Dianel nodded reluctantly.

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“Make sure you receive everything. He must be expecting that from you as well.”

“Ahaha, how can Dalton be so sure? And besides, how would I know what to ask for?”

“Even if it’s his life, he will willingly give it up.”

“Talking about the lives of the nobility, huh? Dalton is a more dangerous person than I thought.”

He chuckled as if he had heard an amusing remark about the view. Dalton didn’t respond, but a faint smile played on his lips.

“He truly would.”

The sound of a trumpet resounded in the distance, signaling the end of the greetings.

Without saying a word, Dianel and Siara stood up from their seats. The emperor’s voice echoed throughout the hall via amplification magic.

“It brings me great joy to host a gathering that blesses the young nobles. May you all become outstanding contributors to the prosperity of the empire.”

The emperor left his seat after his final speech. The crown prince followed suit. Only the empress remained, watching over them as the leader of the social circle.

From this point on, they were free to engage in conversation and dance. Those who had been holding hands all this time quickly found new partners and left.

Siara, observing the relaxed atmosphere, spoke up.

“Shall we part ways as well? I have something else to attend to.”

“Very well. It was a pleasure today.”

Dianel offered a light bow and walked away. Siara watched him go, lightly touching her hand.

‘He’s an interesting person. Normally, people are afraid to talk about the crown prince.’

Dianel was more frequently associated with the adjective “terrifying” than “impressive.”

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Until he went on his expedition, rumors circulated that one’s life would be in danger if they fell out of favor with Dianel.

Although he never harmed anyone upon his return, his power became even more pronounced. As a result, nobles were reluctant to casually discuss the crown prince. Not even close acquaintances would do so, let alone those who had only exchanged a few words.

However, Dalton didn’t seem like someone who would be oblivious to the atmosphere and make careless remarks.

‘There’s something suspicious about it.’

Siara turned her head, only to find a large man standing behind her, tall enough that she had to lift her head to see his face. She blinked and asked.


“Yes, Lady Siara.”

“Did you come to escort me? I was about to leave anyway… Besides, it’s not yet prayer time, right?”

Instead of answering, Adandito sat down next to Siara. Unlike usual, he was dressed in a suit adorned with golden embroidery on a white background.

His earrings and the gold jewelry around his neck contrasted with his dark skin, creating a dazzling effect, yet he still maintained a sense of moderation.

Surprised by his refined appearance, Siara asked with curiosity.

“Why are you dressed like this?”

Adandito replied, pouting his lips.

“I envy them. We’re in the same position, yet some can wear fancy dresses and dance, and here I am, dressed respectfully. Where’s the justice in that?”

“I didn’t know you were the type to envy others, quite unexpected.”

“Anyway, I received an invitation too, so I will enjoy myself until evening prayer.”

“I see. Something happened?”

Adandito responded with a melancholic expression.

“Nothing happened. I just… wanted to enjoy my remaining time.”

To express his desire to enjoy himself was unusual for Adandito, but it also revealed his sincere feelings. 

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Throughout their training sessions, Siara had come to understand Adandito’s life to some extent, and she readily nodded in agreement.

“Alright, today I will make an exception and have fun with you.”

“Siara, are you sure?”

“Yes, you don’t know what you do for fun in these situations. I will be your guide. Shall we start from there? There’s plenty of finger food. We can eat a few, right?”

Despite the elaborate dishes prepared by the royal chefs, Debutantes only had a taste of the food. 

Siara extended her hand to Adandito in a gesture to rush towards the table where the food was placed.

Adandito glanced at the hand Siara was extending, then nodded his head. His usually composed face seemed slightly troubled.

“Very well. If Lady Siara insists, then let’s go as much as you’d like.”

He was about to rise from his seat and take Siara’s hand when someone intercepted Siara’s hand.

“Siara! I love finger food. Let’s eat together.”

Hierian suddenly appeared, dressed in a purple suit with a butterfly bowtie for children. The embroidery of amethyst and pearls adorning his long necklace made him look like a young nobleman.

Adandito stiffened his expression at the unexpected arrival. And unfortunately, Siara witnessed that fleeting moment and teased him.

“What’s the matter, Adandito? You emphasized your position as a senior official, and now you’re jealous of Hierian?”

“J-Jealous? No, I just-“

“Just hold my hand with the other hand and follow us.”

“It’s alright. I’ll follow you both.”

“Very well then.”

Siara and Hierian held hands and moved forward. Adandito quietly followed them, his shoulders slumped.

The curious and jealous gazes intertwined with complicated emotions followed them from behind.

* * *

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Erin bit her lip. Although she had been pretending to be meek, her eyes were filled with jealousy. The discussions about Siara were everywhere.

Siara’s refined manners, extensive connections, and his recent elevation to the nobility were enough to draw everyone’s attention. And Erin didn’t want Siara to steal away the spotlight from her.

‘I should be the center of attention during the Debutante. How much attention I receive will determine my position in the social circle.’

The Empress often participated in grand events to assess the positions of the debutantes and would reflect that in future royal events. Having a good standing, even with a mediocre lineage, meant receiving more invitations to parties and better seating arrangements.

In the social circle, the influence of the high nobility was highly valued, and it was even more crucial as a potential crown princess.

That’s why Erin was determined to be the center of attention during this Debutante. However, Siara seemed to be taking away all the attention.

Erin believed it was all because of Adandito and Hierian.

‘I wish I had such remarkable people by my side.’

Erin’s partner was from a highly regarded family personally chosen by her household. Thanks to that, Erin stood close to the center of the ballroom and greeted the noble families before anyone else. 

Moreover, the jealous debutantes took it upon themselves to step on Siara’s dress, hindering his approach.

Throughout the dance, Erin had been conscious of Siara and felt a sense of satisfaction watching his faltering steps.

‘The atmosphere was good, but everything changed when the senior officials and nobles arrived.’

The imposing figures surrounding Siara prevented anyone from approaching her. While Erin was grumbling, she heard a familiar voice nearby.

“Oh, Lady Erin. You look beautiful today.”

Erin discreetly shifted her gaze and saw it was Pete, the son of Viscount Leven, extending his hand toward her.

Erin glanced at his plump fingers as if they were devouring her gloves and swiftly turned away.

“I’m sorry. I need to take a break now.”

Pete approached her quickly as she walked towards the rest area.

“Young lady Erin. I know very well who you’ve been watching throughout the debutante ball…”

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Pete chuckled, his words trailing off.

“You seem to be a jealous person, Young lady.”

Smirking, he continued speaking.

“But I know one thing: our goals are the same.”

Erin abruptly turned around and asked.

“What do you know? Keep quiet and find another partner to leave with.”

Pete calmly responded without backing down.

“We both know who our target is.”

He gestured towards the back where Siara was standing. Erin narrowed her eyes, finally understanding, and asked.

“Ah, you’re interested in Siara, aren’t you, Young gentleman?”

“Is it just an interest? It’s not just the two of us who want to have a word with her. It would be even better if we gain something more.”

“Something more?”

“Well, let’s just say it’s pure affection.”

Erin snorted, looking at Pete who shrugged nonchalantly.

“Even when you couldn’t approach her when Dalton was around, do you think you can wander around near them?”

“But there must be something else you’re curious about. For example, what kind of charm does Siara possess that attracts those giants, considering she was once a commoner?”

“What are you trying to say?”

“In the end, they are nothing more than beings captivated by beauty.”

Pete scanned Erin’s body up and down, a sinister smile forming on his lips.

“You are beautiful enough, to the point of blinding the eyes.”

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