“Hmm…” Tu Mianmian’s ears turned red, and he whispered back to the Duke who took on a tender and sweet script, “I’m still on the show.”

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Tu Mianmian started his performance: “Why did you suddenly call me? I’m not finished yet, on my side.”

There was a low laugh that echoed over from the Duke’s side, “Because I miss you so much.”

[What, which wild man is calling!]

[This voice is so good!!!]

[I’m dizzy, and I’m still immersed in the little cutie’s sentence “Do you know who my husband is?” I can’t help myself. Is the little cutie actually married?!]

[Is this wild man calling, our cute Mianmian’s husband? Then I have to call him a house man.]

[…Hey, why do I think this house man’s voice is particularly familiar?]

In a state of tenderness and affection, The Duke is really hard to resist when he talks in this certain way.

Tu Mianmian’s whole body felt as if it had been electrocuted, becoming crisp and numb.

He was dizzy, and shyly replied, “I, I miss you too.”

At this time, a rustling sound was heard from behind Mianmian.

Tu Mianmian turned his head and saw that it was Bob crawling out of the pond.

Bob’s face was gloomy as he shook off the light blue ‘silt’ on his body.

He stared at Tu Mianmian with narrowed eyes, and then walked towards him.

Mianmian stood stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a wonderful opportunity! A great opportunity to advance the progress of his conspiracy planned with the Duke!

Tu Mianmian immediately sent a video communication request to Sivir, and Sivir responded quickly and picked it up immediately.

Video connection established.

The light brain popped up a light curtain, and the images on both sides were displayed in front of them.

At this moment, there was silence in the live broadcast room.

On the display, Sivir was sitting on a dark red sofa with a black cloak draped over his shoulders, he was slightly relaxed and leaning back.

He had his legs crossed, his posture a bit sloppy, and the metal buckles on his military boots glowed with cold light.

His hands and fingers covered in snow-white gloves were folded on his legs, very much like the chief boss of some evil force.

However, Sivir’s expression was extremely soft, and his cold and stern eyes were relaxed.

He could even be described as gentle.

When he stared at Tu Mianmian, there was a small and dazzling light floating in his eyes, probably the light called love.

Mianmian smiled at the Duke who was dressed in an evil and charming style.

Then, he turned around the light curtain, and the video directly faced Bob who was approaching.

“…” Bob’s footsteps stagnated.

Tu Mianmian smiled and showed his white teeth, “Bob, let me introduce you, this is my husband.”

Bob: “…”

Continuing on, Tu Mianmian introduced his husband to his “mission partner”, but Bob couldn’t hear him.

He looked at the person in the video communication in front of him and felt dizzy.

His pupils shrank, and his eyes slowly widened.

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His breathing became rapid and the expression on his face was replaced by disbelief.

At the same time, the live broadcast chat room had also exploded.

[Who hit me with a stun buff?! Why, why am I a little dizzy right now?!]

[I, I’m a little short of breath.]

[Shocked my mother! Shocked my whole family!]

[Isn’t this the Duke Sivir?! Ah?! Isn’t it?! Why is he here?!]

[Mom, come and see! Your favorite army officer appeared!]

[Goodbye everyone, my home robot has already turned on the first aid mode for me. I’ll go to the medical cabin to lie down and calm down.]

[I#%&!! Mianmian is the Duchess?! (sudden loss of voice)]

[Impossible! This.. Is this a fake duke?! I remember that the Duke has always been indifferent and ruthless. I have never seen the Duke so gentle before! Must be a fake!!]


Sivir in the video was completely different from his always indifferent image.

The change was so great that it seemed like a different person.

Bob, like the live audience, had the same question.

Faced with his questioning, Tu Mianmian rolled his eyes immediately: “Can he have the same attitude towards outsiders as he does towards me?”

He is an insider!

“…” Bob and the live audience turned silent.

It makes sense and cannot be refuted.

“Mianmian.” Sivir frowned when he saw that Bob was covered in something light blue, “What are you doing now?”

“Oh…” Tu Mianmian turned the video communication back towards himself and reported to the Duke: “We are doing a mission to collect the silt needed by the mutant lotus, and have to hand it over at the mission point.”

Having said that, Tu Mianmian reached out and scratched his cheek, looking a little confused: “But I didn’t see a tool for collecting silt.”

He muttered under his breath: “How should we transport the silt to the mission point?”

“Isn’t your partner there?” Sivir’s expression was indifferent when he mentioned Bob, not as gentle as he was with Mianmian.

In his demeanor and words you can hear the indifference that he usually had in the past: “He’s already covered in mud, and letting him go to the mission point is also considered a pass.”

Bob: “…”

Tu Mianmian was overjoyed by the suggestion and almost laughed out loud.

“Good idea!” I didn’t expect the Duke to be more shrewd than him!

Mianmian looked at Bob, his eyes rolled, and it was hard to see what he was thinking.

After a bit, he said, “Bob, do you think you have enough for our mission? To be on the safe side, why don’t you dig up a little more?”

“…” Bob was silent.

But he proved that he surrendered with his actions.

He went back down to the pond, humiliatingly packed light blue mud in his jacket, and rushed to the task point to complete the mission without raising his head.

As Bob left, the nearby live cameras turned towards him, generously capturing his back view.

Tu Mianmian and Sivir took the opportunity to look at each other and exchanged glances without anyone finding out.

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Bob left quickly, but Mianmian was in no hurry.

He fell behind, walking slowly to the mission point while chatting.

He mentioned to the Duke his appreciation (want and desire) for the mutant plant that resembled a cabbage.


At this time, the live broadcast room was already full of people.

The large influx of users in a short period of time crowded the live broadcast room, and even the ten synchronous sub live broadcast rooms that were deliberately opened to divert the crowd were crumbling.

[I’m here, I’m here! I came with my little sisters to watch! Let me know how cutie fell in love! Is it sweet?]

[Sweet! Absolutely sweet! No sweets, no money!]

[Woooooo grandma! Let me burn incense and tell you that His Royal Highness the Duke is finally married! The Duchess is so cute, and this granddaughter has already helped you follow!]

[All of you give me some respect! My lord, the Duke is young! You be strict with your words! What burning incense to report to your grandma, His Royal Highness is not so old yet!]

[Grim Duke is handsome! Fan masterpieces are released in real time! The Duchess’s love for the world is unparalleled! Click to see, witness the rich and powerful love!]

[What’s going on? Why can’t my friends behind me enter the live broadcast room?]

[What’s going on in this live room?!]

The swarming crowd of enthusiastic melon eaters shocked the director.

In the morning, the attention exploded, but at that time it was Bob who made a fool of himself which attracted the onlookers and the ridicule of the melon eaters.

But at this time, the situation was even worse.

The director thought that Bob had done something earth-shattering.

When he looked, he found that it was Tu Mianmian and His Royal Highness the Duke that caused the star network to shake as if there was an earthquake.

The Duke’s sudden appearance surprised the director, but he was ecstatic at the sudden increase in attention.

Under an agitated mood, the director didn’t forget to quickly apply for special permission on the live broadcast platform.

After expanding the upper limit of the number of people in the live broadcast room and diverting them into hundreds of simultaneous sub live broadcast rooms, he was able to accommodate the enthusiastic netizens who kept coming.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the director finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

“?” Robbins, who happened to arrive at the mission point, saw the director’s wide smile.

He frowned, feeling that something was up: “What’s the matter with the director’s relieved look?”

Robbins guessed: “Did something happen again?”

“I don’t know.” Beside him, Xu Taotao handed the task item to the robot while shaking his head.

Just as the two were continuing to chat, another person came to the mission point from a distance.

As the person got closer, they saw that it was Bob covered in pale blue silt.

His coat was taken off, and there was also a clump of silt in it, which he was carrying towards the task point.

Robbins: “…”

Xu Taotao: “…”

Robbins spluttered as he said, “He, he has become like this, then, Mianmian shouldn’t have been buried by him…”

Bob brushed past Robbins, and looked up at him after hearing his words.

But Bob didn’t say a word, didn’t even change his expression, and directly sent the silt to the robot waiting at the mission point.

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The whole process was carried out in silence, and all his arrogance was gone.

Seeing this, Robbins became even more serious.

Fortunately, at that moment, Tu Mianmian’s figure also came towards them from afar, dispelling Robbins’ worries.

When he approached the mission point, Tu Mianmian said goodbye to the duke and hung up the video communication.

However, it was enough for Xu Taotao and Robbins to see clearly.

Robbins couldn’t hide his shock.

He rushed up and yelled, “Mianmian!”

He held Tu Mianmian’s hand, “Just, that now, you, you…”

Robbins’ tongue was knotted, and he paused to breathe.

After a while, he straightened his tongue and spoke again: “The person who was on the communication video just now…was that His Royal Highness Duke Sivir?!”

His Royal Highness the Duke often appeared in various military news and royal news, and it was impossible for the citizens of the Empire not to recognize him.

Tu Mianmian was very calm and nodded: “Yes.”

He smiled shyly, “He’s my husband.”

“!” Robbins covered his heart and stumbled back a few steps, “You, you hid it so well. Ah!”

Then he immediately rushed to Tu Mianmian’s side, lowered his voice, and said earnestly in Mianmian’s ear, “If your husband has any good unmarried subordinates, you must remember to introduce them to me!”

Still holding on to Tu Mianmian, he shook his hands vigorously.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Mianmian looked bewildered.

The director stepped forward and coughed.

He gathered everyone’s attention by saying a few words, and then cut to the point: “This show is now coming to an end.”

The live broadcast cameras were all facing the director as he talked with a flushed face and strongly beating heart: “The four guests and their performances were commendable…”

“According to the conventions of the show, the live audience will now vote for their favorite guests.”

The director smiled at the live cameras, “The winner will receive a big gift from the show team.”

As the director’s speech ended, the audience became lively.

In the program, the four guests who were blocked from the signal of the live room finally gained access, and they were able to watch the grand occasion directly on the star network.

As the show drew to a close, the live cameras stopped working one after another, and everyone was finally able to relax.

Robbins learned beside Tu Mianmian and said while brushing the comments on his light brain: “Many people came for the Duke and voted for you. Do you think this will be judged as cheating by the central intelligence system?”

Tu Mianmian pondered for a bit and said, “It probably won’t. If you want to judge, it can also be judged that I’m cheating!”

Robbins burst out laughing.

Unsurprisingly, the mysterious gift from the program team fell on Tu Mianmian’s head.

He received an unparalleled number of votes, leaving the other three guests far behind.

After, the guests added the finishing touches and helped with the program’s closing under the director’s direction.

Bob obediently stayed far away from Tu Mianmian the whole time, and was as quiet as a chicken.

Judy, who had accompanied Mianmian all this time, stood by the side, just waiting to bring him back to the Duke’s Mansion once everything was done.

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One of the robots slid up to Judy and said a few words to her.

Judy frowned suddenly.

Once the director announced the end and Tu Mianmian had bid farewell to Robbins and Xu Taotao one by one, Judy walked to Tu Mianmian’s side and whispered, “Madam, there are many people outside Yizhi Park right now.”

Many of the viewers were still not satisfied.

So when someone learned where the show was shooting, some of the viewers who lived on the Central Star rushed over in high spirits, ready to see the Duchess’s face.

Of course, it would be nice if you could pinch it a bit!

After all, it looked so pretty and cute in the live broadcast!

I don’t know if the real person will look better in person!

Tu Mianmian: “…”

You interstellar people are so enthusiastic.

“Then what do we do now?” Tu Mianmian asked, “Are we going to sneak away?”

Thinking about it a bit, he sighed, “They came to find me specially, if I ran away secretly, wouldn’t they have come for nothing?”

Tu Mianmian already had the conscious of being a star, and said worriedly: “Will they scold me for playing a big-name *pout*, such as doing whatever I want because I have Sivir.”

But he just debuted, and had just stood in front of everyone for the first time.

Judy looked at the Duchess in front of her and thought that he was too cute.

“Madam can see them, or not.” Judy explained: “The situation you are worried about will not happen, after all, it is their sudden visit that brought trouble to your life.”

“Is that so…” Tu Mianmian thought for a bit, “Then I’ll go take a look.”

Let me go see how many people bow down under my rabbit jiojio (T/N: paw or foot)!

Tu Mianmian didn’t know that he already had fans, so he regarded the group of interstellar people outside as melon eaters watching the fun.

He was surprised when he walked out of Yizhi Park.

It was crowded with people outside, shoulder to shoulder, and very lively.

The working robots of the park and the program team all switched to security mode, all trying to maintain order at the entrance.

The airship with the emblem of the Duke’s House was parked in front, and it was about to become surrounded by the crowd.

The originally short distance to the airship now seemed impossibly far away.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Judy: “…”

Judy’s face was numb with shock, and she quickly pulled a robot over to protect and help Tu Mianmian quickly board the airship to head home.

The power of the masses was truly great.

As Mianmian prepared to leave under protection, he was a bit panicked and embarrassed.

After finally putting Tu Mianmian on the airship, Judy breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Mianmian, this high-profile figure, was about to leave, it was still very lively and noisy outside.

Before the door of the airship had completely closed, a loud cry could be heard from somewhere—

“Ah—!!! My little darling, you’re heading home early! Mommy loves you!! Should I be happy that His Royal Highness, the old iron tree (T/N: basically means a forever-alone), bloomed and is finally married! Or should I cry that the little cutie I just became a fan of has married and become a little husband!!!”


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