‘What is that guy thinking?’

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Feeling bewildered, I couldn’t find the words to respond. Therid then spoke in a stern tone as if he knew what I was thinking.

“He’s coming to our estate.”

“Wait, wait, was he supposed to come to our estate?”

“Yes, is there a problem?”

If he asked if there was a problem, there were many. 

I had no idea what kind of trouble Hierian and Adandito, who found out Dianel’s true identity, might cause, and there was a possibility that Dianel could reveal his true form in our territory. 

The Crown Prince’s face was not something you would see on any street corner, and it was certain to create a commotion throughout the entire territory.

Then there will be an uproar with people wondering why the Crown Prince is in Astita’s territory from all directions.

‘Ugh, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.’

‘My parents are still dealing with Hierian and Adandito. If Dianel comes, they might even hold a party throughout the entire territory.’

I had to prevent that from happening at all costs.

‘It’s best to tell Hierian and Adandito to go back.’

I needed to ensure that the three of them didn’t cross paths until this matter was resolved. Lost in thought, Therid had already gone, saying that since my parents knew about it, I had to meet him at least once.

After he disappeared into the distance, I went to meet Hierian and Adandito. I told them not to come to Astita for a while.

Surprisingly, both of them complied without any objections. Now I had to prepare to confront Dianel, disguised as Dalton.

‘I should ask him what he’s thinking.’

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I used the temporary teleportation portal set up in the mansion to send a letter. Soon after, a response arrived. The content of the reply was brief.

[I wanted to see you.]


My cheeks burned, and I couldn’t think of anything to say. There was only one thing on my mind, and that was to prepare for the imminent emergency.

* * *

After seeing the letter from Siara, Dianel let out a sigh. Then, he turned towards Dalton, who was busy with paperwork, and casually remarked, 

“Seems like there’s a little rat around here.”

As soon as he said that, Dalton’s expression turned cold. 

Everyone in the room looked at Dianel, but only one person smiled brightly. On the contrary, Dalton’s eyes darkened, and a sinister expression appeared on his face.

“Someone keeps sending assassins after me. I guess that person should disappear to catch a breath and live peacefully.”

At that moment, one of Dalton’s aides couldn’t hold back a gasp. Despite the tense atmosphere, Dianel didn’t even look at Dalton as he replied, 

“It’s you, Dalton, who offered to be my subject.”

“There should be some limits. Above all, you’re suffering because of your personal affairs. It’s only right for us to help you and, in the process, take some rest ourselves.”

“We’ve been meeting in secret.”

“That’s the problem. Your health is too robust, causing issues.”

“Now you’re nitpicking about everything.”

Dianel chuckled and continued writing something on the letter. Dalton added nonchalantly, 

“I even scented the paper with the fragrance you like.”

Immediately, sharp eyes were directed at him. Despite the reproachful tone, Dalton smiled smugly.

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“I’ve become quite close with the Izbe noblewomen. They told me all about her preferences… Are you curious?”

“…She likes cute things.”

“How can you say it’s cute? She surely wouldn’t like a teddy bear as a gift.”

“Then how about jewels–“

“Don’t tell me you’re planning to give a teddy bear with jewels embedded in it? That’s a gift for toddlers!”


Dianel fell silent. As he looked at him, Dalton grinned knowingly.

“I will tell you everything step by step. So, go and take a few days off. I feel like I might die at this rate, so I’m asking you.”

At that moment, Dianel tore up the letter he was writing and started writing on another piece of paper. Then, without saying a word, he teleported the letter next to the desk.

Those who witnessed the process were left speechless. They communicated with each other through their eyes.

‘Have you ever seen His Highness chatting like this before?’

‘I thought Lord Dalton was going to faint!’

Putting their surprise aside, Dianel stood up from his seat. Unfortunately, the deadline set by Dalton was too tight. Even preparing one set of clothes was not enough; he had to hurry.

Finally, Dianel covered the documents he was looking at and got up from his seat.

“Follow me, Dalton.”

“Of course!”

The two of them vanished in an instant. Only then did a peaceful atmosphere return to the office. The remaining people exchanged whispers.

“The air feels different when His Highness is around.”

“At least we have a capable person here. Thanks to him, we can take a few days off.”

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Smiles appeared on their faces.

* * *

Meanwhile, Hierian and Adandito were gathered alone.

Their expressions were serious, and from a distance, it looked like they were engaged in a very important conversation. However, there was only one topic they were discussing.

“You’ve been quiet for a while. Why did you come now?”

“It’s because of Therid. He particularly warned Siara to be cautious in front of us. Of course, his actions aren’t unwarranted. In the current empire, it’s rare for a woman of marriageable age to interact with multiple men at once.”

“What? You shouldn’t compare yourself to those people. We need Siara. Besides, I’ve recently heard an oracle.”

“Recently? What did it say?”

“It told me to stick with her because there’s a lot I can learn from her. …Even if there were no oracle, I would have stuck with her anyway.”

Lately, Hierian’s strength had been growing, and he could communicate with Siara freely. He had been searching for information about Siara, even reading all the books in the library. 

If it was related to Siara, he didn’t want to miss a single clue. However, there was not a single detailed record of the Savior.

But Adandito, who directly communicated with Eora, might know something. Seeing Hierian’s expectant eyes, Adandito cleared his throat and spoke.

“To be honest, I’ve been continuing my training recently.”

“You said you didn’t.”

“Because I couldn’t stand being away from Siara… Anyway, every time that happened, Eora guided me, and recently, the content was about the Savior. Eora asked me if I knew why the Savior is the Savior.”

“What did she say?”

“The Savior is an ancient soul that has lived for a long time, and they were chosen among the most special beings.”

“A special being?”

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“Yes. That’s why they can lead and mediate us.”

“Of course. Siara was an amazing person. That’s probably why the Dragon asked me to learn a lot from her.”

Hierian’s mood brightened, and he swung his legs happily. Adandito quietly sipped his tea and continued speaking.

“Anyway, the Savior told me not to visit Astita for at least a month, so I’m worried about how to endure it from now on.”

Siara had been with Adandito diligently, whether it was on weekdays or weekends, never turning him away. Adandito could withstand not practicing by utilizing the power that Siara gave him. However, when Siara wasn’t around, Adandito quickly became anxious. 

There was something Siara had once said when observing him.

‘Adandito, is it alright if I’m with you and you don’t practice?’

‘Yes, I feel much more at ease and less anxious when you’re around.’

‘Is it because of my healing ability? It’s fascinating. Anyway, as you said, it seems like Eora doesn’t impose any restrictions on you. There wouldn’t be any reason for me to have any restrictions when even a god doesn’t have any. Just like your powers didn’t work for me when I was drunk and in pain.’

At that moment, Adandito seemed to be stunned by the shock. Afterward, he tried strongly to resist practicing. However, the symptoms were the same. If he avoided training, he would suffer, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find comfort. In the end, he sought Siara’s presence once again. Perhaps trying to solve it so easily was the problem itself.

“Maybe enduring this suffering alone for a while wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

Adandito thought as he stood up from his seat. Surprised by his docile reaction, Hierian asked in astonishment, 

“What? Are you planning to stay in the temple all the time?”

“Siara told me not to come, didn’t she?”

“True, but in our absence, Dianel might visit, or she could meet other men. Do you have any idea how popular Siara is?” 

Hierian’s voice grew louder. Siara was excessively popular, and it was understandable that Hierian would be concerned about her.

Among the admirers, many approached her with suspicious intentions. As it was impossible to identify each person’s intentions, they had always tried to prevent anyone from getting close to Siara.

They had gone through so much trouble to chase them all away, so Hierian couldn’t leave Siara alone like this.

“Why do you think I worked every day, even staying overnight in Astita? I can’t leave Siara alone.”

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