Because of Judy’s tough attitude, Bob finally calmed down and didn’t come over to criticize them again.

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Tu Mianmian was honest and very obedient, so the program team had no worries in regards to him.

Assistants were not allowed to enter indiscriminately during the show.

So when Mianmian went to draw a task card during the middle part of the recording, Judy found an opportunity to slip to Tu Mianmian’s side.

“Madam, I asked Butler Anderson.” Judy informed him: “Bob came in temporarily to replace the original guest.”

The original guest was a very good-natured girl who Taotao had a good personal relationship with.

If it was the original guest configuration, the program team would have been much more happy.

Judy thought about Bob’s bad behavior and asked, “Madam, do you want to quit the show?”

Tu Mianmian thought for a bit and said, “Forget it.”

He sighed while saying, “Since I went to all the trouble to come here. Just stay.”

The live broadcast room of the program group was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere:

[Ahh, they’re whispering again!]

[I want to hear, I want to hear! I have charge for a VVVVVVVIP!]

[Heard a bit-since I went to all the trouble. This seems to be a frequently used phrase in ancient times. I only learned this phrase in class the day before yesterday.]

[I always feel that the camera prefers this little cutie named Mianmian, what is his background?]

[Don’t know, but I know that Bob was stuffed in by investors. Bob is so messy!]

[The more I look, the more I want to touch Mianmian~]

Mianmian came all the way here and didn’t want to give up halfway.

Anyway, the four guests would act separately.

So now, no one could get in the way.

Judy walked away before the live camera came back around.

While Mianmian clicked the “Extract Task” option on the task robot in front of him.

He then took handmade biscuits from the space button on his wrist and gnawed on them while waiting for the robot to process the task.

The mission card soon posed out. He opened it to take a look-Feed the plants.

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Mianmian wiped the biscuit crumbs from his mouth and asked blankly: “Feeding? With water or fertilizer?”

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“…” The mission robot hesitated, wanting to tell Tu Mianmian but not daring to tell.

It turned its head and left. After a while, it came back bringing a basket of watery, fragrant red-orange carrots with emerald green radish tassels.

Tu Mianmian was suddenly dizzy with surprise, and felt his front teeth that had just gnawed on biscuits were a little itchy, “Is this for me?!”

God, how did they know that he liked to eat carrots!

Tu Mianmian was drooling.

“No.” The mission robot said dully, “this is for feeding plants.”

Tu Mianmian: “…Gah?”

A few minutes later, Tu Mianmian had a basket hanging on his arm, his expression was dull and numb.

Mechanically, he took out carrots from the basket and fed them to the plant beside him.

Next to him was a plant that could pull its roots out and walk independently on the ground.

At present, it was out of the territory it was planted in and was pushing Tu Mianmian to walk around the Yizhi Park together.

He felt as if he was looking at the sights of a territory, inspecting it like a favored concubine.

The scientific name of the plant was Dululu.

It looked like a mutated aloe vera, taller than a human, with white and tender roots walking arrogantly on the road.

It looked weird and a bit intellectually disabled.

This reality show is a popular science show.

Through various interactions between the guests and the plants, it becomes an opportunity to introduce various mutant plants.

This show belongs in the knowledge-raising category.

That’s why Tu Mianmian was forced to tour the park while feeding Dululu carrots…The devil knows why Dululu has the same tastes as a rabbit!

He also had to talk about Dululu and its unique characteristics.

Tu Mianmian’s had an empty expression as he talked.

While regretting that he didn’t quit the show halfway, he stuttered an explanation, “This, this is a mutated plant called Dululu. Temper…”

Tu Mianmian suddenly fell silent.

He turned his head and looked at Dululu who was very close to him because it could sense his demon power.

After a pause, he continued, “It has a very short temper. It doesn’t like people. Dululu’s skin is smooth and very hard. It’s difficult to damage. It can even block a physical attack from a B-class mecha.”

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After Mianmian finished speaking, he glanced at Dululu who laid softly on shoulders. It was eating carrots with its thick vines.

Under Tu Mianmian’s gaze, it paused, then rolled a carrot from the basket and brought it to Tu Mianmian’s lips.

With tears in his eyes, Mianmian immediately took a big bite!

[I want to eat too!]

[I’m confused. How can he still eat? What’s going on? This. Did xiao (little) Mianmian introduce the wrong plant?]

[You call this soft and wavy thing very tough?! It’s not straight! I saw it bending very early on!]

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Mianmian Love.jpg]

[Wooooo, Dululu, so cute and lovely!]

[I’m a long-time fan of this niche show and it’s normal to see mutant animals, ancient plants, and extinct animal specimens in every issue. But, how did the style change when introducing the popular science of mutant plants in this issue?]

[Ahh!! Dululu, let go of Mianmian!]

“Hmph!!!” Before Mianmian could swallow a mouthful of carrots, he heard a familiar snort.

When he looked over, he realized that he had unknowingly ended up at the site where Bob was doing his task.

Bob squinted his eyes, looked at Dululu who was clinging to Tu Mianmian, and looked down at his own mission plant.

Tu Mianmian followed his line of sight, only to find that the plant Bob was in charge of was lying on the ground.

It was an unknown mutated flower. Several brightly colored and beautiful petals had fallen off, and it was lying on the ground making a pitiful sound.

It was crying!

Dululu, who clung tamely to Tu Mianmian, suddenly let out a roar.

Then an invisible metal attack headed towards Bob.

Bob’s face quickly turned pale and he groaned while holding his head in pain.

Dululu’s body instantly stood straight and firm, then ran towards Bob.

Mianmian startled, threw the basket away and ran after it.


He grabbed Dululu, and forced it to the side before it crashed into the mutant flower which was also running over.

Tu Mianmian gently lifted the mutant flower from the ground.

Dululu looked at Bob next to it and then at the mutant flower.

After stopping to think for a bit, it rolled up the fallen petals with a vine and covered the head of the mutant flower with them.

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“Were you trying to hurt me!!” Bob’s eyes were red as he roared. Because his spiritual consciousness was aching as if pricked by a ton of needles, he yelled at Tu Mianmian, “It hurts like hell!”

He continued to shout as he pressed the distress button given by the program group.

Tu Mianmian: I was wronged.jpg

In an instant, the program’s director, a robot, and even two guests, Robbin and Xu Taotao, quickly rushed over.

The medical robot checked Bob’s spiritual consciousness, but fortunately, Dululu only gave a warning attack and didn’t seriously injure him.

After the check, the robot injected Bob with a soothing potion and his condition improved immediately.

The director replayed the previous situation through the monitors in the park.

After watching it, his brows furrowed deeply. He looked at Bob with unprecedented seriousness.

“Were you abusing mutant plants?” The director interrogated Bob.

The mutant flower next to them seemed to understand, rolled up the broken petals with its own leaves, and raised them to the director to see.

It was extremely aggrieved, sobbing softly and trying to choke back its cries.

Bob organized his words, wanting to defend himself, but was interrupted by the dismissive wave of the director’s hand.

With a not so good-looking face, you could see the director didn’t care about Bob anymore.

Instead, he turned on his light brain and checked on the progress of the program. “This morning’s tasks are almost done. We will talk about Bob’s business after finishing up.”

“We’ll shoot the rest of the program in the afternoon.” The director, holding the demeanor of cutting the mess quickly, then said, “Now it’s the end of the morning tasks. Please, live viewers, vote to rate our guests and their mutant plants.”

“What?!” Xu Taotao, Robbins, and Bob shouted in surprise. “What live audience?!”

Bob, in particular, rushed up and grabbed the director’s collar and questioned angrily, “Isn’t the show recorded?!”

Watching this reaction, the director took off his glasses and wiped them, sighed, then murmured, “Hey, I said, it wouldn’t just be a surprise. It’d probably be a shock.”

He scared the show guests out of their wits.

The only person who was calm was Tu Mianmian.

Seeing this, Robbins asked, “Why aren’t you surprised at all? The director lied to us!”

Mianmian swayed between telling the truth and lying, and finally decided to be honest: “…My assistant reminded me before the show. She was aware of the existence of the live cameras.”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier!?” Robbins nearly collapsed.

If he had known that, he would have gone to a place where the director couldn’t see, then secretly advertise to the live broadcast camera a recruitment for a husband!

Bob looked more broken and devastated than Robbins.

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If it was a recorded program, he could buy off the director with money to cut all his bad scenes and only show his good side.

But now! Now! It’s all live!

Everything he did was seen by the audience!

Bob was completely dizzy.

What is this called?

-A funeral, a grand funeral.

And he was the one who put himself in this position!!

Bob’s eyes were red and he looked like he was going crazy.

The guests in the venue were blocked from the star network signal, so they couldn’t see what the live broadcast room was like right now, nor did they know the results of the voting that occurred.

However, the scoring and evaluation of the mutant plants on the show would still be helpful either way.

Bob’s eyes swept over the pitiful mutant flower.

The flower was trembling with fear, and the petals on top of its head shook.

As another petal fell off, it gave its own rating to the robot next to it.

Rating Object: Bob

Score: F (lowest)

Rating: Bad guy.

Mutant plant favorability: -∞

Because Bob’s favorability with the mutant plant reached a negative infinity state, his light brain immediately received a ban issued by the central intelligence brain.

He was blacklisted, including but not limited to prohibiting access to royal gardens, parks, and other places for a period of one year.

Bob’s eyes turned even redder. His gaze swept across Robbins and Tu Mianmian, and sneered at them and said viciously, “I may have received a ban, but these two trashes can’t be any better!”

Robbins: …Your mother!

Tu Mianmian: I feel offended.

‘Crack!!!’ Dululu slammed a vine on the floor beside Bob’s feet and tore the floor to pieces. Bob was startled, and immediately backed away.

Although Dululu couldn’t speak, he used body language to express his care and maintenance of Tu Mianmian, as well as his anger and hatred for Bob.

The vine that smashed the floor was slowly retracted, returned to a soft state, then clacked on the shoulders of the robot that recorded the task score.

When the robot made a ‘ding dong’ sound, Dululu’s rating of Tu Mianmian popped up on the display.

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