[Arasaa] Book 2 ch 2

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[Junior translator-san edited]


I was waiting while breathing hard, then I heard a scream of Laurel-chan from the corridor.
And the sound of a door opening, right after.

“Please don’t do it, release me, please release me!”
Laurel was desperately resisting to Ricardo who dragged her.
When trying to swing her hand, it seemed that the nails of Laurel has scratched him, and the line of blood ran slightly on the back of Ricardo’s hand.

After dropping his eyes on the back of his hand, Ricardo looked at Laurel with a cold gaze. Laurel who apologizes with a soft voice while trembling, but it’s not Ricardo-sama if he forgives something like this.

Ricardo grabbed Laurel’s jaw and fixed her line of sight.

“The commoner like yourself dares, what do you think happens to them when they hurt this great Me,”

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“…, No, stop it!”

Ricardo cornered to the wall  retreating Laurel-chan, while floating a cruel smile, deliberately, slowly pulled off her uniform ribbon.
Laurel-chan that has been put in his hand by her neck, has come to a state of panic, and tried to escape again, but was brought down against the floor by Ricardo’s will.

“Do you think that you can escape?”

Ricardo looked at Laurel with eyes of predator looking on its prey.
He, who smiled, had a brutal atmosphere like hunting prey while bored as if he was full.
He sewed her to the floor by stepping on the skirt of Laurel who was terrified.

“… … N.. noo,”

Laurel who was trying to pull out the skirt from under Ricardo’s legs hard, heard.
” Don’t move,”

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While ridiculing her helpless resistance. Ricardo ordered with a magic in his voice.
Although magic that seals the movement of the opponent by words is quite sophisticated, Ricardo is using it without difficulty.

I wonder if it’s because he accustomed to ordering by his nature, but it was quite powerful.
If Laurel possess magical power as great as his, she should be able to compete, but Laurel is terribly frightened.

If you are frightened, your heart will weaken and you will be more exposed to magical interference.
Laurel’s motion was sealed by a command containing magical power of Ricardo-sama.

Laurel-chan in a state of carp on the cutting board, and Ricardo as if trying to crunch her from the head

“Hey!? What are you doing?”

And Levin Fitzroy takes his appearance.
Levin glanced at Ricardo with a steep look and stood up to protect trembling Laurel.

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Seeing what happened to the messed clothes of Laurel-chan, he spills out a word ‘low-life’.

“The lower aristocracy seems to be cheeky,”

Ricardo snorted and looked back at Levin-sama, who looked down on contempt.
Two people scattering sparks at each other.
Ricardo-sama, as if meeting natural enemy discouraged, and started to leave the classroom, but suddenly stopped the foot near the door, he looked back at Laurel-chan who was terrified.

“Let’s continue this after the magical match concludes.”

“… …!”

Magical match is like a duel.
Originally, students who liked the same girl began to settle it fair and square.

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Being ruined by the opponent, the other guy becoming worthless and leaves the competition.
Regardless the loser of the magical match, its a rule to follow will of the winner.
It reminds me of that rule at the moment, and Laurel’s face pales.

“It’s all right. I can help, I’ll train you. With your magical power, the possibilities aren’t zero,”
Levin like this offered cooperation, with his hand outstretched and Laurel-chan grabbed it feeling the ray of hope.
Levin and Laurel afterwards also exited the classroom.

It was the flow of the story that I knew.
I know the events that will happen later, I should be able to complete the mission of peering through the named scenes without problems, but there could be an unexpected situation.

Because of that, I was not crazy about the entanglement of the three people who I witnessed up so close.
However, I was influenced by the magical power of Ricardo’s words and wasn’t able to move freely.

“… I.. I can’t …. move..”

Ricardo sealed with his magic words Laurel’s movements, but it’s me who have forgotten the area of the magic attack – is anyone who heard it.

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