Please love me a lot.

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Strangely, Siara didn’t find those words unfamiliar at all. Instead, they resonated deeply within her heart. Without thinking, she brought her hand to her chest.

‘Why is this happening?’

Her heart fluttered. Even her gaze wavered as if matching the rhythm of her heartbeat. Ever since Dianel collapsed and she met him, she had felt that something was off, but she hadn’t expected this kind of reaction. Siara’s expression was filled with confusion.

In truth, even the act of their lips touching was unexpected for her. 

Hierian had always been seen as a child, even when he grew up, so a peck on the cheek was nothing out of the ordinary. But Dianel was different.

He had always been a difficult presence for her, disappointing and comforting her. She had experienced intense emotional turmoil because of Dianel. But that didn’t necessarily mean it was love.

So Siara suddenly thought. Perhaps this was another form of affection.

‘Another form of affection… What could that mean?’

In search of an answer, Siara scrutinized Dianel with sharp eyes. Despite feeling her gaze sweeping over his from head to toe, Dianel stood there obediently. 

There was no trace of displeasure or curiosity in the face of a man who had always stood above others, looking down on them. Instead, he seemed calm, as if he had often been placed on such a judgment seat.

It was something different from the humility shown when Adandito yielded to the gods or the innocence of a child that Hierian possessed.

As Siara went that far in her thoughts, a sudden realization struck her.

The unusual behavior of Dianel, starting from their lips touching, was perhaps a consequence of being influenced by the Demon King. If that was the case…

Siara asked Dianel, 

“Could it be that the reason the healers were in the Northern Palace was also because of the Demon King?”

“Don’t hate them.”

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“…You seem certain.”

At Siara’s words, the surrounding darkness trembled. They glared as if they were about to kill Siara, but tears welled up in their eyes. 

Their gazes were filled with a mixture of asking why they were not acknowledged, hatred, and resentment.

In response, Dianel stood in front of the darkness, shielding them with his body. It was as if he was silently asking Siara not to reprimand them any further, so Siara refrained from saying anything more.

She simply let out a faint breath. 

Finally, Siara felt like she knew what emotion she sensed from Dianel.

It was similar to the emotion she felt from the heroine in a novel.

To bear all the responsibilities and receive little recognition for her efforts.

How many people in the world truly knew about Dianel’s true power? How many knew what trials he had endured? Perhaps Dianel had been constantly battling with himself.

That’s why… for some reason, Siara felt a sense of camaraderie with Dianel.

‘I don’t know why I’m feeling this way.’

Siara shook her head. She couldn’t understand why she, as another “Savior,” would be seeking solace like Piasse.

Moreover, Dianel said he wanted love from her. Although Siara didn’t know what kind of love Dianel meant, there was nothing as diverse as love.

Friendship, affection, and romantic relationships were all forms of love. Siara shook her head. She couldn’t understand what Dianel wanted from her.

But if she were to ask what he wanted, he would give a vague answer, so Siara simply shrugged her shoulders.

Since she didn’t know the answer, there was no point in pondering over it. Siara thought as she did in the past. The answer wouldn’t come in an instant.

“Let’s do that then. I will love you.”

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Upon hearing her response, Dianel smiled.

“I’m glad.”

“…There’s no reason to be so happy. I love my mother and father, and I love the stray cats on the street.”

“I will be closer to you than the stray cats on the street. Even if it means being by your side to receive your touch.”

He smiled again. It was a gentle smile with lowered eyes and raised corners of the lips, an atmosphere that didn’t quite suit Dianel.

The atmosphere was as if they were adorning themselves with bright red horns on their heads and fluttering a new cloak, presenting the most kind and gentle smile.

‘Such a contradiction.’

Siara let out a deep sigh and took a step forward. She had dragged out the time for too long. Now she wanted to see her family’s faces.

Siara took the first step. Dianel calmly matched his pace with hers.

They were about to cross the small hill that connected the garden to the annex.


A louder and more solid voice resounded. However, that didn’t mean the immature scent between a boy and an adult had disappeared. 

Siara raised her head to follow the voice and found herself engulfed in the arms of someone who had run up to her.

Tall and burly Hierian pressed his face against Siara’s neck and mumbled.

“Why are you just coming now? I’ve been waiting.”

A bright smile gradually formed. Without realizing it, Siara found herself stroking Hierian’s hair and smiling.

“Have you been waiting that long? It didn’t seem like it took so long.”

“…I feel anxious when you’re not by my side.”

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Hierian tightly held Siara’s hand. Dianel, who was beside them, seemed invisible. Hierian didn’t even glance in that direction as he spoke to Siara.

“Let’s go. The family was worried about you.”


Without hesitation, Siara held Hierian’s hand and left. Dianel watched them as they moved away, then smirked and turned around.

Astita members were waiting ahead. It was obvious that they would be uncomfortable when the Crown Prince appeared.

That place was where Siara would reunite with her family and resolve the issues that had disappeared for a while. They would need to explain what had happened and discuss when Siara would return to Astita. 

Dianel had no right to arrogantly take a seat, so it was right for him to step back from the position.

He was only permitted to greet the Astita members before leaving the palace.

Lowering their achievements and elevating Siara’s status would be enough, even if it happened after the curse was lifted. And to achieve that, there was still much to be done.

Dianel obediently turned and headed towards his office.

Siara absentmindedly turned her head and looked at him as he moved away, then stood in her place.

Then she looked at Hierian.

Hierian stared down at Siara, asking her why she was acting that way. Siara looked at him and let out a long “hmm,” as if apologizing, and softened her gaze.

“Right, Hierian.”

“Yeah, tell me.”

“Do you still have a bad relationship with Dianel?”

Hierian raised an eyebrow as if it was impossible. Half of it was genuine, and half of it was done with a desire to impress Siara. Siara smiled, seeming relieved.

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“If that’s the case, could you help Dianel for me?”

“…Help Dianel?”

“Yeah, there’s something only you can do. If you ask him what’s wrong, he’ll let you know.”

Hierian’s face momentarily stiffened as he read the meaning behind Siara’s words, but soon relaxed.

Hierian freed himself from the shadow of his childhood that Dianel had cast. However, not all remnants of his remaining emotions for Dianel had disappeared.

Confronting him directly would undoubtedly evoke unpleasant feelings. However, those feelings were not stronger than his feelings for Siara.

Hierian nodded his head with determination, not wanting to say that he couldn’t do anything in front of Siara, even if it meant he would die for her.

“If it’s something like that, of course, I’ll help.”

“Great, you can make good use of your skills. I’m counting on you.”

“…Skills, huh?”

Hierian seemed to recall something and his expression became more serious. He was proficient in all kinds of magic as a guardian, but if he had to pick a skill, it was torture.

He had experimented on himself to find a way to break the contract he had made with Dianel, and he had willingly offered his body as an experiment to the mages of the Mage tower. 

Having experienced the process firsthand, he had reached the pinnacle of torture techniques.

But he couldn’t be sure yet, so he remained silent. 

Just as Siara added certainty to his thoughts, she uttered quietly, her eyes downturned and a slightly melancholic look on her face.

“He’s a very bad person. Really bad.”

Very bad. Hierian chuckled. His pupils sparkled with an intriguing light.

“If that’s the case, leave it to me.”

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