“Good thing that Duke Jingting is lucky, he managed to escape.” Emperor’s Yunqing’s face was still furious, “These scoundrels are too rampant!”

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Either from disappointment or something else, the Crown Princess glanced at Xie Wanyu. Xie Wanyu was surprisingly still without any expression on her face. Seeing the Emperor and Empress were concerned, the Crown Princess said, “Heaven knows that Imperial Father and Empress Mother care about Ban family. Heaven doesn’t want to see you two sad for Ban family thus protected their safety.”

“The Crown Princess is correct.” Xie Wanyu picked it up. “Duke Jingting is certainly blessed with good fortune.”

Emperor Yunqing did not refute, he remembered that Ban Huai’s luck was evidently good. Everytime Ban Huai messed up, his Imperial Father happened to be in a good mood. Whenever Hui-wang devised some tricks to scare them, it was difficult to succeed whenever Ban Huai was with him.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yunqing smiled, “He is Aunt’s son, the maternal grandson of Imperial Grandfather’s, of course he is blessed by Heaven.”

The Empress sighed in relief, it was good that Duke Jingting was safe. “This is called ‘a lazy man has a lazy man’s blessing’.”

The Crown Princess silently said to herself, also that ‘the scourge lasts a millenium’.

T/N – 好人不长命,祸害遗千年 = good people die young, the scourges live for a millenium.

“Your Majesty, Niangniang.” Ban Hua soon came back, she has changed clothes and her hair has been combed again. Just as the Empress said, the plain clothes fit her well as if it had been made according to her size.

“Sit down and talk.” The Empress beckoned Ban Hua to sit, gently said, “His Majesty has told me what happened. Child, you must be shocked.”

Ban Hua took a large sip of the tea a palace lady handed her, said in a small voice, “Chennü was so angry, and had the guards beat up the assassins.”

“Since they are assassins, it’s fine to kill them. Just leave one that can talk.” After saying this, the Emperor realised the two daughters-in-law were there, he said, “Your father was frightened, be careful of cold these few days, don’t let his health impacted.”

The Empress has never forgotten the Grand Princess’ goodness. She was 15 years old when she married the Emperor, he was an unfavoured son of the previous emperor. His title was the crown prince, but he lived worse than a regular prince. Everyone said his position as the crown prince was not stable so they were often treated coldly.

The Grand Princess was the only one who treated them sincerely, in the end she even helped securing His Majesty’s position as the crown prince. Although Duke Jingting was quite a fop, but before His Majesty’s ascension to the throne, he often protected him from the then Second Prince’s bullying.

T/N – Not sure if the order/age of the previous Emperor’s children is ever listed, but the former Second Prince here might be Hui-wang, he has been described as a bully several times already.

Without the Grand Princess, they wouldn’t have been in the current position. Everyone loved ‘adding flowers to the brocade’, but how many were willing to ‘deliver coal during the snowy days’? The Empress always had Ban family’s goodness in her heart. They were idlers, but for her, they were better than many other people.

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“En. Chennü’s younger brother is keeping Father company.” Ban Hua nodded obediently.

The Empress saw that vivacious and spirited young girl was downcast, she took her hand and patted it gently, “Don’t be anxious, bengong and His Majesty are here, we won’t let you suffer.”

“Have lunch first, I’ve ordered the kitchen to prepare your favourite dishes.” The Empress saw how docile she looked, she poked Ban Hua’s forehead, “Come, you’ll have more energy to sort out the assassins after a meal.”

“En!” Ban Hua solemnly nodded, sat down next to the Empress.

The Empress pointed the two empty seats, telling the Crown Empress and Xie Wanyu, “No need to serve me, sit down and eat.”

“Thanking Empress Mother.” The Crown Princess sat next to Ban Hua’s, while Xie Wanyu sat on the Crown Princess’ next seat. This seating made it look as if Ban Hua had been nobler than the Crown Princess.

Xie Wanyu had no issues with it, she was happy when the Crown Princess was not. She used to abhor Ban family, but now she found herself detesting Shi family more. Compared to the Shi’s, as the lesser of two evils, the Bans looked adorable.

One by one exquisite dishes were served on the table, the Crown Princess noticed several dishes that Empress Mother did not normally eat, moreover these extra dishes were placed in front of Ban Hua. Her appetite disappeared at once, and after a few bites today’s meal felt terribly suffocating.

It had crossed her mind that had Ban Hua not been 7 – 8 years younger than the Crown Prince, perhaps Imperial Mother would have had her married to the Crown Prince. Empress Mother’s warm enthusiasm towards Ban Hua was not much less than how she was to Anle Gongzhu.

T/N – (Refresher) Princess Anle was the Emperor’s eldest daughter, the one whose Wang-fuma (husband) cheated and died falling off the horse.

After the meal, the Empress saw Ban Hua was restless, she understood Ban Hua was worrying about Ban Huai, “You should go back to your mother. I have calming medicine here, take some home.”

Ban Hua was going to reject but the Empress stopped her, “Do not refuse it. I won’t keep you here too long, go back quickly.”

“Thanking Niangniang.” Ban Hua bowed to the imperial couple and left in a hurry.

The Empress said to Emperor Yunqing, “Such a filial child.”

Emperor Yunqing nodded, “This child is pure and kind, just her temperament is a bit fiery. It’s good that Rong-qing temperament is good, the two of them complement each other.”

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The Empress smiled at what he said, “That is true. In the whole Capital, Count Cheng’an is most suitable for Hua Hua. You have done a good job with this matchmaking, qie thinks Count Cheng’an is better than the previous two.” The Empress did not include the dead Zhao baby, that one was not even a person yet, good or not could not be seen.

* qieshen 妾身 = This Concubine. 妾 usually means concubine, but even main wives called themselves qie or qieshen.

Both the Crown Princess and Xie Wanyu on the lower seats were stifled with annoyance, but the Empress apparently did not care about their feelings.

When the Crown Princess heard from the family that her younger sister was interested at Count Cheng’an, she thought this pairing was good as he was valued by the Emperor and admired by the Crown Prince. She sent people to make enquiries but Count Cheng’an positively refused without any hesitation.

In her eyes Ban Hua could not compare with her younger sister.

But her younger sister has recently been too muddled, how could she let the gossips connecting her with the Second Prince and Xie Qilin spread. Has Count Cheng’an’s rejection provoked her to ‘smash the broken jar’?

* 破罐子破摔 to smash the chipped jar = going all out, or since things have gone wrong so might as well let the whole thing ruined.

If the Crown Princess was upset, then Xie Wanyu was more on the awkward side. The Empress said Count Cheng’an was better than Ban Hua’s two former fiances, that meant her second brother and Shen Yu. As the sister of the person mentioned, how could Xie Wanyu not become awkward?

Saying this to her face, was the Empress Niangniang displeased with her Second Brother or Xie family?

While the the two daughters-in-law of the royal families were weighed down with anxiety, Ban Hua was back at home with a large pile of medicinal herbs from the Empress. Her father was burying his head eating noodles with over 10 small dishes on the table. The way he wolved down the food, the person was either shocked or starving.

Ban Hua shot a glance at Ban Heng, what’s going on?

Ban Heng discreetly pointed at Yin-shi. Father was being lectured by Mother, hence the meal.

Ban Hua understood at once, she walked up to Yin-shi, “Mother, have you eaten yet.”

“I am already full of anger, why should I eat.”

The chopsticks on Ban Huai’s fingers paused, he was going to put it down.

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“Eat your meal.” Yin-shi looked at Ban Huai with anger mixed with heartache. To think that today he went out and almost did not come back, her eyes were sour but she could not say it.

How could Ban Huai keep on eating to see her that way, he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and went up to Yin-shi, “Furen, I am fine now, am I not. Don’t be angry, I won’t go out for the next few days, so you don’t have to worry again.”

“I really don’t understand. We have been laying this low, we never interfered in politic, we never fought for power, why can’t they leave us alone?” Yin-shi was furious, “Haven’t we done enough these years?”

Too much power would make the royal family wary. Everyone in the family had become idlers, but some people still wanted to sort them out, so what should they do?

“Mother,” Ban Heng brought tea for Yin-shi, “Don’t be angry and let your health affected. Our brains aren’t good, but we are soon getting a son-in-law with a good brain, aren’t we?”

Yin-shi was going to say something, but then she peered at Ban Hua and shook her head with a sigh.

Ban Hua glared at Ban Heng, “Silly you. Sons-in-law can still sell their in-laws for glory and wealth.”

Ban Heng felt his scalp numb, “Sis, don’t say this in front of Count Rong.”

“I don’t say it’s him.” Ban Hua coughed drily, “Anyway, currently it’s not appropriate to tell him our family matters.”

“Actually I think Rong Junpo is quite good.” Ban Heng said quietly, “Other scholars will have changed face and made a lecture on women conduct if they see you beat up the assassins until their moms can’t recognise anymore. I think Rong Junpo is better than them, he even helped drawing the criminal’s face. Just for this point, he is worthy of tossing all other scholars 99 alleys away.”

* tossing someone a few alleys away = being much more awesome.

“He was a zhuangyuan at 17 years old, can’t he be worthy of tossing people a few alleys away?” Ban Huai gave his son a disgusted look, “And you, you can’t even get to be a xiucai.”

“Father, you say this……” As if you could.

Ban Heng dared not say it. If he said it, he would be punished to kneel in front of the ancestral tablet.

With her husband and children clowning around, Yin-shi’s agitation diminished by half. She considered, “In the near future, the four of us should go out less, don’t give bad people a chance. If anything happens to you, my heart won’t be able to bear it.”

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“Not going out, not going out.” Ban Huai thought for a while, “Tomorrow we take the guards to the hot spring hamlet for a few days.”

“Staying at the hamlet is good, just take more guards along.” Yin-shi nodded, “I’ll let people prepare.”

“Master Duke, Furen, Count Cheng’an requests an audience.”

“Let him in quickly.” Ban Huai ordered the dishes removed from the table, after tidying up his clothes he sat down on the main seat.

Rong Xia saw servants hurrying with plates of dishes as he entered the inner courtyard

“Master Count, please come this way.”

Rong Xia found himself being ushered through the second gate, he hesitated, “This….. isn’t this inside the second gate?”

“Master, please don’t mind it. Our Master and Furen are at home, and no other ladies in the house. Master Count is one of us, there is no need for courtesies.” The steward had heard about Rong Xia drawing bad guys’ portrait, his smile grew a few parts more sincere.

Ban family servants had became prejudiced towards scholars after Shen Yu withdrew from the engagement. With his actions, Rong Xia had recovered scholars’ image in their eyes.

Past the second gate, Ban residence was more homely than what Rong Xia expected. The inner courtyard was more about cozyness, unlike other people’s houses that pursued elegance or luxury. It could be seen that the family put comfort above all else.



T/N – Ban mansion must be much grander than a siheyuan, but the general idea should be the similar. I think Rong Xia was surprised because past the second gate is the inner courtyard, which is the family’s private place. The inner courtyard (no 10) is accessible through the second gate (no 4).

(If I ever had the money to travel to China, siheyuan is one of the thing I definitely need to see. Wish me luck on next week’s lotto).

T/N – This is the last of normal length chapter (3k Chinese characters) until chapter 128. Everything after this apart from chapter 128, 129, and 3 last extras will be around 6k – 7k characters, so there will be parts 1 and 2 for most.

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