[Fuck! What is Dululu doing so arrogantly?!]

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[On this day, the whole world was shocked… Click to see men and women cry]

[It’s so strange, how could there be a person with such a high favorability with a single mutant plant? Did the show fake it in order to get views?]

[This show doesn’t need to be a big hit, and there’s already millions of fans. I hope you know.]

[Wooooooooooooooo!! I’ve never seen it before! Mom, come and see this treasure!]

[As a person who has been beaten to the point of crying by Dululu the last time I went to Yizhi Park, I will cry again as tribute. I’ll have you know Dululu made me cry with its physical attacks, not mental attacks! Its vines are terrible! Dululu has a very grumpy temper, and I’m still a person with 81% favorability!!]

[But then again, Dululu has been very gentle to Mianmian from the very beginning. Not only did it walk around with Mianmian, but it also took the initiative to distribute its food to him. You must know that Dululu is very protective of food.]

[Yes! Moreover, the sensitive and introverted mutant flower didn’t avoid him when Mianmian lifted it up, indicating that Mianmian also has a very high affinity with mutant flowers.]

[I’ve already called my friends, relatives and colleagues to watch this great spectacle together! In addition, I scream and ask: What is Mianmian’s origin?!]

Not to mention that the live audience was in uproar, but the few people on the show were in even more disbelief.

They saw that the display screen of the task robot showed:

Rating object: Tu Mianmian

Score: SSS (the highest level)

Rating: #&Like%$#* (The words are too passionate. Emotion is too strong to be recognized)

Mutant plant favorability: +∞

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They’ve seen people with negative favorability like Bob.

But someone with such an over the top favorability like Tu Mianmian, they have never seen it before!

Everyone was immersed in shock and couldn’t extricate themselves.

Tu Mianmian had no special feelings about the result because he had no knowledge about such things.

But he could still understand that he got an excellent score.

So, he smiled and ran towards Dululu to pull it soft vines and shook it like noodles, giving it a handshake in thanks.

“My goodness darling!” Robbins was the first to come back to his senses.

He looked at Tu Mianmian and sighed, “You’re too good!”

The favorability was infinite! Unlike his future husband who he’s never met and has no idea where he is.

“With Dululu, who is notoriously bad-tempered, the favorability is so high…”

Robbins was in deep thought, then his eyes suddenly lit up.

He grabbed Tu Mianmian’s shoulders and said excitedly: “Then your husband must have a high degree of affection for you too! Quick, teach me how you do it!”

Tu Mianmian: “???”

Don’t you just give a husband those three words (I love you).

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What’s with the logic of these humans? (T/N: don’t forget Mianmian is a rabbit >.<)

But let’s not mention how high the favorability of Tu Mianmian’s husband is.



At the border of the Empire, far away from the Central Star, a large-scale battle had just ended.

The invading fleet of the enemy country retreated like a tide.

The Chaoyang Empire’s battleships also retreated back to their own country’s border.

The two sides separated, creating a safe zone.

They both entered a post-war break in tacit understanding.

Such a pause in battle was convenient for calculating the battle damage, cleaning up the space junk, and allowing them to take a short breather before another battle ensued.

In the command room of the Empire’s main ship, Sivir stood alone in front of the operating table as the main ship’s central brain reported to him: “Report to the commander, still unable to track the suspected target.”

Sivir furrowed his brows and frowned.

He remained expressionless and didn’t speak, but his emerald-green eyes looked calm and deep.

Sivir then reached out and clicked the center console.

The surveillance footage of various areas of the main ship was immediately displayed, divided into many squares of the same size.

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From the monitoring, there wasn’t anything weird about anyone.

However, the traitor who betrayed the Empire and sold military intelligence to the enemy were surely mixed in. They just couldn’t be found.

Sivir’s gaze swept across an area in the surveillance camera which showed adjutants Yuri and Anna routinely consoling the soldiers.

But, they were actually searching for clues.

The central brain was unable to track down the target, so they had to turn to manual detection.

But so far, nothing has been found.

The traitor was too good at concealing and didn’t even leave a clue.

It wasn’t until this recent battle, where their position was leaked again and again, and several raids were prevented by the enemy that Sivir was able to follow the trail and lock onto a suspect.

It’s just a pity that a few days ago when Sivir joined the battlefield with his mecha, the traitor warned them and caused the right arm of Sivir’s mecha to be scrapped, and his own right arm became seriously injured.

After that, the traitor hid in the chaos.

And now they’ve been searching for him for the past two days to no avail.

The behavior and actions of the traitor were analyzed repeatedly, over and over again, in Sivir’s mind.

But suddenly he stopped. A thought flashed through his mind.

He narrowed his eyes and pondered for a while.

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After a while, Sivir removed the star map and all information about combat deployment from the center console.

What was left on the display was a photo of Tu Mianmian smiling brightly at the camera.

This was sent from the Central Star not long ago.

Tu Mianmian went to shoot the show not too long ago.

In order to prevent the Duke, who went out to the battlefield, from missing the events in his little husband’s life, the butler specially asked Judy to take pictures of Tu Mianmian as he participated in the show and forwarded them to the Duke’s terminal.

Sivir looked at the carefree smile in the picture and recalled the explanation that Judy attached to the photo.

Mianmian was participating in a live broadcast.

A live broadcast to the public…

Sivir moved his gaze to his right arm.

He was wounded on the battlefield and most of the soldiers who participated in the battle saw it.

So, the news of the commander’s wound was not blocked and the whole army was aware of it.

However, the severely damaged right arm had already been restored to its original state after using a special repair potion.

But, the news of his recovery has yet to be disclosed.

Sivir put away Tu Mianmian’s photo, and a plan quietly took shape in his mind.

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