[Arasaa] Book 2 ch 3

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[Junior editor-san edited here]



Am I an idiot. ⌈Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo / dirty laughing ⌋  my center of gravity started to tilt, and I escaped from the locker. Although I was successful in my escape, I scattered over the floor against the gravity.

So I was rolling on the cold floor, waiting for the magical effect to come off.

Even thought Ricardo was pointing all strength on Laurel-chan, and I only got the aftermath, still it cannot be taken off easily.

As I got sad by my big fish jumping off the hook, suddenly the door opened with grotesque sound, just when I grew barely able to move, and a strange threesome came in.

Being unaware of how familiar this place to those three.

“Ha ha??”

“Well, what is it!?”

“Wow! Who are you!?,”

Three people rounded their eyes by seeing me crawling on my stomach. That’s right. Everybody loves when people are rolling in a dimly empty classrooms. Stumbled, three people stare at each other’s faces. They looked like evil mobs that would do bad things to Laurel later. As they approached with caution, and squatted at a distance, someone grabbed my nape, picking me up roughly.

Choking the neck tightly! Ouch! My back and neck hurts.

“Gibu” /sfx choking/

As if during sport test I got stuck in between the three of them, and they stared at me as if making fun. I’d like to complain, but as Ricardo-sama’s magical effect has not diminished, I can only groan in low voice.

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“Oh it’s a woman!”

“Wow? Seriously?”

“Face, show it to me.”

Yet another man grabbed my neck and turned me towards his face. Rude Threesome who has appeared before myself, says


Suddenly, person before myself, described my appearance as plain? Shut Up! Tiarella Norfolk has humble facial features. Just playing a role of supporting mob, just having a hard-to-remember face, but I’m not ugly!

The assistant of the author of 【flower blooming under the snow】 painted my face diligently.

Apologize, apologize to the assistant-san!

“So? What’s the plan? Let’s do her?”

” Wouldn’t it be bad if it’s found out?”

“Would it be awful if we got caught?”


“It will be fine, it’s just cleaning woman no one will find out, and even in an empty classroom at that. She’s almost telling us to do her,”

Through my anger, I heard the conversation those three were having.

To the disturbing air drifting, Eh? While I was thinking, and looking at them, the three surrounded me with a disgusting laughter.

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My sight was darkened by the shadow, and cold sweat flowed from the sweat glands here and there.

This situation is turning really bad.

Currently I am wearing work clothes for cleaning that I got by the workshop mail order. I thought about Ricardo when I was dressing up. The dress of a murky work clothes was perfect, and I look exactly like a cleaning lady.

After covering my mouth with handkerchief, what are they planning to do?

This is seriously risky.

Because the eyes of the three people shined with malice. It’s a typical rotten aristocracy. Such ridiculing gaze on the commoners, even women who are doing cleaning, as if they  treat them like things. Even me having lost my composure, thought of those guys as vulgar low-lives.

“Don’t make any noise, be thankful for us doing it for you.”


/Kachakacha/ and the metal sound rubbing against each other, my heart starts to beat faster.

eh! What? Wait A little, hey! How?

The sound of my disturbed heart was transmitted directly to my head. Evil! Due to the sense of crisis, I was released from Ricardo’s magical power. When falling into a pinch, a person exerts a bottom power. I jump up and attempt to escape, but it’s still inefficient.

“Oops, do not run away now” Being strangled by one who was behind me, it’s become impossible to move.

“Don’t, please stop it!”  Stop doing it! Miserable boys.

I will tell you! This Arasaa is a dried fish  with twice the number of experience at the age of 29! There was only one guy thought. Moreover, he was a virgin otaku, and since he was a lame ecchi lover, the experience value is near zero.

I was talking about the railroad in the midst of recalling my first experience.

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I wonder why I couldn’t concentrate or pull out any strength. Do you understand my feelings about actions like railroads? If I refused ecchi saying that this train was a forward train, I would be totally separated from the world. I am bad? No, not bad. Yup. But regret still remained that I dedicated my first time to him. That’s why in this life, I decided for my first partner to be a great guy… ….

“She’s trembling awfully… Haha poor thing.”

The tremulous trembling of  enjoying voice resulted in more hands holding me down, their laughter grew bigger. Even though I tried to kick them with my free legs, someone grabbed my legs too.

Laughing at my increasing panic.

“I will be first,”

” Ok, I will be first at the same time”, they said laughing at me, they also have no sense of guilt.

When I shook my head trying to scream and move freely, on my cheeks fell down hand with handkerchief and closed my sight. Due to the visibility being prevented, other sensations sharpen.

I felt excited warm breath from the side. Feelings of unfamiliar hands touching me. A man’s smelly body odor drifting from nearby.

Everything was terrible and disgusting, my head was pure white, and my eyes got dark.


“…… !!”

Taking off the pants from my legs smoothly, surrounded with cold air, and then a multiple hand’s crawled up.

“… …. Ah, hey … Stop …”

“Shut up!”

My mouth was blocked again and I could no longer speak. The heart moves at an abnormally high speed, and the body which trembles couldn’t get out any strength.

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… …!!!

Don’t do it! I’m scared. What should i do?!

So… someone help me!


Because the mouth is being blocked, the voice calling for help has only become a moaning sound.

It is impossible to reach the outside of the room, even if it’s echoes outside,still we are in an empty classroom where people hardly pass by. No one will come and help nor can I escape myself.

It was a time when I didn’t find the possibility to overcome the hopeless situation, it was time of sudden awkwardness.


Suddenly, clinging men separated from me.
Then I heard the cry of restraining me man and groaning sound after, a hit against the wall, with a sharp sound as if objects falling down.
I didn’t understand at all what happened, so I remained stiff.
Finally noticing that hand holding my face disappeared I started to check the situation by taking a peek from the cloth that slid through commotion.
The empty classroom which was cluttered from the beginning was further messed up. Desks and chairs are laying away here and there, and three people lying down buried inside them.

Huh, what happened? What?

When I opened my eyes wide, I noticed a tall man in front of those three people.
The presence of a man was amazing enough to admire him.
Black trousers and a white shirt. Clothes were ordinary, but as he turns around his face, wrapped in the cloth he had only his eyes exposed. A man with a face of mummy is a worthy of suspicion person no matter how one sees it.

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