In the end, the Bans decided to meet Count Cheng’an.

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The family of four plus Rong Xia sat quietly looking at the stack of gifts in the room, the silence was louder than if anyone spoke. Ban Heng felt the atmosphere was too awkward, so awkward that his eyes couldn’t stop sweeping over Rong Xia and his sister again and again.

He thought the idea that Count Rong had an intention towards his sister was too much, it turned out to be too little.

“Uncle, Aunt,” Rong Xia rose and performed a deep junior bow towards Ban Huai and Yin-shi, “Wanbei is presumptious to come and bother, please Uncle and Aunt forgive.”

Ban Huai silently held his cup, last time it was still Master Marquis, in a short period of time he had turned into ‘Uncle’. He used to think everything about Rong Xia was good, but he no longer felt that way.

Rong Xia’s eyebrows were too shapely, men with such eyebrows were said to be inflexible. With a pair of peach blossom eyes, eight or nine out of ten he was a magnet for romances. Slightly thin lips, one look and you’d see he must be heartless. Wasn’t there a saying ‘butchers are most righteous, and scholars are most ungrateful’, this Rong Xia had read so many books, how if he was ungrateful?

Not good, not good. In his mind, he shook his head, then he turned to Yin-shi.

Yin-shi raised her eyelids, smiled slightly and said, “Heard Count Cheng’an has the intention to propose to my failure of a daughter, this……” Yin-shi glanced at her daughter, who didn’t look embarrassed, “…..this is a bit sudden, we are very surprised.”

“Uncle, Aunt, wanbei is sincere in proposing to Junzhu. If wanbei can marry Ban family miss, it will be one heart and one mind, never apart until our heads are silver. Wanbei with Junzhu will be like Uncle with Aunt.” Rong Xia saluted Ban Huai and Yin-shi again, “If in the future wanbei ever dares to break this vow, may wanbei be scorned and reputation swiped off, living a miserable lifetime of loneliness.”

This was the most severe oath that a noble gongzi with fame could make. Had he said something in line of ‘struck by lightning’ or so, it wouldn’t even enter the Bans’ ears for being too cliché.

Ban Heng coughed dryly, watching Ban Hua from the corner of his eyes, what did his sister think?

Ban Hua was sneaking a piece of snack into her mouth, she took a sip of tea and gave him an innocent smile.

What does it mean, are you willing or not? Besides, someone is proposing to you, shouldn’t you pretend to be a little shy?

“Our daughter dislikes poetry and books, afraid she doesn’t share common interests with you.” Yin-shi felt as if she had been an evil mother-in-law who made things difficult for son-in-law.

“What Junzhu likes, wanbei will like it too. Poetry and books is just a small interest to do in spare times, it is not as important as Junzhu.”

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Ban Huai’s eyelids twitched, this lad had potential. That time he had also relied on the similar spirit of shamelessness to tease his Furen’s heart so it would blossom for him.

“This girl is a squanderer, she likes flowers and make-up, while Master Count……” Yin-shi was going to say Master Count was frugal, but then she saw Rong Xia’s clothing. It was plain and made of cotton in consideration of the mourning period, but the embroidery wasn’t simple. Yin-shi could see the embroidery was more expensive than the material, “Master Count likes simple and elegant looks, it is also an incompatibility.”

“Junzhu is the pride of the nation, the makeup and adornment are essential. Whatever she likes to wear, she should wear, wanbei will like everything. Whatever she likes to eat, she should eat, there is only zaixia at home, everything is according to her preferences. Wanbei’s ancestors were not prominent, but the legacy left to wanbei is still generous. Wanbei won’t ever let Junzhu worry about money.”

The Rongs had been a prestigious clan for hundreds of years. The ‘not prominent’ and ‘generous legacy’ were modest words. On the matter of producing famous ancestors, or the size of valuable inheritance, Ban clan couldn’t compare to Rong clan.

Yin-shi suddenly felt that given her daughter’s temperament, marrying into a distinguished family that had no elders was a very good choice. However, a man’s mouth couldn’t be trusted. Shen Yu had also spoken flowery words during his proposal, and everyone in the Capital knew how it ended.

“Master Count has said it very thoroughly,” Yin-shi smiled, “Such a major matter, although we elders are very concerned, but most important is still the opinion of our daughter.”

Yin-shi was a very open-minded person. Perhaps because her own maternal family always forced her to do things she disliked, she had became very open-minded to her own children. So much so that if the daughter didn’t find anyone she liked, Yin-shi would rather her stay unmarried than living in unhappiness.

It was a rather too unconventional view, so Yin-shi had never expressed it to others, but it inevitably still affected how she taught her children.

“What Aunt said is reasonable.” Rong Xia bowed to Yin-shi, he turned to Ban Hua whose head was bowed to drink tea.

Ban Huai rose and patted his sleeves, calmly said, “Master Count, our family is still in mourning, some words should not get too far.” After that he said to Yin-shi and Ban Heng, “The sun in the garden is just right, let’s get some sun light.”

Ban Heng reluctantly stood up, he gave Rong Xia a side glance, I never expected you to be this kind of person!

The door to the garden was left open, the three Bans stood in the garden watching intently into the room. They couldn’t hear the conversation, but once Rong Xia showed any sign of crossing the rules, they could instantly jump in.

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site, add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

Rong Xia glanced to the direction of the garden, then he bowed to Ban Hua, “Junzhu, your family treats you really well.” Rong Xia was certain there was no other family in the whole Capital who loved their daughter like Ban family did.

Ban Hua was holding a tea cup with her head inclined at Rong Xia, measuring him. After a long time she put it down, cupped her face and asked, “Count Rong, do you really plan to marry me?”

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Ordinary girls would be blushing crimson and stammering in disorder on this topic, but Ban Hua was positively calm. She even used this chance to double check on Rong Xia. Pretty face, fine hands, slim on the waist while the legs were long, had good aura. Such a man had unexpectedly taken a liking to her, was she attractive to scholars?

“Yes, zaixia wishes to marry Junzhu.” Rong Xia bowed, placed himself on the same eye level with Ban Hua who was sitting on the chair. “If Junzhu is willing to marry me, you can still stay at your maternal house often, as long as zaixia is taken along.”

Hearing this, Ban Hua finally looked moved a little, “Don’t you scholars have many demands for women, and women who often go back to their maternal house are not virtuous?”

“Junzhu, in front of you, zaixia isn’t some scholar, merely a man who adores you. An ordinary man who is begging you to marry him.” Rong Xia’s face looked somewhat forlorn, “Moreover, zaixia has no father or mother, and no brother anymore. There is noone else in the empty house. If zaixia isn’t constrained by status, zaixia is willing to follow Junzhu to live in the Royal Duke’s residence.”

Ban Hua remembered Rong Xia had lost his parents since young, then his elder brother also died. The pregnant sister-in-law lost the child, went back home and remarried. His background was quite pitiful.

“So…… because our family is more lively, so you want to marry me?” Ban Hua suddenly felt if it was what Rong Xia wanted, it wasn’t bad to marry him.

“No, it’s more of ‘loving the house and it’s crow’.” Rong Xia smiled, “Junzhu is willing to let zaixia live in your house?”

* Loving the house and it’s crow 爱屋及乌 = loving everyone related to the object of someone’s affection.

Ban Hua touched her chin, silently looked at Rong Xia.

Rong Xia smiled lightly and let her look. The pretty eyes were as gentle as the murmur of a small stream, made the viewer felt comfortable and the owner of the eyes totally harmless.

“Are you saying, because you like me, so you also like my family?” Ban Hua still understood the meaning of ‘loving the house and it’s crow’. She peered at Rong Xia with suspicion, how come she had never felt Rong Xia liked her so much, did she miss anything?

“Yes.” Rong Xia smiled.

“So…. what do you like about me?” Ban Hua inexplicably felt she was the heartless scholar in the storybooks, while Rong Xia was the infatuated lady whose sincerety went unappreciated.

She touched her face. That’s not right, she shouldn’t have double standard just because Rong Xia was more good looking that Yan Zhen, she shouldn’t be that shallow!

“Junzhu is very pretty. The peach blossoms of the second and third months, the stars in the sky, the snow of the twelfth month, none of them is as beautiful as Junzhu.” Rong Xia pointed to his own eyes, “Junzhu’s eyes are like starry nights. After falling for Junzhu, zaixia feels there is no men or women in the world anymore, there are only people.”

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Ban Hua…… Ban Hua felt her cheeks slightly warming up.

The way Rong Xia said it was so genuine, so unambiguous. It had been her wish to hear a man compliment her like that!

Those who told her she was adorable, quick-witted, more benevolent than ever imagined, were all bullshitting. Couldn’t they be straightforward and give her an honest praise? Was it very humiliating for a man to admit that he fell for her beauty?

She felt more and more appreciative of Count Rong. This person was both sincere and had good eye-sight, he knew to appreciate her beauty.

This was the best compliment in the world!

By saying that after seeing her, all women in the world looked no different from men, the meaning was in his eyes she was the most beautiful woman, and everyone else were dregs!

This flattery, she liked!

Ban Hua was in great mood. She stood up and patted Rong Xia’s shoulder, “Young man, you have a good taste. I think very highly of you.”

Rong Xia was stunned, then he quickly smiled, “So do you agree to marry me?”

Ban Hua picked her fingertips, started to envision how would it be if she married Rong Xia.

After the marriage, if Rong Xia was considerate and tender to her, after Ban family fallen, she would not lose her life, and her family would also be protected. And she would have acquired the world’s most beautiful man, the world’s number one gentleman, and the world’s number one talent. Her life wouldn’t be a failure.

After the marriage, if Rong Xia wasn’t good to her, she would dump him and go home. After Ban family fallen, they would end up more or less like her dreams. However, she would have laid with the world’s most beautiful man, the top quality merchandise that even the most handsome male companion couldn’t compare. This wasn’t a a loss either, she could make those women who disliked her infuriated to death.

But Rong Xia would be disadvantaged.

In view of righteousness and morality, Ban Hua started to hesitate. Should she ruin such a good man?

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She would feel guilty to give this proposal a nod.

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T/N – A son-in-law marrying into family (zhuixu 赘婿 = matrilocal husband) was considered a disgrace. As a title holder, it wasn’t possible for Rong Xia to become a matrilocal husband. BTW, there is a cdrama ‘My Heroic Husband (2021)’, it’s a hilarious one with a super smart MC.

T/N –  ‘Butchers are most righteous, and scholars are most ungrateful’ 仗义每多屠狗辈,负心多是读书人 basically means people with humble occupations are often more righteous than educated people. It is attributed to Cao Xueqin, a Qing dynasty writer who was best known as the author of The Dream of Red Chamber.

That time Cao Xueqin was sent to be a councillor in Guangxi. A local family related to the royals kept fighting dogs, their servants who were as arrogant as the masters liked to unleash the dogs on the street to bully people for fun. One day a dog bit a scholar, the scholar fell on the ground and was unable to move. A butcher saw it, he jumped in to save the scholar and hacked the dog to death.

The family dragged the scholar to the Court. Cao Xueqin who presided over the case, found the butcher not guilty, and he also ordered the family to pay for the scholar’s medical expenses.

The rich family was incensed, they bribed the scholar and demanded a retrial. On the retrial, the scholar turned his coat, he said he was friends with the dog and that day he was playing with it on the street when the butcher suddenly killed the dog. Cao Xueqin became angry, under his threat the scholar confessed and the truth revealed. Cao Xueqin wrote on the case file ‘the righteous one is a butcher, and the most heartless one is the scholar’.

Rong Xia: I want to marry Ban Hua.
Ban Huai: Whatever my missus say!
Yin-shi: She is not educated, she spends a lot.
Rong Xia: No worries, I have money.
Ban Hua: You just covet my noisy family.
Rong Xia: You are pretty.
Ban Hua: Sold! Young man, you have a good taste. I think very highly of you.

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