Ban Hua shook her head at what Yin-shi said, “But doesn’t the Crown Prince like her?”

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There were several candidates for the Crown Princess position that time, but the Crown Prince insisted on Shi-shi. If it wasn’t because of his feelings, why was he so determined on her?

“Some couples started like enemies, and later become happy enemies. Some couples started with love as deep as the ocean, but they end up getting tired of each other.” The daughter had already had a fiance, so Yin-shi intended to talk more of this matter, “Even with the best feelings, if they don’t get along well, it will eventually crumble to ashes. Smart people place importance on the heart.”

Ban Hua pondered, “Do you mean to say, after I get married, I need to hold onto Count Rong’s heart?”

“This mother means, it is good to cherish others, but do not demean ourselves for love.” Yin-shi stroke the top of Ban Hua’s head lovingly. “A girl should love herself more. A smart girl learns to make the man loves you as much as you love yourself.”

“En, en.” Ban Huai on their side nodded, “Just like how I love and cherish your mother.”

A smart man knew to be a little shameless in front of the woman he loved. This was not cowardice, this was love. Some people thought sweet talks were useless, and silent action was the best proof. Ban Huai turned up his nose at this. A good man should not be just silently good, but he also had to make the woman happy. She married you, raised your children, kept your house, was it for the sake of having a block of wood or a scumbag sleeping next to her pillow?

Ban Huai who stood by this enlightening ideology considered himself as Daye’s number one best man. Every one else was free not to admit it, but he religiously held onto this self conviction.

“We mother and daughter are speaking, don’t stick your nose in.” Yin-shi looked at the tea in front of him, she added, “Don’t drink too much cold tea, be careful or your stomach will ache again.”

“Ay!” Ban Huai responded, he waved a servant to change the tea.

Ban Hua and Ban Heng quietly watched their parents’ interaction. They exchanged a look between them, and smiled an understanding smile.

“Come, we women go chat in the backyard.” Yin-shi rose, told Ban Hua, “It’s blossoming time in the garden, walk with me.”

Ban Hua obediently stood up to follow Yin-shi.

After Ban Huai was promoted to become a Royal Duke, some locked up courtyards were reopened. This place was originally built to befit a Royal Duke’s residence, the Emperor had in mind when giving them this place as a compensation. However, after the Ban family moved in, they put away some parts that didn’t fit and locked up some of the courtyards before settling down in peace.

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Their family was small, so some of the rooms were dismantled to become part of the garden, it made a very large garden. They were not demanding people, but as they had the money, they hired people to make the garden very beautiful. Strolling in the garden in spare times was very relaxing.

“Hua Hua, are you really willing to marry Count Cheng’an?” Everytime she thought of her daughter marrying Rong Junpo, Yin-shi always felt something was not right, but she couldn’t tell what actually was wrong.

“What is it?” Ban Hua looked at Yin-shi perplexly, “Mother, you don’t like Count Cheng’an?”

Yin-shi shook her head, “I have nothing against Count Cheng’an. It’s just that, I am worried after marrying him you won’t have it easy.”

“If not good, then I will just come home.” Ban Hua was unconcerned, “It’s not like you won’t want me.”

“Silly child, marriage this big matter, how can you take it like a child play?” Yin-shi saw her daughter had seen it through better than herself. As she talked and talked, she couldn’t hold herself from laughing along, “You ah, when will you make Mother stop worrying?”

“It’s hard to say. When I am 80 years old and you are 100 years old, you will still be worrying for me.” Ban Hua snatched Yin-shi’s sleeve and swinging it back and forth, “Who let me be your daughter?”

“100 years old?” Yin-shi shook her head, “I don’t want to live that long, I will be disliked.”

“Who dares to dislike you. The house with an elder is the house with a treasure.” Ban Hua grasped Yin-shi’s hands tightly, “Mother, you have to stay with me my whole life.”

“Fine, fine, fine. With you forever.” Yin-shi poked Ban Hua’s forehead, “You are so big and still want me to pamper you. Aren’t you ashamed.”

“When I am with Mother, I am forever a child.” Ban Hua laughed silly, “Not ashamed. Not ashamed at all.”

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site. Add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

Three days before the Second Prince’s wedding, the 23 years-old Rong Xia was appointed as the Minister of Personnel. The Court burst in uproar, some thought Rong Xia was too young for this important responsibility.

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“In the ancient time there was an 8 years-old prime minister, during the previous dynasty there was a 9 years-old zhuangyuan. Why can’t our dynasty have a 23 years-old minister?” The Revenue Minister Yao Peiji said, “Count Cheng’an has been an extraordinary talent since young, and since attending the Court, his performance is always remarkable, he has received many commendations from His Majesty. Do all Darens here think that the quality of our dynasty’s officials is lower than the previous dynasties’?”

“Yao-daren, this is not comparable. The 8 years-old became a prime minister during a chaotic era. Previous dynasty’s 9 years-old zhuangyuan was great in his youth, but not necessarily after he grew up. Our dynasty is glorious and flourishing, and it is peaceful everywhere, why should we imitate them?”

“But Count Cheng’an is a wonder talent as a youth, and a great talent as an adult. This Daren is so opposed to Count Cheng’an, and refutes my words by saying that youth talent is meaningless. Do you believe that you are better than Count Cheng’an?”

“You, you ……”

The official was crushed hard by Yao Peiji that he lost his tongue. After a long time, he finally said, “You are twisting the logic.”

“Ay, yo, yo. Calling your opponent twisting logic when you lose an argument.” An idler marquis stood up and talked enigmatically, “This Daren’s logic appears to be, whoever can’t win over me must be less capable than myself. And whoever wins over me must be twisting the logic. Interesting, very interesting.”

“Isn’t it so. In our opinion, it is good to have Count Cheng’an as the Minister of Personnel. Count Cheng’an is a decent person, he will be impartial when evaluating officials’ work performance. Isn’t this a good thing?” Another idler count also stood up, singing in harmony with the marquis. The way they said it, people opposing Rong Xia to become the Minister of Personnel were officials with mediocre performance, their opposition came from guilty hearts.

The slacking idlers normally sat quietly on the side, but today they actually spoke up for Rong Xia. Officials friendly with Rong Xia couldn’t stop casting glances. What happened to these idlers, was the sky raining pink or their brain damaged, they suddenly stood up helping?

Those with more agile minds suddenly realised, the idlers were Ban Huai’s good mates. Ban Huai was not at the Court to observe mourning, but the idlers never missed the big Court sessions, they would come hobbling to show their existence.

So today they were….. helping Ban Shuiqing’s future son-in-law to secure a position?

The idlers’ logic was simple, they were brothers in difficulties. Good wine was to be enjoyed together, and in big troubles everyone for themselves. But for small troubles within the scope of their ability, they would help as much as they could. For example, helping Ban Huai securing a post for his future son-in-law was within the scope.

Which decent official was their match when it came to running one’s mouth off? Pretty soon the officials opposing Rong Xia’s appointment were dragged by the idlers into the gutter, both sides were yelling at each other.

Opposing Count Cheng’an as the Minister of Personnel? That’s no longer important. More important is, isn’t it embarrassing if you can’t beat a few idlers in oral combat?

Civil officials shouldn’t lose, roll up your sleeves!

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What had started as the battle of officials versus officials, had turned into the battle of officials versus idlers. From how it went, the idlers seemed to have the upper hand.

At this critical juncture, for the first time ever the officials of Daye dynasty were finally able to witness the real power of the idlers.

Emperor Yunqing had long been fed up with civil officials using ‘well-meaning but ear-stinging’ words to nag at everything. But he wanted his face. As an emperor who valued reputation, he often had to pretend “Aiqing, what you said is reasonable, zhen accepts your suggestion.”

Accept your family’s foot, ow!

Each time Emperor Yunqing felt like bellowing to the face of those ignorant officials, but he held back.

That was the reason he liked Ban family. They were never against him, and were never pretentious. Give them rewards, and they would be extremely happy. This was how an official should be to make him comfortable! He loved rewarding them, how they worshipped him, how their eyes shone with joy, making him happy enough to eat an extra half bowl of rice.

Watching the idlers made eyesore officials enraged to the point their faces red and their ears crimson, Emperor Yunqing’s heart was totally rejoicing, even though his brows frowned and his face displayed distaste. It was until a civil official with salt and pepper beard got too furious, he fell to the ground with a thud. Emperor Yunqing ordered imperial doctors be fetched, then he casually said, “All of you aiqing don’t need to say more. Zhen considers Rong-qing to be most suitable for the Minister of Personnel position. Court dismissed.”

The officials watched the fainting one carried out by the eunuchs, they gave him a sympathetic look. Wasn’t he angry for nothing?

* aiqing 爱卿 = Beloved Official.

When they turned to look at Rong Xia, they didn’t see arrogance on his face, and no anger either. He moved, and everyone thought he was going to leave first to avoid suspicion.

But he wasn’t moving towards the doors, he went to the opposite direction.

“Many thanks for speaking up for wanbei.” Rong Xia walked over and bowed a wanbei salutation to the dishevelled idlers, “Wanbei will not let qianbei down.”

* wanbei 晚辈 = the young generation. * qianbei 前辈 = the older generation

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The officials sighed. Count Rong was truly upright, he was not afraid of others talking. He did what he wanted to do, he followed the path he believed.

“Count Rong is too polite.” A marquis patted Rong Xia’s left shoulder, “You are Lao Ban’s future son-in-law, who else we should help if not helping you?”

“Isn’t it so.” A count patted Rong Xia’s right shoulder, even grabbed it and started shaking, “Do it well. Make yourself stable in the Minister position for one year, then be a Prime Minister in five years.”

Everyone cast them a side glance. The current prime ministers, Minister Yan and Minister Shi were still in the room.

“Congratulations Count Rong for the promotion.” Shi Chonghai walked over, bent his arms slightly as a salute, “Such an achievement at a young age. Count Rong’s future is limitless.”

“Dare not. His Majesty’s is generous, that is all.” Rong Xia returned his salute with a deep one.

Both of them were clear, most of the officials opposing Rong Xia’s apppointment just now were Shi Chonghai’s people. On the surface Shi Chonghai said his congratulation, but inwardly he couldn’t be too happy.

“Count Rong is modest. If you are not capable, how come a wise and knowledgeable senior such as Yao-daren speaks so well of you?” Shi Chonghai was most upset at Yao Peiji. This person used to be attached to him, unexpectedly he helped Rong Xia today.

Breaking off with Shi clan to speak for Rong Xia, was Rong Xia too skillful, or had Yao Peiji been deceiving him all along?

How courageous.

“It’s very simple,” The idler marquis interrupted Shi Chonghai, “Count Rong is good looking, and talented. It’s normal that everyone likes him.”

Shi Chonghai didn’t expect these idlers dared to go against him, he coldly replied at once, “Then Master Marquis should learn from Count Rong’s example, to become more likeable.”

“I am this old, what use it is to be likeable? How will I explain to my wife at home?” The idler marquis shook his head, “The years are cruel. Back then I was also one of the prettiest men in Daye.”

Shi Chonghai suddenly realised, people who got along with Ban Huai were all sick in the head.

He glanced at Rong Xia. When did this one get infected?

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