Winning the verbal fight with the officials gave the idlers very good mood. They ran off to have fun with their shoulders linked together. The anger in Shi Chonghai’s heart was still burning, but the wastrels have forgotten all about it.

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Shi Chonghai has become much prouder these days but his brain was not muddy yet. He knew that it was useless to argue with the wastrels, he turned to Rong Xia. “I have forgotten to congratulate Count Rong for the happy engagement.”

“Thank you Prime Minister.” Rong Xia smiled in response.

“Master Count is very young. Having a good in-law family that can provide support is a good thing.”

The meaning was Rong Xia had relied on Ban family to get the Minister of Personnel position, and that Ban Hua was not a good match, Rong Xia was engaged to that kind of woman only for the sake of his official career.

Sometimes people knew clearly when things were deliberately said to sow discord, but they still let it affect them and became a thorn in their heart. Shi Chonghai words weren’t said with good intention, a prideful young man would be humiliated and insulted to hear it.

But Rong Xia smiled and looked deeply touched as he saluted, “Many thanks Minister Shi. The engagement with Fule Junzhu, wanbei has indeed climbed up.”

Shi Chonghai laughed coldly, this hypocrite could really put on a show.

He had found out how the engagement between Fule Junzhu and Rong Xia came to be. Before she died, the Grand Princess was confused and took them as a couple, the Emperor who felt indebted with Ban family had ordered Rong Xia to propose. That was how Fule Junzhu who had the less than stellar reputation due to her three withdrawn engagements ended up betrothed to Rong Xia.

Rong Xia’s promotion as the Minister of Personnel should largely be the compensation for ‘selling his body’.

How many men on earth could stand this humiliation? Sooner or later Rong Xia and Ban family would be in conflict. Ban family had done their best for this son-in-law, they even arranged for friends to help when Ban Huai was not in the Court. It was yet to be seen how much this future son-in-law appreciated the help?

Rong Xia watched Shi Chonghai left. He straightened his sleeves and unhurriedly walked out of the main hall, but instead of exiting the Palace ground, he headed to the Great Moon Palace.

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Emperor Yunqing sighed as he saw Rong Xia, “Junpo is here, sit down and talk.”

“Thank you Your Majesty.” After saluted the Emperor, Rong Xia calmly sat down.

“Shi Chonghai is getting more and more influential. Zhen doesn’t want previous dynasty’s Li Chongyu to happen in Daye.” Emperor Yunqing’s face was not good, “Shi Chonghai is too out of control lately.”

Li Chongyu was a prime minister of previous dynasty’s who was so powerful that he could suppress the Court. Strong ministers with a weak ruler was a recipe to problems, the chaos of the previous dynasty’s Court started when Li Chongyu became the prime minister. For the sake of ensuring the stability of the Court, the current Daye dynasty had Left Prime Minister and Right Prime Minister sharing the power.

Emperor Yunqing was getting old, and he knew it. He didn’t sleep well at night, and he was always dozing off at daytime, even his hearing was deteriorating. He was panicking inside but he couldn’t show it.

Those on top were afraid of death, afraid of losing the power in hand. Emperor Yunqing was dissatisfied of the Crown Prince but was even more discontented of Shi Chonghai. As a father, he believed his son could still be rectified, the real culprit was the person who led the son astray.

He anxiously wanted Rong Xia to be the Minister of Personnel because the officials’ performance review process should be in the hand of his own person, Shi Chonghai should not be allowed ‘to cover the world with one hand’. He was the Emperor of Daye, noone was allowed to threaten his position, not even his own son.

Rong Xia understood what Emperor Yunqing meant. He rose to perform a salute, “Weichen will do the best not to let Your Majesty down.”

“Zhen is always at ease with your work.” Emperor Yunqing patted Rong Xia’s shoulder contentedly. “Tell zhen if anyone at the Ministry of Personnel doesn’t behave, zhen will not let them get away with it.”

Rong Xia smiled, “Your Majesty please don’t worry. Weichen is assigned directly by Your Majesty, obliging weichen is the least they can do, they would not dare to be difficult.”

Emperor Yunqing laughed at this, “Fine. Go back and take 2 days rest, spend more time with Ban family’s Miss. You can officially start at the Ministry of Personnel in 3 days.”

“Yes. Your Majesty.” Rong Xia bowed deeply and withdrew from the Great Moon Palace.

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He believed the Emperor did not call just to say some comfort words. Beneath it was an instruction to suppress Shi Chonghai’s people and not to let him down.

On the surface, the Ministry of Personnel was not as important as the Ministry of Revenue or the Ministry of War, but it in fact controlled the performance appraisals of many officials. This was a position which only those trusted by the rulers could occupy.

“Count Rong.” Wang De chased up with a box in his hands, “Count Rong, please wait.”

“Wang-gonggong,” Rong Xia stopped walking, cupped his hands to Wang De, “Does His Majesty have further instructions?”

“Master Count is too polite. His Majesty heard Master Count likes peacocks, so nubi is ordered to bring this ornament to you.” Wang De handed Rong Xia the brocade box, “His Majesty also said, Master Count is to take good rest at home, there is no need to come to thank His Majesty.”

“Many thanks His Majesty.” Rong Xia saluted towards the Palace, and left with the box.

Wang De watched him left with a face full of smiles, he only turned back to the inner palace after Rong Xia had fully gone. To the Emperor sitting at the main seat, Wang De said, “Your Majesty, Master Count has accepted the brocade box.”

Emperor Yunqing was admiring a painting, he did not raise his head, “How did Rong Xia look?”

Wang De shook his head, “Seems quite happy and grateful. Nubi‘s eyes are clumsy, couldn’t see anything else.”

“En.” Emperor Yunqing finally looked up. “How do you think Rong Xia feel about Fule Junzhu?”

“Fule Junzhu is as beautiful as a fairy, Count Rong….. should like it?” Wang De was uncertain, “Heard a few days ago Count Rong accompanied Fule Junzhu to the village estate to see peacocks…..”

“And then Fule Junzhu quarrelled with Shi family miss?” Emperor Yunqing smiled wrily, “This Ban girl, can really make zhen happy.”

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When he was unhappy with Yan family, Ban family got into a feud with Yan family. Now that he was displeased with Shi family, Ban Hua simply did not give Miss Shi any face. He knew many in the Court was afraid of offending Shi family members because they were the Crown Prince’s in-laws, the future country in-laws. But they have forgotten that, as long as he this emperor, was still alive, the Crown Prince was merely a crown prince.

Trying to please Shi family so eagerly, wasn’t it the same with hoping for his death?

Only Ban family …. who always thought very well of him. They never resented him even after the Grand Princess died to save him.

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site. Add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

As he thought of this, the eunuch at the door quietly said, “Your Majesty, someone from Duke Jingting Residence requests for an audience, said there is something to present to Your Majesty.”

Emperor Yunqing was somewhat surprised. It was a little inappropriate to send someone instead of coming in person.

“Announce.” He was used to the Bans not conforming to rules, he only hesitated for an instant before letting the eunuch bring the person inside. When he saw it was Chang-momo who used to serve besides the Grand Princess, he couldn’t help but standing up, “Chang-momo, why are you here?”

“Nubi pays respect to Your Majesty.” Chang-momo performed a deep salute.

“Chang-momo please rise.” Emperor Yunqing let Wang De helped Chang-momo to rise, then he gently asked, “Chang-momo, how is your stay at Shuiqing’s place?”

T/N – (Refresher) Ban Huai’s name is Ban Shuiqing.

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s concern, nubi is fine,” Chang-momo smiled, “Master Duke and Furen treat nubi like family. Nubi is now serving Junzhu, but Junzhu doesn’t allow nubi to do any work. Nubi is so idle now that it is embarrassing.”

Chang-momo had no son or daughter, after the Grand Princess passed, Emperor Yunqing had intended to let her retire in the Palace but Chang-momo refused. She said when the Grand Princess was alive, she cared the most about her grandson and granddaughter. While Chang-momo could still work, she wanted to serve Junzhu and Shizi.

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Emperor Yunqing did not insist as he saw that Ban family wanted to take Chang-momo. Knowing that Ban family wouldn’t mistreat their aunt’s trusted person, Emperor Yunqing smiled at Chang-momo’s answer, “Zhen knows they are sincere and loyal. Zhen is also relieved that Momo lives well in the royal duke residence.”

“Nubi is fortunate for Your Majesty’s concerns. Today nubi is here on an errand for Junzhu.” Chang-momo’s smile was helpless, as if she was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how what to say.

“That girl Hua Hua is like zhen‘s own child. If Momo has anything to say, just say it, no need to be courteous.” Emperor Yunqing saw her embarrassed, he advised, “Momo is new at Ban family’s place so probably is not used to it yet. They are a bit ….. unconstrained, but they have good hearts. Momo needs not be unease for anything.”

“If Your Majesty say so, then nubi is relieved.” Chang-momo took out a packet wrapped in oil-paper and opened it, the content was a pair of sugar figurines. The figurines did not wear dragon robe or phoenix dress but from the demeanor it could be seen those were Emperor Yunqing and the Empress.

“Junzhu found a very good sugar figurine maker today, she asked the master to make some figurines. She insisted that nubi send this pair, nubi……” Chang-momo bitterly smiled, “Junzhu is young and not sensible, please Your Majesty be forgiving of this ridiculous gesture of hers.”

Emperor Yunqing let Wang De bring the sugar figurines to him. After looking at them carefully, he smiled, “How many sugar figurines this girl ordered?”

Chang-momo thought carefully, “Around 7 or 8. Nubi is lucky to have one too.”

“Ban family has 4 people, you have 1, zhen and the Empress 1 each.” Emperor Yunqing nodded and smiled, “Very interesting. Wang De, take this to the Empress.”

“Yes.” Wang De was full of smiles as he accepted the oil paper. He placed the packet into another exquisite small box, then held it up in both hands to bring to the Empress’ place.

The Emperor felt the figurines interesting, but more important was the thoughts behind it. Hua Hua must had him and the Empress as a part of her own family, so they were always in her mind whatever she did.

All these years of pampering her was not in vain.

As the emperor, he did not lack anything except for sincerety.

Others never understood why he was biased towards Hua Hua, but why couldn’t they be like Hua Hua, be sincere to him?

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