BH Chapter 76.1

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sleepyprawn15-19 minutes 24.07.2022

Xie Wanxu sat quietly in the boudoir, listening to the firecrackers outside. Her hands kept on clutching the wedding robe on her body.

Time passed so quickly, and yet so slowly.

The day that she had been expecting and dreading for so long was finally here. Her mind was in turmoil, it was unclear whether from happiness or sadness.

“The bridal delegate has arrived!”

At the words ‘bridal delegate’, her heart shook as if an icy cold needle was driven into it. She felt hollow, either from disappointment or sadness, but oddly, there was no anger.

Clenching her fist, the tips of her fingers were somewhat cold, but her brain was most awake than before.

“Younger Sister,” The voice of the first son of Xie family was tinged with restrained anger. He bent down to carry Xie Wanyu on his back and whispered to her, “Everything in the Palace is complicated, Sister has to be careful all the time. When you need anything, send someone to tell the family. Don’t suffer by yourself.”

T/N – Not sure who this is. The eldest son is supposed to be Xie Chongjin, but the name would have been mentioned if it was him here, moreover he was in prison. It’s also possible this was the oldest male child born from a concubine. A list of known Xie family members is at the bottom.

Xie Wanyu gripped her eldest brother’s clothes tightly and whispered back in response.

They had accepted this marriage, Xie family had no courage to withdraw even if the Second Prince turned out to be not a good match. An unhappy bride of an ordinary household could ask for a divorce as long as her maternal family was supportive, but marrying into a prince house meant one should live her whole life as a member of the prince’s household, or died as a ghost of the prince’s household.

Outside the inner courtyard, Xie Wanyu could hear congratulations from all directions, but that only made her more embarrassed. Everyone knew the Second Prince did not like her this Wangfei, he didn’t even bother to pick her up in person.

Today should have been the most important day in her life, but it had become the most hateful moment.

The Second Prince did not pick up Xie Wanyu, but he was not in the Palace either.

The auspicious time for the wedding ceremony was at dusk in the evening. He changed out of the groom outfit and went to the bamboo forest where Shi Feixian often went. He was upset and wanted to walk around for a release, but unexpectedly Shi Feixian happened to be in the forest as well.

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“Your Highness the Second Prince?” Shi Feixian stood up from her seat in the pavilion and looked at the man with surprise, “Isn’t today your grand wedding day, why are you here?”

Jiang Luo looked at the forlorn-looking woman, he could not resist moving towards her, “The person to marry is not the one in the heart. Where is the joy in that?”

“You ……” Shi Fei Xian avoided Jiang Luo’s eyes and said with a sigh, “You shouldn’t have said that. How sad Wanyu would be if she knew?”

“You always think for others, why can’t you think for yourself, or for me?” Jiang Luo strode forward and grabbed Shi Feixian’s wrist, “Whom I like, don’t you know? She is your friend, so what does that make me?”

The eunuch accompanying the Second Prince fell down in shock, kneeling outside the pavilion. If anything happened to this marriage today, he who had followed His Highness out of the palace would not be able to keep his life.

“That makes your brain out of order.” Ban Hua in a light coloured riding outfit came out of the forest with a fake smile on her face. Behind her were several famous wastrels, men and women, the profligate drifters of the Capital. Surprise was on their faces, who could expect that on his wedding day, the Second Prince was in an ambiguous meeting with the daughter of the Right Prime Minister Shi?

Xie Wanyu and Shi Feixian were friends, were they not?

These idlers did not join in the wedding festivities, they were gathering for a ride to enjoy the spring scenery. Surprisingly they came across a good drama as soon as they arrived.

Ban Hua had almost forgotten this appointment if Ban Heng didn’t remind her. This group of people saw someone who suspiciously looked like the Second Prince entered the bamboo forest, they followed him out of curiosity, did not expect to find such a thing.

Instead of picking up the bride, the groom ran away to pour his heart to the bride’s close friend. It was even too embarrassing for storybooks, and yet the Second Prince and Shi Feixian were acting it out.

Jiang Luo turned at Ban Hua and the others, he placed Shi Feixian behind him and asked sullenly, “Why are you here?”

Shi Feixian’s face was even worse than Jiang Luo’s, if today’s incident got out, it would absolutely do her no good. She saw behind Ban Hua were people from Zhou family, Wang family, and some distant relatives of the royal family who were also surnamed Jiang. They were not people that she and the Second Prince could order around.

The more Shi Feixian thought the more uncomfortable she became, especially because the Second Prince sheltered her behind his back. She couldn’t help cursing him inwardly. Does he have a brain, isn’t this explicitly confirming that their relationship was beyond ordinary?

After considering, she nonchalantly walked out from behind Jiang Luo as if nothing had happened, curtseyed to Ban Hua and the others, “What a coincidence. Are you all also here to enjoy the spring? You arrived almost at the same time with the Second Prince.”

“Ban Hua, did you follow me with these people?” When Jiang Luo heard what Shi Feixian said, he suddenly came to think it should not be a coincidence. He had just started to talk to Miss Shi and they suddenly appeared, they obviously were following him.

“Your Highness, please forgive us. We saw Your Highness came into the forest with just a few eunuchs, we came in as well because we were worried of Your Highness’ safety.” Zhou Changxiao had heard the rumours that the Second Prince once broke Ban Hua’s arm. He was afraid that the Second Prince would be enraged, “Please Your Highness be assured.”

It would be too much to accuse these gongzi’s and misses for stalking. They would not accept the blame and the Second Prince had no such power either. They were idlers, and not idiots, the Second Prince was not His Majesty or the Crown Prince, he was not yet at the level that he could ‘make a deer out of a horse’.

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* 指鹿为马 (lit. making a deer out to be a horse) = making deliberate misrepresentation.

On top of that, one was a groom soon to be married, and the other was an unmarried woman still not out of boudoir. What were they doing in this remote countryside, was there anything that people should not see? This forest was not the royal family’s exclusive area, these two could come, why couldn’t they?

“Hmph.” The Second Prince humphed coldly, pointed a finger to Ban Hua, “Zhou Changxiao, stay out. Ban Hua, you tell me clearly, what do you mean my brain is out of order? How dare you offend your superior, do you still respect the Royal Family?”

“Today is Your Highness’ grand wedding day, but you secretly meet another woman in a quiet forest. A normal person won’t do it.” Ban Hua pointed to her own brain with her chin raised, “If you think I am wrong, then tell His Majesty or the Empress, chennv is willing to be punished.”

* chennǚ 臣女 = This Official’s Daughter

“You!” Jiang Luo didn’t dare to let Emperor Yunqing know, let alone Imperial Mother. If Imperial Mother heard this, not only he would be punished, but Shi Feixian would also be scorned. He couldn’t bet on this risk, so he could only restrain his tone.

“Junzhu, I think you are mistaken.” Shi Feixian forced herself to smile, “The Second Prince and I are here by coincidence.”

“Miss Shi doesn’t need to explain this trivial thing to us.” Ban Hua shook her index finger, she looked very friendly, “It is good as long as the Second Prince Consort believes you.”

Shi Feixian’s expression changed slightly, but she smiled along, “As long as all of you don’t misunderstand me, then the Second Prince Consort wouldn’t either.”

She was saying they shouldn’t run their mouth off, wasn’t it?

Some of the idlers raised their eyebrows. They had grown up to be this big, since when they have ever been reasonable? When have they ever obeyed others?

“A gentleman falls for the fair and virtuous woman. As the number one beauty of Daye, it isn’t strange that gentlemen will fall for you.” A noble miss who had a previous conflict with Shi Feixian covered her mouth laughing, “It is not your fault, we understand.”

Ever since the prince from Aipo mistook Ban Hua as the number one beauty, Shi Feixian this number one beauty had become a joke. Shi Feixian herself no longer wish to be called ‘number one beauty’, it reminded her of the great humiliation outside the Palace that day.

All of the idlers laughed, the sound of their laughter was a slap on Shi Feixian’s face.

Shi Feixian didn’t have much interaction with these people, she felt their degenerate self-indulgence was loathsome. While the idlers also felt that Shi Feixian, Shi Jin and the likes were hypocrites faking decency. Both sides had no interest and normally did not mix.

In the eyes of the idlers, today Shi Feixian was ‘digging her good friend’s corner wall’, and it was something to frown upon.

* 挖某人墙角 (lit. digging someone’s corner wall) = poaching someone’s skillful personnel, or in this case, stealing someone’s partner.

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“Shut up!” How could the Second Prince let the idlers bully Shi Feixian in his presence, his face darkened, “Don’t speak so ambiguously.”

A few of the idlers rolled their eyes. They did not quarelled with the Second Prince, but their eyes were expressing their lack of remorse.

“Your Highness,” Ban Hua blandly looked at Shi Feixian, “Miss Xie is your bride today. You need to return to the Palace.”

“What thing are you. This Prince doesn’t need you to tell me what to do.” The Second Prince said disdainfully, “You are an engaged woman, you should stay at home waiting to be married, otherwise your engagement will be withdrawn again. This time noone will help you find a man to marry.”

Shi Feixian thought it was not good to say that. With a temperament like Ban Hua’s, the Second Prince was inviting troubles to himself.

Ban Hua quietly looked at the Second Prince, “That’s right. Chennv‘s grandmother was assassinated. Your Highness the Second Prince must have been greatly disappointed.”

The Second Prince didn’t get what Ban Hua meant, but Shi Feixian understood.

Ban Hua was implying that he was unhappy that the Grand Princess Dening’s sacrifice had blocked the assassination attempt on His Majesty. A prince had no reason to be dissatisfied of this result…. unless he expected His Majesty to die?

This was a crime that noone could afford to be accused of, especially a prince.

Shi Feixian turned to look at him, but he was still not responsive. She was about to say something when she remembered her family was in support of the Crown Prince for the throne. Shi Feixian lowered her head, pretended that she did not understand either.

“Your Highness!” The young eunuch was anxious. If Jiang Luo failed to refute, his silence could be interpreted as an implicit admission!

T/N – Even the little eunuch understood! Jiang Luo, all brawn and no brain.

Jiang Luo confusedly looked at the young eunuch, then glared at Ban Hua, “What do you mean by that?”

“Chennv doesn’t mean anything. It is fine if Your Highness the Second Prince understands it for himself.” Ban Hua blandly curtseyed to him. “As Your Highness and Miss Shi have something to discuss, and Your Highness is not alone here, we are also relieved. Farewell.”

Jiang Luo had never get it, Ban Hua was not bad-looking, why was she so unpleasant to the eyes?

It had been that way since their childhood. Ban Hua and himself were closer in age, but she always preferred to cling to the Crown Prince. Up until the Crown Prince’s marriage, then Ban Hua no longer came to the rear Palace anymore. Whenever she was at the Palace, she would only visited Imperial Father and Imperial Mother, never interacted with them directly anymore.

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It made him feel that women like Ban Hua always instinctively picked whom to please and whom to ignore. Between him and the Crown Prince, Ban Hua would fawn on the Crown Prince, because since young she had known that the Crown Prince was more eminent than himself.

The dislike for Ban Hua had developed since Jiang Luo’s childhood. After he grew up and could go outside the Palace, he found that not all women in the world were like Ban Hua. Miss Shi was gentle, warm, and understanding, she was compassionate even to little beggars on the street. She was as like the warmest spring water, she made him comfortable all over.

The more he disliked Ban Hua, the more he liked Shi Feixian. Shi Feixian possessed all the qualities that Ban Hua lacked.

As Ban Hua had said she was leaving, Jiang Luo sneered, “From the beginning you are the meddlesome one. Roll out now.”

Everyone frowned. All of them were from noble families, even the least cultured idlers would maintain some degree of civility when talking to a woman. The Second Prince’s attitude, was really…….

They thought the Second Prince breaking Fule Junzhu’s arm was an exaggeration, but today it no longer looked to be the case.

“Your Highness, chennv can’t roll.” Ban Hua eyed Shi Feixian with a fake smile, “A dove occupying the magpie’s nest. I wonder what Miss Shi is?”

Shi Feixian’s face changed, “Junzhu, please watch your words.”

“It’s strange for Miss Shi to say so. Have I said too much?” Ban Hua smiled and clapped her hands, “I always think Miss Shi is an incredible and exceptional woman. Miss Shi is able to share the hearts’ content with her bosom friend Xie Second Gongzi. With the Second Prince, is able to…… exchange admiration for each other’s talents. Ah right, also able to have a heartfelt and unspoken attachment with Count Cheng’an. How many in the world can do all that?”

“Xie Second Gongzi?” The audience was astonished, Xie Second Gongzi was in it as well?


T/N – (Refresher) List of known and named Xie family members:
– Count Zhongping – The father.
– Xie Chongjin – The first son. A former zhuangyuan from years ago. Worked outside of the Capital, was then imprisoned for failing his supervision duty in Pingzhou.
– Xie Qilin – The second son. Ban Hua’s former second fiance. Eloped with Yunniang, a courtesan. Lost one of his eyes when he fell of a horse.
– Xie Wanyu – Marrying the Second Prince. Supposed to be a close friend of Shi Feixian’s.

T/N – Recently I came across two novels which translation status is still on-going, but so far I find them delightful.
1. Fix Smile Order by Jiu Xiao Qi 酒小七 who has produced a lot of good novels, this one was adapted to a drama Love is All. I don’t know why the rating is only 3.5 because it is a fun and light mystery-solving novel, something refreshing after heavy palace intrigues and painful face slapping. Very much like eating pickles in between mouthful of stewed meat.
2. Leisure Life of Princess Yu Yu. This slice of life story isn’t perfect (almost none is!), and the MC is a Mary Sue with a secret spiritual water spring cheat. I don’t know how it will end but at this moment it’s interesting in a relaxing, simple way. If you want to give it a peek, don’t be discouraged by the first 3 chapters which ‘translation’ is hard to chew. The current translator from chapter 4 has been doing a really great job.

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