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Behind Sivir, noise rushed in along with a large group of people.

They were the troops that followed to pick up Tu Mianmian, the adjutants Anna and Yuri took the lead, followed by officers and soldiers of the military department.

Many maids and home service robots from the Duke’s Mansion also mixed in, cheering them on.

“Come to pick up the bride!!”

“Wrong, wrong, the Duchess is a man!”

“Oh oh! Come to pick up the groom?”


Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was lively and very happy.

These people also gave small salutes, and manually released colored flower paper ribbons which flew all over the living room of the Duke’s Mansion in an instant, and scattered all over the floor.

Many more fell on top of everyone’s heads.

Someone scooped up colored silk from the air and patted the heads of the people around him, euphemistically calling it “staining happiness”.

You tease me, I tease you, forming a scene of ecstatic dancing.

Judy looked at this group of husky-like bridesmaids with a funny expression on her face.

Affected by the atmosphere, the sadness in her heart of sending Mianmian cubs to get married faded away, and she became happy.

There was a lot of excitement in front of her, but there was a little silence around her. Judy turned her head to look suspiciously: “?”

Sivir still maintained the posture of kneeling on one knee, and he kissed the back of Tu Mianmian’s hand, then raised his head and waited for his reaction.

Tu Mianmian also lowered his head and looked at Sivir steadfastly, but there was no other reaction.

Sivir: “…”

Tu Mianmian: “…”

The two idiots who were playing with colored silk in the living room also noticed something happening, and looked over here.

The atmosphere seemed to be quiet for a while, but Tu Mianmian still didn’t move, and Judy pushed him gently from the side.

Tu Mianmian was affected by the thrust and suddenly came back to his senses.

When he saw Sivir in front of him, his heart tightened for a moment, and he held the palm of the Duke with his backhand, and pulled him up forcefully.

Sivir followed the trend and heard Tu Mianmian say, “Okay, okay. You come and pick me up, and I’ll go with you.”

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“I, I’m getting married for the first time. I’m sorry, I was a little nervous just now.” Tu Mianmian was shy.

Sivir: “…”

Tu Mianmian was ignorant, raised a smiling face to the Duke, and said confidently: “But it’s okay! It won’t happen next time!”

The smile on the corner of Sivir’s lips was a little stiff: “… …”

He was thinking about something very subtle in his heart, looked at his little husband silently for a while, and then said: “Mianmian…”

The two fools behind the Duke came forward to help resolve the embarrassing atmosphere.

Yuri was the first to bear the brunt, and said loudly: “It’s okay! It’s okay! It’s the first time for everyone, so you will inevitably be a little nervous!


“…” Judy looked at her good friend Anna, seeing her excited face, feeling that she had been overwhelmed by joy and lost her mind.

She cleared her cough, “Now, Your Royal Highness, please take Madam to the ship.”

Butler Anderson was at the Cathedral, and Judy was the person in charge of the Duke’s mansion, and so everyone obeyed her command.

Sivir immediately hugged Tu Mianmian horizontally, and princess carried him out with large strides.

The others surrounded them and went out with a huff.

Outside the Duke’s mansion, there was a ship that had been decorated with colorful decorations.

After the Duchess boarded the ship, the cruiser would take them around the Central Star, and then land in front of the Santo Dor Cathedral.

The cruiser lifted off, and the buildings underneath became smaller and smaller. After flying around the Central Star, it broke through the atmosphere and ascended into the universe.

Tu Mianmian saw the whole picture of the planet. The Capital Star of the Chaoyang Empire was a beautiful planet.

On the main color of the stone-gray planet, there was green distributed separately, which was the green area of the Central Star.

After sailing half a circle, you could still see a corner of blue, which was where the lake was located.

The whole planet of the central star is dotted with dots of light, flickering on and off, like thousands of stars blinking one after another.

This was originally the defense mechanism of the planet. In peacetime, it looked like a beautiful scene from the outside.

The planet was just one among the vast and boundless universe.

The nebula in the universe was gradually changing, and the appearance of the galaxy very much resembled the starry sky of the universe that the Duke once showed him.

“It’s beautiful.” Tu Mianmian laid at the porthole, staring at the planet.

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He seldom went out. He had stayed on the Central Star for so long, and he didn’t know the distribution of the large and small buildings on the Central Star. Today was the first time he saw it in panorama.

Sivir looked at the face of the planet, and then looked sideways at Tu Mianmian.

He stroked Tu Mianmian’s hair, “There are still many beautiful planets in the Empire.”

Tu Mianmian turned to look at Sivir after hearing that.

Sivir stroked Tu Mianmian’s cheek, and said in a warm voice: “I will take you to see it from now on.”

Tu Mianmian’s eyes were slightly bright, and he nodded in joy, “That’s great!”

While the two were talking, the ship ended the parade around the planet, descended, and prepared to re-enter the range of the Central Star field.

After penetrating the planet’s defense layer, and seeing the various buildings on the ground again after clearing the clouds and mists, Sivir suddenly called Tu Mianmian: “Mianmian.”

“Huh?” Tu Mianmian looked at him.

Thousands of stars seemed to be crushed into Sivir’s eyes, shining brightly. There was only Tu Mianmian in his emerald green eyes, and he said with a smile, “You look really good today.”

Tu Mianmian was taken aback, and then his smile widened.


He flatteringly kissed His Excellency the Duke’s face.

When Tu Mianmian turned his head, he saw his own reflection on the porthole, and straightened his back proudly.


He was a peerless and beautiful rabbit!

Fascinated the Duke!


The ship landed in front of the Santo Dor Cathedral, and the Duke walked down with his peerless beautiful rabbit, and there was a wave of shouting oncoming.


“Ahhh Mianmian is getting married today, I’m so touched!!!”

“Mianmian! Mom loves you!!!”

“Mianmian and His Royal Highness are so well matched!”

“Your Highness, please be sure to treat our Mianmian well!”

“Mianmian, baby! You are super cute today! Mom is proud of you!”

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“His Royal Highness is 2.8 meters tall today! It’s no longer the expressionless and cold look from the front, and he just laughed! He looks so handsome! He’s so awesome!”

“Mianmian is the love rabbit of my dreams.”

“His Royal Highness is so handsome! Mianmian is super beautiful!”

Tu Mianmian heard the shouts and saw people gathered outside the cordon of Santo Dor Cathedral. It was a group of onlookers.

They do not have wedding invitations and cannot enter the cathedral. But they didn’t give up, looking forward to seeing the Duchess and the Duke, and seeing the fun with their eyes.

All of these people’s light brains were turned on, and they are all crowded in the wedding live broadcast room, unwilling to miss any pictures.

Tu Mianmian couldn’t help laughing, and waved at them, but it drew even louder cheers.

“His Royal Highness, Duchess.” The butler Anderson in a tuxedo stepped forward. He bowed slightly and gave a gentleman’s salute, “Welcome the two.”

Sivir and Tu Mianmian both nodded.

Butler Anderson stepped aside, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand forward to make a “please” gesture, “invite the two into the church.”

In front, a bright red carpet was spread from the cathedral to the musical fountain.

The guests who came to the banquet, the little elf, Dululu and Dandan Grass who were being carried by special personnel, as well as the maids of the Duke’s Mansion and domestic service robots as staff, all gathered at the entrance of the cathedral and waited, standing on both sides of the red carpet staring at Sivir and Tu Mianmian with smiles in their eyes.

Sivir walked forward with Tu Mianmian on his arm. When Mianmian stepped on the red carpet, he felt a soft touch from the soles of his feet.

The guests on both sides immediately extended their hands and applauded and laughed in good faith.

They threw the things in their hands towards Sivir and Tu Mianmian, which immediately formed a rain of flowers, colorful and fragrant flowers that represented blessings.

Both Sivir and Tu Mianmian had become familiar with the wedding process in advance, and were no strangers to this link. Seeing the fragrant flowers attacking them, they didn’t dodge, but let the light fragrant flowers fall on their bodies.

They walked side by side to the steps of the church entrance, and the closed church doors were slowly opened due to their arrival, and to welcome them.

Sivir and Tu Mianmian walked in, and the guests followed like stars holding the moon, and entered one by one.

The image of the ship parked outside the cathedral changed into a float. It merged with several other slowly approaching floats, and they all went upstream to the fixed channels of the Central Star.

Where they passed, they all left behind fragrant flowers.

The floats will parade in the sky over the bustling areas of the Central Star, and the large LED screens on the floats will broadcast live the wedding scene of the Duke and Duchess, and distribute small wedding gifts.

“Wow!!!” Someone got a small gift from the Duke’s Mansion, and after opening it, she showed the gift box to her friend beside her, “Look! It’s actually an energy stone! The Duke’s Mansion is too generous! ”

“It means His Royal Highness attaches great importance to Mianmian!” Her friend replied. While speaking, he also opened his own gift box.

Inside was a tube of a rare energy liquid, which had the effect of strengthening the body after oral administration. There was also a big red envelope under it, and inside was a star currency check.

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“It’s great!” The girl held the gift to her heart, and wept with joy: “Such a good benefit, I really hope Mianmian can marry more times!”

Old mothers get rich by marrying off Mianmian!

“Hahahahahaha, you’re  right! It would be great if he could tie it up a few more times!”

“…Well, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this sentence!”


The Central Star was booming with activity.

In the Santo Dor Cathedral, the wedding process was proceeding step by step.

As the witness of the marriage, Butler Anderson presented a marriage certificate stamped with the imperial seal of the Chaoyang Empire.

On the marriage certificate, Sivir and Tu Mianmian raised their hands and stamped the seals of the Chris family and the Raphael family respectively.

The ceremony was then completed. In addition to being recognized by the Chaoyang Empire’s laws, the marriage certificate will also be included in the histories of the two families and be carefully preserved.

Butler Anderson stepped back with the marriage certificate in both hands.

The master of ceremonies read the oath, “Mr. Sivir Chris, are you willing to have a happy relationship with Mianmian Tu Raphael…”

Amidst the solemn oath, Sivir looked sideways at Tu Mianmian.

As long as he glanced at him for a hit, the Duke’s heart would be filled with tenderness.

He said firmly but slowly swore, “I am willing.”

When it was Tu Mianmian’s turn, his answer was the same, “I am willing.”

The two on the stage exchanged wedding rings and tied each other together tightly.

The guests in the audience burst into cheers and blessings.

The petals of the holy white roses fell like rain, and the master of ceremonies read aloud the blessing words written by the guests for the Duke and Duchess.

They hugged and kissed each other amidst the noise, and after touching their lips, they looked at each other and smiled, and clasped their fingers tightly.

They will grow old together and never leave each other.

They’ve tied the knot, and promised each other.

——End of text—— BUT~!!!

KEEP a lookout for the EXTRA chapters! There’s still the after story of Sivir and Mianmian~ So it’s not completely over yet~

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