Tu Mianmian looked and acted as usual after finishing the communication with the Duke.

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After a slightly long lunch break, Mianmian went back to the park on time to continue the live broadcast in the afternoon.

The maids in the Duke’s Mansion baked some sweet and delicious biscuits in their spare time.

And like feeding a small animal, they handed them all to Tu Mianmian for him to munch on or give away.

Mianmian gave a lot to Xu Taotao and Robbins, and he also picked up a few biscuits to eat, his mouth moving like a hamster gnawing on food.

It didn’t take long for Bob and the director to return, walking side by side.

In the morning, Bob looked like a fiery fireball. In the afternoon, he looked like a cold lump of ice.

The director simply said a few words and then turned to operate the live cameras.

Bob stared at the director’s back for a while, and then glanced at Tu Mianmian inadvertently and quickly retracted his gaze.

After that, I don’t know if it was an accident or intentional, when Bob passed by Tu Mianmian, his shoulder hit Mianmian heavily!

Mianmian was knocked back a step on the spot, and the small biscuit held in his palm fell down, leaving him with a look of pain on his face.

Ow! The little rabbit’s arm was going to be hit blue!

When Bob saw Tu Mianmian’s pained expression, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He let out a cold “hum” and walked away.

[…? Will there be such an exciting scene on the live broadcast? Is it a prelude to a fight?]

[Ahhh Bob! Shameless! Mianmian, I’m here to help you~ blow, woo, woo, pain fly away~]

[Why is Bob still there? And he hasn’t been replaced as a guest after the incident of harming the mutant flower in the morning?]

[Aren’t there investors backing him? I guess that he’ll be withdrawn after filming this episode. Otherwise, he and the investors wouldn’t be able to bear the responsibility if a replacement had to be found for a new director on the spot.]

[Protect our little cutie!]

[Bob is too naive.]

[What is Robbins doing? The mouth is moving, but why don’t I hear a sound?]

Robbins: “I #%*Bob you#%*…”

Robbins was scolding the shameless Bob fiercely.

But after some of his words were recorded by the flying live camera, the rest was blocked because of uncivilized words, and the audience could only hear silence.

Seeing the live broadcast cameras that were hidden in the morning flying around, Tu Mianmian patted Robbins on the shoulder, signaling him to forget about it.

Mianmian looked down at the broken biscuits on the ground and frowned.

He sighed, and seeing that Bob had already gone far away, he didn’t chase after him, but just remembered this grievance in his heart.

Xu Taotao found a cleaning robot to clean up the biscuits on the ground.

Afterwards, everyone was aware of this matter, but they left it alone for the time being.

Strictly speaking, this popular science reality show has a lot of explosive points and highlights already, so there wasn’t a need for more.

In the afternoon, Xu Taotao, who got closer to Tu Mianmian and Robbins because of the biscuits they shared, didn’t look so cold anymore.

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The three of them got along very well, and at the same time, they cooperated to enhance the effect of the show.

While making the live audience laugh, they also instilled a lot of knowledge about mutant plants around them.

Although the huge audience originally came for the excitement, the number of people continued to get bigger and bigger.

On a side note, Bob always acted independently from Tu Mianmian and the other three.

So most of the audience didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

Unfortunately, when it was his turn to choose a team task from the task robot, Tu Mianmian ended up in a group with Bob.

Tu Mianmian sighed deeply in reluctance.

Bob’s icy expression softened a little, and even the corner of his mouth curled up a bit in a little smile that looked extremely malicious.

The team task was to dig mud in the lake and pond area.

The silt used to cultivate the mutant lotus needs to be replaced every day.

Usually, robots are responsible for all the affairs in this mutant plant park, and now they’re handed over to the guests to complete.

To get to the lake and pond area of Yizhi Park, you need to pass through a tree-lined avenue.

Tu Mianmian and Bob walked down the path together, separated, and far apart.

There are vines growing in the woods on both sides.

It’s known that these vines don’t like things that fly around, so all the live cameras that followed rose high into the air, recording Mianmian and Bob from a distance.

Bob looked back and saw that the live cameras were far away in the sky behind them and there was no one nearby.

He sneered and turned his head to taunt Mianmian, “Don’t think that you won the honor of having infinite favorability with a mutant plant, and you can be unscrupulous.”

“If it wasn’t for you, could I have been so embarrassed today?”

Bob stared at Mianmian: “I’m telling you, it’s better for an ignorant guy like you to get out early.”

He continued to say maliciously: “Otherwise, if you block my way, don’t blame me for doing something to you.”

“Really?” Tu Mianmian turned his head to look at him, and said slowly, “Then what do you want to do to me?”

Grill? Stir fry? Or peel the skin to make a rabbit fur scarf?

“Actually, I’ve always been puzzled.” Tu Mianmian said while taking something small as a bead from the top of his head, “Why are you always targeting me?”

“It’s clear that everything is your own fault.”

The old teacher Tu Mianmian: “You need to find the reason from yourself, instead of pushing the pot to others.”

Mianmian pinched the little bead between his fingers.

What, isn’t that a live camera?!

Bob: “…”

Bob’s face changed instantly. White turns blue, blue turns black, then it became colorful, like an overturned paint tray.

His threats to Tu Mianmian were seen by the audience!

Bob’s face was extremely ugly, and his eyes seemed to have flames of anger gushing out.

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He glared at Tu Mianmian, “You deceived me!”

“You actually hid the live camera on your body, just waiting to catch me. You little snake!” Bob convinced himself like this and pointed at Tu Mianmian shouting:

“I couldn’t see it, you were so scheming!”

“I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense.” Tu Mianmian shook his little head and denied, “It hid in my hair by itself.”

At this time, the live camera suddenly broke free from Tu Mianmian’s hand and hovered in front of the two of them.

After a ‘buzzing’ terminal connection sound rang out, the director’s voice came out clearly: “I was afraid there would be a lack of live broadcast images, so I issued close-up shooting instructions to this camera.”

The director’s tone was flat and calm, as if this was a common occurrence.

Then, probably afraid of being crushed by Bob in anger, the live-streaming camera rushed into the sky with a ‘swoosh’ and joined its buddies in the sky.

Bob: “…”

Bob felt dizzy for a while, and he was panting heavily, like an angry bull.

He stared at Tu Mianmian with red eyes.

After gasping a few breaths, he strode forward, and his terrible anger could be seen even from the view of his back.

[My God, the director hit back! Did he pierce Bob’s heart?]

[Hahahahahaha, the director will always be the the director, too hardcore.]

[Mianmian lays down innocently.]

[I couldn’t see it, Bob is so two-faced, one way on the surface and another way behind others.]

[Is it so interesting to say that about Bob? Wasn’t he so extreme because the other three didn’t play with him? It’s obvious Tu Mianmian took the lead in crowding Bob out. A newcomer dares to do this, and you say he’s not scheming?]

[You’re right, Bob wasn’t like that before. Do you know how cheerful and gentle he used to be? Since he came to this show, he’s been influenced by Tu Mianmian, which is why he has become what he is now!]

[? ? ?]

[Stunned. I suddenly understood the sentence: Sure enough, what kind of idols have what kind of fans.]

[Hey, don’t try to talk nonsense again. When he just debuted without any support, do you think it would be easy to bully him? I publicly announce the official establishment of the Mianmian Fan Support Association, sisters! Join me!]

Chaos happened in the live broadcast room, but the guests present didn’t know.

Tu Mianmian saw that Bob strode away, and several live streaming cameras followed.

He thought about it on the spot, and deliberately slowed down, hoping to wait for Bob to calm down before catching up.

However, after more than ten minutes passed, when Mianmian came out of the path, he didn’t find Bob.

So he simply wandered around the area.

This was the lake and pond area, where artificially built flower beds were and various aquatic plants.

Each flower bed was protected by a thin energy shield, and an electronic screen was suspended in front of them, which displayed the corresponding plant introduction.

The flower beds were clean and tidy.

The pond water was transparent and clear.

And most of the different plants growing were very beautiful, like a variety of different works of art, all of which Tu Mianmian had never seen before.

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“Wow…” Mianmian exclaimed and stopped in front of a protective energy shield.

Mianmian sniffed the aroma that lured him here.

The shape of this plant looked very much like Chinese cabbage, but it was also like a blooming lotus flower.

The leaves of the cabbage-like plants bloomed out one by one, and their stamens in the middle looked like morning glories.

It looks like it’ll be delicious and juicy when you bite into it.

Two words were highlighted in Tu Mianmian’s heart—want, eat.

This rabbit wants to eat some Chinese cabbage!

But it’s sad, he can’t eat.

Tu Mianmian walked away regretfully.

After walking around for a while, Tu Mianmian saw his mission target in the deepest part of the lake and pond area.

A small pond without a protective cover was marked with the words “silt for the mutant lotus”.

Tu Mianmian looked left and right, but still couldn’t find where Bob went.

He took a closer look, and the ‘silt’ was not the gray and tacky soil he imagined.

It was light blue, and looked like fine sand.

Mianmian squatted down and grabbed a handful to see what it felt like.

The feeling was a bit like the sand he had played with before, but moist.

Just as Tu Mianmian squatted down to play with the silt, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind him.

Tu Mianmian’s ears moved.

The sound of wind from running was getting closer and closer, and Tu Mianmian charged both legs and jumped to the side, hopping away with one jump.

He turned his head to look and saw that Bob, who ran from behind, had just stopped at the edge of the silt pond, looking at him who dodged with surprise.

Tu Mianmian looked Bob up and down, guessing the purpose of his actions.

“…You want to kick me down?” Mianmian narrowed his eyes.

“…” Bob’s expression was stagnant for a bit, but immediately returned to normal.

He smiled, straightened his waist and stood up straight, then tidied up his clothes that were a little messy from running too fast, and said reservedly, “I just wanted to make a joke with you.”

“Oh.” Tu Mianmian responded indifferently, “Well, I don’t blame you.”

As he said this, he took two steps towards Bob, and immediately kicked Bob’s chest without warning.

With a huge force and a ‘whoosh’ sound, Bob fell into the pond on his back, his arms and legs spread out in all directions.

The water in the pool splashed out dramatically, and after falling back down, Bob’s whole body was wet.

“I just wanted to make a joke with you too.”

Tu Mianmian stood by the pond, looking down at Bob below, and two small dimples on his cheeks were looming, “How about it, is it funny?”

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[(very loudly) See?! With this evidence, I’ll clarify to those idiots who slandered Mianmian as scheming, he would never engage in such falsehoods! If there is a problem, let’s move our hands and feet directly! We’re not afraid! Thanks!]

There was a blank look on Bob’s face as the water and mud in the pond poured over his back.

After he gradually regained his senses, his face became hideous.

“Tu! Mian! Mian!” Bob shouted out of control, “You—!!!”

The ‘silt’ that was clean enough to knead for Tu Mianmian seemed extremely dirty to Bob.

He got up from the not-so-deep pond, covered in a pale blue mud, and his tailored clothes had become completely ruined.

Bob’s hands trembled as he pointed at Tu Mianmian and said viciously: “How dare you anger me! Do you know who my uncle is?!”

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Tu Mianmian felt that this sentence was extremely familiar.

He thought about it and didn’t know who Bob’s uncle was. But that didn’t stop him from fighting back.

“Do you know who my husband is?!” Tu Mianmian straightened his back secretly, learning to speak like Bob.

He proudly raised his fluffy chest, “How dare you come to provoke me!”

When Bob heard this, his momentum stagnated and gradually weakened.

He glanced at Tu Mianmian hesitantly, and felt a bit of doubt spreading in his heart, “Who, who is your husband?”

“Hahaha!” Tu Mianmian laughed loudly, “Speaking his name will scare you to death!”

If Tu Mianmian’s little tail was outside, then at this moment it would be twirling around like a whirlwind.

From today, he’s not just a little bunny who is easy to bully!

Bob was stunned for a moment when he heard those words.

Then his face turned cold.

He thought that Tu Mianmian was just teasing himself.

So the doubts spreading in his heart disappeared.

He pulled his legs up and prepared to climb out of the pond with a gloomy face that seemed like he was about to fight Tu Mianmian to death.

Mianmian ignored Bob.

His light brain prompted a communication request, which came from the Duke.

Thinking of the discussion he had with Sivir at noon today, Tu Mianmian’s heart moved slightly.

He turned around and walked to the side, preparing to connect the communication.

He also glanced at the nearby live cameras secretly.

Mianmian was relieved after confirming that most of the cameras were faced towards him.

“Dii—“ The communication connection was successful.

After a slight pause, Sivir’s gentle and magnetic low voice came out through the light brain’s terminal: “Baby, what are you busy doing?”

Instantly, Mianmian’s ears were numbed by the word ‘baby’ that was called out.

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