Siara nodded her head calmly. Then she looked at her hand in Dianel’s and snapped, 

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“Let go of my hand.”

“I really, really want to hold it. Just holding it gives meaning to my life. Can’t you understand?” 

It was an obvious trick, but Siara didn’t feel bad about it. She couldn’t understand why she didn’t dislike those who relied on her. She liked it and felt relieved.

Siara bit her lip to hold back a forced laugh and murmured, 

“Life is meant to be lived alone, not as if you’ll die without me.”

“Then help me until I can stand alone.”

“You’re already an adult.”

Dianel tapped his chest with the hand that wasn’t holding Siara’s hand and murmured, 

“It feels like a child is here.”


“Foolishly, I believed that you would be happy if I died. When you said you wouldn’t, I felt relieved as if I would cry. But I still feel that life without you is pointless. Maybe I haven’t become an adult yet.”

He smiled wryly. Dianel’s smile was heartfelt, but his words smelled of green.

Siara couldn’t find the words to say and just looked at Dianel. More precisely, she couldn’t say anything because she was looking at his face.

She couldn’t tell how many different sides of Dianel she had seen today. 

‘I just thought of him as a hoodlum.…’

She couldn’t understand why her heart was so shaken. She had been avoiding it all along. She felt ashamed of all those times, and Siara muttered in a resentful voice.

“…I’m not that much of an adult either.”

“Then let’s become adults together.”

Dianel said it casually and started walking again. Siara watched him walking ahead and wondered which side was his real self.

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The intimidating and scary side, the seemingly nonchalant and calm side, and even the smile that looked like a boy she had seen today.

Then she suddenly remembered when Dianel was Dalton. She wondered how Dalton looked at her with his eyes. It wasn’t clear, but he seemed kind and gentle, and she felt like she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

‘Even back then, did he help me knowing that I didn’t have a partner?’

She realized that he had taught her even the smallest things during the debutante dance.

For everyone, it was their first debutante dance, so it felt strange to act familiar. 

‘Even if he transforms, even if he believes that I will be happy if he dies, did Dianel really like me?’

As she asked herself a vague question, her chest suddenly ached. Then the passing of time made tears well up for no reason.

It wasn’t just because of Dianel. It was all the time that had passed. That’s why Siara opened and closed her eyes firmly. 

Dianel glanced at her for a moment, pretending not to notice, and then turned his gaze away. Then he started talking to the knights. The knights who heard his orders quickly left their positions. After that, as they walked to the lodging where the family stayed, they didn’t encounter a single person.

Cheep, cheep–

At the beginning of winter, a bird’s cry signaling farewell could be heard. Somehow, the faint scent of flowers mixed with the wind, and it happened to be near the garden. 

As Siara was captured by an inexplicable feeling, she blinked her eyes several times and sniffled her nose.

She was about to meet her family, and her eyes became teary.

As her perceptive mother would probably ask what happened, Siara’s steps slowed down. Dianel noticed her and took her to a bench under a beautiful tree.

The bench in North Palace’s Garden, which was often empty due to the stinginess of inviting guests, was covered with fallen leaves. Dianel used his gloved hand to brush them off and then took out a black handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Siara.

“Even when you cry like this, you’re still lovely… But I still prefer your smiling face.”

“….That’s an annoying thing to say again.”

Siara spoke somewhat curtly and snatched the handkerchief as if taking it away. Then she wiped her eyes, blew her nose, folded it neatly, and put it back in her pocket.

“I’ll wash it and give it to you tomorrow.”

The gaze that she deliberately avoided finally met its end. Her eyes, cheeks, and ears were all the same. 

As Dianel casually glanced at her, he said as if passing by. His gaze was also in the opposite direction from Siara’s.

“You’ll feel better if you get some fresh air.”

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“I know.”

“…Why are you crying?”

“Don’t ask.”

“Is it because of me, by any chance?”


“That’s a relief.”

The calm voice that settled down made her heart calm. Siara nodded quietly and once again took out the handkerchief to wipe her eyes. Muttering to herself, she let out a sigh.

“Why am I like this? Just by looking at the falling leaves, tears start flowing.”

Observing her actions, Dianel added in a small voice, 

“You blew your nose with that handkerchief.”

“Should I untie your tie for you?”

“If you want to.”

As Dianel brought his hand towards her neck, Siara let out a hollow laugh and extended her hand as if snatching it away.

How much time has passed like this? When her restless heart gradually calmed down, Siara asked quietly, 

“…You said it was an expression of affection.”

“If it’s a repayment for the handkerchief, then it’s fine.”

“Then it’s a repayment for helping our family.”

“I went through quite a lot for that… Probably more than Hierian did.”


Dianel silently met Siara’s gaze. Once again, she felt an indescribable aura emanating from Dianel.

Meanwhile, Dianel wrapped his arm around Siara’s waist and slowly lowered his head, smiling in front of her face.

“What about this?”

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Dianel closed his eyes and touched foreheads with her. 

Siara couldn’t help but think that his long eyelashes were quite beautiful. His well-defined eyes, fair skin, and smooth facial contours without any wrinkles―she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

‘Was Dianel always this handsome?’

She knew he was handsome, but she didn’t know he was this handsome…

Lost in her thoughts, their lips touched.


Siara let out a soft sigh and was startled, her shoulders jerking in surprise. Dianel gently pulled her head with his other hand.

Their lips touched and parted. If one were to claim it was a kiss of affection, it could be seen as a light kiss. 

Siara’s vision became blurry as it came to an end. Although she experienced something unexpected, strangely enough, she didn’t feel bad. Dianel smiled mischievously at her dazed state. It was a tempting and alluring smile.

“You seem quite regretful.”

“…Th-That’s not true!”

Siara, surprised, tried to move backward, but Dianel’s arm supported her waist, preventing her from escaping. When she absentmindedly looked in that direction, Dianel grabbed her chin with his other hand and turned it towards him. He lightly brushed Siara’s lips with his thumb and whispered,

“I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier… Maybe I’ll just remain a child, and you’ll have to take care of me for the rest of your life.”

“Why would I-“

Before Siara could finish her sentence, Dianel once again overlapped their lips. Helplessly, he held Siara’s wandering hand with his other hand, firmly grasping her waist so she couldn’t escape. Then he opened his eyes and met her gaze. Her emerald eyes, tinged with confusion, trembled upon meeting his gaze and soon closed.

As their lips touched and parted, Dianel whispered,

“You said the palace pastry chef was good.”

“You think that’s enough to keep me with you?”

“I have a cute cat, too. And you’ve touched my bare body.”


“Then what else should I hold you with? I’m jealous and possessive, and I can’t imagine sharing you with anyone else.”

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Dianel brought Siara’s hand, still held tightly, to his face. He closed his eyes and then opened them, meeting her gaze again. 

Although it was tempting her, Siara couldn’t bear her embarrassment. In the end, she stood up from her seat with her face flushed.

“Step aside! This is not the right time for us, not now!”


Before she could respond, darkness surged up. It was a familiar wicked and sinister energy, the power of the Demon King. The face that had instantly turned pale grew cold.

Facing the tense Siara, Dianel calmly continued speaking. 

“It was the darkness that was the Demon King. With Eora’s help, they were divided like this, and I will take care of and govern them.”

“…What happens then?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I was born to govern them. So I am prepared to accept whatever the outcome may be. And once I reach a certain level, I believe I will be able to break the curse… For that, I need you, your love.”

The curse of the Demon King will be lifted. 

Siara widened her eyes at the words she had always longed to hear and looked at Dianel. He met her gaze and softly whispered, 

“The constraints that were placed on Hierian have already been lifted. It’s just that the curse on you… The darkness won’t let go.”

As soon as his words ended, the darkness ominously interjected.

“The Savior will never be let go.”

“Whether the world is destroyed or continues.”

“I will embrace you for a lifetime. Forever!”

Dianel spoke with a troubled expression.

“Because they are hungry for love.”

“…Then what about my curse?”

“It will be lifted within a few years. I promise.”

Dianel made the promise once again.

“When that day comes, I will spread your fame beyond the continent and make sure everyone in the world knows your name. I will set off fireworks in every street of Huangdo and engrave your name on the Hero’s Monument so that those who dared to mock you cannot even lift their heads. So please, love me a lot until then.”

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