While Siara was reconciling with her family, Hierian went to the underground prison. 

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Upon hearing the news from Dianel, he stood before Viscount. When Leven recognized Hierian’s true identity, he trembled in surprise. Hierian smirked at him.

“Hello, very bad person.”

“I, I don’t know anything…”

“I’ve observed Siara for a long time, and it’s extremely rare for her to call someone a very bad person.”

A sinister light flickered in Hierian’s mysterious ash-colored eyes. Leven instinctively thought that lying would be useless in front of Hierian. However, Leven held his tongue. If he told the truth, not only he but also his family would be in grave danger. 

Moreover, considering how persistently they were torturing him, it seemed like Leven’s testimony was crucial. It could be that someone involved with the manipulated evidence wanted to be set free or that they hadn’t properly understood the truth.

‘I can’t let this go.’

As Leven gathered his thoughts again, Hierian, who had been closely observing his changing expression, chuckled.

“I see why you’re upset. You’re truly clueless. But still, you shouldn’t be like that in front of me.”

Hierian approached Leven with a sly smile. The guards willingly made way for Hierian. 

Leven somehow wanted to grab the guard who had tormented him all along. Whatever he did, it seemed like Hierian’s actions would be better than what awaited him.

Finally, Hierian stood in front of Leven and raised his hand above his head.

“Do you perhaps believe in magic resistance? Well, that kind of thing won’t work on me.”

At that moment, Leven groaned, his eyes rolling back.


“A sound I haven’t heard in a long time. Shall we begin?”

“Stop, please! Stop! Just tell everything―”

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“Naturally, you should confess everything truthfully, one by one. Is that all? It won’t end until you die.”

Hierian frowned as he spoke.

“Your actions are so filthy that it makes me angry too.”

Afterward, endless screams and wails echoed from the prison. The one who had been confined inside the prison was so desperate that he confessed to his sins without any hesitation.

However, the torture inflicted on Leven continued even when Hierian left. The guard, who had returned to his post belatedly, muttered with a bitter tongue.

“Why did you have to commit a crime?”

* * *

Siara reconciled with her family. She roughly explained what had happened, adding that it would be concluded soon.

Thanks to that, the members of Astita who had been confused after Siara’s disappearance regained some stability. The Countess of Astita, who had quietly listened to her story, hugged Siara tightly and spoke.

“We were most worried about not being able to see you. Please tell us if you’re going somewhere in the future.”

“Yes, I will let you know from now on.”

Siara faced her mother. As she did, the Count and Therid also embraced her. Worried voices could be heard from various places.

“Siara, even if we don’t know what happened, don’t try to handle everything alone.”

“That’s right. Tell us. Foolish child, do you know how shocked I was when you disappeared?”

In response to Therid’s final voice, Siara playfully pursed her lips.

“Was it that shocking?”

“Of course, it was! I would need more than one heart to endure it!”

“If a knight’s courage is so weak, then what can you do?”


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Therid immediately exploded in anger. Siara couldn’t help but laugh at his voice alone. Although she appreciated the attention from the male leads, it was clear that family was irreplaceable. 

Her heart became calm, and she felt a sense of warmth where she could relax as much as she wanted when tired and rest whenever she desired.

“Ugh, it’s so noisy. I want to rest like this.”

Siara’s whining made Therid, who was yelling beside her, take a step back and mutter.

“Why do you always have to start an argument for no reason?”

“Well, it must be because you started it, big brother~”


Therid shouted again. Siara just laughed and said nothing. Therid finally realized that Siara’s actions were a joke and burst into laughter.

“Well then, you’re still a child after all.” 

Laughter erupted here and there upon hearing those words. After a few more exchanges, Siara spoke.

“I still have some things to take care of. Since you need to prepare for the wedding, everyone else can go to Astita first.”

The family looked at Siara with worried eyes, but she shrugged her shoulders and stopped them. Her actions seemed to indicate that everything would truly be fine, and they also laughed in relief.

However, the concerned looks didn’t completely disappear. So, Siara emphasized it even more as she spoke.

“Don’t worry about me. Go back and rest!”

Finally, the family nodded vigorously with faces that couldn’t contain their relief.

* * *

In the courtroom, Viscount Leven stood and confessed his crimes one by one. Among them were the names of those involved, including Baron Adi and his son.

However, considering that Viscount Leven had manipulated the situation and falsely accused Baron Adi’s heir and that Baron Adi had been coerced by Viscount Leven’s threats, Baron Adi and his son were stripped of their titles and properties and were to be confined to a remote region. 

As for the others captured by Dianel, they paid their prices in exchange for their freedom. Some even received reduced sentences. 

Among them was one of the imprisoned healers who, after admitting to having been framed, was acquitted. On the day of the verdict, he expressed gratitude and shed tears.

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And finally, the day of Viscount Leven’s final judgment arrived.

The judge raised the gavel and pronounced the sentence.

“For targeting the weaknesses of local nobles, manipulating evidence, and trafficking innocent healers, Viscount Leven’s crimes are extremely heinous. Therefore, his titles and properties shall be confiscated and become the property of the kingdom. Furthermore, Viscount Leven shall be subjected to the punishment of ‘Mana Blossom,’ which will continue until his death.”

The punishment involved becoming the source of Mana Blossoms, where his life force would gradually diminish with each bloom. As he could resist magic, he would be restrained to prevent him from utilizing that power.

Originally, this punishment was reserved for magicians who committed crimes in the mage tower, but this time it was applied to a rare case of an ordinary person. 

Upon hearing the story, Viscount Leven wailed, but no one showed him any sympathy. Especially not after Hierian took matters into his own hands.

“You said that eating those flowers would turn me into a magician?”

“The risk is too great. Besides, those flowers are incredibly expensive.”

Instead, he became the target of those who sought the Mana Blossom until his death. He watched his life force gradually diminish with each blooming flower, slowly dying.

* * *

Meanwhile, in Lady Erin’s mansion,

Erin bit her lip and fidgeted with her nails. Every time she did that, someone used to say, “Oh my! Miss, you’re hurting your nails!” But it had been a long time since that maid had resigned. 

The newly appointed maid did her best not to disturb Erin’s mood. 

Even now, upon hearing the command not to disturb her, the maid quickly retreated, trying to hide her presence. 

Erin glared at the empty spot with an irritated gaze and muttered.

“Why isn’t he coming? Did he say he’s leaving? …No, I don’t need that. It was just bothersome, but everything turned out well!”


Once again, there was the sound of something breaking, and chaos ensued, but no one entered Erin’s room. There had been someone who used to block her with their body before… but now, no one came in.

Lost in vague thoughts, Erin suddenly stood up from her seat. 

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She had been immersed in idle rumors floating around the capital lately, such as His Highness Dianel and Siara always being together, deeply in love, and how His Highness Dianel was building a golden castle in Astita as a symbol of their love.

“Her Majesty the Empress told me that she would give me the position of Crown Princess.”

Erin wandered around the room, muttering to herself, and soon her expression became weary.

“But why hasn’t she contacted me? Should I go and find her…? But last time, I went, and I was rejected.”

Continuing her muttering, Erin rang the bell. Immediately, a maid who had been watching her closely hurriedly raised her head and entered the room. Erin looked down at her and spoke in a haughty voice.

“Go and prepare for an outing.”

“What? Where are we going…?”

“Where else? The palace!”

As Erin shouted, the maid wore an awkward expression but quickly left the room. She then had Erin fully dressed and seated in a carriage before sending her off.

Normally, entering and leaving the palace, let alone meeting the Empress, was not an easy task. Even when arriving at the palace, there were often cases where entry was denied. However, for some reason, everything went smoothly today. The gatekeeper opened the gate, and the palace knights allowed her entrance.

“As expected, Her Majesty must have given prior notice.”

Erin smiled mischievously and covered her mouth with a fan. Now, when she faced the Empress, all the preparations made for her would be in full display.

Once Erin became known as the acknowledged favorite of the Empress, the idle rumors would quiet down, and even Dianel would look favorably upon her.

‘I should apologize for being neglectful all this time and apologize for my shortcomings with a shy smile when we meet.’

A subtle laughter formed at the corners of her mouth. 

Lost in various imaginations, Erin finally arrived at the palace. Standing there was a maid who seemed to have been waiting for her the whole time. She was the wife of a prominent and well-known family whom Erin had seen during her previous visit.

Erin gracefully stepped down from the carriage, raised her chin, and greeted her.

“It’s an honor to meet you again. I am Erin.”

However, strangely enough, the maid who faced her froze her expression. Seeing her trembling, Erin tilted her head in confusion.

‘Why is she acting like this?’

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