Hierian and Adandito set up their guard as night approached. They kept a close watch around Siara’s room to prevent Dianel from intruding and to ensure that they didn’t trespass into her room.

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Despite knowing that Siara had left her room with Therid, they expected her to return soon. Due to Siara’s sensitivity to matters involving the Astita family, there were some things they didn’t dare to question.

While they felt at ease, Dianel disappeared along with Siara. Because they had left knights to guard the campsite, no one expected him to return.

* * *

The new day slowly began to illuminate the darkness. As the sun stretched its rays in the early morning, diligent birds awakened from their slumber, signaling the start of a new day.

Chirp chirp ―

Workers moved quickly and made bustling sounds throughout the area. The palace, where the Crown Prince resided, was no exception.

However, there was one peculiar tower located in the farthest corner of the palace. The tower was enveloped in hazy darkness like a mass of clouds, with windows covered by bars, preventing sunlight from entering. The area surrounding the tower was surrounded by thorny fences, resembling a prison. In addition, thick curtains were hung on the windows, blocking the sunlight and creating a gloomy atmosphere.

At the top of that tower, Siara was asleep.

Despite the gloomy atmosphere, the room was decorated with a yellowish light. Sunflowers were placed in vases on the window sill, and the bed was filled with dolls. Macarons, books, and balls of yarn were scattered throughout the room, providing a sense of comfort.

In the middle of the room, on the pure white bedspread, Siara lay with her hair resembling sunlight scattered on the pillow. Dianel sat on a comfortable chair, twisting strands of Siara’s hair in his hands as if knitting with the yarn on the table.

As his hands continued their gentle movements, Siara woke up, furrowing her brows. Only then did Dianel remove his hands from her hair and casually took out a book.

Just as he turned a few pages without paying much attention, Siara woke up, and her sleepy eyes opened wide.

“…Where am I?”

Her wandering gaze landed on Dianel. As she stiffened, Dianel spoke.

“You’re awake.”


Siara was about to say something but stopped herself and immediately got up from the bed. She looked around, surveying her surroundings, and her complexion changed when she noticed the bars on the window. Only then did Dianel speak softly.

“Have you checked everything?”

“What is this?!”

“What is this, you ask?”

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Dianel extended a document envelope to Siara with an expression that was no different from his usual demeanor. The envelope had a thick layer, with a golden seal imprinted on the white surface. Siara narrowed her eyes and reluctantly accepted the envelope. Her touch as she took out the document from the envelope was rough and devoid of care.

“What is all this suddenly?”

However, her annoyed face gradually turned pale. Dianel calmly observed Siara’s face, which was becoming stained with shock. Without realizing it, a pale face that seemed like a blank sheet blurted out.

“This… This is all a lie. My parents, no, the Countess wouldn’t do something like this!”

Seeing her trembling gaze, Dianel didn’t offer any specific response. He simply crossed his legs and closed the book he was reading. The touch of his hand, as if soothing his tired eyes, was leisurely. Feeling her patience reaching its limit, Siara exclaimed.

“Say something!”

“Well, first, I’m truly sorry to deliver this kind of news.”

Dianel looked at Siara, not all sorry. Sensing an eerie sensation, Siara stiffened her body.

Dianel stared at her as if trying to see through her silence and spoke.

“In any case, I received this information, and that’s why I’m delivering the message.”

“There must be some misunderstanding. It must be someone’s fabrication—”

“Can you prove it?”

“I can prove it!” 

Her trembling gaze, which was filled with fear, hardened as she looked at Dianel.

“The proof is that His Majesty has me locked up here.”


“Where am I? Let me out. If not―”

“No, you can’t.”

Dianel interrupted Siara and spoke again.

“You can’t leave this place from now on.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Dianel’s mouth as he said that. Siara, taken aback by his unexpected response, blinked her eyes in confusion and shouted, her lips trembling.

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“What are you talking about?”

“You’re right. I manipulated the evidence to keep you imprisoned here.”


“No matter how much you struggle, it means you can’t escape from here.”

Then he stood up and stood in front of Siara. Despite his elegant movements, Siara felt a crushing sense of oppression.

A thick shadow fell over her head. Siara raised her head stiffly, looking at Dianel with determination.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you, Siara.”


“I hope you remain unhappy here forever.”

Dianel lightly grabbed Siara’s neck and continued speaking.

“I told you I wouldn’t leave you alone after the subjugation is over.”

He smiled as he said that. Siara trembled like prey trapped under a predator’s paw, then gathered herself and slapped Dianel’s hand away.

Shocked, Siara’s already pale complexion grew even paler.

“Don’t tell me… you remember me?”

“Of course, Siara Le Astita. Aren’t you our savior?”

Immediately after, Siara threw a vase at him. Dianel casually tilted his head and avoided the vase. With a crashing sound of shattered glass, Siara shouted.

“You…! Why are you doing this when you know!”

Dianel turned to face Siara and spoke.

“It’s not sudden.”


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“You still don’t know anything, do you?”

His eyes, low and dark as if remembering something, held a sense of melancholy. Siara couldn’t say anything more due to the oppressive atmosphere. In the meantime, Dianel left the bedroom.

In the silence, Siara forcefully asked, her lips trembling. Then she stood up and looked out the window.


In the hazy mist, a familiar building nearby caught her eye. It was the Demon’s Castle.

* * *

Dianel swiftly descended the stairs. Lavishly decorated rooms passed by in a blur on each floor.

The tower was solely created to confine Siara. For her eternal captivity, Dianel filled each room with things that Siara would enjoy. It resembled a utopia, except for the constant presence of guards in the corridors and bars on the windows.

He had been waiting for Siara to reside here all along because it was the most fitting ending for her.

Dianel suppressed a bitter smile and left the tower. The fog surrounding the tower was so dense that it took his breath away.

His steps, which had been leisurely all along, now contained immense strength in his fists. Even his once graceful eyebrows were deeply furrowed. He raised his head and stared at the top floor where Siara was confined. Finally, his lips twitched, and he let out a twisted laugh.

“…Even now, the memory of that day makes my teeth ache, but you probably can’t remember anything.”

Dianel’s throat rumbled like a mournful beast. Swallowing the words he couldn’t spit out, he left the tower. 

A few steps to the south, as if on cue, the fog dispersed, revealing a garden filled with greenery.

* * *

I woke up and found out that I had been kidnapped. Not just once, but twice.

‘What kind of situation is this?’

I clenched my teeth in frustration, but the target for my outburst had long disappeared. In front of me, there were only scattered documents rolling on the floor.

All of them contained information about the Astita family leading a rebellion.

‘I can’t believe he would resort to such blackmail.’

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I couldn’t understand why Dianel was doing this to me. Even when we carried out the subjugation, there wasn’t much animosity between us.

‘Whatever the reason, I need to find out.’

I kicked the papers on the floor in frustration, causing them to scatter in all directions. I sighed and sat down on the bed. Then I covered my face with both hands.


Like a child, I missed my mother.

The evidence of the manipulated rebellion seemed meticulously crafted and convincing. Moreover, the Astita family was a powerful force, and if Prince Dianel decided to silence them, there would be no way to stop him.

Dianel had made up his mind and was blackmailing me. If I didn’t stay here obediently, he threatened to punish my family as rebels. It was only possible because he remembered me.

Looking at the situation objectively, I could only let out a bitter laugh. There seemed to be no way to escape from the intricate trap set by Dianel. I sat on the bed, lost in thought. The soft bed embraced me, almost as comforting as tears.

“Pull yourself together. Even if you’re bitten by a tiger, you can survive if you stay calm.” 

I thought to myself.

But no matter how much I pondered, I couldn’t find a solution. Holding my head in my hands and screaming silently wouldn’t change anything. Then I heard some activity outside. I tensed up, thinking it might be Dianel approaching.

Knock, knock.

However, the knock was polite enough to make me relax. As I remained silent, a small passage under the door opened, revealing a tray with food placed on it. At the same time, someone outside calmly spoke.

“Here’s your meal.”

“…A meal.”

“Please enjoy it.”

The voice disappeared quickly, replaced by the enticing smell of the food filling the room. I thought to myself absentmindedly, 

‘I’m hungry.’ 

But instead of starting the meal, I quickly lay down on the bed and covered myself with the blanket.

“I will not eat it, no matter what.”

This was the only protest I could make.

And so, three days passed.

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