Erin smiled, raising the corner of her mouth.

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‘Did you think I wouldn’t notice your shallow intentions of using me to get closer to Siara?’

However, Pete’s words were not entirely wrong. Even without him saying it, Erin knew very well that she was beautiful. 

If she played her cards right, someday, the High Priest and Administrator would come crawling to her.

Besides, Pete had a reputation for playing dirty in social circles. If he loitered around Siara, naturally her reputation would suffer.

Erin nodded willingly.

“Alright. But what will you do?”

Pete laughed heartily at Erin’s audacious question. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“I have all the weaknesses of Siara and Dalton in my grasp. You don’t have to worry.”

Erin looked at Pete skeptically, and he continued confidently.

“I can’t disclose this valuable information, but you can trust me.”

“…Is it related to Viscount Leven’s business?”

“Bingo, you got it.”

Erin finally nodded. Everyone who knew Viscount Leven was aware that he engaged in shady dealings with weak families.

The more mud puddles there were to trip Siara, the better.

Erin smiled enchantingly, fanning herself with a fan.

“I’m looking forward to it. The things you will show me.”

Pete leaned in and whispered as he kissed the back of Erin’s hand.

“You won’t regret joining forces with me.”

“Well, alright. But not now.”

“Of course. We need to patiently set the trap and wait.”

“Right, take it slow and easy.”

Erin swiftly turned away from Pete.

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She didn’t want to engage in any further conversation with him. Other young ladies probably felt the same. 

Pete, notorious for his debauchery and repulsive appearance, had captured everyone’s attention differently.

Now that such a person was sticking to Siara’s side, it was only natural that Siara would move further away from her position as the prince’s wife.

‘Maybe she’ll be permanently banished from society.’

It was an insatiable greed that didn’t suit her, but it was hard not to feel that way. 

A smile filled Erin’s lips.

* * *

Dianel returned to the North Palace as soon as the debutante ceremony ended. 

Although it was just a participation as Siara’s partner, he unexpectedly gained some benefits. 

Throughout the event, he obtained clues about the illicit trading market that the Empire had been fighting all along.

He returned to his office and commanded the secretary, who was handling Viscount Leven’s affairs.

“Dig into Escalde’s past. Check if he had any dealings with the illicit traders.”

The secretary looked puzzled and asked again.

“I-Illicit traders?”

“It seems he had a record of trading with a ten-year-old healer. It appears to be related to Viscount Leven.”

The secretary finally understood and nodded. However, his expression was subtle.

Dianel raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Why that expression?”

“Oh, um…”

The secretary mumbled with a perplexed face.

“Your Majesty, you got angry just now…”


“I-I misspoke.”

“What do you mean? Explain.”

“Well, um, Your Majesty, this is the first time I’ve seen you get angry over something like this…”

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Dianel hardened his expression. As the silence grew, the secretary trembled. It was because he realized he had said something that should never have been said.

Dianel, with utmost rationality, contemplated whether the secretary deserved to die for his transgression.

‘Daring to judge the royal family is a capital offense.’

In that case, is killing the appropriate action? Normally, it would suffice to exile and confiscate their assets, but it was possible.

If it were justified as an act of insulting the royal family, no one would be able to object to the killing. 

But what if Piasse had witnessed it?

A thin smile formed on his lips as he pondered. Dianel raised his hand and spoke.

“Do what needs to be done.”

“Yes, yes! Your Majesty.”

The secretary sat down with an expression that went from dead to alive. Dianel watched the secretary rummaging through documents with a thoughtful gaze.

‘Well, um, Your Majesty, this is the first time I’ve seen you get angry over something like this…’

Only after hearing those words did he realize that he had spoken in anger. 

In truth, he was angered by the words Pete had uttered against Siara. It was enough to cause a significant grudge against the Leven family, including Pete. It was a stronger emotion than when he had heard about all the misdeeds the Leven family had committed until now.

And Dianel was someone who knew how to handle such enemies very skillfully.

A sneer played on his lips, which had been tightly sealed.

* * *

The debutante continued even after the sun had set, but I and Adandito had to leave for the evening prayers, so we left first. Hierian went back to the mausoleum to continue his research.

Before we knew it, the sun had set. The front hall was crowded with people waiting for carriages.

The distance from the banquet hall, where the debutante was held, to the north palace was quite far to walk.

Adandito gestured to call a carriage.

“I will call for a carriage. Please wait a moment.”

“Never mind. I’m too full. Let’s walk slowly.”

“Are you trying to shorten the prayer time?”

“…You’re quick to catch on.”

When I rolled my eyes, Adandito replied as if showing sympathy.

“Well, fine. Since you’ve shown me something special today, let’s walk.”

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At the mention of something special, a question slipped out unconsciously.

“Haven’t you participated in various events like this?”

“As a priest, I have participated since I was very young.”

It meant he had participated only to bestow blessings and carry out rituals. I found the process of the debutante tiresome, so I could imagine how much more tiresome it would have been for the priest to attend events.

‘Ugh, I feel like they’ve been praying all day.’

As a shiver ran down my spine, Adandito laughed.

“Did you think it would be boring?”

“Well, it was more interesting than I thought, right?”

“No. It’s even more boring than you imagine. Someday, I will invite you–“

“Enough! I don’t need it!”

I waved my hands in opposition, and Adandito’s smile grew wider.

Suddenly, a loud laughter cut through the air. Adandito seemed surprised as if he didn’t know he could laugh so loudly.

I stared at him, then lightly nudged Adandito with my elbow.

“You don’t have to pretend to be polite. It’s just the two of us.”

“Well, yes, that’s true.”

Adandito murmured in a low voice.

“Many eyes are watching us.”

“Huh? I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

“You’re just being obtuse, ……Siara. Everyone’s looking at us like they’re not.”

“Even so, what’s wrong with laughing a little?”

“It’s not proper behavior. Rumors will spread that I’m not a good priest.”

Adandito seemed to be conscious of others’ gazes. After all, I had often seen him put on a kind smile in front of the worshipers, hiding his true feelings.

And I had a rough idea of why.

‘If I stay by his side a little longer, I’ll be able to figure it out.’

Just then, a servant who had spotted Adandito approached him. He had a pouch of water in his hands.

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“High Priest! I thought you were in the prayer room, so I went to check…”

“Do you need holy water?”

“Yes, um, if it’s not too much trouble…”

The servant hesitated and reached out with a water pouch. Adandito willingly blessed the water pouch, extending his blessings to it.

The sacred power accumulated in Adandito’s body transferred to the water pouch. It was something he had built up through a refined lifestyle. It may have been a small amount, but it was by no means easily accumulated.

The servant bowed deeply.

“Thank you!”

Then the servant left. His hurried steps gradually subsided as he met a colleague waiting from afar. Faint snippets of their conversation reached my ears.

“…Just giving it away? Easier than I thought.”

“The officials can’t refuse. Especially the higher-ups, they have to do it for their reputation.”

“Well then, should I go as well? If I sell this, then—”

At that moment, I grabbed Adandito’s hand.

“Hey, I’m hungry.”

“…But you just had five plates of finger food earlier.”

“That was just a snack. Today, I feel like having noodles.”

Adandito smiled at me, just as he had a moment ago.

“Noodles, is it? I understand. Let’s eat together after we finish the prayer.”

“They say it’s not good to eat late-night snacks.”

“You’ve been quite active today, so it’s okay.”

Although it was like a rubber band, even stricter standards wouldn’t do me any good. I nodded, agreeing that what’s good is good.

As we walked for about thirty minutes, we reached a garden that led to the archery range. The garden of the archery range was tranquil, unlike other places. Through a labyrinth-like path of bushes, we came to an open field where a familiar-looking cat sat by the fountain.

“Oh, Dianel—”

Coincidentally, I had something to give to him. As I unconsciously moved forward, Adandito firmly grasped my hand. When I turned around as if asking why, he spoke.

“I like you.”


“I like Siara.”

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