“In just a few months Master Count has looked different from before.” The monk fetched a new carved bamboo cup, poured hot tea and placed it in front of Rong Xia, “Please have a drink.”

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“No need to be courteous.” Rong Xia picked up the teapot and poured into the cup in his hand, “Did you lead her here for a purpose?”

“Master Count, if pinseng was that capable, why am I still in this temple?” The monk saw Rong Xia didn’t drink the tea he poured, he reached out and drank it himself. “Fule Junzhu’s sudden visit today, pinseng was more surprised than Master Count.”

The air around them quietened. Rong Xia looked at the monk in front of him, the one who at that moment was not exactly very monk-like, “She doesn’t know what I am doing. In the future, you have to be careful in front of her.”

“Master Count doesn’t need to worry, pinseng sees she is just a generous benefactor.” The monk looked a little like a rascal, “Not much left of the supplies in the temple. Many mouths depend on wealthy benefactors like this, pinseng wouldn’t dare to offend.”

“Cut it off. There is no need to speak superficially in front of me.” Rong Xia put down the cup, “What have you found?”

The monk dipped his index finger into the tea, wrote down a character “two”.

“Power moves the heart, this one won’t stay still.”

Rong Xia laughed mockingly, “That’s just how it is with the royal family, there is nothing surprising here. The current emperor prefers the Crown Prince, he knows it well too. Is this what you want to tell me today?”

The monk’s wrinkled face broke into a magnanimous smile, “Master Count, don’t be anxious. Just take it that pinseng invites you for a discussion on scriptures and meditation.”

“I don’t believe in Buddhism, neither in gods.” Rong Xia laughed lightly, “What do you want to talk to me?”

“Pinseng would like to talk about Fule Junzhu.”

Rong Xia’s eyebrows were slightly raised.

“Fule Junzhu is an exceptionally good young lady, but as pinseng sees, this is not the best time for Master Count to tie a knot.” The monk’s words were disapproving but the smile was as gentle and warm as spring. “Fule Junzhu carries Jiang clan’s royal bloodline, which is not beneficial to Master Count’s great pursuit. Her family looks prestigious but it is ‘an attic in the air’, it is not of much help to Master Count. Pinseng doesn’t really understand, what is the rush for settling such an engagement?”

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“Then according to the Great Master’s opinion, who is most suitable?” The creases on Rong Xia’s eyebrows smoothed out, he looked at the monk with a smile that didn’t look like a smile.

“Naturally is no marriage.” The monk’s eyes met Rong Xia’s. “It is not a rational choice to get married at this time. Pinseng was very surprised to hear about Master Count’s engagement with Ban Junzhu. This isn’t like something that Master Count would do.”

“As an ordained person, there is no need for Great Master to be concerned of these mundane affairs.” Rong Xia rose and walked under a poplar tree. “I wish in the future Great Master wouldn’t call me to discuss these unnecessary matters.”

The smile on the monk’s face gradually faded, his eyes became serious, “Master Count, do you like this Junzhu?”

The man under the tree neither turned nor answered.

The monk closed his eyes, put his hand together to call the Buddha’s name. “Pinseng has been intrusive. May Master Count never have a day of regret.”

“Great Master,” Rong Xia turned to face the monk, “I am very grateful that Great Master is willing to lend me a helping hand, but there is something I need to make clear and I will say it only once. Fule Junzhu, it’s me who has begged her. If there is any unsuitability, it is me who doesn’t deserve her, it’s nothing to do with her.”

The monk opened his eyes, after a long while he slowly shook his head, “Fine, fine, fine. As Master Count has said it to this extent, then pinseng dares not say more.”

Rong Xia craddled his hands on the back, after a long time he spoke up, “The Second Prince and Yan family are secretly collaborating. Shi family is out of hand with arrogance, His Majesty is not pleased but he is holding back for the sake of Crown Prince’s face. However…… Shi family is about to resurface.”

The spring breeze rose, taking with it early spring’s chillness to blow throughout the Capital.

Just as everyone thought Shi family was about to become the other half of the dynasty, His Majesty suddenly remembered once again the goodness of Yan family. During the Court sessions His Majesty frequently showed his good face to Yan Hui, and had even given him several important matters to handle.

Anyone with eyes could see that Yan Hui had returned to favour.

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Perhaps because he had been treated too coldly for a period of time, after valued by the Emperor again Yan Hui remained terribly humbled as if he was in fear, there was not even a shred of arrogance. He had also broken off contact with the Crown Prince. In the past, when Yan family and the Crown Prince had secret dealings in the dark, he had often manouvered for Crown Prince’s benefits, but when they were down, the Crown Prince had never spoken on their defence to His Majesty. And speaking about sentiment, it was even apparent that the Crown Prince had vaguely taken side with Ban family. For these reasons Yan Hui was disappointed by the Crown Prince.

Yan Huai thought he had done a great service for the Crown Prince, even if the efficacy was to be disregarded, the efforts they expended had been great, so how could the Crown Prince be that heartless? Actually Yan Hui had forgotten that Ban family was also the Crown Prince’s blood relatives, and the Grand Princess was the elder that the Crown Prince sincerely respected the most. However important Yan Hui was, how could he measure up to the Bans? According to the Crown Prince’s modus operandi, the fact that he didn’t join the others ‘to throw rocks into the well’ was already a great concession considering that in his eyes, Yan family was doubtless the guilty party in the Ban and Yan feud.

Emperor Yunqing was satisfied that Yan family had sensibly distancing themselves from the Crown Prince. He did want the Crown Prince to be an oustanding successor, but he didn’t wish him to slip out of his control too early, or to climb up above him. The current situation was just right.

The older one gets, the more one fears growing old.

The paternal feelings he had towards the Crown Prince had grown complicated.

At the end of the third month, the Crown Prince’s liangdi gave birth to a baby girl. The liangdi died of bleeding not long after, so the Crown Prince’s first offspring was given to the Crown Princess to raise. The Crown Prince’s faction was slightly disappointed that it was not a son, but Shi family was relieved. Had the first born been a shu son, it would be a hindrance for the Crown Princess.

* liangdi 良娣 = a Crown Prince’s highest ranked concubine, just under the Crown Princess. * shu 庶 = illegitimate, children born not of the legal wife.

On the day of ‘xi san’, Ban family didn’t go to the Palace to congratulate the Crown Prince due to mourning. They sent Chang-momo to attend and performed the ‘tian pen’ on their behalf.

* xi san 洗三 = the ceremony on the third day after birth. Family and friends gathered to wish blessings for the newborn, they also threw bronze coins and other things into the bathing basin (添盆 = tian pen)

The Crown Prince treasured this daughter very much, he specially asked Chang-momo on the absence of the Bans. He sighed after learning the reason, rewarded Chang-momo some things and let her withdrew.

“I am not strict with these customs, Cousin Uncle and Aunt care too much.” The Crown Prince still remembered when he was small Uncle took him robbing bird nests under the trees and caught summer cicadas. There were few of rare light-hearted memories of his disciplined and rigid childhood.

“Your Highness, Ban family is following the rules,” The Crown Princess saw him disappointed, she smiled to cajole him, “The little girl is only this big, it is better to be prevent incompatibility in case of any harmful qi.”

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The Crown Prince’s face was slightly unhappy, “Great Aunt dedicated her whole life to the royal family. After passing away, she must be blessing our daughter with long life. How would there be harm?”

“Your Highness, this is the Palace’s rules, people in mourning……”

“You rest in the room with the child. I am going out for a walk.” The Crown Prince stood up, his voice was a little cold, he left without looking at the Crown Princess.

The Crown Princess was stunned. She was about to tell the Crown Prince to put on more clothing as outside was cold, but at that moment the child in the nanny’s arms stretched out her arms. The Crown Princess’ attention turned to the baby, she had forgotten of what she wanted to say.

The Crown Prince turned to see the Crown Princess’s head was bowed to coax the child, in the end he sighed and turned at the corner out of the courtyard.

“Master Duke, Furen,” Chang-momo returned to the Ban family followed by several eunuchs bearing gifts.

The eunuchs bowed and handed over the gifts from the Crown Prince. The gifts were prepared well, the boxes were without bright colours.

“His Highness the Crown Prince is too kind, how do we deserve it.” Ban Huai thanked them again, gave each of the eunuch a purse and ordered the steward to see them off.

After the eunuchs left, Yin-shi let Chang-momo sit down, “Momo, how is the Crown Prince?”

“Nubi saw the Crown Prince is well, and he cherishes the royal granddaughter.” Chang-momo sat on the bench with her body slightly bowed, “The Crown Prince was regretful that the family couldn’t come, so he sent these gifts.”

“The Crown Prince is very benevolent.” Yin-shi turned to her daughter, she sighed inwardly. If only the Crown Prince would be able to safely ascended the throne, it would be great.

“That is true, His Highness the Crown Prince has all of you in his heart.” Chang-momo recalled the interaction between the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, she whispered, “It’s just that, nubi would like to say one more thing. The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, nubi afraid they do not get along very well.”

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“How can it be?” Yin-shi looked at Chang-momo with surprise, “Isn’t it said the Crown Prince loves the Crown Princess so much, that he has noone else apart from the two liangdi‘s given by the Empress? And now one of the liangdi’s has passed after having the royal granddaughter, so how is it that their relationship is not good?”

“Nubi is still able to see whether husband and wife are getting along well. For example, Her Highness the Grand Princess and the Fuma, Master Duke and Furen, are rarely-found loving couples. As for the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess ……” Chang-momo shook her head. “Afraid that the two are not as good as what people say outside.”

“The royal family’s affairs is not something we can meddle in.” Yin-shi had affections towards the Crown Prince, but as to what Chang-momo said, she could only helplessly sighed.

“Isn’t the Crown Princess the eldest miss of Shi family?” Ban Hua who had been listening on the side suddenly spoke up, “I remember she is a virtuous and dignified woman, Cousin Crown Prince is gentle and compassionate, the two of them should suit each other very well.”

In Ban Hua’s opinion, the eldest miss of Shi family was the paragon of a young lady from a prestigious family for her extraordinary bearing and her elegant manner. She didn’t like the second miss, but she couldn’t find any fault with the eldest. On the matter of looks, the eldest miss’ was a few parts beneath the second miss’, but whenever the two stood next to each other, everyone’s attention would first fall on the eldest miss instead of Shi Feixian.

The eldest miss of Shi family was a precious pearl. Her gentle beauty was not of the dazzling kind, it was the kind that made one comfortable. According to what Ban Hua knew of the Crown Prince, this should be the type that he liked.

But Chang-momo was very good at reading people, and based on her cautious personality, she wouldn’t have spoken up unless there was really a problem with their relationship. Ban Hua had to believe that the second most esteemed couple in Daye was having relationship problem.

“Silly girl, feeling isn’t something easy to make certain of.” Yin-shi smiled, “A man and a woman can be compatible, but it doesn’t mean the feeling between them will be very good.”



T/N – Isn’t it very convenient for Shi family that the poor liangdi died right after giving birth.

T/N – Some sentences may be a little incoherent because my brain is running funny due to Covid. Still on leave as this morning I woke up terrible but getting better now so I do some editing. Currently translating chapter 80, but editing is usually done on the day of the posting.

T/N – This novel I was following is recently completed, take a look if you have time: My Son is a Transmigrated Prince. The story is well-written and very enjoyable, just take care that the tag ‘Selfish Protagonist’ does mean something, especially if compared to the fluffy ‘love conquers all’ standard of most novels in NU. I feel their little son Gugu is most interesting. And I really like the translation by Piper’s Pickups, I feel I should learn from it.

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