The Duke gave a very cold look, and everyone became silent.

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Sivir’s eyes were freezing as he looked around.

The soldiers who were caught by his gaze were all frozen stiff.

They felt like they were in a big deal of trouble.

“Stand at attention.” The Duke said indifferently.

The soldiers surrounding the Duke suddenly separated like the Red Sea, and stood against the wall to form two uniform lines.

They stood there, solemn and silent.

That’s how these rowdy soldiers finally showed a little more discipline.

Sivir walked through the middle, and when the soles of his boots hit the ground, there was only a slight noise.

Tu Mianmian laid on top of the Duke’s head and turned his head to look at the neat appearance of the soldiers next to him, his small eyes full of admiration.

Suddenly, he met eyes with a soldier.

A flash of light flashed in the soldier’s eyes.

He stared at Tu Mianmian tightly, full of desire to suck plush.

Tu Mianmian immediately turned his head back away and faced everyone with his butt.

Sivir walked a short distance forward and stopped in front of his office.

He glanced sideways, and saw that the soldiers who lined up in two columns were still honest, then withdrew his gaze, and with Mianmian Rabbit on his head he opened the door and entered his exclusive office.

The door closed, and the figures of the Duke and Mianmian Rabbit disappeared before everyone’s eyes, and the stagnant, icy atmosphere in the wide corridor melted away.

Everyone’s tense nerves slowly relaxed, and while they were relieved, they were also full of questions.

—Is it too late to ask, why was His Royal Highness so angry all of a sudden?

“Don’t you want to lend us the little cutie to play with?” Someone scratched his head, staring at the closed office door of the Duke, eager to see through it.

“Right?” Someone wailed, “His Royal Highness is so stingy!”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Be careful, His Royal Highness has shark-like senses.”

“Bah, it isn’t your fluffy plush. What face are you saying it with that it’s stingy or not?”

“That’s right! If I had a fluffy plush creature like that, I wouldn’t lend it to someone to play with.”

“Oh, don’t take it so seriously. I was just joking.”

Next to the commander’s office, the door of a small office suddenly opened.

Yuri came out of the adjutant’s office and glanced at the soldiers.

He frowned and said, “Don’t be making a fuss.”

Yuri heard what happened in the corridor just now from behind his office door.

Thinking of his own rude remarks before, and looking at these people, I couldn’t help but have complicated feelings.

Still want to touch the little cutie of His Royal Highness?

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Unexpectedly, these guys were more unafraid of death than him. Really fearless.

“Hey, Yuri.” A soldier hooked Yuri’s shoulder, leaned over and asked, “Why did His Royal Highness suddenly keep such a small animal? I feel like that isn’t His Royal Highness’ usual style.”

His Royal Highness the Duke always has an icy appearance, so such a lovely plush creature staying beside the Duke.. won’t it be frozen by the cold aura always surrounding him?

Yuri looked at the group of soldiers in front of him who were waiting for his answer.

Seeing the stupid and innocent faces around him, Yuri squeezed his brows together in a frown and sighed, “It’s not a small animal.”

“It’s the Duchess.” Yuri said indifferently.

“The Duchess went through an atavistic phenomenon, and that was his full animal form.”

Everyone was startled when they heard Yuri’s words: “…???”

Immediately, the soldiers reacted: “!!!”

After everyone came to their senses, there was an uproar.

The scene in the corridor immediately exploded.

In the midst of the noise, someone pointed at the green-haired friend beside him and laughed: “Wow—then didn’t you just want to touch His Royal Highness’s partner?!”


There was a momentary silence in the chaotic corridor.

This sentence was like thunder hitting them, and everyone turned to look at the culprit.

The grass green-haired man was trembling, and now he didn’t know where to look or what to do after reacting to this fact that was pointed out to him.

He just shed two lines of hot tears: “…I’ didn’t, don’t talk nonsense. I wouldn’t dare.”

“The case is solved. His Royal Highness’ sudden indifference was because of him!”

“He really has the guts, like an ambitious leopard!”

“Because he’s still so young, I think he still thinks he has an extra life…”


Sivir’s office—

After Mianmian came in, he got off Sivir’s head.

He ran here and there, jumped over there, and walked around the entire space.

The office was large and concisely decorated, very in line with the neat and tidy style of the Duke’s.

Sivir stood in front of a filing cabinet to pick out things, while Tu Mianmian squatted on the smooth floor, tilting his head to look at his back.

“Mianmian?” Sivir turned around, bent down and hugged Tu Mianmian, putting him on the desk and placing his left hand down, “Stay next to me.”

Tu Mianmian sat obediently by Sivir’s hand, tilting his head.

Watching the Duke handle official business, he wasn’t noisy, but a super obedient little rabbit.

It just so happened that Robbins sent a message to Tu Mianmian at that time!

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Tu Mianmian had nothing to do, so he started chatting with Robbins.

Robbins seemed to have just woken up and saw the news on the star network after getting up.

He was startled by what he saw, and hurriedly ran to ask Tu Mianmian: [Mianmian, are you really not going on the second episode of the Zoological Garden Variety Show?]

[Not going.] Tu Mianmian replied.

Even though he still missed the elf, Dululu, and the Dandan Grass.

[Mianmian, are you really okay?] Robbins also saw the statement issued on the Duke’s dynamic.

Out of concern, he couldn’t help but ask one more question: [Your mental power was absorbed by the Rainbow-colored Flower before, and you were sent to the Royal Hospital by His Royal Highness that night. Are you really okay?]

Robbins was worried and asked: [Are you too sick to go out? I haven’t seen you lately.]

[I’m super healthy!] Tu Mianmian responded, typing out the message slowly.

His Rabbit claws poked on the light brain screen: [I’m at the military headquarters today, and I’m going to attend a meeting with Sivir.]

Seeing Mianmian’s message, Robbins was relieved.

Tu Mianmian was still able to attend an event, which must mean there’s no problem with his body.

It’s just that he couldn’t meet Mianmian because what he was attending wasn’t an ordinary variety show, but an official event with a threshold level where status is needed.

[Then, you’re busy. I won’t disturb you.] Robbins said goodbye, [We’ll talk later when you have time.]

[Mhm.] Tu Mianmian briefly replied and ended the conversation.

After chatting with Robbins, Tu Mianmian felt a little sleepy again.

He put his head on the Duke’s arm and rubbed it, as if acting like a spoiled child: [I want to sleep.]

Tu Mianmian has always been sleepy lately.

So nothing can be done, just sleep first.

“Alright.” Sivir had just finished all his official business and had received a notice to head to the conference room.

Sivir placed the bunny ball, which had curled up on his desk, into his jacket pocket, and his flat clothes immediately bulged.

He patted the outside of his pocket lightly, and coaxed Mianmian Rabbit through the layer of fabric, “Go to sleep.”

The Duke was worried about leaving the little rabbit alone in the office to sleep, so he simply kept him by his side at all times by placing him in his pocket.

Mianmian Rabbit curled up in the pocket of the coat full of the Duke’s scent, found a comfortable position to lie in, and started to sleep.

Sivir got up slowly and walked out.

The military meeting was about to start, so he had to rush to the conference room.

After going out of his office, his adjutant Anna was waiting outside.

“His Royal Highness.” Anna glanced at the Duke and politely reminded her superior to pay attention to his appearance, as he was attending an official meeting.

“You can leave the things in your pockets to me to keep for you.” Anna said.

The bulging mass in his pocket was not a good look, and it simply damages the image of His Royal Highness.

Sivir glanced at Anna after hearing her words, and he stretched out his coat pocket.

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Anna: “?”

Anna looked over and saw a mass of plush, snow-white fur in His Royal Highness’s pocket.

… …fuzzy fur?


Anna was startled.

“It’s Mianmian.” Sivir said lightly: “He’s asleep.”

Anna: “!!!”

Anna’s eyes widened instantly, with her eyes glued to the fluffy ball, she immediately changed her words: “Then please, Your Royal Highness, you must be careful not to bump the Duchess into other things!”

As for His Highness’ appearance?

It doesn’t matter at all!!!

“Yeah.” Sivir closed his pocket, cutting off Anna’s perverted gaze from peeping at Mianmian Rabbit’s sleeping form.

The two walked one after the other to the conference room a few floors above.

Anna followed behind the Duke, watching and listening for things in all directions, and the wind didn’t even escape her notice.

She was afraid that the Duke who didn’t have eyes in every direction would accidentally bump the Duchess into something or someone and break the little Duchess in his pocket.

It was only after they had reached the door of the conference room that Anna ended her staring at passer-byers.

In the large and solemn conference room, many officers were already sitting, from retired marshals, commanders, and generals to young and promising majors.

Sivir was the leader of the younger generation, serving as the chief commander of the Empire.

On the conference table, his position was also very high.

He followed the directions of the reception robot and sat down in his seat with Anna standing behind him.

Sivir sat next to a retired, old general.

This kind, old man greeted Sivir cheerfully when he saw the Duke coming towards him.

After a simple exchange between the two, the old general’s eyes fell onto Sivir’s bulging pocket.

When the old general met a companion, he happily asked, “Are you sneaking in with snacks too?”

The old general’s pocket was also bulging.

He took out two pieces of candy from his pocket, and his pocket immediately deflated.

“I brought it too.” The old general handed a piece of candy to Sivir, “Well, this is for you.”

Sivir: “…”

Sivir took the candy and nodded slightly: “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” The old general waved his hand and stretched his neck to look at Sivir’s pocket, his eyes full of curiosity: “What did you bring to eat?”

Sivir: “…”

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The Duke could not answer this question.

Fortunately, the start of the meeting was announced, and everyone stopped talking to each other and sat upright with serious expressions on their faces.

He was able to avoid the topic of the Mianmian Rabbit in his pocket.


Since the start of the meeting, the atmosphere has been solemn.

As the chief commander of the border campaign, Sivir took to the stage to speak, and the audience’s eyes were focused on him.

His bulging pocket also inevitably attracted attention.

But it was His Royal Highness’ speech that was the most important, and so everyone had to turn their attention away from his inflated pocket.

“It can be seen from here that the battle damage of the main ship at that time…” next to Sivir’s hand, a three-dimensional data image appeared in the air, changing with his explanation.

Everyone in the conference room was a little distracted.

—Is it our own delusions? Why does it seem like His Royal Highness’ pocket is moving?

Confusion was emerging in everyone’s hearts.

And to verify everyone’s doubts..

The next moment, the Duke’s pocket moved again.

Everyone: ! ?

It’s not an illusion, we’re not delusional.

In the pocket of the Lord Duke’s coat, the bulging mass is really moving!

Is it alive?!

In the conference room, everyone’s eyes were instantly fixed on the pocket of the Duke’s coat.

In the Lord Duke’s pocket, Tu Mianmian: “…?”

Tu Mianmian woke up after a nap, and just stretched when he felt a tingling on his back, as if someone was staring at him, and intently at that.

Who is it!


Spying on me!

Tu Mianmian moved his little jiojios tentatively, and turned around in the Duke’s pocket.

The gaze from outside seemed to become even hotter.

Tu Mianmian shook his head, not knowing why.

It was pitch black in the pocket, and he couldn’t figure out where he was now.

The voice belonging to the Duke came from above his head, but he spoke some terms that Tutu couldn’t understand.

Mianmian Rabbit shook his tail, tilted his head in thought, and began to climb out of the pocket.

He pushed open the pocket, and the bright light from outside came in.

Tu Mianmian cautiously popped out his little head and secretly glanced outside.

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