no, but there’s no proof.

Mianmian Rabbit nibbled at the mutant plant again, and his tail moved as he glanced at his furry claws.

They were white, round and fluffy.

Want to go to a variety show like this?

…forget it.

Tu Mianmian shook his head: [Don’t go!]

Getting the answer he wanted, the Duke was very satisfied, “Well, good.”

He kissed Tu Mianmian on the head: “I’ll take you to the military headquarters in a few days.”

Mianmian Rabbit was too cute.

If he went on the show, he would definitely be eaten by the swarming fans and be sucked to the point of baldness.

But, being taken to the military headquarters by him was different.

With his protection, and the soldiers’ attention to discipline, they would never dare to make trouble with Tu Mianmian.


Tu Mianmian refused to participate in the live broadcast of the second phase of the Zoological Garden Variety Show.

Once the news was announced, Mianmian’s fans couldn’t sit still.

[I! Say! It! Again! There must be something wrong with Mianmian!]

[That’s right! He said before that he was fine, but if you’re fine why don’t you appear in public?! I haven’t had my Mianmian fix for many, many days already!]

[Damn! Ah, ah, Tu Mianmian, what’s wrong with you QAQ! I’m so worried!]

[Can you ask about Mianmian’s condition at the Royal Hospital?]

[Impossible, don’t even think about it. The hospital is very protective of their patients. You’ll be suspected if you ask too much.]

[I’ve always maintained a skeptical attitude towards Mianmian’s “I’m fine” statement, and I finally listened to the propaganda of the second phase of the Zoological Garden Variety Show, thinking I would be able to meet Mianmian again. The result was such a result. Depressed.jpg]

[I have a friend who is dying and wants to get a peek at Mianmian before dying. Mianmian, please show your face when you see my news?]

[I don’t care. I don’t care! I’m going to see Mianmian! I’m going to the Duke’s Mansion tomorrow, even if I’m killed by a patrol robot, I’ll go!]

Of course, there were also discordant voices on the star network—

[Maybe there’s nothing wrong with Tu Mianmian. The so-called ‘sickness’ is just a means to abuse fans and gain sympathy? And when people gather worried about him being sick, they become hooked?]

Sivir frowned when he saw this comment.

He was about to make a move when suddenly he heard some movement behind him.

He immediately turned off his light brain, and all the comments on StarNet disappeared from in front of him.

It was late at night, and Tu Mianmian rolled over on his pillow, spreading out his limbs and sleeping soundly with his belly exposed.

Sivir looked back and saw that Mianmian hadn’t woken up, and he was relieved.

He didn’t want Tu Mianmian to see the abrasive remarks on the star network.


He had stayed up late at night to finish dealing with urgent matters in his study, and before retiring to the bedroom to sleep, he routinely browsed the news on the star network but unexpectedly stumbled upon these people jumping up and down and making such discordant comments.

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Sivir tugged on the little Mianmian Rabbit’s exclusive custom-made quilt, and covered Tu Mianmian’s belly while also making sure that he was in a deep sleep state and would not wake up.

In the short period of time that Sivir had looked away from the comments, the sunspot who bravely splashed dirty water had been surrounded by a swarm of Mianmian fans. (T/N: sunspot is basically a black fan or an ‘anti’)

The fans fought back fiercely and sprayed back at every word the sunspot said.

The sunspot wasn’t convinced, and began to fight back as well.

Then there were waves of bored netizens who came to watch the fun, and many passer-byers who ate melons ended up helping out. (T/N: eating melons means watching the fun on the sidelines)

Sivir frowned because the sunspot was outnumbered, and a unilateral star network warning for speech violence would soon be issued.

The star network pays great attention to a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, and online violence isn’t allowed.

Moreover, as the actions of so-called fans have to be paid for by their idol, if Tu Mianmian’s fans take part in online violence against others—even if that person is a rude black fan, it will cause a certain degree of damage to Tu Mianmian’s reputation.

The Duke looked sideways at Mianmian Rabbit who was drooling in a carefree sleep beside him.

Then, he logged in to his nearly dead StarNet account and posted a new update—

[Sivir: Thank you for your concern. Mianmian has no illnesses nor has he been in any harms way. He just would like to rest at home for a while after rejecting the invitation to the variety show. Hope you all speak wisely.]

Due to Sivir’s special status in the Empire, his private account was also under a lot of scrutiny.

As soon as a new update was posted, it was immediately pushed to the homepage, and everyone saw it at first glance.

The new post made by the Duke was related to daily life, which was very different from the official news that was often forwarded previously.

A large number of StarNet users heard the news and responded quickly, leaving comments under the Duke’s post:

[Mmmmmmm! Thank you, His Royal Highness, we know. We must speak rationally and also look at this matter rationally!]

[We must treat the troublesome sunspot with the greatest tenderness! Give him a spring-like warmth!]

[I am relieved to hear His Royal Highness say that Mianmian is fine. Your Royal Highness, please give my regards to the Duchess~]

[Mianmian needs a good rest! Looking forward to seeing Mianmian in front of the public on camera again~]

The comments posted by the netizens were all well-behaved and sensible.

It was completely different from the idiots who punched and kicked the sunspot just moments ago, and the sunspot commenting under Tu Mianmian’s StarNet account.

After all, this was the noble and indifferent His Royal Highness the Duke!

You can’t make a fool of yourself.

Sivir watched for a while, and seeing that the movements on the star network had indeed subsided, he turned off his light brain and went to sleep with Mianmian Rabbit.


The next day, Tu Mianmian woke up and found out about what happened on the star network.

He squatted at the head of the bed, the light brain screen in front of him showing the dynamics of the star network.

Little Rabbit Mianmian was watching how his fans quarreled seriously.

But after a night, the secret rivalry between his fans and the sunspot had come to an end.

The fans ‘enthusiastically’ reported the black fan’s untrue remarks, act of spreading rumors, and deliberate slandering.

Afterwards, the sunspot was caught by the administrator of the star network, and the user was found to be Bob, the distant cousin of the guest who tried to bully Tu Mianmian on the recent Zoological Garden Variety Show.

After Bob’s identity was revealed, netizens rallied and ridiculed him.

Later, he was banned by the star network administrator, and he no longer dared to take advantage of the chaos to slander Mianmian.

Tu Mianmian’s goldfish memory was about to forget that there was even a character like Bob.

Once he looked at the various informative comments about Bob and what he did on the star network, Mianmian remembered that Bob was the one who had been kicked down into a muddy pond by himself.


He didn’t really care about any of this though.

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Anyway, Bob was an irrelevant person.

“Mianmian.” Sivir came out of the bathroom with a wet towel, “Come here and wipe your face.”

The towel had just been soaked in hot water, and was wrung and taken out while still steaming.

The Duke saw Mianmian Rabbit on the bed looking like a StarNet addict.

He walked over with the towel and asked, “What are you looking at?”

[Watching fans quarrel with others and praising me.]

Tu Mianmian stared at his light brain intently, watching with relish: [They’re all talented, and they speak nicely. I like them very much.]

Little Rabbit Mianmian stretched out his claws and pressed them on the light brain screen, [Look, they don’t even use dirty words in their quarrels. It’s amazing. I want to learn.]

“Why do you want to learn this?” The Duke asked as he covered the little rabbit’s head with the wet towel.

Tu Mianmian raised his head and felt the towel move gently as the Duke wiped his face.

Tu Mianmian closed his eyes and enjoyed the Duke’s service: […I’ll learn it to scold you.]

Sivir: “…”

The Duke was shot by a gun while lying down innocently.

Tu Mianmian said slowly: [You always like to bully me.]

And he couldn’t do anything except scold him as a dog man.

Moreover, the Duke was almost immune to these two words.

He sometimes even likes the taste of his title as a dog man.

He’s so shameless!

Mianmian Rabbit pouted.

After wiping Mianmian’s face, the Duke took the wet towel away.

The rabbit fur on Tu Mianmian’s cheeks was moistened, and the Duke brought the hair dryer to dry Mianmian Rabbit’s fur.

Then, he went out of the bedroom and came back with a box of dry powder balls in his hands, which were sweet strawberry scented.

The Duke crushed one, and the powder fell into the palm of his hands which he rubbed onto Mianmian Rabbit’s cheeks.

Mianmian sat up to be rubbed with powder in order to become a nice smelling rabbit.

The Duke’s actions of serving Mianmian Rabbit in his daily life was smoothly done, and it can be said that he was very handy at raising Mianmian Rabbit.

After rubbing on the scented powder, Mianmian Rabbit became fragrant, and he rubbed Sivir’s palm in thanks.

Then, he was picked up by the Duke, and they went downstairs together.


Tu Mianmian sat in the Duke’s palm, tilted his head back, and looked at Sivir’s chin.

He still remembered the time that Sivir posted a new update last night, [You slept late last night.]

“Yeah.” The Duke walked towards the dining table with Little Rabbit Mianmian: “I dealt with some things temporarily.”

Tu Mianmian shook his head, his little tail moved as he spoke: [You are really hard working!]

The Duke makes money to support the family, and he is responsible for the beauty.

The beautiful Mianmian Rabbit was placed on the dining table by the Duke, and there was a set of large tableware on the table, which was used by the Duke, and a set of small tableware next to it, which was dedicated to the little rabbit.

Butler Anderson waited early in the dining room.

He stood in the corner and watched Mianmian Rabbit on the dining table bury his head, munching on the nutritious meal carefully prepared, with a face full of pampering and relief.

Mianmian Rabbit’s look as he nibbled on diced fruit looked too cute!

Turning his head, Butler Anderson caught a glimpse of the Duke eating elegantly, with a noble temperament and demeanor.

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Butler Anderson’s face paled.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt like his eyes were hot, so he turned to look at the fluffy Mianmian Rabbit.

So cute.

Plush is the cutest creature in the world!

After the cute plush was full, the Duke wiped his mouth, “Mianmian, I’ll take you to the military headquarters later,” Sivir said to Mianmian as he placed a paper invitation in front of him.

In the Interstellar Era, electronic notifications were actually the most convenient.

However, the Chaoyang Empire pays attention to tradition and a sense of ritual, so if there’s anything important, they usually issue paper letters or invitations.

On the invitation letter given to Mianmian, the contents of the invitation was written in gilded characters on a dark blue background.

From the end of the battle at the frontier to the present, the Chaoyang Empire had finally completed the calculation of the merits and benefits gained after the battle.

The military headquarters would now hold an official meeting, at which post-war summary speeches and awards would be given.

There was a line at the end of the invitation letter: “Duke Sivir Chris is cordially invited to bring his family to attend.”

Chris was Sivir’s surname, and Tu Mianmian knew this.

He tilted his head, lowered his head and looked closer, his long ears hanging down and touching the invitation.

Mianmian Rabbit stretched out his front paws, and his rabbit jiojio pressed on the word “family”.

No wonder the Duke wanted to take him to the military headquarters.

It turned out that family members were invited!

Tu Mianmian looked at Sivir: [As a family member, what do I need to do?]

The Duke was tying a bow tie on Mianmian Rabbit’s fluffy little chest, the red bow tie with a gem emblem and the Duke’s sapphire cufflinks were red and blue CP items. (T/N: CP stands for couple or a ‘ship’)

“You don’t have to do anything.” Sivir said as he held Mianmian Rabbit in his palm.

Just keep being cute all the time.


Central Star, Military Headquarters.

Sivir got off the airship and stepped into the military building, holding Mianmian Rabbit in one hand, and slightly covering him with the other.

When he met subordinates who greeted him on the road to his office, Sivir nodded but said nothing.

After these soldiers passed by him, they couldn’t help but secretly cast suspicious glances at the Duke’s palm—what did His Royal Highness bring?

And the bouncy Tu Mianmian was not very peaceful in the Duke’s palm.

Nonetheless, the Duke protected Tu Mianmian within his palm, blocking the gazes of other people and also blocking Tu Mianmian from observing the outside world.

Through the Lord Duke’s fingers, Tu Mianmian could only see that people were coming and going, but wasn’t able to see what the military headquarters looked like inside nor could he clearly see the faces of the people passing by.

Tu Mianmian was not satisfied.

Like a naughty bear boy, he pulled on Sivir’s clothes and crawled up, and after climbing up Sivir’s chest and shoulders, he squatted on top of the Duke’s head.

The altitude was different.

Now, Tu Mianmian was high enough to see far, and the scene below him was unobstructed.

He let out a small ‘wow’ because it was like standing on top of a mountain and looking afar.

Tu Mianmian squatted on top of the Duke’s head, puffing out his chest confidently.

He was like a little king who was patrolling his territory.

He looked left and right as Sivir walked forward, inspecting the country that he (his husband) had built with joy.

“His Royal Highness.” Another soldier came from the font corridor and greeted the Duke.

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Above Sivir’s head was Tu Mianmian, so he didn’t dare nod his head again for fear that Tu Mianmian would slip off his head.

So he stiffened his neck and responded to the soldier briefly, “Ah.”

When the soldier turned around and was about to leave, his eyes suddenly touched upon Mianmian Rabbit on Duke Sivir’s head.

Tu Mianmian tilted his head and stared back at the soldier.

He shook his ears and bared his teeth at the soldier.


He is super fierce!!

The soldier was shocked suddenly.

He clung to the wall of the corridor, even breathing lightly, as he let the Duke pass by and walk away with the plush on his head.

[He seems to be afraid of me.]

Tu Mianmian turned his head, looked at the soldier, looked back at himself, and then back again at the soldier who walked hurriedly away until he bumped into someone else before coming back to his senses with a cry.

Tu Mianmian shook his tail very proudly: [He was too scared to move just now!]

Sivir couldn’t help laughing.

He didn’t know what to say, so he coughed and just slightly said, “That’s great.”

Others are too afraid of you.

They’re afraid you’re too cute.

Above his head, Mianmian Rabbit suddenly stomped his jiojio, causing the Duke to take back his wandering thoughts.

After Tu Mianmian stepped on the Duke’s head, he calmed back down, and said carefully: [Mmm, there are a lot of people…]

Sivir raised his eyes slightly and saw a large group of soldiers standing before him.

Their fiery gazes were all focused on the top of his head.

Tu Mianmian: “…:

Sivir: “…”

Five big and three bulky men gathered in front of the Duke, a strange blush appearing on their wheat-colored faces.

They seemed to be afraid of disturbing the plush creature on the Duke’s head, so they squeezed their throats and spoke softly with voices as thin as a mosquito’s: “His Royal Highness, do you keep a small animal?”

The other soldiers followed suit and commented: “His Royal Highness that little animal is so cute.”

“It’s fluffy. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a plush creature since I’ve grown up this big.”

“It’s so small. I feel like I could hold it all in one hand.”

“His Royal Highness, can I take the liberty to ask, can I—can I touch it? For just a moment.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into silence.

Immediately, the atmosphere suddenly became hot:

“And me!”

“Me! Me! His Royal Highness me too!”

“I want to too!”

“And me, me, me!” Someone in the back of the crowd jumped up and shouted with excitement.

His green hair was particularly conspicuous, and he continued to shout loudly: “His Royal Highness, can I touch your little cutie!!!”

Sivir: “…”

Sivir immediately turned cold.

“!” The crowd instantly became as quiet as chickens under the powerful and cold aura of the Lord Duke.

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