The further he walked inside, the more Rong Xia found things not usually seen in other people’s house.

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Lounges with soft cushions, swing sets, hammocks, upholstered chairs, fresh fruits on the table. The most eye-catching was an unconventional platform in the middle of the courtyard.

“The residence keeps some singers and story-tellers, sometimes Furen or Junzhu ask them to perform.” The steward explained with a smile when he noticed Rong Xia’s line of vision, “Master Count, this way.”

“Very good.” Rong Xia nodded, he followed it by, “When I go back, I’ll have a platform built in the inner courtyard too.”

The steward smiled without replying, there were things a subordinate like him should not say, “Master, this is it. The masters like to have meals together without servants around.” He led Rong Xia past an inner door, stood on the stone steps and said, “Master Duke, Count Cheng’an is here.”

Rong Xia looked up at the name of the room, on the plaque was written ‘Taotie Pavillion’. The writing was beautiful, spirited and yet graceful, seemed to be a woman’s handwriting.

“Please come in.”

Ban Heng’s voice was heard from inside, Rong Xia straightened his robe and stepped in.

“Wanbei has met Uncle, Aunt.”

After he finished smiling, he realised, when was the last time he lost manner like this?

“Sit down, we are not particular about formalities.” Ban Huai saw Rong Xia was still in the same clothes as earlier. “Have you eaten yet?”

An educated person would say they have eaten, even if they have not.

Rong Xia looked at Ban Huai and Ban Hua, and slowly shook his head, “Was just at Dalisi, have not eaten yet.”

“How come a young man doesn’t eat.” Ban Huai beckoned a servant to prepare at once.

“Uncle, this is not good,” Rong Xia hurriedly said, “I……”

“Didn’t I just say, our family doesn’t observe useless rules.” Ban Huai rose and patted Rong Xia’s shoulder, “Eat when hungry, drink when thirsty. Obeying rules doesn’t mean torturing ourselves. We haven’t eaten enough yet, we’ll accompany you eating.”

In less than half a sichen, several steaming bowls of noodles and a stack of side dishes were laid out on the table.

The dishes were nothing elaborate but Rong Xia’s appetite was exceptionally good, it had been a long time since he ate with anyone. It was just some simple noodles, and they did not observe the rule of not speaking during meals.

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“Sis, why do you eat so little?” Ban Heng was next to her, he had put himself between her and Rong Xia to separate them, “Did you eat at the palace?”

Ban Hua shook her head, “I am just accompanying all of you eating.” She raised her head, “Did you say you just went to Dalisi?”

“Yes. I have some contacts at Dalisi, I went to talk to them.” Rong Xia couldn’t help smiling when Ban Hua smiled. “You went to the Palace, did it go well?”

Ban Hua nodded, “His Majesty and Niangniang said it will be investigated thoroughly.”

Rong Xia laughed softly, “If I have known Hua Hua is this powerful, I wouldn’t have gone to Dalisi.”

“Don’t say so. This is called approaching the problem from two sides.” Knowing Rong Xia had put efforts on her father’s matter, Ban Hua pushed the plate of side dish in front of her to Rong Xia’s direction, “Here, this is for you.”


Ban Heng between them: ” …….. “

He felt himself to be the Milky Way separating the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd Boy.

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site. Add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

After the meal, the four Bans sat lazily on the soft chairs. Rong Xia who has always kept his back straight almost followed them sitting crookedly. Fortunately years of good habit stopped him in time, he managed to maintain the elegant sitting posture of a gongzi.

As the case had just happened, it was not good for Rong Xia to make a guess of who the murderer was. He did wonder whether it was the same with the one who ordered Zhao Jia’s murder, but the idea was quickly dismissed. Zhao Jia’s killer was very professional, the foreign weapon was chosen on purpose. Firstly, it was to protect their identity, and secondly was to prevent His Majesty from ordering a large-scale investigation.

Aipo was small, but Daye had many vassal states. If this was blown big, the stability of Daye’s borders could be greatly impacted. Daye’s current army was not as strong as in the past, there was no guarantee of a victory if a lot of vassal states come together against Daye.

Even if it was a win, it would still be a disastrous victory.

That was the reason His Majesty dared not fight.

Ban Huai’s case was different. The perpetrators were small chicken and dog thieves who had only tried their hands on assassination due to hardship, and their method was so mediocre. Anyone with a tactical mind and means would not have used such petty method.

Zhao Jia’s case was possibly on the national scale, while Ban Huai’s was likely to be a personal grudge.

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Rong Xia had long been clear of what sort of person Ban Huai was, he was lazy and easy-going without ambition. However, one very noticeable good trait of his was appropriateness, he would never do anything he should not. He was not the most benevolent person, but neither had he done anything bad, he had never even tasted ‘flower wine’.

T/N – Flower wine is drinking party with female entertainers, I think it implies for more than just drinking.

To tell the truth, Rong Xia was very surprised to learn that Ban Huai never touched ‘flower wine’. Daye’s famous idlers still took wine even if they did not patron red light districts or gambling dens. Someone like Ban Huai, how did he get that reputation?

Rong Xia couldn’t make sense of it, until he visited the Grand Princess and saw her legacy for him, then he understood.

Accompanying the sovereign is akin to accompanying a tiger, riches and prestige come with peril. Ban family merely sought a peaceful life.

Perhaps because the family was so friendly, Rong Xia did not realise he had stayed for the whole afternoon. After a dinner with them, he stood up to say his farewell.

Approaching the gates, he found Ban Hua was chasing after him.

“Wait.” Ban Hua saw he had only a few guards, “I don’t know who is against Ban family or what they want, but as you are engaged to me, you have to be always careful.”

Rong Xia did not expect that she chased for this, after a moment of being stunned, he nodded, “I will.”

Ban Hua smiled and raised a hand, four guards came out from behind. “Grandfather selected them for me. It’s dark and dangerous out there, let them take you home.”

Rong Xia saw the guards were around 25-26 years old. They treated Ban Hua with full respect, must be due to being trained since young. Apparently the old Duke Jingting had had the consideration since early times, he prepared loyal and effective guards for his descendants.

He nodded, he had no intention of rejecting her good intention.

A smile at once appeared on Ban Hua’s face, “Be careful on the way.”

“En.” All of a sudden Rong Xia looked down and gently removed a falling leaf from her shoulder, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen to me.”

Ban Hua’s pair of bright eyes blinked, but she did not speak.

Rong Xia raised his hand, gently used it to cover Ban Hua’s eyes. He whispered, “Hua Hua’s eyes, very beautiful.”

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Ban Hua blinked, the long eyelashes fluttered on his palm.

“You said my eyes are pretty, but you cover them.” Ban Hua grabbed his wrist and pulled down. “Are you jealous that my eyes are prettier than yours?”

Rong Xia loudly laughed, “Hua Hua’s eyes are too pretty, I don’t want anyone else to see them.”

Ban Hua: ? ? ?

What kind of strange notion is this?

She tiptoed, used both of her hands to cover Rong Xia’s face, “Your face is so good-looking, but I’ve never told you to cover it. A person should be generous.”

Rong Xia chuckled, his warm breath ran into Ban Hua’s palm. She felt her palm a little itchy, then she….. pinched Rong Xia’s nose. As it turned out, even the best looking man didn’t look that good anymore when his nose was pinched.

“Hee hee, pig nose.” Ban Hua pinched the side of his nose twice, only when she was satisfied of getting the feel of a good-looking man’s soft skin that she let go.

“Hua Hua,” Rong Xia’s pair of pitch-black peach blossom eyes were on her, “Doing this, aren’t you molesting me?”

Ban Hua made a face, “Touching my own fiance’s nose, how can it be molesting?”

“Like this?” Rong Xia touched the tip of her nose lightly, it was so light that Ban Hua felt as if it had been an illusion.

Rong Xia’s face broke into a bright smile, “You’ve touched me. I am yours now, and you have to be responsible.”

Ban Hua stared at Rong Xia’s intoxicating eyes in a daze, and nodded stupidly.

She was still in a befuddled state even after Rong Xia had gotten on his horse.

No other reason except that Rong Xia’s eyes were too pretty. She had often seen Rong Xia’s eyes in the past, but they were never as beautiful as today.

Pitch-dark, sparkling, with her reflection in them. When this pair of eyes curved in a smile, her heart trembled along with it.

Having found the ultimate, all others turned into dregs.

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A pretty man is the source of calamity. Ban Hua’s standard had raised again, how should she live in the future now.

On the way home, Rong Xia came across Shi Jin who was on leave from his shifts. The two performed greetings and went their own way without exchanging pleasantries.

“Daren,” One of the palace guards following Shi Jin said, “Some of Count Cheng’an guards are Fule Junzhu’s people.”

Shi Jin’s hand gripping the whip tightened, he turned to that subordinate, “How do you know?”

The palace guard blushed, “Fule Junzhu is so beautiful, whenever she is out, us brothers will…… will take a few more looks. We are familiar with her guards.”

After that, in fear of punishment, he added, “Daren, we don’t dare to look much, and we’ve never neglected our post. It’s just that the eyes sometimes aren’t obedient. We only looked a little, very little.”

“Everyone likes to look at beauty, I am not blaming you.” Shi Jin took a deep breath of cold night air. “It looks like Fule Junzhu is worried for him, so she sent some guards to take him home.”

“How is there a woman sends people to take a man home.” The guard rubbed his chin, his voice was a bit sour, “But Count Cheng’an is also very lucky, he is able to become Fule Junzhu’s fiance.”

Soldiers like them knew neither poetry nor painting, all they knew was Fule Junzhu was extremely beautiful that whoever could marry her was lucky.

The taste of military people was indeed different from literary people’s.


* Taotie 饕餮 – one of the four evil creatures of the world, sometimes used to symbolise gluttony.

* The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd Boy – have you come across Chinese Valentine day / Qixi festival in novels? This is their story.

* T/N – I don’t know how Rong Xia thought himself committed a faux pas, was it because:
(1) by calling them Uncle and Aunt so soon, he was acting too familiar with the family. He’d certainly made himself at home…… staying there so long that he ate not just lunch but also dinner there. Was this poor orphan in search of a warm family to adopt him?
(2) by visiting someone’s house without washing up first after attending a bloody crime scene. I’d have kicked him out haha.

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