Ban Hua was lively and playful but everyone knew of her distinct character that she never easily spoke ill of other women. Anyone she disliked, she would just say they were incompatible, further than that would not be casually spoken.

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What she said on Shi Feixian’s face today was likely to be true.

“You, don’t you speak nonsense.” Shi Feixian’s voice was sharp, “Ban Hua, don’t force me.”

“Miss Shi is really interesting. Last year Xie Second Gongzi fell and damaged one of his eyes on the way back from giving you a poetry book. In a few days, rumours started that it was me, this husband-curse, who had harmed him.” Ban Hua spread her hands. “Xie Qilin and I had broken off for two years, what husband-curse was it, what husband of mine was he. You say, is that logical?”

Shi Feixian was so angry that her body trembled, she stiffly said, “Nonsense. I don’t know anything about whatever poetry book.”

“Don’t you understand that Heaven knows, you know, and Xie Second Gongzi who gave you the book also knows.” Ban Hua laughed lightly, “Right. Has Xie Second Gongzi told you, the handwritten poetry book he gave you was originally from my Ban family house?”

Shi Feixian was stunned, didn’t know what to say.

“Junzhu,” Xie Qilin came out of the forest. He glanced at Shi Feixian, then saluted the Second Prince and Ban Hua, “The past is behind, please Junzhu not bring it up again.”

“What thing are you. Why should my sister listen to you?” Ban Heng rolled his eyes, “What a big face, three masks can’t cover it.”

Ban Hua laughed, “Today is a great day. A secluded bamboo forest can also be this lively.”

“Xie Qilin, was your eye ruined because you fell after sending a poetry book to Miss Shi?” Jiang Luo was a man, even if he was about to get married but he still didn’t want to hear the woman he liked had a dubious relationship with another man.

Xie Qilin arched his hand to Jiang Luo as a salutation, “Your Highness, it is time to return to the Palace.”

He was not here to argue with Jiang Luo over a woman, he came for a justice for his sister. He looked at Shi Feixian besides Jiang Luo very calmly, as if she had been a stranger.

“What’s the rush, it’s not the auspicious time yet.” Jiang Luo said impatiently, “Tell me first, did you give Miss Shi a book of poetry?”

Shi Feixian’s eyes at Xie Qilin were pleading, her face pale.

Xie Qilin averted his sight, slowly said, “No.”

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Jiang Luo sighed in relief, turned to Ban Hua, “Why are you smearing Miss Shi’s reputation?”

“Your Highness, how do I – a woman, smear Miss Shi’s reputation?” Ban Hua sighed, “You – this groom, who is meeting her in a forest, is the one who is smearing her reputation. Miss Shi who is as clean as the bright moon in the sky, yet she is secretly meeting her close friend’s husband. You say, isn’t this the logic?”

Shi Feixian gnashed her teeth in hatred at Ban Hua’s words, but she knew that the more she spoke, the more Ban Hua could gain a handle over herself. She didn’t understand how Ban Hua knew about the poetry book, it was something between Xie Qilin and herself only.

Did any of their servants fail to keep their mouth shut?

What Ban Hua said made many people laughed. Correct, the beautiful Miss Shi, who was so outstanding, so rule-abiding, had today been tangling with a man who was about to be married, moreso the bride was her good sister.


“Shut up!” Ban Hua’s smile vanished, mockingly looked at Xie Qilin, “I feel sick at the sight of you, don’t talk to me.”

Xie Qilin’s lips quavered, but he didn’t speak.

“As a man, you are not capable. As a son, you are not filial. As a brother, you……” Ban Hua waved her hand. “Forget it, I am lazy to talk to you. Anyway, if my brother ever becomes like you, I’d rather kick him out before he becomes an embarrasment outside.”

Ban Heng:  ?

“Sis.” Ban Heng’s dog legs brought him to Ban Hua, “But I have always been good.”

Ban Hua patted his head, “En, that’s why I haven’t kicked you out yet.”

T/N – Poor Ban Heng! What does this got to do with the puppy boy.

Xie Qilin was silent for a long time. He bowed deeply to Ban Hua, “Junzhu, I am sorry.”

He had indeed wronged her, it was the fact.

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Today was a strange day for Jiang Luo. Going out for a fresh air, meeting Shi Feixian by coincidence, and things had been going wrong since.

The fact that Xie Qilin did not refute however Ban Hua mocked him made it look like something had really happened. What Ban Hua had said about Miss Shi and Xie Qilin, and Count Cheng’an. Was it all a lie?

Count Cheng’an was Ban Hua’s fiance, she had no need to lie about her future husband.

But Miss Shi said her having feelings towards Count Cheng’an was just a rumour. She said she had no interest in love, that she lived for arts and nature?

Everything about Ban Hua was unpleasant, but he couldn’t stop thinking each time Ban Hua said something. In case ……. in case it was true?

“You……” Jiang Luo turned to Shi Feixian. He saw tears in her eyes, as if she was holding back from saying something. A knot of irritation suddenly arose in his heart, he told the young eunuch besides him, “Fine. Back to the Palace.” It was not his fate to marry this woman, so what was the point? And as the precious daughter of a prime minister’s house, she was not someone he could take as a concubine either.

“Respectfully seeing off Your Highness.” Shi Feixian curtseyed, but this time Jiang Luo didn’t turn back, he left the bamboo forest just like that.

“The play is over, let’s go back.” Ban Hua said lazily to Shi Feixian, “Miss Shi, please take care.”

“Junzhu,” Shi Feixian called out, “I don’t understand, why do you go against me at every turn?”

Ban Hua raised her eyebrows, “Let’s just say that I am jealous of your beauty.”


Someone couldn’t help laughing out loud, Shi Feixian’s face instantly became uglier.

Ban Hua’s entries had always been grand with a group of followers surrounding her, her exits were also abuzz with the clamouring crowd. After she and the idlers left, the bamboo forest became quiet.

Xie Qilin said to Shi Feixian, “Farewell.”

“Wait.” Shi Feixian stopped him, the rims of her eyes were red, “Are you the same with them, laughing at me in your heart?”

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“Miss Shi,” Xie Qilin stared at the dried bamboo leaves on the ground, he calmly spoke, “Zaixia does not have any thoughts, please don’t misunderstand.”

“You don’t have thoughts but you are also resenting me, right?” Shi Feixian couldn’t stop herself crying and laughing at the same time. “If it wasn’t because of me, you and Ban Hua wouldn’t have been in such a mess, Xie family and Ban family wouldn’t have been enemies. Ban family is small-minded and vengeful, Xie family has encountered so many problems of their making. Everything started from me, I can understand if you blame me.”

“I can only blame myself.” Xie Qilin interrupted Shi Feixian, “I was young and naïve. The mistakes I made, it’s too late to amend.”

“If Miss Shi feels sorry for me, in the future please don’t be too close to His Highness the Second Prince. He is now the husband of zaixia‘s sister. Zaixia has only this one sister, I can’t bear to see her betrayed by her husband and her close friend.” Xie Qilin raised his head, “Can you do that?”

Shi Feixian awkwardly avoided his gaze, “In your eyes, am I that kind of person?”

Xie Qilin didn’t reply, only silence was the reply.

“Fine, I understand!” Shi Feixian laughed at herself, “So you blame me after all.”

The wind rose, bamboo leaves bristled with swishing sounds. Xie Qilin stood unmoved as if he had been an emotionless statue.

“Xie Qilin, that time you….. did you really love me, did you really not have feelings for Ban Hua?” Shi Feixian suddenly asked, “You said you don’t blame me, but you are resenting me. You kept looking at her, maybe you don’t realise it yourself.”

Xie Qilin’s shoulders shook. Touching his silver mask, he said in a plain tone, “Miss Shi is free to think any way she likes. Farewell.”

Shi Feixian watched the shadow of his back, mockingly laughed at herself.

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site. Add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

That year Xie Qilin gave her a portrait of herself standing under a willow tree, she looked like a fairy in it. But she didn’t like it at all, because there were large peonies on the rims of the skirt, very beautiful, very flamboyant.

She never wore skirts with large peonies, neither did she like flamboyant or flashy hair styles. The woman on the painting was her, and yet was not her.

Xie Qilin had spoken of love and longing for her, but did he really love her as much as he said?

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Talking of love to her while his heart touched by another woman, it was not her fault that she played tricks on him.

Ban Hua this damned woman was as tough as a copper pea. Ban Hua had a lot of flaws, but there was nothing she could do to Ban Hua.

To think that Ban Hua was marrying Count Cheng’an, the hatred in Shi Feixian’s heart could not be repressed.

“Master.” Du Jiu approached Rong Xia who was having wine with other officials, he whispered some words on Rong Xia’s side.

The smile on Rong Xia’s face didn’t change, he nodded quietly.

Du Jiu cupped his hands to the other daren‘s on the table and withdrew.

Rong Xia would formally take up the position of the Minister of Personnel soon after the Second Prince’s wedding, thus he sat on the table set for the heads of 6 ministries and the 2 prime ministers. Each of these 8 people had their own minds, their different stances, but they were fully harmonious on the surface as if they had never been at odds with each other over political views.

T/N – Six Ministries (六部): Ministries of Personnel, Rites, War, Justice, Works, and Revenue.

When the procession to pick up the bride departed from the Palace, everyone knew the Second Prince did not pick up the bride in person, but noone brought it up in the conversation, they talked about unrelated topics to pass time.

Today’s wedding going awry, Shi Chonghai was the happiest of all. For him, the more stupid blunders the Second Prince did, the more secure the Crown Prince’s position would be. If he could have his way, the Second Prince should not ever return once he left the Palace.

“Borrowing this happy occasion, may laofu ask Count Rong when can we drink your wedding wine?” Shi Chonghai’s smile was so gentle as if he had no idea that Yan Hui’s second son was once suicidal for Rong Xia’s fiancee.

* laofu 老夫 = This Old Man (referring to self)

Yan Hui on the side heard what Shi Chonghai said, but not even his eyelids moved.

The other officials smiled at Rong Xia, as if they were also extremely interested to know the answer.

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