Adandito also agreed with his words. Protecting Siara was their responsibility, separate from Adandito’s training.

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With the previous Savior, they wouldn’t have to worry, but the current Siara only had healing abilities, so she could be in danger at any time.

“It’s indeed risky. Then, Hierian, please take care of Siara.”

“Me alone?”

“Yes. You should be enough.”

“But what if Dianel comes?”

“He’s already regained his senses, so he won’t do anything reckless. Besides, you’ve also moved on from the trauma.”

“Well, yes, but… I’m fine now, but… whenever the full moon rises…”

As Hierian rambled on, he bit his lip and said, 

“Yes, you’ve been training too. I should put in more effort too.”

Determination filled Hierian’s eyes. Suddenly, Adandito was reminded that this change in Hierian might have started from Siara.

As the oracle said, Hierian seemed to be growing through Siara.

In truth, Adandito didn’t quite like the idea of Hierian protecting Siara alone. However, he had other commitments, and he didn’t want to lie using her as an excuse. He had promised to stay away from Astita’s territory for a while.

In the process, Adandito realized that his jealousy had diminished. The restlessness and jealousy in his heart had diminished, replaced by unwavering faith in Hierian.

If it was Hierian, he would take good care of Siara. Adandito felt reassured that even if he left to train, there would be someone to take his place by her side. It was a firm trust he had never felt before, even during the sealing of the Demon King.

Once again, he learned a lesson. Perhaps this was a greater lesson than what he had gained through his practice.

Somehow, he felt like he had found another clue about his practice.

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“It feels like something will be different this time.”

Hierian replied with a plump expression.

“Yes, train hard.”

With a willing heart, Adandito returned to the temple. He recalled the words Siara used to comfort him when he suffered without training and the trust he felt towards Hierian.

Then, one day during meditation, Adandito encountered a man crouching in the darkness.

“Without Eora, I’m nothing. Devoting myself only to Eora is my life’s belief and mission. For Her sake, I would sacrifice my life.”

He was desperately searching for Eora amidst the chaos.

Adandito unconsciously murmured, 

“Are you me?”

“Eora is my life. My everything.”

“Then who are you? Aren’t you Eora?”

“Without knowing anything… Get lost.”

The presence he faced opened his eyes wide and puffed up like a hedgehog.

Despite being of similar size, his behavior resembled that of a child. However, the energy he exuded was overwhelmingly threatening, making it difficult for Adandito to approach him directly. Yet, he felt pity and stepped forward toward the man.

Then, he sat down in front of him and calmly said, 

“That’s right. I don’t know anything. That’s why I’ve been pondering all along. What I like, what makes me happy… I couldn’t figure it out.”


“Do you feel the same way? What do you like?”

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“She has been very good to you. But why are you like this now?”

“I’m enduring the trials She gave me. If I overcome these trials, I can stand by Eora’s side again.”

“She doesn’t want you to fight anyone. You don’t need to do that anymore.”

The man glared fiercely at Adandito. Only then did Adandito recall the oracle’s words. Perhaps, the task he had to undertake for a month was to get closer to this man.

In ancient times, he must have stood by Eora’s side. His soul still resided somewhere deep within Adandito, bound to exist as a proxy for him. For the sake of salvation, he had to make a decision.

Adandito chose to sit down right there. The man looked at him menacingly, wondering what he was doing. Without paying him any mind, Adandito asked, 

“What was it like when you stood by Eora’s side?”

“It was good.”

the man replied, his eyes empty as if recalling Eora’s presence reigning over the sky.

“I made desperate efforts and eventually became Eora’s right arm. Those under me respected me, and I lived without any inadequacy. Everything was all thanks to Her. I was willing to sacrifice even my life for Her sake.”

The man’s story continued for a very long time.

* * *

After recovering from the shock, I tried to persuade Dianel several times, but his response was always indecisive. 

In the end, Dianel came to our territory. He promised not to reveal his true form and to remain transformed within the territory.

I couldn’t understand why he would bother coming to the territory in such a complicated way, but he had promised, so I couldn’t stop him.

‘Above all, I need to help him so that my curse can be lifted quickly.’

According to Dianel, just giving love and spending time together, sharing conversations, would be enough. I could spare the time required to lift the curse. I couldn’t fathom why he insisted on coming for days rather than just visiting at night, but that was the situation.

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Above all, after I told Hierian and Adandito not to come to the territory for a while, the surroundings became excessively quiet and boring. Amidst that, someone was coming to visit, and I couldn’t help but feel excited.

‘When will Dianel come?’

As time passed, the day Dianel was supposed to arrive finally came. To make the meeting as natural as possible, Dianel and I decided to spend time in the city.

It looked like an ordinary date, but we had cleared the entire city just for today. Only a few selected employees were left to manage the shops, and the rest were granted vacation.

At first, it was my father who suggested this out of concern for me, and I accepted it, feeling a bit apprehensive that Dianel might reveal his true form suddenly.

Above all, I couldn’t be sure whether Adandito and Hierian had truly left the territory.

“Adandito doesn’t lie easily, so he might have gone back, but I’m sure Hierian will still be here.”

That child could be hiding in my room’s shadow even now. If he’s caught, he would laugh mischievously and then hug me tightly, asking with a shy smile, “You don’t like it?” I couldn’t say I didn’t like it even if I wanted to resist those innocent eyes.

The pitifully begging Hierian and the one accepting it, me, were both problematic. But the bigger problem was that neither of us had any intention of fixing it.

Anyway, it was time for Dianel to come soon. As I waited for him, the maids had been fussing over me since early morning. I wondered why he was so late.

I rested my chin on the window frame, and soon, I could see a teal-colored carriage coming from afar.

“Is that Dianel?”

Unconcerned, I let out words, and the maids rushed over, their hearts pounding.

“Miss, Miss! He’s here!”

“I know. I already saw him.”

“Please come out quickly. As a sign of respect for someone who’s come from afar, you should be waiting at the front door.”

Wait for him at the front door? I suddenly felt embarrassed. The hesitant I was pushed forward by the maids. 

Reluctantly, I crawled down, and at the front door, my parents and Therid, who were already prepared, were standing. They looked so neat, making me even more embarrassed.

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“Why did you go to such lengths?”

Dianel was pretending to be Dalton, but my family took it so seriously… As I complained, Therid grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

“Don’t you know Dalton recently became a manager of the Royal Court? He’s the Crown Prince’s Chief Aide.”

Oh, so that’s why he’s freely using Dalton’s name. How thoughtful. 

I pouted my lips in response, and my mom hugged me from behind.

“Siara, if you’re not in the mood, you can just spend some time and come back. It’s a chance to get to know each other, so just be polite.”

“I know.”

“But you seem a bit hesitant?”

“I’m just… it’s nothing! I’ll have a great time!”

Even if Dalton is coming, I didn’t want to imagine the chaos that would ensue when Dianel arrives. But I couldn’t just tell Dianel to only visit at night either. 

‘Until the curse is lifted, there was no choice.’

Dianel must have taken a break and left the place. He had said he was busy recently, so it seemed better to let him rest and come back when he was ready.

‘Yeah, I’ll just spend time as usual.’

Dressed up like this, with my family joining in, there was no need to be nervous at all. I clenched my fists and confidently stepped forward. Then, from behind, Therid, my brother, burst into soft laughter.

“Why are you suddenly acting so tough?”

At that moment, a voice announced Dianel’s arrival. As if on cue, the carriage also stopped in front of the mansion. The butler looked around and, seeing everything ready, opened the door.

In front of the carriage, Dianel, disguised as Dalton as he did during the debutante’s ball, was getting off the carriage. 

He noticed me as he removed his outerwear and grinned as if he had been waiting for me

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