Rong Xia the merchandise that people fought for, was having a guest at home. During the nation mourning period, officials couldn’t drink alcohol or enjoy entertainment, so he served tea.

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The guest was not an ordinary person, it was the Minister of Revenue Yao Peiji, an important member of the Court.

Yao Peiji was an avid enthusiast of calligraphy and painting, so he had very positive sentiment towards Rong Xia. He and Rong Xia regarded each other brothers despite the 30-40 years gap between them. In fact, if he could put his hands on a treasured painting from Rong Xia, he would be willing to call Rong Xia the ‘elder brother’.

“Good painting, good composition.” Yao Peiji looked at the painting of a cat playing with flower and plants hanging on the wall. Flushing with excitement, he said to Rong Xia, “Master Count’s skill has improved again, this kitten looks like alive. But why does a cat have a peony on it’s head?”

Rong Xia smiled widely, “This is just zaixia‘s little amusement.”

“Painting as the heart desires, the object will be more lively. That’s how it should be, that’s the right way.” Yao Peiji rubbed his palms lightly. He suddenly felt that peony was the crucial part of the painting, it had made the cat so cutely naïve, and even a little willful.

A cat ah, should be a little willful to be cute.

After pulling Rong Xia to talk about paintings for quite some time, Yao Peiji sighed ruefully, “Master Count is so talented, wonder what woman is worthy of you.”

Rong Xia smiled without responding, he toasted Yao Peiji a cup of tea.

“I think the second miss of Minister Shi’s isn’t only graceful and intelligent, but also very talented. She is a good match with yourself.” Yao Peiji sipped his tea and smiled, “What does Master Count think?”

Rong Xia’s face was contemplative, after a long while, he said, “Does Yao-daren mean Minister Shi’s second young miss?”

“That’s the one.” Yao Peiji said, “My wife often mentioned this young lady. Yesterday it suddenly occurred to me this young lady is a good match for you.”

“Afraid zaixia has to disappoint Yao-daren,” Rong Xia stood up and gave Yao Peiji a salute, apologetically said, “Not going to hide it from Yao-daren, a few days ago zaixia has committed to a marriage. It is not made known yet due to the Grand Princess’ mourning period, so requesting Yao-daren to keep this a secret.”

“Wha… what?” Yao Peiji looked at Rong Xia in shock. So this Rong lad had been engaged, why there was no news of it? As he was a cultured man, seeing the way Rong Xia said it, he didn’t pursue further. “In that case, then laofu wishes Count Rong and the future lady a love lasting longer than gold, together to the end.”

* laofu 老夫 = This Old Man (referring to self)

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“Thank you Yao-daren for the auspicious words.” Rong Xia solemnly bowed to Yao Peiji.

Yao Peiji saw Rong Xia was blushing radiantly with a bright smile on his face.  He ruefully thought it was obvious that Count Rong was truly fond of his future wife, otherwise the smile wouldn’t have been that joyous. It was a pity for Shi family because their intention wouldn’t come true, he needed to drop by Shi residence.

Rong Xia saw Yao Peiji wanted to leave, after asking him to stay three times, he sent Yao Peiji to the main gates. Only after Yao Peiji’s carriage had departed that he ordered the guards to close the gates.

At the Right Minister’s residence, Shi Jin was recuperating at home. When his father’s page boy called him to see a guest, he changed into a plain and not-new long robes, then followed the page boy.

As the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guards, he was punished with 50 strokes in relation to the assassination of the Grand Princess. Luckily, as the Right Minister’s son, the person who carried out the punishment had held back, so even though his wounds looked serious but there was no damage to his bones and muscles. The Head Commander who was also punished with 50 strokes was injured more severely, it was said he still couldn’t get up from bed until now, and whether he could keep that Commander position was still uncertain.

Seeing Yao Peiji at the main hall of the main courtyard, he could guess what the visit was about, he gave Yao Peiji a salute.

Originally Shi Chonghuai had no intention of having Rong Xia as a son-in-law, but when he saw Rong Xia had become more and more influential among the scholars, highly valued by the Emperor, and was increasingly powerful at the Court, he came to think it would be good to have him married to his daughter. However throughout the ages, marriages were proposed by the male side, no bride ever hounded the groom to marry, so after mulling it over, he entrusted Yao Peiji to test the water.

“Just now at Count Rong’s place laofu has admired a picture of a playing cat, it was very interesting.” Yao Peiji had swallowed a bellyfull of tea at Rong Xia’s place so here he only moisted his lips before putting the cup down. “Laofu today has shot my mouth off, and asked about Count Rong’s marriage matter.”

Yao Peiji wouldn’t say that Shi family had asked for his help, calling himself speaking out of turn was to save Shi family’s face.

“Who knew this Count is not a romantic person, he has no interest in the matter of man and woman.” Yao Peiji shook his head and sighed, “Young people nowadays, these twenty something years olds, not sure what they are thinking. When laofu was at their age, my children were already running around.”

Shi Jin slightly frowned, “Count Rong is unwilling?”

Yao Peiji laughed, “Isn’t it so. He is not willing to talk about marriage.” What he meant was, I have done what your family asked me to do, but the other person has no such intention, so you should let it go.

Not sure what Shi Jin was thinking, he just couldn’t help frowning.

Shi Chonghuai smiled at what Yao Peiji said, “Young people like to be free and independent without elders to control them, naturally they aren’t willing to get married.”

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Just an orphan fated to live alone, how dare he thinks he can be picky towards his daughter, what an ungrateful person!

Yao Peiji pretended he didn’t hear the mockery in Shi Chonghuai’s words. After sitting a little bit longer, he rose and said his farewell. He was sent off at the gates by Shi family’s steward.

In the carriage, Yao Peiji hummed a little tune with his head nodding as if he had been in a very good mood. In everyone’s eyes, he was an official attached to Shi Chonghuai’s side, and even he himself had thought so. However, that didn’t mean he was happy to be treated like an errand boy by Shi family. Younger generations of the Shi’s were at home, and it was not like they were busy with many guests, yet he was sent out by a servant. This absolutely was looking down on him.

On the other hand, Rong Xia was greatly valued by the Emperor, and he still personally sent him off at the gate. Was Shi family’s face so big that they couldn’t walk a few steps to see him off?

Educated people placed utmost importance on manner and etiquette, failing to treat other people with proper manner was an offense.

Yao Peiji had issues with Shi family now.

“Do you think your family miss is a heavenly fairy that whoever you pick must be willing to marry her?”

Yao Peiji humphed. Maintaining his odd sort of good mood, he left Shi family territory.

If you are not reading this at SleepyPrawn site, then this translation is stolen. Come to my site and add to the viewer number to encourage me to continue translating!

Ban Huai returned home with a face full of indescribable expression. He called his wife and children, dismissed all the servants, then looked at his three family members seriously.

“Fujun, what happened?” Yin-shi saw Ban Huai’s strange look, hesitantly asked, “Did His Majesty regret giving you the royal duke title?”

* fujun 夫君 = Husband

Ban Huai shook his head.

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“The Second Prince offended you again?” Ban Heng stuck out his neck, put himself close to Ban Huai’s face, “Or did you meet strange people on the street?”

Ban Huai was still shaking his head.

Ban Hua saw her father’s eyes landed on herself, she pointed an index finger to her own nose, “Something to do with me?”

Ban Huai nodded.

Ban Hua slapped the table, “Who else talks badly about me again?”

Ban Huai rubbed his face, “My good girl. Can’t it be something good?”

“But it doesn’t look like anything good from your face.” Ban Hua took a deep breath, lowered her head to sip some tea, “Please just say it out, I can bear it.”

“Count Rong asked His Majesty to be his matchmaker. He wants to marry you.”

“Ke, ke, ke!” Tea water choked on Ban Hua’s throat, tears streamed out of her eyes. The family was shocked, they busily pounded her back and gave her a handkerchief.

“I, I am fine.” Ban Hua patted her chest, lines of tear flew down her face, “Count Rong, is he blind now?”

Ban Huai shrugged, “I am curious too.”

“Speak properly. What rubbish you two are saying!” Yin-shi’s eyebrows raised up, “My family’s daughter is so beautiful, everyone wants to propose. It is just a Count, what’s strange about it.”

Ban Heng stuttered, “But it is Rong Xia, how many girls in the Capital wants to marry him.”

“So what if it’s Rong Xia. Even if his name is Flawless Rong, so what?” Yin-shi slapped the table, “Also, a man who is liked by many girls, how if he is a skirt-chaser?”

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T/N – Xia 瑕 = flaw (like in 遮瑕 = concealer, in cosmetic).

“Which of the men that Sister liked who don’t look amazing and liked by many girls.” Ban Heng braved Yin-shi’s gaze, he said in lowered voice, “It’s not bad for Sister to marry Rong Xia, at least he is a gentleman. When our family fall in the future, he wouldn’t neglect Sister. We can be certain of this.”

Yin-shi fell silent to hear it.

What would happen in five years, they dared not be sure. But according to Ban Hua’s dream, she would still be unmarried, and she wasn’t a Xiangjun anymore.

Not right, not right!

Yin-shi suddenly lifted her head and asked Ban Hua, “Say again, what title you had in your dream?”

“Xiangjun.” Ban Hua was certain of that. In the dream she saw a eunuch came to their house to announce that her father’s Marquis title was stripped, her mother’s ennobled madam status was stripped, and her own Xiangjun title too.

“But you are a Junzhu now, and your father is a Royal Duke,” Yin-shi’s voice became very low, “The reality now….. is already different from your dream.”

“All of these…..” Ban Heng carefully thought, “Started from when Sister whipped Shen Yu.”

“Are you saying, the me in the dream didn’t end up well because I wasn’t unruly enough?” Ban Hua frowned, “That sounds a bit wrong.”

Ban Huai helplessly looked at his pair of children, “Do you think everything is that simple? Your dream is confusing, all events in the dream are mixed up. The most crucial thing is, you don’t know who rebelled, so it’s hard to make decisions based on your dream. You can be a Junzhu now, but maybe you will commit an offence and get reduced to a Xiangjun again. Maybe I will do something, and get changed back to a Marquis?”

“That’s also correct.” Ban Hua thought deeply, “You say…. Is it possible that the rebels is Shi family? Shi family’s eldest Shi Jin likes to wear black. And Shi family is now very powerful, if they want to rebel, it is also possible.”

All four of Bans fell in deep contemplation. The more they thought, the more likely for Shi family to be the suspect.

“Master Duke, Count Cheng’an is requesting an audience.”

The steward’s voice rang from the garden, the four Bans looked at each other. The merchandise who asked to be their son-in-law had come?

Should they meet him or not, that’s the question.

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