Hiding all his inner thoughts, Adandito continued speaking. A gentle smile appeared on his lips, more compassionate than usual.

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“For now, let’s focus on your recovery. Although you don’t seem to have any immediate injuries and appear to be resting.”

“…Resting, you say. With so much divine power overflowing?”

“Well, it’s because Eora has been with you.”


“Yes, it seems Eora has been protecting you during your encounter with Dianel.”

Upon hearing that, Hierian gritted his teeth.

“…Dianel. It’s one thing for me, but to do such a thing to Siara.”

At that moment, Adandito’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. Standing behind Hierian, he didn’t bother hiding his expression as he asked.

“I don’t know what happened before I arrived. Could you tell me specifically what kind of power was used, using the demon king’s power?”

Without hesitation, Hierian spoke.

“I was hiding in Siara’s shadow. But Dianel recognized me and subdued me with darkness.”

“Darkness, you say?”

“A gloomy energy emanated from that guy’s body, choking my throat. Normally, it should have been an attack that enhances the body, but it was a power I had never seen before.”

“I see, that must have been quite a surprise.”

“Rather than being surprised… I lost consciousness in an instant. When I regained consciousness, I was here.”

Upon hearing Hierian’s words, Adandito furrowed his brow and asked.

“So, does that mean you woke up and returned to your original form?”

“No, that’s not it. I went to the world of consciousness while I was asleep. The dragon said that now might be the weakest moment for the demon king, so I fought against him there.”

Even if it was the world of consciousness, to fight the demon king alone and win, he must be quite a formidable person, Adandito thought to himself.

By regaining his original power in that way, Hierian must have become even stronger than before. He must have resolved the “weakness” that the original Hierian had through his fight with the demon king in the world of consciousness.

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‘Perhaps he will become the most troublesome individual.’

Adandito managed to loosen his tense expression. Hierian and Dianel had always been obsessively determined not to see each other as rivals, but he often found himself instinctively testing their powers against his own.

If he only kept it as a thought, it would be fine, but he could easily reveal it if he wasn’t careful. Just the thought of Siara finding out about this petty back-and-forth made his head spin.

So Adandito made an effort to clear his mind of these thoughts and focused on the conversation once again.

“So, you mean you don’t remember what happened after you collapsed?”

“That’s right, by the time I went there, everything had already ended.”


“But the demon king was divided into pieces. I had to push them away and guide Siara’s body from Dianel, so I had a hard time.”

Finally, Hierian nodded in understanding. It was a reaction indicating that he couldn’t believe Dianel would willingly hand Siara over. Adandito didn’t bother correcting Hierian’s thoughts.

With a serious expression, Hierian spoke.

“In any case, we need to be careful with Dianel. Now that I’ve gotten my power back from the demon, I don’t know what the future holds.”

“I agree with that.”

Adandito nodded obediently. Dianel was one of the individuals they needed to restrain. Not just because of Siara, but also because he could freely use the power of the demon king.

‘And that’s why there was no reason not to seal the Demon King.’

Adandito, whose tongue was growing bitter, continued speaking, prompted by a passing thought.

“So, that thing the dragon said in the world of consciousness, is it true?”

“That the demon king might be at his weakest now?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Hierian frowned, then nodded.

“It’s true. When I confronted him… it was quite strange.”

“It was strange, wasn’t it?”

“It felt like he willingly gave me his power. The process wasn’t smooth, but it could have been more difficult.”


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“Dianel isn’t the type to do that. Is he really weakened? Maybe it’s also the blessing of Eora, the goddess. What do you think?”



Adandito, who had kept a rigid expression all along, finally responded.

“…That must be it. It’s evident from the divine power imbued in Siara’s body alone.”

Hierian nodded in agreement.

The conversation paused, and as if it were an agreement, Hierian silently gazed at Siara. Adandito’s gaze also turned toward her.

The two of them stared at her without speaking for a while. Amid the silence, Hierian broke the silence first.

“When do you think Siara will wake up?”

“I don’t know. She might never wake up.”

“…So, we just have to wait like this? I don’t like that…”

Hierian’s expression became gloomy, then he suddenly asked,

“What if I enter Siara’s dream?”

“You mean entering her world of consciousness?”

“Yes, that’s right. If it’s Siara’s consciousness, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I saw it in a vanished future.”

Adandito, not knowing what had happened, sealed his lips. To explain that, Hierian added.

“When I said I couldn’t trust Piasse and that I thought she was a burdensome baggage deep down, she said I could see her world of consciousness.”

“…And how was it?”

“Piasse is an incredible person beyond what meets the eye.”

Hierian closed his eyes quietly.

Even though it was an event from a distant and now-forgotten time, the memory of exploring Piasse’s dreams was still vivid.

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Her world of consciousness was astonishingly empty. It was clean, yet also hollow. Anything that happened or was created there quickly faded away.

The space filled only with warm sunlight was cozy but tearfully empty and lonely. In the midst of that, something was floating gently like dust—it was about the happy moments she had experienced.

Among them, there were some memories of Hierian visiting her world of consciousness. Those memories seeped into the dry land and soon disappeared.

Piasse had said that when rain fell in her world of consciousness, those things would all sprout again.

Hierian thought it was incredible that she, who was waiting for rain that might never come, was so strong.

Even if she fell apart and broke, Piasse’s world of consciousness wasn’t empty like Piasse herself. Tiny memories or happiness grew there, creating a place for her to find solace.

But Piasse had nothing. Even so, she stood firm and planted seeds while waiting for the rain to come.

At that moment, Hierian saw her as a stronger person than anyone else. She seemed more remarkable than any magician, legendary hero, demon king, or even a dragon he had looked up to as a child.

‘Has it rained yet?’

Or perhaps she was buried in that sunlight, simply sleeping.

At that moment, Hierian vowed that he would visit her world of consciousness again someday. Perhaps now was the time.

With his determination firmly in place, Hierian stood up.

“I’ll wake up Siara. It seems more urgent to do that now.”

“Dianel’s actions are suspicious. Wouldn’t it be better for you to handle the external situation before Siara wakes up?”

“I’ll leave that to you.”

Hierian looked at Adandito with resolute eyes. Adandito wore a troubled expression as he asked,

“What if I join forces with Dianel again? Weren’t you suspicious of me for that reason just a moment ago?”

“Then I’ll trust you.”


“Adandito, I don’t know if you’re a good person, but you’re someone who will do anything for Siara’s sake. So I’ll leave it up to your method. Whatever you think, as long as it’s for Siara, I don’t mind.”

“Is that so…”

Adandito bowed his head silently, unable to utter a word despite having countless arguments to make. 

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He felt somewhat melancholic. He was never truly a kind or good person; he had only reluctantly played the role. Yet, when someone he despised believed in him for whatever reason, he had no choice but to reciprocate.

Meanwhile, Hierian was preparing to enter Siara’s world of consciousness. Judging from his gestures and the way he gazed into the air, it seemed he was discussing the dragon’s consciousness and methods. 

All attention was already focused in that direction, and Hierian paid little attention to Adandito.

Entering the world of consciousness meant being completely defenseless in the physical realm. It meant that if Adandito harbored even the slightest ill intention, he could easily harm Hierian.

‘Why do you trust me so recklessly?’

Adandito withheld the question, waiting patiently. In the meantime, Hierian fell asleep, leaning against the bed and the adjacent wall.

Adandito approached Hierian, extending his hand and gently placing it near his throat. The rhythmic pulsation of the heartbeat was felt through his palm. With a little force, this mighty sorcerer would be left unable to even move his hand, let alone survive.

His gaze grew dark, but the outcome remained the same. He couldn’t do anything and simply retreated. A bitter laugh escaped his lips.

Did Hierian know as well? That Adandito was actually a helpless, powerless being, drowned in uncertainty?

“This world has no shortage of fools.”

No matter what plans were made, he would always be pushed aside. 

Just moments ago, he had unintentionally intervened in the situation between Dianel and Hierian, only to find himself responsible for the whole affair.

Perhaps he was the biggest fool of the three. The weakest, the most contradictory, and the most foolish.

With an expression heavy with fatigue, Adandito leaned against the wall. He stood there lost in thought.

In truth, Adandito had never desired much in his life. He had only strived to fulfill the destiny of becoming a High Priest. He had pursued that path, but he had achieved nothing sincere.

Now, there was only one thing he desired—Siara. Yet, no matter what he did, he couldn’t fully possess her. In that case, what meaning did his life hold? Why had Eora allowed such emotions within him? He knew nothing.

Just like when he first heard the words “destiny as a High Priest” in a dream, he had walked the path of a leader out of obligation. In the current circumstances, his will had no influence.

In the end, nothing had changed. Would it be like this forever…?

‘I’m exhausted.’

His mind was filled with thoughts, making his head spin. Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in his ear.

[Can you hear my voice?]


Adandito hastily raised his head and looked toward the source of the sound. However, there was nothing there. Puzzled, as he wondered, the voice spoke again.

[You, the child walking the path of the divine, I have something important to tell you.]

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