“His Royal Highness.” Sivir’s light brain’s AI spoke: “The Duchess’s personal information in the database has been invaded.”

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At that time, Sivir and Tu Mianmian had already left the banquet and had returned to the Duke’s Mansion from the palace.

After a tiring day, Tu Mianmian had fallen asleep on the bed.

“What happened?” Sivir asked in a low voice.

He covered Tu Mianmian with the quilt, got out of bed and went to his study.

Sivir’s database security level was the highest.

And Tu Mianmian’s confidentiality level was just a little lower.

For protection, Sivir linked Tu Mianmian’s account with his own, binding them together.

After making the link, the confidentiality level of Tu Mianmian’s information rose, and the connection between the two parties was also established.

Therefore, if there was any movement on Tu Mianmian’s side, Sivir would also receive notification.

“The matter stemmed from a misunderstanding.” In the study, the light brain AI reported the situation.

“The Duchess’s fans mistakenly thought that you were a scumbag who abandons their partner, so they tried to hack into the madam’s personal information in the database and wanted to check the situation of the madam’s marriage column.”


The AI took screenshots of some of the remarks from StarNet, and played it in front of the Duke so that the Duke could find out why he was being cursed.

Sivir looked at the comments on the light brain screen: “…”

“The intrusion signal has been intercepted halfway.” The light brain AI continued to report: “The supervision department of the star network has followed the clues and will arrest users who violated the star network’s laws.”

The AI asked: “The supervisory department sent an inquiry message, Your Royal Highness, what should I do with that user?”

The Duke shook his head slightly, and put aside the matter of dealing with cybercriminals.

His eyes were fixed on the comments displayed in the screenshot shown by the AI, and he was silent for a long time.

After a while, Sivir frowned and logged on to the StarNet.

As soon as he logged in to the star network, a cheerful and happy atmosphere blowed in his face——

[Mianmian is actually a little cutie who went through an atavistic phenomenon! I can! I can! *shouting heartbreakingly*]

[The animal form of Mianmian’s atavism is so beautiful! Encyclopedia says it is a rabbit, a small one, you can hold him in the palm of your hand~]

[Hey! From the beginning, the military live broadcast meeting required family members to come out! When I attended, I also felt that it was quite inappropriate for His Royal Highness to bring a plush in the past, but now that Mianmian is the plush, I instantly fell in love with that cute bunny! I am a person with double standards! Double standards makes me happy!]

[Need to bring family members and then brings Mianmian in the form of a bunny to a meeting together! So sweet!! His Royal Highness, what kind of peerless boyfriend power is this!]

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[Ah, ah, I didn’t take a screenshot of the cute little Mianmian bunny during the live conference! I forgot to save his little fluffy look! Which sister has the screenshot saved? Can you send me a copy?]

[Good boy! My sweet little cub! Woo woo woo mother is proud of you! You are the cutest in the universe! Let mother give pecks to your little ears!]

[Sucking photos is not enough. Mianmian cutie come out, let me kiss your little ass! Whaa, whaa, whaa! I’ll dive into that plush fur!]

[I’ll kiss the little tail! That short, chubby ball of fur! It also moves! I really want to bite it into my mouth! The cub is so cute!!]

[I’m going to kiss the little rabbit from head to toe! I have to lick all the hairs wet.]

[Star Net No. 666888, look at Mianmian’s cute and beautiful photos. They’re packaged and sold in high-definition.]

Lord Duke: “…”

Sivir turned off his light brain, and said indifferently: “Report all comments that are too explicit, and users who speak indiscriminately will be banned.”

AI: “…”

AI: “Okay, Your Royal Highness.”

Sivir rummaged through his light brain and found a photo of him and Tu Mianmian at the award banquet.

A group photo was taken at the end of the award banquet.


He and Tu Mianmian stood out separately and took another picture, which was originally for the convenience of publicity the next day.

Now this photo had been found by the Duke to use as a testimony.

Sivir logged into his StarNet account, attached the picture, edited a paragraph of text, and posted the new news.

The main purpose of the post was to make an official clarification, to tell them all about Tu Mianmian’s aristocratic status and that there were no emotional problems between him and Tu Mianmian.

After the new news was sent out, Sivir turned around and went back to the bedroom.

When he pushed open the bedroom door, he glanced at his light brain and saw a comment under his new post——

[Hahahaha I’ll just say it! How could His Highness the Duke change his mind? The Duke and Mianmian cutie are a perfect match! Gossip should go away! Even if there was no wedding, Mianmian could attend the royal banquet! This is meant to officially recognize the Duchess!]

Sivir was stunned.

He turned off his light brain, went into the bedroom and laid back on the bed.

Sivir turned his head to look at Tu Mianmian’s quiet sleeping face beside him, and in his sleep, Tu Mianmian seemed to sense his presence, subconsciously approached him, got into his arms, and snuggled closer.

Sivir embraced Mianmian in his arms.

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His eyelashes drooped slightly, looking at the top of Tu Mianmian’s hair, his palms gently rubbed Tu Mianmian’s cheeks, and the emerald green pupil color of his eyes gradually became darker.

A wedding…

The next day, after Tu Mianmian got up, he was told all the information and happenings on the star network by his light brain’s AI assistant.

Tu Mianmian suddenly was confused: “??????”



Marquis Raphael and I are two different people?

I green myself?

Tu Mianmian was shocked, Tu Mianmian was sad, and Tu Mianmian couldn’t believe it!

“Are these fake fans?” Tu Mianmian flipped through the comments on StarNet and questioned himself.

He looked confused, “Didn’t they see me on the show? They should be familiar with me, so why would they think I was someone else at the banquet?”

Sivir: “…”

Sivir simply didn’t dare to look directly at Mianmian, and silently turned his head away.

How could he say why?

——It’s because you’re usually short, and then you suddenly put on height-enhancing insoles. Fans thought that because you were so tall, you couldn’t be their Mianmian. Isn’t that why they don’t recognize you?

…..This kind of thing can’t be said without receiving a loving Tutu education. (T/N: Sivir means he’ll get punched, haha!)

He, the dignified Duke Sivir, the undefeated God of War in the Empire, and also wants to save face. ▼_▼

So the Duke was very tight-lipped and didn’t say a word about the truth of this matter.

He just answered vaguely: “Maybe they didn’t see it clearly.”

“Okay.” Tu Mianmian nodded casually, without breaking the casserole, and didn’t ask to the end.

He touched his stomach and felt his intestines! Stomach peristalsis, “My stomach is hungry!”

The little husband shouted, “I want breakfast!”


Tu Mianmian was hungry.

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But Tu Mianmian didn’t get to eat breakfast.


He was taken to the Royal Hospital for an examination on an empty stomach.

Tu Mianmian with two rabbit ears was very popular, and he was warmly welcomed into the examination room by the nurse robots.

After the examination, the data results were sent to the Dean of the Royal Hospital and the old professor, while Tu Mianmian and Sivir waited for the results.

Tu Mianmian brushed through StarNet while waiting.

After sitting quietly for a while, he suddenly touched his stomach, looking confused: “My stomach is punching?”

“What’s wrong?” Sivir looked at Tu Mianmian.

Tu Mianmian pointed to his belly with a look of amazement and novelty, “My belly is moving!”

Belly dance!

Sivir: “?”

Sivir put his palm on Tu Mianmian’s stomach, he felt it attentively, his palm was quietly placed against Mianmian’s stomach, but except for the slight ups and downs of Tu Mianmian’s breathing, there was no movement at all.

Sivir withdrew his hand, and in the next second, Tu Mianmian said, “It moved again.”

Sivir: “…”

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Looking at each other, Sivir hesitated and asked: “… Hungry?”

Immediately, he frowned again, “Or is it caused by the dark shadow in your abdomen?”

I came for an examination today to find out what the dark shadow in Tu Mianmian’s abdomen was.

While Sivir and Tu Mianmian were talking, the Dean and the old professor both came towards them with the data results.

The Dean and the old professor were arguing in a low voice, and it seems like no one agreed with the other.

After the two of them looked up and saw the figures of Sivir and Tu Mianmian, they stopped their conversation tacitly, with embarrassment on their faces.

“His Royal Highness.” The Dean adjusted his mood and stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Sivir nodded slightly and said succinctly, “How is the situation?”

“Professor Tan’s whole life has been devoted to studying the Raphael family.” The Dean pushed the old professor out.

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As the Dean said so, he nudged the old Professor Tan beside him with his elbow: “The Duchess has the bloodline of this noble family and has gone through atavism. Intractable diseases may show up. This is Professor Tan unique opinion.”

Professor Tan: “…”

Professor Tan pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, “The Duchess has recently been lethargic, gluttonous, and has gained weight.”

“Also, according to the inspection data just collected now, the dark shadow on the Duchess’ abdomen still shows signs of movement. All kinds of things…”

Old Professor Tan paused and said cheerfully: “If it weren’t for the fact that our Empire has a history of zero fertility in the past 20 years, as well as various oolong incidents of misdiagnosing pregnancy, I would have thought that the Duchess was pregnant.” (T/N: ‘oolong’ just basically describes a mistake/accident)

“Hahaha.” Tu Mianmian laughed when he heard the words, “You are so funny!”

How could he give birth to cubs?

Professor Tan saw Mianmian’s reaction and smiled with satisfaction, “That’s right!”

Both of them looked at each other and thought it was impossible.

“So…” Sivir said suddenly.

His expression was light, and his eyes swept over casually, which gave people a great sense of oppression, “Haven’t you found the cause yet?”

Dean: “…”

The Dean shrank his neck, and tears streamed down his face.

The Duchess went to the Royal Hospital several times, but was unable to draw a conclusion about his condition.

This was almost smashing the signboard of the Royal Hospital.

But… the Dean really has no way of knowing what the Duchess’s illness is!

“I saw a case in an ancient notebook of the Raphael family before, which is exactly the same as the Duchess’s current situation, and the data results are almost the same.” Professor Tan closed his eyes and recalled.

He said slowly: “But what is the cause and result of the case, I forgot.”

Old Professor Tan shook his head regretfully.

He was old and had a bad memory.

It was not easy to remember such an old case.

Old Professor Tan said: “If His Royal Highness the Duke can give me some time, I can go back and look for the Codex immediately and compare it with the situation of the Duchess.”

Sivir: “…”

The Duke’s expression became more and more condensed, he squeezed his eyebrows and restrained his emotions: “Find it for me now!”

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