“Mianmian, what’s wrong?” Sivir turned his head and asked.

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Tu Mianmian shook his head and shook his feet, “It’s nothing.”

Sivir still looked at Tu Mianmian, and squeezed his palm, as if he didn’t believe his words.

The little husband had been fed well during this time, and he had finally grown some flesh on his body.

His palms were warm and fleshy, and the Duke felt it was very comfortable to touch.

Tu Mianmian’s hand were itchy from being touched, and he pulled his fat paw out of the Lord Duke’s hand.

He rolled his eyes, and beckoned to him, signaling His Excellency the Duke to lean over.

Tu Mianmian was acting mysterious, and whispered to Sivir: “I really have nothing wrong, I just feel that today I love you more than yesterday.”

Sivir: “…”

The Duke who leaned over to listen sat up straight again.

He straightened his body, looked straight ahead, and looked into the unknown distance.

There was a little redness at the tips of his ears, and if one looked carefully, they could see a hint of a smile that couldn’t be concealed from the corners of the Duke’s tightly pursed lips.

Your Excellency the Duke was so shy.

Tu Mianmian poked Sivir’s arm.

“Cough.” Sivir clenched his hand into a fist and coughed softly with it against his lips.

“Mianmian.” He lowered his head and touched the soft lips of his little sweetheart, and with a smile in his eyes said: “I love you too.”

The Duke’s voice was very small, and the private whisper was only audible between the two.

The Duke and the young husband fell into a love-love atmosphere with each other for a while, making all of the others envious.

Then they walked around the cathedral, and after getting acquainted with the venue, they headed home.

When they returned to the Duke’s Mansion, Judy was waiting for them.

As soon as they came back, they were immediately called over to choose the style of suits to be worn on their wedding day.

After the suit styles were selected, they would start to be made, and after completion, they’ll be fine-tuned according to their body measurements.

It takes a lot of work.

“So good.” Tu Mianmian looked at the display pictures of various suit styles, and exclaimed, “But these suits are so slim.”

Sivir: “?”

“Yes.” The Duke was a little at a loss.

The suit does show your waist.

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“Think about it.” Tu Mianmian sighed.

He compared his waist width with the suit display picture on the light brain, “I’m pregnant with twins.”

“By the time of the wedding, I’ll be pregnant for several months. Won’t I get bigger?” The little husband frowned sadly, “Will my belly protrude and be round?”

“Should…” His Excellency the Duke hesitated slightly, he looked at Mianmian who was still thin.

After thinking about the appearance of his pregnant husband, he said honestly, “It should be a little protruding.”

Tu Mianmian: “…”

“I don’t want to be ugly!” Tu Mianmian suddenly lost his strength and fell limp.

He fell prone on the Duke’s body, and was wrapped up in the Duke’s arms.

When the time comes for their wedding, the Duke will be facing everyone still handsome, but he will be fat.

It will be too sad to compare.

Tu Mianmian felt hurt, and he shed tears of heartache, “I don’t want to become an ugly rabbit!”

“No.” Sivir patted Tu Mianmian’s head, coaxing him warmly.

How could he be ugly? No matter what, the little husband is cute.

“His Royal Highness, Duchess.” The home service robot strolled over, interrupting the intimacy between the Duke and his little husband.

The robot presented a small logistics package: “There is a new package.”

Sivir nodded slightly and reached out to take it.

The home service robot left after handing over the package, and Tu Mianmian curled up in Sivir’s arms, watching him open the package.

There was an exquisite, velvet gift box in the package, and there were two silver rings quietly lying in the gift box.

The custom wedding rings arrived.

The style of the wedding rings were simple and elegant, with the names of Tu Mianmian and Sivir engraved on the rings.

Tu Mianmian became interested when he saw them, he got out of the Duke’s arms, took a wedding ring and placed it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

He held the wedding ring in front of his eyes, and the sunlight pouring in from the floor-to-ceiling windows shone on the wedding ring, intertwined with gold and silver, and gave off a dazzling brilliance.

Through the circle of the ring held in his fingers, Tu Mianmian saw that the Duke was watching him intently.

He tilted his head: “?”

Sivir laughed, raised his hand to take the wedding ring from Tu Mianmian’s hand, “Try it.”

He raised Tu Mianmian’s palm, holding the wedding ring and slowly putting it on him.

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The wedding ring was just the right size and fit perfectly.

Sivir lowered his head and stared at Tu Mianmian’s white finger with the wedding ring on, a smile appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

He lowered his head and placed a light kiss on the silver wedding ring.

“It’s very beautiful.” Sivir stroked Tu Mianmian’s palm, only Tu Mianmian’s figure was reflected in his emerald green eyes: “It’s very suitable.”

There was an indescribable sense of fate in Sivir’s heart.

It seemed like as long as he placed this wedding ring on Mianmian’s finger, Tu Mianmian would be his forever, and ever.

The wedding ring made of a special metal felt slightly cool when it was just worn, but after a while, it was covered by his own body temperature.

Tu Mianmian withdrew his hand, placed his hand in front of him and looked at it repeatedly.

His hands were fleshy, but his knuckles were firm, and they hadn’t piled up flesh yet.

Tu Mianmian raised his head, and when he met Sivir’s eyes, there seemed to be a different kind of affection spreading between the two.

“—Oops!” Tu Mianmian suddenly yelled in shock.

Sivir was stunned, and recovered from the lovey-dovey mood due to Mianmian’s clamor, “Mianmian, what’s the matter?”

Tu Mianmian looked at his hand, thinking, with a serious expression as if he was doing scientific research: “ that time, will my fingers become too fat!? Too thick to wear a wedding ring?!”

Sivir: “…”

Sivir moved his lips, but he couldn’t answer after all.

The little sweetheart who ruined the atmosphere sighed resentfully, lowered his head, and patted his belly sadly.

Little bastard! Destroying your ‘mother’! Come out and get beaten!


Time passed by, and it was more than a month in the blink of an eye.

At this point in time, Tu Mianmian was already quite pregnant.

The originally slender waist became a little bloated, and a rounded arc bulged out, just like the little belly that only appeared when he was full.

The Chaoyang Empire has not had a newborn baby for a long time, and Tu Mianmian was the first pregnancy in twenty years for the empire.

In addition, it was still a relatively rare pregnancy with twins, and so all the nurse robots in the nursing team were a little nervous.

For the sake of Mianmian’s body and the fetuses, he was restricted from moving around a lot again.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

I’m too cute to be locked up.jpg

Vigorous exercise was not allowed, and the little rabbit who was locked up was unhappy.

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His Excellency the Duke went out again to check on the progress of the wedding venue and the layout of the Santo Dor Cathedral, and so the way for him to vent his anger on the Duke would not work.

So, when His Excellency the Duke came back from the outside, he saw a gloomy little husband.

The Duke, who had just inspected the wedding venue, was in a good mood, and greeted his little husband, “Mianmian.”

Hearing his call, Tu Mianmian glanced at him and said nothing.

He, Rafael Tu Mianmian, was nothing more than a captive dodder.

“Mianmian?” Seeing that Tu Mianmian was ignoring him, Sivir stepped forward and sat down beside Tu Mianmian, kissing his cheek.

That’s a great move.

Tu Mianmian admits that he had been coaxed a little and felt better because of the kiss.

He moaned twice, and fell into Sivir’s arms, “Why don’t you just lock me up in a cage? I’m not allowed to go out, and I’m not allowed to walk around.”

Sivir: “?”

The Duke was very wronged, he was innocent in this case.

“What’s wrong?” Sivir hugged Tu Mianmian and lifted him into his arms, letting him sit on his lap.

“Mmm.” Tu Mianmian agreed to communicate, “I’ll tell you.”

He pressed up against the Duke’s ear, and whispered, “I want to run around.”

Tu Mianmian glanced secretly at the corner of the living room where the nurse robots were and complained in a very low voice: “…but they don’t allow me to run around.”

Speaking up about this matter, Tu Mianmian expressed his aggrievedness.

When he was in the form of a lop-eared rabbit, there was nothing wrong with running and jumping—these were all instincts! It was a natural skill!

And he also patted his chest to the nurse robots and promised that he would never jump high or far, and just run around on the ground.

It didn’t work either.

After hearing this, a smile flashed across Sivir’s eyes, and he looked down at Tu Mianmian in his arms.

The little husband’s mouth was pouting so much that you could hang a bottle of oil on it. (T/N: just a saying to emphasize that a person was pouting a lot)

“Let’s go.” Sivir kissed Tu Mianmian’s nose, and said in a very low voice, “I’ll take you for a sneaky run.”

The Duke’s petting was at MAX level.

Tu Mianmian’s eyes lit up, and he was obediently led by the Duke back to the bedroom by his fat paw.


In the bedroom—

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Sivir tightly closed the door of the room, and nodded towards Tu Mianmian who was lingering beside him.

Then, Tu Mianmian happily transformed back into the form of a lop-eared rabbit.

He happily squatted on the bed and shook his fur, then moved his rabbit’s claws, eager to run around.

—Spin! Jump! Bunny closes his eyes!

Tu Mianmian parkour and ran around in the bedroom, crawled over the head of the bed, over the wardrobe, and stepped on top of the Duke’s head.

And finally jumped back onto the big bed—didn’t fall, and landed perfectly!

Oh! What a perfect ending! Beautiful!

Mianmian Rabbit squatted on the crumpled bed sheets, proudly puffing out his fluffy chest.

It’s not that he is bragging, but there’s really nothing to say about his bunny jumping ability!

Look, what a perfect landing! Extremely Beautiful!

Sivir laughed, he stepped forward to rua Mianmian. (T/N: ‘rua’ basically means to rub or pet)

Just as his palm was stroking Tu Mianmian, he heard a knock on the door from outside the bedroom.

Mianmian Rabbit: “?”

Mianmian tilted his head, and his rabbit jiojio pressed against the Lord Duke’s palm, and pushed the palm away.

Go see who’s out there!

Get rid of them! I’m going to sneak around for another round!

Mianmian Rabbit, who can usually be touched casually without giving money, will not be given rua today, so Sivir can only open the door to see who is outside the bedroom.

After the door was opened, standing outside was Professor Tan.

“Your Highness the Duke.” Old Professor Tan greeted Sivir.

When he raised his eyes, he felt like he saw rabbit fur flying in the air behind the Duke.

“?” Old Professor Tan adjusted his glasses, and when he wanted to take a closer look, the Duke moved his steps slightly and quietly blocked his sight.

Old Professor Tan: “…”


Old Professor Tan didn’t mean to pry into other people’s privacy.

He looked away and said with his hands behind his back: “I did a physical examination and a pregnancy sac examination for the Duchess a while ago, and I got the results yesterday.”

Old Professor Tan pondered for a moment, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of the nose, and said: “There are two things that I want to explain to Your Highness and the Madam.”

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