As he smiled, I unknowingly flinched.

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Seeing me tense up, my stiffened brother laughed behind me.

“Go on, go and greet him.”

Dianel came forward at the right moment and extended his hand to me. When I took his hand, he naturally led me toward the carriage. From behind, my family bid us farewell, wishing us a good time. 

Dianel exchanged greetings with them and then got on the carriage. He still held my hand firmly.

The feeling of our hands touching between the gloves was peculiar. I nervously fiddled with my toes, stealing a glance at him. 

As Dianel gave orders to the coachman, he must have felt my gaze, and he immediately turned his head to look at me. 

At that moment, I quickly averted my eyes. He seemed to have noticed, and a small chuckle came from beside me. My face flushed with embarrassment.

“Do you like this face? I’m getting jealous.”

“It’s not because of the face.”

“So, you do like me.”


I lifted my head in surprise at his nonsensical remark. 

At that moment, the sunlight streaming through the large window vanished, and darkness enveloped us. Dianel’s eyes sparkled deeply, and I found myself captivated by his gaze. 

After a moment of staring into each other’s eyes, I finally managed to turn my head away and mumble, 

“……I wouldn’t have asked you to come if you didn’t want to.”

Dianel replied, raising only the corners of his mouth lightly.

“Then that’s enough.”

The carriage rattled along for a while, and I gazed out the window for a moment before asking him, “What’s the sudden occasion? You only used to come at night.”

“I wanted to see you during the day too.”

“Even so, what’s Dalton’s crime? Is it okay to keep using his name like that every time?”

“Would you prefer me to come in my true form? You’d probably hate it.”

“….Well, that’s true. But can you afford to be away for a few days? You said you were quite busy.”

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“It’s okay. One important matter has just been wrapped up.”

Currently, Dianel was preparing for his ascension to the throne. He was already effectively serving as the Emperor, but becoming the true Emperor required more than just his efforts. 

From external preparations like ceremonies and inviting foreign dignitaries to internal tasks like transferring responsibilities and making appointments, it was a lot to handle.

In short, Dianel had been incredibly busy lately. It was unlikely that he could spare a few days so easily. But here he was, saying he just wanted to see me…

‘What happened?’

While I was lost in thought, the carriage slowed down and stopped in the city. The empty streets looked artificial, devoid of people.

‘…It’s the first time I’ve seen the city center so quiet.’

Dianel looked around as if surprised and asked, 

“It’s the place where you were born and raised, but you seem more unfamiliar than me.”

“…It’s my first time seeing the place this empty.”

Astita had good relations with the people of the territory, and there were no specific instructions given to keep people away during a guest’s visit. So, it felt strange to see the territory turned into a ghost town suddenly. 

The same must have been true for the residents of the territory.

“They must be very curious about us. They might be wondering about my actions after joining Astita.”

As I thought about it, I could feel glances directed toward us from various directions. Unconsciously, I let out a sigh. At that moment, Dianel, who had been looking at something else, asked me.

“If it’s uncomfortable for you to be alone with me, should I call a friend?”

“Friend? Who?”

“Hierian. He’s been following us around for a while now, and I don’t mind.”

“As I expected, he’s tagging along.”

I had anticipated it, but it was still amusing. However, I couldn’t let Hierian join us. 

This was a meeting between two noble families, and even a small mistake could lead to misunderstandings and put Dalton in a difficult position.

“By the way, Dianel, you should know better than to use Dalton’s name without permission.”

Looking puzzled, he gazed at me and smiled subtly, asking, 

“Did you notice?”

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“Yeah, and using Dalton’s name and acting so recklessly is rude.”

“It’s a matter he brought upon himself, he should take responsibility.”

A matter he brought upon himself? Wasn’t Dianel using Dalton’s name without permission?

Looking puzzled, I gazed at him, but Dianel didn’t add anything. Instead, he wore a strangely excited expression. It was like seeing a child on their first picnic.

‘I never thought Dianel could make such expressions.’

Every time I saw him, I noticed that Dianel’s facial expressions were becoming more diverse. 

Today, he seemed particularly joyful. His facial muscles, which were showing a certain stubbornness, seemed more natural, and that made his smile even more captivating.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“…Because your smile is beautiful.”

“I thought you felt that way.”

Then, he turned his head away. Unlike his past desperate or precarious demeanor, he appeared relaxed.

‘He looks happy. Maybe he’d be fine even without me.’

It should be good if Dianel was doing well without me, but somehow, I felt empty.

‘That’s strange.’

Suddenly, my gaze darted to the shadows, as if expecting to find Hierian somewhere nearby. However, Hierian, seemingly not wanting to be noticed, was nowhere to be seen.

‘Adandito said he was training at the temple. Come to think of it, he must be doing better now.”’

I had always thought it would be more comfortable and better without the main characters around. But for some reason, I felt a sense of emptiness.

‘Did I go through so much hardship for nothing?’

Lost in my thoughts, Dianel led me somewhere.

“Is this the reserved place?”

“…Oh? Yes, it is. How did you know?”

“This was the only place with an open door.”

“Ah, I see.”

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Although he was invited to our territory, someone else was guiding us. I felt embarrassed.

‘I was too absent-minded.’

I sighed and entered the place. After the meal and dessert were served, Dianel asked me a question.



“What do you think will happen when the curse is lifted?”

“…I guess I’ll just continue living as usual.”

As I said it, I felt puzzled. Would the main characters be included in my usual daily life?

‘Since I’m the savior, they should be included, right?’

Of course, they might get busy with their tasks and I might not see them often. As time goes by, I might adapt to my daily life and eventually forget about the male leads. I might meet someone, get married, and start a family…

But why can’t I imagine any of these things happening? It’s as if they don’t exist in my future, or like I’ve never even dreamed about them.

‘That’s not possible. Don’t think too deeply about it.’

I sighed and tried to distract myself by taking a bite of the brownie served as dessert. Even the sweet taste couldn’t ease my restlessness and frustration.

Feeling troubled and frustrated, I furrowed my brows. Then, Dianel asked if I wanted to take a walk.

“Shall we take a walk?”

“…… Let’s do that. Oh, I’m not doing this because of you. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“I know. It’s written all over your face.”

“How can you tell what I’m thinking?” 

“That’s what I’m wondering too. It’s quite fascinating.”

Dianel replied calmly as if he was reminiscing about something from long ago.

“I always thought I had to suppress and subdue the Demon King in battle. But the moment I realized I had to lead him, I became confused about how I should live my life from now on.”

“I’ve never really thought about what would happen after the curse is lifted.”

“You’ve always been focused on the present, and that’s enough. Even that alone is sufficient.”

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“But I can’t see anything about my future.”

It was never like this before. After the curse was lifted, I had plans to apologize to Therid, and I wished to earn a lot of money. 

Now, I’ve accomplished almost everything I wanted. Therid is nearly the same as he was before the curse, and I’ve become part of his family. I’ve received more than enough rewards and promises. But now, I feel utterly lost about what I should live for.

Having experienced so much, the idea of living an ordinary life as an ordinary woman no longer appeals to me.

Above all, I felt uneasy. It was as if I was missing something important. While contemplating, a faint smoke-like substance emanated from Dianel’s body. He looked at me and whispered, 

“I think I can help you.”

Before I could question him further, a picturesque scene appeared before my eyes without warning. 

The sky was a vivid blue, and the ground seemed to be fading into nothingness. In between, delicate and ethereal beings, like dandelion seeds, glowed with different lights.

I soared through them, flitting between the bright aura touching the sky and the shadow touching the ground. Both the bright aura and the dark shadow watched me intently. 

I gazed at the intimidating darkness and instinctively rose into the sky, where Eora greeted me with a benevolent smile.

‘You shouldn’t run away.’

‘But darkness is scary…’

‘You are entrusted with the role of giving life. My children and the children of darkness, both will pass through your hands.’

Eora gently reminded me.

‘Is it fair to love them equally? But Eora, is darkness really necessary?’

The darkness roiled fiercely, and the light it created began to fade. Watching them, I swallowed hard and looked back up at the sky.

‘It might be fine with just light.’

‘You mustn’t say such things. You’re listening, aren’t you?.’

‘But powerful darkness protects them. They won’t be swayed by my words.’

‘That’s not true.’

Eora spoke with rare determination.

‘Your words can make them sad.’

Finally, I turned my gaze downward. Underneath, a dim and eerie darkness swayed, and from below, a haunting wail emanated.

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