“I’ll excuse myself for a moment.”

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Before Siara could answer, Dianel placed his hand on Siara’s waist.

Then he pulled her closer to him.


Before Siara could continue speaking, Dianel turned around.

Ding ding ding―

With a cheerful melody, Siara floated in the air for a moment and spun three times before descending. Wondering what had happened, Siara’s eyes widened like marbles. She spoke with a voice that hadn’t calmed down.

“D-Dalton. You startled me.”


With a long and slow fading cello note, the music came to an end. Dianel stepped back gracefully and said,

“The ball is over now. It’s time for me to bid farewell.”

“….Well, yes, but just now…”

“Come this way.”

Dianel took a step forward, releasing the hand he had never let go of. Siara walked towards him and grabbed Dianel’s hand. Then she stopped and faced Dianel’s back, speaking in a teasing tone.

“Did someone purposely step on my dress train just now?”


“Well, if that’s the case, why did you run away first? Are you embarrassed?”

“…I thought you might dislike it.”

“Huh? What did you say? I couldn’t hear you well.”

“It’s nothing.”

Dianel continued walking. Siara followed behind him, still holding his hand.

The Debutante Ball was an event that marked the coming of age of nobles and their transition into respected adults. 

As part of the celebration, during the Debutante Ball, they had a formal greeting session with members of the royal family. The order of the greetings varied depending on how much contribution each family had made to the empire in the past year.

Neither the Dalton family nor the Siara family was particularly outstanding, so their turn came much later. 

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As a result, most of the others had already taken their positions, including Pete.

He confidently approached but stopped when he noticed Dalton and Siara. A malicious smile appeared on his thick-jawed face.

“Oh, Dalton. Your turn is way down the line. What will you do in front of the girl you like?”

When Dianel didn’t respond, he shifted his gaze to Siara and snickered.

“Ah, the rumored healer.”


“Well, well, you’re more impressive than I thought.”

Without realizing it, Pete stepped back and chuckled. A red flush rose above his pale face.

“…If Dalton ever gets tired of you, come to me. I have a lot to offer you.”

“Oh, alright.”

Siara replied indifferently, and Pete excitedly continued talking.

“It’s true. There’s no comparison between me and someone like Dalton.”


“Money, of course, and dresses. Oh, and…”

Pete glanced at Siara with an ominous smile, hinting at a conversation that hadn’t even started.

“The Astita family also owes a debt to my father…”

As soon as he mentioned that, Siara, who had been listening without much interest, was taken aback and interrupted.

“A debt? Are you talking about Viscount Leven? Come to think of it, you even look a bit like Viscount Leven.”

“That’s right! So you know about it.”

Pete continued with enthusiasm.

“The Astita family owes my family more than just money. And besides, that man next to you is quite dangerous.”

“…Apart from the money, what other debt is there? And what do you mean dangerous?”

Siara furrowed her eyebrows. It was a very unpleasant feeling that there were still unresolved issues. Seeing her expression, Pete laughed.

“If you’re curious–“


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Before Pete could say anything else, Dianel grabbed Siara’s hand. 

Siara turned around and saw Dianel nodding firmly. She responded decisively, 

“Anyway, it’s an important day, so please step aside.”

“Very well. Well, we have plenty of time.”

Pete bent one knee to greet them and then turned away. Siara watched him disappear and turned to Dianel with a curious expression.

“Dalton, I didn’t ask you not to say anything. What does it mean dangerous?”

“I will explain, of course. And I am currently investigating the matter.”

“Investigating? So something is happening?”

“Please ask Prince Dianel about it later. I am still tracing the events related to Viscount Leven.”

Surprised, Siara asked with a puzzled expression, 

“Prince Dianel? I knew that the Izbe ladies were investigating.”


“What a noble gesture for a change.”

A smile appeared on Siara’s lips. Dianel looked at her for a moment and then turned his head swiftly. Siara, unaware of everything, shook the hand she was holding with Dianel.

As if in a good mood, a tune hummed naturally. Although it was a behavior that deviated greatly from etiquette, the positive energy even made the people around them feel good. 

Dianel watched her for a while and asked, 

“I heard some unpleasant things. Shouldn’t you be careful?”

“I don’t know anything yet. Besides, I trust you more than that person.”

“…Even if I were deceiving you?”

“Seems like you have a lot to hide. Well, I’ll see your explanation later.”

Siara seemed to pay little attention to Pete’s words. Even if she did pay attention, she wouldn’t show it to the person in question right next to her.

Knowing this fact well, Dianel remained silent.

Meanwhile, the line was getting shorter, and their turn to greet approached. With a noble sitting right in front of them, the atmosphere became too formal for small talk, so Siara also sealed her lips. 

After a while, the master of ceremonies recited their names, and the Emperor nodded first and spoke.

“You are Dalton of Escalde, right?”

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“Yes, it’s an honor to meet you, Your Majesty.”

“I see. Escalde has been a loyal lineage for generations. I hope you will also be a faithful servant of the Empire.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Then, the Emperor looked at Siara and continued speaking.

“…You are Siara of the Astita family. I have heard a lot about you.”

“It’s an honor.”

Siara gracefully held the edge of her skirt and greeted. The Empress, who had been silent all along with refined movements that didn’t deviate from etiquette, finally spoke.

“You have proper posture and manners. The older ladies were praising you, and now I understand why.”

“Thank you.”

“But you must know that there are also many rumors about you, right? Even if it’s for the sake of the family that brought you into society, be careful of behaving like a troublemaker. Especially since the Astita family is a family blessed by the Eora god.”

The Emperor nodded as well.

“The Empress is right. Always be aware of your status and act accordingly. And also, never forget to be grateful to Prince Dianel for actively assisting you in your affairs.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

Siara answered obediently. There was no hint of discomfort in her tone or actions. Her behavior pleased the Empress, and a gentle smile appeared on her lips. She fanned herself and turned to the Crown Prince, speaking to him.

“Crown Prince, since you have helped Siara become a noble, wouldn’t it be nice to congratulate her as well?”

However, the Crown Prince remained silent and just sat still without saying a word. People found it strange that he didn’t respond because rumors had been circulating that Siara’s stay in the Crown Prince’s residence didn’t mean she would become the Crown Princess. 

The Empress was also taken aback.

Even the Crown Prince’s gaze was fixed on Dalton. Dalton, noticing the Crown Prince’s gaze, raised his head and looked at him. 

It was impolite to meet the eyes of a noble, but since most of them were bowing their heads, they didn’t notice anything strange. Only the Emperor and the Empress sitting next to each other sensed something suspicious.

In silence, the Crown Prince and Dalton held each other’s gaze. After a while, the silence was broken by the master of ceremonies, who discreetly announced the next person’s turn.

After finishing their greetings and returning to their seats, the two of them waited until the greetings of the others were over. 

Fortunately, there was some distance between them and the place where the greetings were taking place, allowing for casual small talk. Dianel quietly started the conversation.

“Are you okay?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Well, the Emperor and Empress didn’t only say nice things, did they?”

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“That’s how the nobles are.”

“…You speak as if you know the nobles well. By the way, I heard you stayed in the Northern Palace.”

“It happened unexpectedly.”

“Is the palace livable?”

“It’s livable enough. I didn’t have a place to stay in the capital, so it turned out well for me.”

“That’s fortunate.”

Dianel didn’t ask any further. Siara looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked.

“Usually, people would be curious about other things, but it seems like Dalton is curious about whether the palace is livable or not.”

“What do others usually ask?”

“Well, things like whether you have a good relationship with the Crown Prince and how often you meet.”

“I see… Do you have a close relationship with His Highness?”

Dianel’s adam’s apple moved as he finished speaking. 

But Siara, lost in thought, didn’t notice him and murmured with her chin resting on her hand. 

Her slightly lowered eyelashes continued to flutter. Dianel thought her movement was just like a butterfly.

“Well, are we close? Honestly, I’m not sure.”

The facial muscles of Dianel, who had been somewhat tense, relaxed a bit. While he remained silent, Siara continued speaking thoughtfully.

“He’s not someone who shows his inner feelings easily. That’s why it’s hard to figure him out.”


“He seems like someone who wants to be left alone, making it difficult for others to approach him. Why, the atmosphere around him feels lonely.”

Siara narrowed one eye as if seeking empathy. In response, Dianel nodded, agreeing.

“He does seem like someone difficult to approach.”

“But he’s still a good person.”


“He may have done something wrong to me, but I’m determined to accept everything. He’s doing well even now. So, I think he’s a good person. That’s how I choose to see it.”

With that, Siara smiled brightly.

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