Old Professor Tan rushed out of the Royal Hospital as if he was running away, and took his airship back home to look through the ancient notes he had.

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It was really not right to have pity for him.

Now he was just an old man who had to bear the anger of the patient’s family.

In the hospital, only the Dean was left to bear the displeasure of the Duke alone.

The Dean wiped the sweat from his forehead and invited the domineering Duke and his weak and petite husband into the examination room.

The Dean pointed to the end of the inspection data on the light screen, and said tremblingly: “The Duchess has undergone an atavistic change, and the physical data is different from ordinary people’s.”

“Even some of the body structures are different.” The Dean swiped across the light screen, and the next scanned image was displayed: “This is the image of the Duchess’s whole body scanned.”

“This is the body structure of an ordinary person.” The Dean drew up another healthy body scan of an ordinary person.

Comparing the two side by side, Tu Mianmian’s body organs are indeed slightly different.

Tu Mianmian blinked after seeing it: “…”

This is probably the difference between rabbit demons and humans?

“The situation of the Duchess is quite special. Judging from an ordinary person’s situation, it is impossible to draw a conclusion.” The Dean continued: “There is no case that matches the Madam’s in the brain database, so the intelligent analysis function doesn’t dare to rashly speculate about anything.”

The Dean made a statement to appease the patient and their family—mainly to appease the Duke as a family member: “But there is Professor Tan who is very knowledgeable. I believe that the mystery of the Duchess’ condition will soon be resolved.”

Sivir nodded slightly. He was looking at the results of multiple inspection data on the light screen, with a focused and serious expression.

Upon seeing this, the Dean showed the Duke a few more image comparisons.

The abdomen of an ordinary person was clear and bright, except for the organs it should have.

Tu Mianmian’s abdomen had an extra black ball, and they couldn’t even use medical equipment to further explore to find out what it was or what was inside the black ball.

After such a sincere explanation with pictures and texts, Sivir’s complexion improved a lot.

Seeing this, the Dean finally couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

——If the Dean gets into trouble with the Duke, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

After finishing his role, the Dean was invited away by Sivir.

In the examination room with only Tu Mianmian and Sivir, the atmosphere was much more relaxed.

Tu Mianmian tilted his head to look at his examination report.

After reading it for a long time, he wonderingly asked, “I don’t understand, is this a terminal illness warning?”

Sivir: “…”

The Duke turned his head and looked at the little husband silently.

Tu Mianmian was embarrassed, and he scratched his cheek, “In the TV series! It’s all stuff like this in the TV series.”

Sivir sighed slightly.

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He pinched Tu Mianmian’s bunny ears.

The patient, Tu Mianmian, was in a good mood, and even a little heartless.

It’s just that the heart that the Duke was hanging couldn’t fall. (T/N: ‘hanging heart’ here means worries that he can’t get rid of)

Tu Mianmian tugged at the corner of Sivir’s clothes and whispered, “Don’t worry.”

“I feel pretty good now.” Tu Mianmian felt good about his own condition, and so he patted his chest, “The hospital can’t do anything about my situation. Even though they say there’s an eighty percent chance of intractable diseases, but if you want to open it up and look at it, I don’t think it will be a terminal illness~ ”

Tu Mianmian stood on tiptoe and touched the Duke’s head.

Touch the head to give comfort—don’t be scared.

Sivir sighed, and Tu Mianmian’s figure was reflected in his emerald green eyes.


After a while, he gave a soft “um”.

The Duke reached out and touched Tu Mianmian’s belly, thinking of the dark shadow in his belly and the words Mianmian had previously said about his belly moving: “Do you feel anything strange now?”

Tu Mianmian looked down at the noble hand of the Duke, then took it away, “It looks so strange.”

How does it feel like a husband is touching his pregnant wife’s belly, woo.

“I don’t feel anything else now.” Tu Mianmian shook his head.

He smacked his mouth and looked up at the Duke, his obsidian-like eyes were wet, and his eyes were full of longing: “That’s right, I’m a little hungry.”

Poor, weak, helpless, but very edible. jpg

Sivir: “…”

He’s really sorry.

Marrying him, but he still left him hungry-

The Duke returned to the Duke’s Mansion to enjoy a sumptuous breakfast with his hungry little husband.

There was still no response from Professor Tan yet, and the head of the Royal Hospital was numb from the gaze of the Duke before he left.

After the Duchess left the Royal Hospital on the front foot, the Dean hurriedly brought a few nurse robots and went to Professor Tan’s house on his back foot to help find the ancient notes.


On the dining table in the Duke’s Mansion, Tu Mianmian was eating and swiping through the star network with his light brain.

“Mianmian.” Sivir glanced at Tu Mianmian, “Don’t play with your light brain while eating.”

“Oh.” Tu Mianmian agreed, but he did not repent, biting the spoon in his mouth, he was still concentrating on his light brain, watching it with relish.

Sivir waited for a while, seeing Mianmian the same as before, he called again, as if urging his ignorant child: “Mianmian, eat without distractions.”

“Got it!” Tu Mianmian pulled out the spoon he was biting in his mouth and placed it into the bowl of soy milk.

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“Come and have a look.” He put his light brain in front of the Duke’s face!

He let the Duke watch the trend on StarNet and concentrated on filling his stomach with a few mouthfuls of food.

On the star network, it was very lively——

[Hey, wooah, why is it that I just enjoyed the joy of sucking Mianmian yesterday, and now I’m going to be slapped on the head today! I saw Mianmian and His Royal Highness the Duke entering and leaving the Royal Hospital again! QAQ]

[There have been rumors of going in and out of the hospital for a long time, is it true this time? Don’t be like the previous alarm ringers, okay?]

[It’s true, it can’t be more true. I took a picture of the Duchess going to the hospital before, but Tu Mianmian didn’t have bunny ears. Well, today’s photo has cute ears on Mianmian! This is definitely fresh news!]

[Mianmian’s bunny ears are so cute! ]

What’s wrong with Mianmian? It’s been so long, and it’s still not cured? I estimate that it has been more than a month since the last road shooting in the hospital.]

[Wow, my lovely Mianmian, be okay! Mianmian, mother doesn’t want to see you look ill. Be lively! Healthy!]

[Last night at the award banquet, I saw that Mianmian was in good shape? It doesn’t look like he’s sick, what’s the matter?]

[I don’t know. It’s been the nth day of Mianmian’s illness, and I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and my old mother is so worried that her hair falls out!]

“They found out about our trip to the hospital again.” Tu Mianmian muttered to the Duke while chewing food with his cheeks puffed up.

Evidence of Tu Mianmian and Sivir entering and leaving the hospital has been photographed before, and now it has been discovered that they have entered and left the hospital again.

The old and the new have been turned up together, and there are some intensifying trends.

“The fans are very worried about me.” Tu Mianmian took a bite of a custard bun, and the filling stuck to the corner of his mouth.

Sivir leaned over and helped him wipe off the custard stains from the corners of his mouth, and replied, “Yeah.”

“But I don’t want them to worry about me.” Tu Mianmian shook his head and ate the custard bun in one bite, “They’re good people.”

At this moment, the vast number of fans received the good person card sent by their little baby.

Sivir nodded slightly. Although Tu Mianmian’s fans are noisy, they really care and love his Mianmian.

Didn’t he see the calf-guard they put up and sprayed him into a scumbag with full firepower before?

Sivir turned his eyes away from the light brain, and said, “Everyone online on StarNet said that you were ill, but you had actually went through atavism and transformed into an animal. It was inconvenient to publicly announce your complete situation to fans.”

“But now…” The Duke looked at the little husband’s bunny ears and thought of all kinds of dangerous speeches on the star network (which were later reported and deleted by himself).

“…” Sivir sighed slightly, “Now! Now your animal form is almost completely public on the star network, and you don’t need to hide it any more.”

The Duke was not a feudal patriarch, and he didn’t bind his family.

Sivir still pays great attention to Tu Mianmian’s ideas and needs.

So he thought for a while, then lightly clasped the table with his fingers, and said to the little husband who was worried about his fans: “If you don’t want to worry them, just explain the situation to them.”

Tu Mianmian nodded when he heard his words.

He looked thoughtful.

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Then, Tu Mianmian started a live broadcast.


After finishing breakfast to fill his stomach, Tu Mianmian groped around and started a live broadcast with the help of Judy.

Although it’s okay to post a StarNet post to explain news to fans, it seems to be somewhat useless after having experienced the reactions to his posts the previous few times.

Tu Mianmian thought about it and decided to start the live broadcast directly.

The live broadcast allowed fans to observe his appearance face to face.

Fans can feel more at ease when they see that he is alive and healthy.

Tu Mianmian took the lead in posting the dynamic warm-up on StarNet, and when the live broadcast room was established and opened, it was instantly crowded.

The audience’s emotions were so enthusiastic that it couldn’t be helped.

While watching the trends in the live chat room, Tu Mianmian smiled at the live camera: “Thank you for your concern…”

Tu Mianmian just opened his mouth and said such a sentence, and the live broadcast room was instantly filled with barrage——

[Mianmian what’s the matter with you? ! ]

[What’s wrong with you, Mianmian? Need hospital treatment? This old mother will come up from the countryside in no time! Go to the hospital with you!]

[Woooooo! Today’s Mianmian is more cute than yesterday!!]

[Blindly guessing the illness is intractable disease!]

[Your blind guess is nonsense!]

[Could it really be a terminal illness? If Mianmian’s condition worsens, I will blame everyone here.]

[What! Mianmian, let me kiss and lick! Huh? Why is my screen wet?]

[If you can’t cure Mianmian, I will let you be buried!!! (random speech)]

The dense barrage covered the screen with a thick layer of mosaic.

Mianmian’s face on the screen couldn’t be seen clearly.

Tu Mianmian couldn’t help laughing and crying, “Thank you for your concern for me. I am indeed sick, but I haven’t been diagnosed yet, and my condition is not serious for the time being.”

A barrage with a bold and red mark floated by forcefully——

[Mianmian! If there is no diagnosis yet, are there any relevant speculations? Mom is so worried about you! Woo woo!]

Tu Mianmian hesitated for a while.


“Should I…” He thought for a while, and decided to comfort the fans: “It’s a family hereditary disease!”

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Professor Tan said that someone in the Raphael family had this disease.

As a blood descendant of the Raphael family, he also has this disease now!

Then it isn’t difficult to round up and count it as a family hereditary disease!

“Mianmian.” Sivir’s voice came.

The barrage emptied instantly, and everyone was as quiet as a chicken.

On the clean screen, you can clearly see a tall and straight figure walking towards Tu Mianmian.

“Sivir.” Tu Mianmian turned to look.

Sivir sat down beside Tu Mianmian, turned his head to look at the live broadcast camera, and his stern face appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

Suddenly a barrage overtook the screen again—

[Speaking of that, is Mianmian really sick? Could it be that Mianmian isn’t sick at all, but that the Duke is sick? My seventh aunt’s son’s husband’s younger brother was in this situation before. He didn’t do anything, but asked his wife to cover for him. Later, their husband and wife frequently went to and from major hospitals, and everyone thought they were there to see and treat the wife, but they didn’t know that the wife wasn’t actually sick. Could this be the case with His Royal Highness the Duke and Mianmian?]

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Sivir: “…”

Followed by another comment—

[Ahhh sorry! The star network was stuck! It was delayed until now and it sent out the last comment! Sorry Sorry!!! Your Highness, the Duke, just pretend you didn’t see me. QAQ]

Tu Mianmian glanced at the barrage.

No, no…

Now the whole Internet knows about the brother of the husband of the son of your seventh aunt’s family.

Tu Mianmian was about to die of laughter at the brain circuits of StarNet netizens.

He glanced at Sivir, and inexplicably wanted to laugh more after seeing the silent appearance of the Duke.

Tu Mianmian held back a smile and patted the Duke’s arm, and coaxed: “Oh, don’t take it to heart, don’t listen to these people talking nonsense.”

Sivir looked at Mianmian for a while, and silently replied, “Yes.”

After a while, the interaction with the fans ended, and Tu Mianmian, the little husband, after turning off the live broadcast, was pushed down on the big bed in the bedroom by the Duke of his family.

Tu Mianmian widened his eyes and looked at the Duke, “What are you doing?”


Innocent, cute. jpg

The Duke looked deeply at him and pinched Tu Mianmian’s little tail, “What am I doing, don’t you know?”

The Duke leaned down, and the light brain suddenly sounded.

The intimacy between husband and ‘wife’ was interrupted by an urgent communication from the director of the Royal Hospital.

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