“Randomly pick a lucky viewer to send a wedding invitation!”

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After Tu Mianmian’s shout, the live broadcast room was filled with blood, all the netizens were full of enthusiasm, and countless bullet screens flowed from the audience like snowflakes.

In front of Mianmian’s eyes, tons of messages fluttered past.

[Mianmian! Look at me! Look at me! Woooo I want an invitation! Please give me a chance to be the Chosen One!]

[I am someone who has no chance QAQ]

[I am from an ordinary background. However, my relative married a small nobleman a hundred years ago. I checked the genealogy today and found that it is related to the Duke’s Mansion. I should be able to receive the wedding invitation from the Duke’s Mansion directly.]

[For real. I am envious of upstairs.]

[Haha, I’m just an ordinary noble, I have contacts with the Duke’s Mansion every year and for parties. Invitations? I will definitely receive it!]

[I’m so sour! Kick these people out!]

[Mianmian, quickly, choose your mother!!!! Mom wants to come to the city from the countryside to see you! Wooooooooooooo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, huh, huh, huh. QAQ]

Pick at random, or leave to chance?

Hmm, follow your mood!

The light brain’s intelligent AI assistant helped in screening.

It filtered out all users who have ever had bad records, and then excluded them.

Among the remaining users, those who could receive invitations from the Duke’s Mansion would be included only after checking their real names.

The last remaining users, those who were really fans of Tu Mianmian, are selected, and the AI assistant lists them in front of Tu Mianmian, allowing him to choose.

These series of actions can be said to be the real hammer of exposing conspiracies and the secret operations.

And it was almost like choosing a concubine for Mianmian!

Tu Mianmian, a good boy, was not choosing a concubine but choosing an audience member, and not only one lucky audience member.

He chose a dozen or so with nice names, and he even chose the mother fan who was going to come to the city from the countryside to see him.

When Tu Mianmian switched back to the front page of the live broadcast room, the names of the selected lucky viewers had already been scrolled in rotation in the live broadcast room.

The spectators who were not selected were crying and howling, begging to do it again, saying that they will definitely be okay in the next draw!

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“Stop complaining, that’s enough.” Tu Mianmian shook his head, trying to pass everything with cuteness.

The enthusiasm of these mother fans who were a part of the draw was enough to overwhelm Tu Mianmian, if more of such fans come to the scene, he will be suffocated!

While appeasing his fans in the live broadcast room, Tu Mianmian asked a home service robot to bring a blank invitation card.

He wrote the words himself stroke by stroke.

Then it was sealed with wax, and handed back over to the home service robot to help check the address information sent by the audience members in the background, and then it was sent out.

When he was busy with these things, the audience in the live broadcast room also understood that there would be no second round of lucky draws.

So everyone cried and groaned.

[In ancient times, they said salt was hard to find, and now there is still a lot of salt that is hard to find!]

[I’m already about to change my strategy. Can’t get the invitation? It’s ok! Anyone who gets a wedding invitation? You can bring your family, right? I will marry you right away! Remember to take me to the wedding! ]

[Ahhh! So excited, so excited! Excited! I am the lucky one who was drawn by Mianmian just now. I live on the Central Star, the delivery is so fast, I have already got the invitation card now!!! I, I’m still single, which young lady wants to marry me (suddenly shoots shamelessly) I will definitely take you to Mianmian’s wedding!]

[Marry me! Marry me!!! (raises hand)]

[I have invitations too! Who will marry me?! I have been single for so many years, and now I can finally find a partner. Uwah, I’m so moved that I can cry!]

[I am a female, graduated from a well-known senior university, and am a fresh veteran. Like a bee, I have a long waist and long legs, can repair light brains, can carry heavy things upstairs, have a house, a car and deposits, can cook, and does all the housework. I can spoil you like His Highness the Duke spoils Mianmian. Upstairs, please choose me.]

[…? This, this??? Sudden blind dates?! Mianmian, our obedient cub, is indirectly promoting the marriage market?!]

[“Shock! The single dogs of the Chaoyang Empire are doing such a thing!” “Shock! Behind the flash marriages of countless people, there is such a truth hidden…”, “Shocked! The people are actively dedicating themselves to promote the growth of the marriage market, not for the country, but for him!”]

[Hahahaha, I almost lost my head laughing! Hahaha!]

Tu Mianmian almost laughed off his tail ball, he was too amused by these little clever ghosts.

Tu Mianmian had a small number of invitations that needed to be sealed with wax seals.

Nevertheless, it took him three days to finish and two days to send the more than ten or twenty invitation cards, taking him a bit to finish all the work.

Then he was caught by the nurse robots of the nursing team, and was not allowed to be lazy, and was escorted to run and walk to maintain the right amount of activity during pregnancy.

His Excellency the Duke was really busy for two or three days before all the invitations were stamped with seals.

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Thanks to the Lord Duke’s hands in charge of the finishing touch, a meticulous job was done.

Nonetheless, the Duke was happy with doing it.

This was a sweet affair between him and his little sweetheart.

All the wedding invitations had now been sent out, and the date on the invitations were clearly written, and the wedding would be held in two months.

These two months were convenient for the Duke’s Mansion to fully prepare for the wedding, and they had enough time to do everything.

It was also convenient for guests living on remote planets to take an interstellar flight and fly to the Central Star from a large distance away.

As for the guests who really couldn’t rush over, and the group of netizens who wanted to come to see the wedding but didn’t have wedding invitations…

——After hearing about it, Butler Anderson of the Duke’s Mansion had already begun negotiating with the Central Star’s royal family regarding the live broadcast business on the wedding day!

The Duke’s Mansion will definitely satisfy everyone’s wishes, and let everyone watch their cute cub get married with their own eyes!

“Mianmian.” On this day, Sivir watched Tu Mianmian drink the bitter concoction, and asked while wiping Tu Mianmian’s mouth, “Do you want to visit the wedding venue?”

Seeing him frowning, Sivir quickly handed over the sugar water.

Today was the last day for Tu Mianmian to drink anti-miscarriage medicine, following Professor Tan’s doctor’s advice, and tomorrow he will be able to stop suffering from this bitter taste.

His Little Prince won’t continue to suffer.

“The wedding venue?” Tu Mianmian tilted his head and thought for a while.

It had been more than a month since he was found to be pregnant.

Tu Mianmian’s appearance didn’t undergo any great changes, and the nursing team had already made sure of his health, and they were no longer as nervous as at the beginning.

Coupled with the impact of time and the lack of fanatical fans outside, Tu Mianmian was no longer strictly restricted from going out.

“Then go.” Tu Mianmian nodded.

He felt that going out this time could be used as a celebration to bid farewell to the bitter medicine, and since he hadn’t gone out for a long time, he readily agreed with the suggestion and went out for a walk with the Duke happily.

The Cathedral of Santo Dro was located in a corner of the Central Star.

The cathedral was not a part of the bustling areas of the Central Star, and so with few people, the atmosphere was quiet and peaceful.

Because the surrounding greenery was done very well, even the air seemed a little fresh and different.

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The Cathedral of Santo Dro, which used to be quiet and deserted, became lively after the personnel from the Duke’s Palace were stationed there to arrange the wedding venue.

Countless netizens who came after hearing the wedding news wanted to check in and visit, but unfortunately they were not allowed in, and were directly blocked by patrol robots.

It can be seen from the crowds lingering outside the cathedral every day—the wedding of the Duke and Duchess has become a highly anticipated event.

The airship from the Duke’s Mansion crossed the cordon and landed in the square in front of the cathedral.

Tu Mianmian and Sivir got off the airship.

The building in front of them was tall and majestic, the spire at the top almost soared into the sky, the original snow-white outer wall had become slightly yellowed over the long years, and the marble embossed windows reflected sparkling light under the artificial sunlight.

The music fountain at the center of the square was ringing out a beautiful melody, crisp and sweet.

A slender column of water spurted from the fountain, and the water in the pool at the bottom circulated, gurglingly.

In front of them was a cathedral left over from a previous era, with a serene and simple atmosphere.

Behind them was an airship with advanced technology.

The comparison between the two was full of a sense of fantasy and of changing times.

Tu Mianmian raised his head, and couldn’t help sighing: “Wow…”

Tu Mianmian’s eyes were shining brightly, Sivir turned his head to look at him, and thought he was cute, so he lowered his head and kissed Tu Mianmian’s cheek.

“Ahhhhh we’re dead—!!!” There was a sudden scream from behind them.

Tu Mianmian and Sivir both turned their heads, and found that a group of people were looking at them excitedly outside the cordon.

One of them, it was hard to know whether they were short-sighted or something, but they were looking through a pair of  binoculars and waved happily at them.

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Sivir: “?”

What kind of new operation is this?

Seeing Tu Mianmian and Sivir turn their heads, the crowd burst into even more enthusiastic cheers.

“His Royal Highness must take good care of my Mianmian!”

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“Mianmian! Look at mom! Mom loves you!”

“His Highness the Duke’s boyfriend power is MAX! Mianmian is so cute!!! Sprinkling candy and kissing in public is too sweet!”

“It’s not in vain that I came to the city from the countryside! Grandma, I saw your peerless cutie, grandma—”

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo——I saw Mianmian, my good boy!”

Tu Mianmian showed a dazed face, and after listening carefully to their shouts for a while, he suddenly realized that these were all his fans.

He immediately waved happily to the fans as a greeting.

After getting a response, the fans shouted even louder, almost turning the sky upside down.

And more and more people heard the news and came over.

Sivir pinched Tu Mianmian’s cheeks, recruited more patrol robots to maintain order, and walked into the cathedral with Tu Mianmian, leaving the group of women who wanted to be his mother-in-law behind.

The Lord Duke is so cruel.



In the cathedral, the empty ceiling was decorated with bright and festive decorations.

“Duchess, Your Grace.”

The busy robots in the cathedral greeted Sivir and Tu Mianmian as they passed by.

Sivir nodded in greeting, and took Tu Mianmian’s hand and sat down on a bench in a corner.

He wrapped Tu Mianmian’s hand in his palm.

The two of them didn’t speak for a moment, they just watched the people and the robots busily coming and going, and it was interesting to hear one shout and two complaints, and such a lively and warm scene.

Tu Mianmian looked around the interior decoration of the cathedral, looked at the bright stained glass windows, and saw the wedding decorations.

Suddenly, he felt that his heart was very stable.

Sivir seemed to have sensed something, turned his head and asked in a low voice, “Mianmian, what’s wrong?”

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