Adandito replied in a calm voice. 

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“I didn’t do anything.”

“Weren’t you planning something suspicious from behind?”

“No, I wasn’t. Why would I say such things to you if I did?”

Despite his composed voice, it seemed that Hierian couldn’t believe him as he narrowed his eyes slightly. Adandito ignored Hierian’s gaze and opened a section of the scripture, extending it towards Hierian.

It was a passage about the story of ‘St. Giorgio.’

“Hierian, I heard that there are passages about a savior in the scripture.”

“A savior? Yes, there are. But why bring it up all of a sudden?”

“In my dream, Piasse referred to herself as a savior.”

“…Piasse as the savior.”

Hierian lowered his light blue eyebrows loosely and nodded quietly.

“That seems possible.”

A faint smile lingered at the corner of Hierian’s mouth. Adandito, who keenly noticed it, asked him.

“Do you have any insight into this?”

“It was warm.”


“Piasse’s touch was warm. It felt like a vision.”

Adandito frowned slightly. The Piasse he saw always seemed troubled and strict, even more so. But she treated Hierian warmly. Their perceptions were so different that it made him wonder if they were talking about the same person.

Well, even in dreams, Piasse was on Hierian’s side. Adandito clenched his fist in a peculiar sense of discordance. Then he voiced the question that had been lingering in his mind.

“Siara could also be the savior.”


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Hierian’s eyes widened as if he heard unexpected words, then he tilted his head.

“No, it can’t be. Siara…”


“It’s a secret.”

Then he tightly sealed his lips. A faint laughter appeared on his lips as if he had a shared secret. Adandito, as if unable to bear witnessing that, gritted his teeth and murmured.

“That’s enough, please leave.”


“We have nothing more to discuss, so I’m telling you to leave.”

Hierian pursed his lips in response to the sudden dismissal.

“You do whatever you want, don’t pretend to be mature.”

“I’m not pretending to be mature, I’m matured.”

“No, you’re like a kid, a big, stubborn kid. What’s mature is what you’re saying about Siara.”

Then he stuck out his tongue and left. The sound of the door closing could be heard creaking. 

Adandito glared at the closed door for a while and spoke as if gnashing his teeth.

“…Mature, huh?”

He had constantly strived to not go against Siara’s will. Yet, Hierian did everything according to his whims. Who was he to judge who was mature and who wasn’t?

Exhaling a deep breath, he reluctantly lowered his stiff head.

Maybe he didn’t realize that he was just a kid. Even now, in his dreams, he longed for someone’s love. Adandito, with a weakened voice unlike before, muttered.

“How can I receive your love?”

* * *

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Dianel wandered around the mansion all the time until he reached where his knights were staying. 

Since there were so many of them and the mansion couldn’t accommodate them all, they set up tents in the garden near the mansion. As Dianel appeared, the commotion ceased, and the knights rushed towards him. 

Dianel passed through them, undoing his transformation. The small cat instantly transformed into a graceful figure.

A knight standing nearby put a cloak over Dianel’s shoulders, which was the same red color as his eyes. 

Without a word, Dianel draped the cloak over his body and entered the tent.

In that place, a tense atmosphere emanated from a blond young man. Though he had a good physique, amidst the rough and rowdy knights, he could easily pass for youth.

Dianel spoke to him in a dry tone.

“Therid le Astita.”

“I greet His Highness, the glory of the empire, the Crown Prince.”

The greeting was concise and neat compared to his palms, which were wiping the sweat off his pants.

Dianel raised one corner of his mouth and said.

“It’s been a while. Good to see you.”

Therid lowered his head without any extra movements. His face was pale.

Instead of saying anything, Dianel gestured for him to take a seat. Then he handed Therid a wine glass with a slightly frivolous expression and asked.

“Is there anything to be so tense about? You should relax after a long time.”

“…As you wish, Your Highness.”

Therid received the glass with a formal posture and accepted the drink poured by Dianel. His expression was stiff as if his mouth was parched.

Although he had bragged to his family, Dianel was not a particularly kind superior. Having a count by his side did not mean he would treat him as an equal. Therid, who knew him well, constantly had an uncomfortable expression.

In contrast, Dianel enjoyed his wine leisurely without saying a word. Even the knights who had been guarding Therid with serious expressions, not knowing what orders the Crown Prince would give, gradually left their surroundings as time passed. 

The sound of noise and the aroma of delicious food filled the air, indicating that they were enjoying themselves with drinks and food. The scent of grilling meat wafted into the tent, filling it. Around that time, one of the knights skillfully cut the freshly roasted whole pig barbecue and placed it between Dianel and Therid.

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“Please enjoy.”

With those words, the knight left the tent. Therid ignored the pleading gaze and hesitated for a moment before bringing the meat to his mouth. With each bite he took, Dianel did not touch the meat, only looking at him as if urging him to eat it quickly.

Therid, unable to bear it any longer, emptied his plate on his own as if he were going to choke. Only then did Dianel open his mouth.

“When you return to the Order, we will hold a grand welcome ceremony for you.”


“After a few years of building up your experience, you might even rise to a commanding position. Work hard.”

Then, as if gesturing for him to leave, Dianel nodded towards the door. Only then did Therid, who had stood up from his seat, ask him.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Upon hearing that, Dianel let out a subtle laugh and brought the glass to his lips. His unwavering red eyes stared directly into Therid’s eyes.

“Because I am going to owe you a great debt.”

“If it’s a debt…”

“Fortunately, I found a skilled healer with remarkable abilities.”

After saying that, Dianel leaned forward and whispered with a serious expression.

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Please tell me.”

“Bring her here before nightfall. Someone is suffering from a serious illness. No doctor, no healer has been able to cure it. Perhaps that healer might be able to heal it.”

Without realizing it, Therid nodded in response to the implicit question. If it was a request from Crown Prince Dianel, he would have to move heaven and earth to fulfill it. 

Such a minor task as summoning Siara for a short while should not be a problem. Therid nodded his head again and spoke.

“Of course, Your Highness. Do not worry!”

“Good, then go now.”

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Therid politely bid farewell and left the tent.

Outside the tent, their comrades were boisterously drinking and enjoying themselves. Voices calling out his name could be heard from time to time. Under normal circumstances, Therid would have blended in without any pretense, but this time was different.

He had to bring Siara here before nightfall. He felt a slight sense of unease in the atmosphere, but Dianel was a Crown Prince, and there were knights everywhere. Moreover, he was planning to come along as well, so there was no need to worry about Siara’s safety.

Therid brushed away the faint feeling of anxiety and quickly returned to the mansion.

Then he summoned Siara. She had just awakened from a nap, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Time had passed quite a bit, and the sun had set. Therid spoke to Siara in an urgent voice.

“Siara, you have a place to go with me.”

“A place to go?”

“Yeah, they said they need your power. We don’t have much time.”

Siara hardened her expression in response to Therid’s urgent voice and asked.

“Who is sick?”

“They said calling a doctor or any other healer wouldn’t help. They said they specifically need your power before nightfall. I don’t know if it will be done today or tomorrow.”

“…I should go quickly then. Wait a moment.”

Siara went inside and quickly put on a single robe before coming out. Therid led Siara and took her to the campsite. However, as soon as they arrived, someone urgently called Therid. In the end, Siara was escorted by another knight.

Siara looked around, turning her head here and there as if she caught the attention of many knights, and asked the knight who was guiding her.

“Where is the patient?”

“Just go to that tent over there.”

“Thank you.”

Siara pulled back the tent and went inside. And at that moment, she lost consciousness, overwhelmed by the pungent smoke rising from inside the tent.

Dianel embraced the collapsed Siara. It was before the full moon had risen, and everyone was on guard.

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