After Tu Mianmian decided to participate in that sand sculpture reality show-

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That night, when communicating with the Duke on a routine basis before going to bed, he mentioned this matter, “I think the atmosphere of this show is quite unique, so I chose to participate.”


Sivir said in a low voice, “Anderson told me that the scale of this show is not large. If necessary, you can invest a sum of money to make your life more comfortable.”


Tu Mianmian: “Okay.”


Oh… I’ll become everyone’s father (you know, the big $$$ behind the scenes). What~~


After talking about the reality show, Mianmian asked, “Why are you only answering calls today but not video?”


The Duke had communicated with Tu Mianmian by video a few nights ago, and today Mianmian took the initiative to dial a video call.


But this time, Sivir did not pick up and only agreed to voice communication.


“…” Sivir fell silent.


In the commander’s lounge of the main ship, Sivir sat on the ground with one knee bent. A pile of bandages and medicine lay scattered on the floor next to him.


His injured right arm had just been drenched with military disinfectant, and the excess liquid mixed with blood and trickled down.


The wound on his arm continued to emit foam-like disinfection bubbles due to it effect, and the pain scorched him.



Unaware, Tu Mianmian asked the question again.


Sivir’s voice slowed, and then he said casually, “It’s a little inconvenient today, so I didn’t answer your video call.”


Mianmian’s ears moved, and he asked hesitantly, “Are you injured?”


His ears trembled and shook, “I think I heard the sizzling sound of disinfection bubbles.”


The first time Tu Mianmian started up a mecha in the game, he jumped up and down from the sofa with joy, and scratched his elbow slightly.


Although it didn’t matter, Judy was still worried so she wiped the scratch with household disinfectant.


At that time, white foam came out from the small wound, and there was a slight sizzling sound while it bubbled.


It didn’t hurt, but it was a little itchy. After the wound was disinfected, the bubbles would disappear.


Just now, he seemed to hear the sound of disinfection bubbles on Sivir’s side.


Although there was hardly any sound through the communication, it still couldn’t escape Tu Mianmian’s ears.


Sivir was stunned when he heard his words, and his brows immediately wrinkled: “Have you been injured at home?”


How can anyone who has never used disinfectant know what the sound of disinfectant bubbles is like.


Tu Mianmian truthfully told Sivir the fact that he had grazed his skin, and then asked with a serious face: “Now is not the time for you to ask me this, I’m asking you. Are you injured?”


Sivir paused and said, “…I’m not.”

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“Really?” Tu Mianmian questioned.


“I…” The Duke hesitated for a moment, then lied to comfort the little wife at home: “I am in the infirmary to console the soldiers, and the medical officer is disinfecting the wounds of the injured soldiers.”


“Oh. That’s good.” Tu Mianmian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, “You’re fine.”


He then warned him earnestly, “You are giving condolences to the soldiers, which is serious business. Don’t answer my communications when you have such business.”


“And the most important thing-remember to pay more attention to safety!”


Tu Mianmian thought about it again and decided to shoulder the responsibility of the little wife and said: “I’ll be at home waiting for you to come back!”


After speaking, he hung up the communications.


Sivir looked at the light-brain screen that showed the communication ended.


He had a stunned expression on his face, and a long-lost warmth surged in his heart.


After a long while, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, then the fleeting and faint smile quickly disappeared.


As the pain in his right arm subsided, Sivir turned his head to look at the splendid galaxy outside the window.


Looking in the direction of the Empire, he murmured: “Okay.”


Wait for me at home obediently.



Central Star, Duke’s Mansion.


Because Tu Mianmian was going out to participate in an entertainment show, everyone helped prepare for it.


However…Butler Anderson was a little scared about the phrase “multiple husbands and multiple homes.”


Nevertheless, seeing that the background of the show group was innocent, he allowed Tu Mianmian to go.


Anderson just placed Judy in the program group, by the way, as Tu Mianmian’s assistant to take care of him and protect his safety.


Judy was a legendary figure who beat up one-third of the soldiers in the army as a civilian. That’s why Anderson believed she’d make a very good assistant.


As for the reality show group, after gathering the entire guest lineup, they couldn’t wait to send the program contract to the Duke’s Mansion.


Within two days, the program team announced the start of the show and informed the guests that they needed to head to the shooting location on their own.



The filming location wasn’t far from the Duke’s Mansion, probably in consideration of Tu Mianmian who could slip back to quickly have a meal while filming.


Although it was close by, Butler Anderson was still on guard. He felt as if he was seeing a child off from home to attend kindergarten.


He stuffed everything Tu Mianmian might use and eat into a wristband-style space button and gave it to Mianmian to wear on his wrist.


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He also communicated first-hand information he received from the director himself to Tu Mianmian, “The program team uses the live broadcast mode, but they will deceive the guests by pretending to film in the recorded broadcast mode.”


Butler Anderson explained: “In fact, everything is live broadcast because the program team seems to want to capture the most authentic sides of the guests and also use it as a surprise for the audience.”


However, Butler Anderson thought it might frighten some of the guests when they find out.


“The director told this news to the Duke’s Mansion in order to please the Madam. So you can prepare for the hidden live camera and show your most perfect side to the audience.”


“However,” Butler Anderson pushed up his gold spectacles and said, “I think it doesn’t matter if the Madam faces the audience in an imperfect state.”


“Because no matter what, the Madam is very cute.”


The Butler looked at the child in front of him who was about to head out with kindness and urged: “That’s why Madam doesn’t need to be nervous or show any special performance, just go out, relax, and play.”


Tu Mianmian: Happy.jpg


Anderson’s praises and words made him so dizzy with confidence that his tail was about to lift into the sky.


He was guided outside by Judy in a daze. But before leaving, he heard a few girls working the Duke’s Mansion whispering together in the courtyard.


“Butler Anderson only allows Miss Judy to take care of the Madam in close proximity! We don’t deserve to see the wife!”


“Hey, although we can’t see the Madam at ordinary times, he’s now going to record a show! We can suck on him through the star network!!!”


“We are too miserable, we can’t suck in reality, we can only suck on Madam through the screen.”


“Mom woo woo! The little cutie your daughter likes is going to be on TV!”


Tu Mianmian: “?”


Mianmian glanced at the girls blankly. He was then taken by Judy onto the airship using the badge provided by the Duke’s Mansion, and flew towards the shooting site address given by the program team.


When he got there, he found that there were already two guests waiting.


One was Xu Taotao, a well-known online star celebrity who looked a little cold, but proud.


The other was the man who appeared in the program’s promotional video, named Robbins, who said the phrase “multiple husbands and multiple homes”. He was jumping around dressed in fancy clothes.


The venue arranged by the program team was an open-air, exotic botanical park.


There were only about three staff members from the program team and the rest were busy robots.


The artificial sunlight of the Central Star was a bit dazzling, so Judy found a lounge chair with a parasol for Tu Mianmian to sit down on.


Judy walked around the shooting site, and after observing with the keen insight trained during her time working for the military, she quietly told Tu Mianmian: “Madam, the live broadcast has already started. There are many hidden live broadcast cameras with hardly any blind spots.”


Mianmian nodded cautiously and became nervous, not daring to look around.


At this time, the live broadcast room of the program group on Star Online:


[What did they say? Why can’t I hear?]


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[Is this a newcomer? Haven’t seen him before.]


[Looking at the subtitled introduction, he’s called Tu Mianmian. I think he is so cute and his name is very cute.]


[I’m not convinced. Can I not even listen to whispers as a VVIP?!]


[I can’t even hear-VVVVIP!]


Tu Mianmian knew nothing about the conversations in the live broadcast room.


Not long after, the last guest, Bob, came in a hurry.


He strutted over to the place where everyone was gathered and kept recklessly complaining: “The road conditions of the Central Star are too bad. In such an age, are there still traffic jams? It was a waste of time! I almost missed the recording!”


All the locals from the Central Star turned their heads to look at him.


Bob’s hair was oily, and his fat face as big as a pie plate had a fierce look.


He was wearing expensive custom clothing, which looked inappropriate on him because of his fat build.


After Bob complained about the bad road conditions, he turned around and berated his assistant, blaming him for not reminding him to head out sooner.


His assistant smiled wryly in return, nodded and bowed in apology, hoping that his employer would just let it go.


“You’re just putting the blame on others.” Xu Taotao suddenly stood up to join the battlefield, taking a few steps towards Bob.


Tall and thin like a bamboo pole, he formed a sharp contrast with the stout Bob.


Condescendingly, Xu Taotao mocked him with a mean face: “Did you use the low speed-limit airship lane?”


Bob blushed in anger, but he couldn’t refute.


Cheap airships did not have the conditions for high-speed driving, so they could only take the narrow low speed-limit lanes which were easy to become blocked when there were more airships.


In comparison, expensive high-speed airships could fly as fast as they wanted on wide high-speed lanes.


Everyone at the scene fell into silence because of Xu Taotao’s words.


At this time, they all looked at Bob with a bit more pitiful affection.


Before Mianmian could follow the crowd in expressing sympathy for the embarrassed Bob, he saw Xu Taotao walk away and Bob take a few breaths before looking around and walking in front of him to angrily say, “You, get out of the way!”


Bob then said extremely domineeringly: “Sit over there for me!”


“…” Mianmian looked up, only to see Bob’s nostrils high up.


Judy beside him was silent for a bit, and was about to speak, when the director hurriedly rushed over.


Like a hen protecting its chick, be huddled Tu Mianmian behind him and drove Bob away.


Bob didn’t dare to go against the director and had to give up.

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He looked even more angry, and his neck was flushed red with anger.


Before leaving, he glared at Tu Mianmian, and his narrowed eyes were filled with vengeance.


Tu Mianmian was confused. What was going on with the guests of this show group?


Why was I being confronted as soon as I came?


Judy was also very puzzled, and turned around to quietly send a message to Butler Anderson to complain.


After the guests all arrived, the director announced the start of the recording and everything fell into place even though the beginning was a bit chaotic.


Nothing unexpected occurred during the process.


It was all routine operations-gathering in front of the (fake) recording camera, greeting each other, then introducing themselves.


Seeing Xu Taotao introduce himself with a small talent show, Tu Mianmian who was next in line, suddenly became gloomy and panicked: “Do you still have to sing and dance?”


He can only dance a little. Is that Okay?


As it turns out, it was fine.


As soon as it was Mianmian’s turn, he jumped like a rabbit and passed the level.


The director didn’t say a word of reprimand, but instead looked at Tu Mianmian with an amiable smile throughout his small show.


It was as if looking at a national treasure or a precious golden thigh.


Next, Robbins started dancing as soon as he came up, and shouted: “Multiple friends, multiple paths, multiple husbands…” The director immediately showed a fierce look and rushed over to stop Robbins from continuing.


Robbins also returned a fierce look, pointed at Tu Mianmian and said, “Why can he do that, but I can’t dance?!”


“…” Tu Mianmian was hit while lying down innocently. He looked at Robbins and said: “I think next time you should just dance and don’t add any lines.”


Robbins was puzzled when he heard his suggestion, pondered for a bit, then realized: “So you can’t advertise yourself on the show to find a husband? Thank you for telling me.”


Robbins didn’t look like he was offended and shook Tu Mianmian’s hand enthusiastically, “You can be my friend, or would you like to tell me ‘you can be my husband?'” Robbins said as he laughed up at the sky.


“Hmph.” Bob came over at some unknown time and snorted coldly at them from his nostrils.


He squinted at Tu Mianmian, and said with great disdain, “I don’t know how this trash got into the show. Isn’t he just jumping around? It should be alright for him to just leave.”


Tu Mianmian: “?”


In addition to jumping, he can also eat carrots.


Judy’s face instantly turned cold.


Her anger rose and her eyes burned with fire as she replied bitingly: “I am also very puzzled. How did this spicy chicken come into the show group? Is it okay to just have a dirty mouth?”


Bob: “You!!!”

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