The low growling voice was indistinct as if speaking from a different dimension. There was no sign of it coming from anywhere in the room. Adandito asked with a tense expression, 

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“Who are you?”

The voice revealed its identity without hesitation. 

[I am Anakilabatus, the leader of the extinct dragons.]

“Don’t lie. Isn’t your voice only audible to the administrators?”

[That’s right. I am currently exerting myself to speak to you.]


Adandito’s expression hardened. Anakilabatus spoke towards him, radiating a sense of vigilance. 

[I have something important to tell you, as I mentioned before.]

“What is it?”

[Adandito, why do you believe you were born with the destiny to be the High Priest?]

Adandito couldn’t easily answer that question. It was a question he had pondered his whole life but never found an answer to. 

It was a question that lingered in his mind, and as he remained silent, Anakilabatus spoke to him.

[I have always watched over you. Did you know that more than one-third of the recorded High Priests in history were your incarnations?]

“I… had speculated that might be the case.”

Even if Adandito was born with the destiny of a High Priest, he couldn’t continuously hold the position. 

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As a human, he needed time to grow, and when he aged, he died. During those gaps, other humans took on the role of High Priest until it was time for Adandito to naturally take his place.

So why did Eora choose only Adandito to be the High Priest? Adandito had never willingly embraced that fate. He had always concluded that it was his destiny and turned away without finding any answers. 

It gave him peace of mind to think that everything was Eora’s will. However, due to Anakilabatus, that balance was disturbed, and his head throbbed.

Annoyed, Adandito furrowed his brow, and Anakilabatus approached him with his voice. 

[You. What were your childhood dreams?]

Lost in thought, Adandito tightly closed his eyes and murmured. His deeply wrinkled face appeared visibly tormented as he recalled the past. 

“I… didn’t have any. I only wanted to escape from the shadow of a tormenting god.”

[That’s right, Adandito.]

“What… do you mean?”

The torment he felt was his reason for being the High Priest. It was so absurd that Adandito felt a twinge of anger. He raised his head to the space, and suddenly, a vivid voice resonated in his ear.

[In the previous world, you were the soul most dependent on Eora. You called her ‘Mother’ and followed her, never wanting to leave her side.]


[You were blindly devoted to the point that Eora worried about you excessively.]

“So, is that why I became like this?”

Adandito’s body trembled uncontrollably. The reason for his repeated tormenting destiny was that he followed Eora. A strange sense of betrayal and bitterness overwhelmed him, leaving him at a loss for words.

And then, a sudden thought arose in his mind. It was not a righteous thought by any means, but Adandito couldn’t help feeling a bit resentful towards Eora.

Anakilabatus’ voice echoed in his silence. 

[You, with your mouth, said, ‘I want to be a faithful servant who spreads the will of the gods.’ That is the life you desired the most.]

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He couldn’t believe it. No, he didn’t want to believe it. 

He had never been truly happy living a life obtained through merits. He had to live under strict regulations, without having the freedom to choose. While it may have brought him closer to the gods, if he had the option, he wouldn’t have chosen it. 

He had never once desired to live as a High Priest. 

What did he know?

Lost in thought, Adandito asked Anakilabatus.

“Why are you saying these things to me? Are you trying to torment me and cause confusion, perhaps even harm Hierian?”

Upon hearing that, Anakilabatus let out a short laugh. His voice had a strangely lower tone.

[Adandito, didn’t I tell you? You are a soul who has achieved merit. That’s why I can say these things to you. Most people don’t even get such an opportunity. They wander their whole lives without knowing why they exist and eventually die. As you know, Eora is also not one to open up about these matters.]

“But if what you said is true, I would be nothing but an enemy to the Dragon race.”

[It’s been too long to fret over such things. Above all, I don’t regret the choices I made back then. Regardless of the outcome.]

“But the current situation seems satisfying, doesn’t it?”

[Yes, because Hierian is successfully carrying on our intentions. But we should talk about your story instead. Time is running out.]

Adandito fell silent. He was determined not to waver regardless of what Anakilabatus said. He still doubted Anakilabatus’ words. In truth, he didn’t want to believe them.

As he listened but seemed to block his ears, Anakilabatus left him with a final statement.

[You have no assigned duty. However, the reason for your suffering must be something inherited from your previous world. That’s all I can say. I wish you happiness.]

With those words, Anakilabatus’ voice ceased to be heard. The silence settled in the bedroom, where Hierian and Siara were still asleep.

Adandito silently stared at the two and then grimaced as he sat down. Exhaustion was evident on his face.

Sitting on the hard wooden chair, he muttered to himself.

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“But to say that I have no assigned duty… How can he say such things when he knows nothing?”

Since the beginning of his memories, Adandito had never felt at ease. Even in his dreams, he was haunted by Eora’s voice.

His parents had realized that Adandito was destined to become a priest, wiping away their tears as they sent him to the temple. Adandito didn’t want to part with his parents, but he had no choice. 

Even at such a young age, he knew that following the path of the gods was necessary for his own and his family’s well-being.

“I can’t recall how old I was at that time.”

He couldn’t remember well, but he was probably around seven years old. An age when other children were still frolicking in their parents’ arms. From that age, he had been wearing a pure white priest’s robe and praying.

But now, all of it seemed like a mistake he had made.

“What nonsensical words.”

A sly smile appeared on Adandito’s lips. He clenched his fists until the armrests broke, then let go. Now wasn’t the time to be swayed by such words. Adandito looked at Siara, who was still sound asleep, and stood up from his seat. Then he left the bedroom.

Immediately, a priest who had been waiting outside approached Adandito.

“High Priest, here are the documents you requested.”

“Thank you.”

Adandito accepted the documents from him and carefully went through them. The documents contained extensive information about Dianel’s activities in the Empire. 

In a short period, Dianel had captured numerous individuals, and the underground prison of North Palace was filled with people. While skimming through the documents related to Dianel, Adandito discovered something and his eyes lit up.

‘Empress Yertina is making her move. She seems in a hurry to erase the evidence of what has happened so far.’

Even the Emperor hadn’t taken action against Dianel’s deeds. He was just a scarecrow filling the void until Dianel became the Emperor, so he couldn’t possibly interfere with Dianel’s actions.

However, others were different, especially those who held grudges against Dianel.

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‘Empress Yertina.’

She was the woman who had lost her young child and silently nurtured her resentment toward Dianel. Ever since taking the position of Empress, she had started actively opposing Dianel.

A mother who had lost her child had nothing to fear. Yertina’s actions crossed dangerous boundaries. She would seize any opportunity to deal a fatal blow to Dianel and would do anything to tarnish his reputation.

Rumors of the crown prince and Erin’s affair were circulating in society after his recent time with the young lady.

‘And she’s even also trying to pin the kidnapping of the healers on him.’

They skillfully covered their tracks, but if Dianel wished, he could uncover everything.

However, somehow, Dianel had questioned Empress Yertina directly. Since he didn’t impose any direct sanctions on the Empress, the Emperor also showed no signs of action. 

The current Emperor was essentially a substitute for Dianel, so he wouldn’t go against his will.

No one was stopping Empress Yertina’s movements, which meant that she couldn’t be placated in this situation.

‘She might be planning something behind the scenes, even if no one knows about it.’

Perhaps the Empress held some leverage against Dianel.

‘I should keep an eye on the Empress for now.’

Having made his judgment, Adandito first tried to assess Yertina’s actions. However, contrary to expectations, Yertina showed no significant movements. On the contrary, she seemed uneasy.

‘It seems like her weaknesses have been exposed.’

Adandito looked back. The powers of magic and divinity were surging around Hierian and Siara, protecting them. The resonating power, subtly swaying as if urging him to go, made Adandito tighten his fist. The fusion of magic and the faintly intertwining divine power emitted by Siara was befitting of her title as the Savior.

They had gods and dragons by their side. Seeing no need for him to stay there, Adandito walked toward Dianel’s office.

As always, the dimly lit office was filled with an enormous amount of documents, far more than usual. Only after clearing out all the individuals buried in that pile could Adandito finally have a conversation with Dianel.

Dianel, with a strangely relaxed expression, asked Adandito.

“What brings you here? I thought you would be preoccupied with taking care of Siara.”

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