I Am the Cutest in the Universe

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annccha11-14 minutes 04.07.2022


In the Santo Dor Cathedral, the wedding scene was a lively and happy scene.

The Duchess and the Duke’s wedding live broadcast room, which was being broadcast live simultaneously, was also extremely lively.

[Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow so sweet! (Crazy screenshot)]

[Grandma cluck cluck! The fan’s real cp is married! I laughed until the robot came in and tied me to the police car and honked!]

[Ahhh! The master of ceremonies recited the words of congratulations—I wrote one of them! It’s not in vain that I forgot to eat and sleep, stayed up for three days and three nights to write a small composition praising His Highness the Duke and Mianmian’s beautiful love!]

[He also read the words of blessing I wrote! Moved! Although I am not at the wedding scene, my soul will always be by their side!]

[Uh, the upstairs is suddenly scary?]

[Speaking of which, the wedding between Mianmian and His Excellency the Duke was live broadcasted, so will the bridal chamber also be broadcast live?]


[Driving Warning! Your number is gone!]

[It’s still live, aren’t you afraid that the Duke will kill you? Hahahaha!]

[Thank you, I laughed too much.]

[You are simply not human, Mianmian is still pregnant, you just want to attack him… No, you want His Highness the Duke to attack him, you are not as good as a beast! ! !]

[Speaking of pregnancy, I just want to ask when is Mianmian’s due date? I want to give gifts to the two young highnesses! You have to prepare in advance!]

[Yes, I haven’t heard the news about Mianmian’s due date yet. Quickly rush to Mianmian’s Star Net homepage to leave a message for an answer.]

[I haven’t heard any news about Mianmian, our obedient cub, undergoing surgery to transplant a mechanical gestational sac. Is this to prepare for natural childbirth?]

[Sivir scumbag is not human! How can Mianmian suffer from natural childbirth? !]

After the wedding and banquet was held during the day, the guests took their leave one after another, and the Duke’s Mansion returned to its former tranquility.

The gentle night wind blew across the sky, and the trees in the courtyard rustled softly.

It was extremely noisy during the day, but now it was quiet at night, the gap was quite big.

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However, there was still a group of happy maids and domestic service robots in the Duke’s Mansion. So although it was not lively, it was still very warm.

After spending a tiring day, you have to have a good rest at night.

After Tu Mianmian came out of the shower, there were still drops of water hanging from the tips of his hair. His Excellency the Duke had already tidied up, and sat by the bed brushing Mianmian’s hair.

A soft towel was placed on top of his head, and he gently wiped his hair for him. While enjoying the service of the Duke, Tu Mianmian turned on the light brain to scan the star network.

“Hahahaha.” A scumbag Duke who couldn’t get past his title, appeared on the star network again. Tu Mianmian held up the light brain to show Sivir: “Look at it.”

Sivir took a glance and scanned the comments with his eyes.

Sivir: “…”

He shook his head and couldn’t help laughing. When Sivir’s expression was so vivid, he looked even more handsome.

Sivir stopped wiping his hair, leaned over and kissed Tu Mianmian’s lips, “It’s okay, they just like you too much.”

On this day of great joy, His Excellency the Duke was extraordinarily tolerant.

He magnanimously expressed his tolerance and understanding for the unbearable behavior of netizens, and did not give away a Dark Shark Coupon to those rowdy netizens.

“They like you too much.” Hearing this, Tu Mianmian gnawed on the Duke’s lips, actively deepening the kiss.

The little husband’s turn was too fast, and he almost lost his waist.

Sivir was stunned for a second before reacting, and then promptly knocked down the active little husband.

The two exchanged a fiery kiss.

It wasn’t until the little husband was so dizzy from the kiss and was almost out of breath that they announced the end.

The towel was used to wipe off his hair, but Mianmian’s silky hair was still moist.

Sivir placed down the towel and changed to the hair dryer to dry Tu Mianmian’s hair.

The warm hot wind blew on the top of his head, occasionally passing over his cheeks and neck, which was very comfortable.

Amidst the howling wind blown, Mianmian leaned on Sivir’s lap, his straight waist collapsed, and the whole person relaxed for a while, and no one spoke. Only the sound of the wind from the hair dryer sounded, and the atmosphere was warm and tender.

The hair dryer stopped, and Sivir reached out and inserted his hand into Tu Mianmian’s wavy hair, and combed it.

His hair was dry and soft, and Sivir said, “Mianmian, your hair is dry now, you can go to sleep.”

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Tu Mianmian didn’t respond for a long time. Sivir looked down, only to find that Tu Mianmian had already fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

He hugged Tu Mianmian, tucked him into bed, packed his things and turned off the lights.

After lying on the bed, Sivir held Tu Mianmian’s hand and placed his arms around his little husband before falling asleep.

On the hands with intertwining fingers, there were exactly the same wedding rings.

In the few days after Sivir and Tu Mianmian’s wedding ceremony, the topic of the grand wedding had not diminished, and people were still talking about it.

Someone compared the prices and calculated the approximate cost before and after the wedding. The degree of luxury could be described as a once in a century treasure.

When everyone was full of emotions about the wealth of the Duke’s Mansion on the star network, Tu Mianmian and Sivir were already planning to transfer the fetus into the mechanical gestational sac.

The customized mechanical gestational sac had been prepared. Compared with ordinary mechanical gestational sacs, this gestational sac that needed to accommodate twins was larger and more precise.

Professor Tan gave Tu Mianmian a physical examination every half a month. After confirming the relevant data and the parameters and settings on the mechanical gestational sac, the operation time was set.

On the day of the transfer operation, a large group of people from the Duke’s Mansion couldn’t sit still. They all followed Tu Mianmian and Sivir to the Central Star Royal Hospital, waiting nervously and expectantly.

In the royal hospital—

The nurse robots were busy preparing the supplies for the operation. Tu Mianmian put on a clean surgical gown and waited in the ward for the nurse robots to pick him up.

Sivir sat beside him, holding his hand, offering him silent comfort.

“Duchess.” A nurse robot stood outside the door of the ward and called, “Please follow me to the operating room.”

When the time came, Tu Mianmian suddenly became a little nervous. Outsiders were not allowed to enter the operating room, and His Excellency the Duke could not continue to accompany him.

Tu Mianmian turned his head to look at Sivir, and found that Sivir’s expression was calm and stable, and he didn’t seem worried or nervous at all.

After Sivir met his gaze, he gave him a soothing and gentle look.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

“Sivir.” Tu Mianmian suddenly called, and asked the Duke, “If you were asked to keep the big one or keep the young one, how would you choose?”

“Big one.” Sivir subconsciously replied.

Immediately, he came back from his thoughts, and felt a little helpless: “…”

“Mianmian, don’t let your imagination run wild.” Sivir touched Tu Mianmian’s cheek, he already understood all the contents of the operation in advance.

So, he comforted Tu Mianmian in a warm voice and said, “Don’t worry, there is no risk in the operation.”

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“No.” Tu Mianmian chuckled, “I was just teasing you.”

Tu Mianmian said, “Actually, the bulge is gone.” (T/N: I think he’s trying to joke that the baby is gone.)

Sivir : “…”

Sivir: “…”

Mianmian’s lingering words made Sivir’s heart flutter, and he became inexplicably nervous.

Tu Mianmian suddenly relaxed when he saw the Duke’s nervous appearance.

The tension transfer method really worked. You see, he wasn’t nervous at all now, and his mentality was in very good shape. He even wanted to drink a bottle of nutrient solution.


The transfer of the twins to the mechanical gestational sacs went very well.

The door of the operating room was opened, and the mechanical gestational sac was fixed on a special instrument, and was sent to the nurturing room in the Duke’s Mansion for placement.

Everyone in the Duke’s Mansion waiting outside the operating room got up together, looking at the nurse robots coming out of the operating room with implicit expectation.

Sivir took the lead and strode forward.

Seeing the Duke approaching, the nurse robot immediately smiled.

She turned the mechanical gestational sac instrument that she was escorting in her hand so that the Duke could take a look at the twins who already had tiny hands and feet.

But Sivir passed her by, without giving the twins a look.

Nurse Robot: “…”

Sivir blocked Old Professor Tan who came out of the operating room and asked, “How is Mianmian?”

Old Professor Tan nodded slightly, “The Duchess and the two young highnesses are in good condition.”

Behind him, Tu Mianmian, who had not yet woken up from the operation, was lying on the hospital bed, and the nurse robots were escorting him to the ward by his bedside.

Sivir heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart, which was frightened by Tu Mianmian earlier, instantly settled down.

He walked with Tu Mianmian’s hospital bed, and when he passed the mechanical gestational sac, the nurse robot called out tentatively: “Duke, Your Excellency?”

Sivir stopped and turned to look at her.

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The nurse robot smiled: “Would you like to see the twins?”

“What am I looking at?” Sivir glanced at the mechanical gestational sac with a calm expression: “They can be placed where they should be.”

After finishing speaking, he hurried to Mianmian’s hospital bed.

“…” The nurse robot sighed.

Alas, the two young highnesses seem to have little weight in their father’s heart.

Tu Mianmian slept soundly in the ward for more than half an hour. After the effect of the anesthesia passed, he opened his eyes in a daze.

“Mianmian.” Tu Mianmian heard someone calling him, turned his head over, and saw Sivir who was watching him beside the hospital bed.

“Mmh.” Tu Mianmian replied vaguely, before fully waking up.

Sivir helped Tu Mianmian tuck the corner of the quilt, kissed his cheek, and asked softly, “Is there any discomfort?”

Tu Mianmian tilted his head to take measure of his body.

Apart from the slight discomfort caused by the sudden loss of weight in his abdomen, there was no other feeling.

This was the benefit of the straight-line increase in the medical level in the Interstellar Era. Tu Mianmian only needed to be observed in the hospital for 24 hours. After there was no abnormality found in the body, he could go home.

And during these twenty-four hours, all the matters of serving Tu Mianmian, His Excellency the Duke would not leave it in the hands of others, and he would do it himself.

Washing Tu Mianmian’s feet, feeding Tu Mianmian, and taking care of Tu Mianmian’s other needs…

As for the twins in the mechanical gestational sac?

His Excellency the Duke didn’t bother to ask, his eyes were full of his little lover.


“Sigh.” Butler Anderson closed the door of the ward, blocking the affectionate scene of the Duke and Duchess inside.

He couldn’t help sighing: “What should I do, both His Royal Highness and Madam don’t care much about the two young Highnesses.”

This pair of young fathers seemed unreliable.

“Right now Madam and His Royal Highness are both in the hospital, so of course they can only see each other.” Judy comforted from the side, “The little Highnesses are in the Duke’s Mansion, not in front of His Highness and Madam.”

Judy continued to say bluntly: “When Madam and His Royal Highness return to the Duke’s Mansion and can get close to the little Highnesses, we can have real parent-child interaction.”

Butler Anderson thought for a moment, nodded, and was reluctantly persuaded.

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