In less than a day the attempted assassination on Ban Huai had spread all over the Capital. Compared to the fairly non-existent Zhao Jia, Ban Huai the top idler was of much higher status. That he was of no real power did not matter, him being almost killed was enough to cause panic among the nobles.

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Practically noone was not afraid of death, especially the nobles living extravagant life.

Nobles better acquainted with Ban family came bearing gifts. To the dispirited looking Ban Huai recuperating on the bed, they dutifully said some words of encouragement, mostly about how he should take care of his health, about how fortune would come after a disaster and so on.

After running out of things to say, some began praising Ban Huai for his good son-in-law who ran around working hard for him, who had even drawn the criminal’s picture. Now everyone knew that it was false to say that Count Cheng’an was not good at human portraits, he just did not like it. He had made a concession for the sake of helping his father-in-law find the criminal.

A gentleman with principle was admirable, and a junior forsaking his principle for the benefit of his senior was equally touching. People used to secretly mocked Ban Huai that his son-in-law must be looking down on his family, but now they saw that not only there was no disrespect, but he had even taken Ban family affairs as his own even though the family miss was not married to him yet.

Now everyone was envious to Ban Huai, what dumb luck he had, having a perfect son-in-law who treated the girl’s parents with so much respect and care?

No wonder someone tried to kill him. Maybe the killer could not contain his jealousy of Ban Huai’s good luck.

The Emperor issued two decrees, one to Dalisi to conduct the investigation as thoroughly and quickly as possible, and one to the Ministry of Justice to cooperate with Dalisi. The Capital was shaken to hear this hefty gesture, once again everyone witnessed the importance of Ban family in the eye of the sovereign.

Rong Xia’s drawing resembled the criminal very closely that despite the ordinary appearance, someone was able to come up with the criminal’s identity to claim the 50 liangs silver reward.

This man turned out to be a former steward of Hui-wang’s residence. After Hui-wang couple died in the fire and the Shizi and Junzhu were taken to live in the Palace, Hui-wang people had scattered away. This steward’s household registration had long been cancelled, the reason of the cancellation was death in fire.

A person who was supposed to have died in a fire tried to kill Duke Jingting, it was difficult to believe that there was no hidden agenda behind it.

Poor Jiang Yuchen and Jiang Kangning, their life in the Palace had gradually become harder after this incident.

According to the rumour circulating in the Capital, Hui-wang was the mastermind of the Grand Princess’ assassination, the Emperor did not bring this up because Hui-wang had perished in fire. For that reason, in spite of the suspicion, noone dared to talk about it openly.

But for what reason that a former servant of Hui-wang’s tried to kill Duke Jingting?

Should only be one reason. Hui-wang’s servant must have hated the Grand Princess for ruining their plan to kill the Emperor, but since the Grand Princess was already dead so he could only direct the revenge to her son, Duke Jingting.

Many people began to sympathise with Ban family. Their biggest backing died saving the Emperor and now a hidden mastermind was targeting them, what bad luck.

T/N – Was Ban Huai lucky or unlucky? People of the Capital, make up your mind!

The next day, yamen runners found the corpse of this former steward in a deserted old temple. After examination, he should have been dead for over 10 shichens.

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* 1 shichen 时辰 = 2 hours

Obviously it was the case of a mastermind killing the minion for fear of leak.

The coroner found a pearl in the steward’s mouth. It was a piece of top quality pearl, the kind women liked to sew on their shoes or clothing.

The pearl was hidden in a hole in his tooth so noone could see it without looking closely. Was it possible that he died resentfully and hid it in his mouth to leave a clue?

Dalisi officials had a headache, what did this case do with a woman?

However the pearl gave them a starting point in the investigation. All sources of pearls in the Capital were thoroughly checked, especially the ones that specialised in supplying to the nobility.

It was said that experts were hidden among the peasants, an old craftman recognised the pearl as produced by a very rare sea mussel. The top quality of this kind of pearls went to the Palace, while the slightly inferior ones were sold to the nobles. This year, they were sold to three noble families.

Duke Jingting house, Count Zhongping house, and Prime Minister Shi house.

Dalisi officials went to Zhongping residence first. They found that all of the pearls were used in Second Prince Consort’s dowry.

At Jingting residence, at first they did not remember buying the pearls but after checking the storeroom list, a box of it was found. The box was never even opened since passing through Ban family gates.

The reason was, the Empress had sent them another box of better quality pearls so the lesser ones were forgotten.

The officials finally discovered the extent of Ban family’s extravagance. Something precious like that could be forgotten that easily, obviously too used to good things.

“Daren, this Jingting house is very rich, it makes people envious.” A Dalisi officer following Liu Banshan out of Jingting residence sighed. “The pots for plants in their house are inlaid with gemstones, I’ve never seen such a lavish thing.”

What a pity that he had no daughter who could be married to climb into Ban family.

“I’ve seen it before.” Liu Banshan seemed to remember something, he smiled, “Ban family has been wealthy for hundreds of years, it’s not surprising that there are a lot of good things in their house.”

“But everyone says Ban family didn’t get anything good when they followed the founding emperor because their luck was bad?”  The officer continued, “Storytellers are still excitedly telling stories from 200 years ago. They said Ban ancestors fighting prowess is this.” He lifted a thumb up, “But their luck is this.”

Liu Banshan sighed at his colleague’s raised little pinkie, “Wang-daren, how do you think we should visit Shi family?”

Wang-daren who was talking animatedly instantly fell silent. Minister Shi was wildly powerful at the Court, and with a Crown Princess eldest daughter, how dare small officials like them bother him? They still had the guts to darken Xie family’s door, but Shi family…..

“Let’s just go. We are carrying out His Majesty’s order, Shi family is loyal to His Majesty, they won’t make it difficult for us.” Liu Banshan straightened his robe and told his group, “If Minister Shi is unwilling to understand our hard work, then we can report to His Majesty.”

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The group of Dalisi officers: Please don’t sugar-coat the word ‘suing’ that much.

Shi Chonghai was discussing Ban Huai’s attempted assassination with his eldest son when a servant came to say that Dalisi Vice Director had requested to meet.

“What is Liu Banshan doing here?” Shi Chonghai frowned, telling his son, “Go meet him, say that I’ve gone to bed.”

“Yes.” A vague foreboding grew in Shi Jin’s heart but he did not say it. Leaving his father’s courtyard, just as he passed the second gate, he met Shi Feixian who was returning from outside.

“Feixian, you’ve been out?”

Shi Feixian had not been outside these days due to the rumours.

Shi Feixian forced a smile, “I had a poetry gathering with some sisters yesterday, but as they were all busy so it was moved to today.”

Shi Jin was worried that she would shut herself at home, it was good that she went out. He nodded, “There is a bit of unrest in the Capital recently, be more careful.”

Shi Feixian nodded in silence. Today when spending time with the usual sisters, she found they were not as close to her as before. That said, she could not pick anything wrong in their expression, so even if she was angry and upset there was nothing she could do.

She hated Ban Hua and the idlers for spreading crazy rumours, also hated the Second Prince for not defending her. All men in the world were the same, casually telling you that you were good looking, you were talented, they envied you, admired you, but in time of need all men disappeared at once, each one faster than the next.

The Second Prince was like that, and Xie Qilin too.



Liu Banshan and the group of Dalisi officers had been waiting in the main hall for two incense sticks when a Shi family member showed up, but it was Shi Jin instead of Shi Chonghai.

* 1 incense stick = 5 minutes

“Liu-daren, Dalisi Darens, what auspicious wind brings all Darens here today?”

“Shi-daren is too polite. We have disturbed, please Shi-daren forgive.”

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After the greetings, Shi Jin asked everyone to sit down. He noticed the Dalisi officers looked uneasy, and Liu Banshan’s face was not quite right. Shi Jin calmly said, “One doesn’t visit a temple without a reason. Please Darens feel free to speak.”

“Xiaguan has something to ask, wonder if Daren has ever seen this pearl used by the ladies of the family?” Liu Banshan opened a box, a piece of pearl was in it.

* xiaguan 下官 = This Lowly Official

Shi Jin frowned, “Things like pearls are everywhere. As a man, why would I notice what the ladies wear. Liu-daren, what do you mean by this?”

“Shi-daren misunderstood. This pearl was found in the mouth of the main suspect in Duke Jingting case.” Liu Banshan had no qualm mentioning that it came from a dead man’s mouth. “We found this type of pearl are from the mussels newly imported this year, and only 3 families in the Capital have purchased it.”

Shi Jin’s face was grave, “Liu-daren means, our Shi family is one of the three?”

“That’s right.” Liu Banshan did not recoil at Shi Jin’s ugly expression, “Zhongping house and Jingting house have also made a purchase.”

At the mention of Jingting, Shi Jin lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea, “If Liu-daren wishes to know the whereabout of the pearls, I’ll have someone check.”

Large households had a chief steward and multiple unit stewards, all purchases and usages were in record. In less than two quarters of an hour, someone came to report that the residence did purchase that kind of pearls. Even though it was rare, Furen and Miss had disliked the small size thus it was not used for making hairpins, but Miss took some a few days ago to make embroidered shoes.

The eyes of Dalisi officers lit up at the words embroidered shoes, a daring one couldn’t resist saying, “Shi-daren, is it possible to let xiaguan have a look at the shoes.”

“Insolent!” Shi Jin slammed his tea cup, “Darens are here to investigate, or to humiliate my Shi family?”

Could a young lady’s shoes be taken out for these men to see?

“Darens are learned people, how can you make such an absurd demand?”

“Shi-daren please don’t be angry. Xiaguan‘s colleague has misbehaved because he was too anxious. Please Daren forgive.” Liu Banshan rose with his arms arched towards Shi Jin, “Shi-daren please be assured, Dalisi has female officers. We dare not disrespect Miss Shi.”

The scolded officer reacted, hurriedly rose to his feet to apologise, “Xiaguan was hasty and didn’t speak clearly, please Daren forgive.”

Liu Banshan did not wait for Shi Jin to respond, he directly called a female officer in Dalisi uniform to come forward, “Shi-daren, please may we have a servant to show the way.”

Shi Jin coldly looked at Liu Banshan without speaking.

Liu Banshan met Shi Jin’s eyes with a slight smile, he did not speak either.

“Liu-daren is well-prepared.” Shi Jin said coldly, “Benguan doesn’t know that Dalisi has female officers?”

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T/N – benguan 本官 = This Official. Liu Banshan group called themselves xiaguan / This Lowly Official. After the confrontation, Shi Jin brought up his own official status, which was higher than theirs.

“Shi-daren has been away on duty for some years, perhaps not familiar with some matters in the Capital.” Liu Banshan said with a smile. “Dalisi has to deal with cases involving ladies, so after strict discussions among the superiors and His Majesty’s elaborate consideration, Dalisi has selected some well-educated women with clean background to serve at some departments. Their rank is not high, but they have been very helpful in many cases.”

Shi Jin observed the woman in Dalisi uniform, she was in her early thirties, her hair was simply styled and her appearance was ordinary. At the same time, unlike ordinary women, her eyes were very determined, more like a man’s eyes.

He did not want them to enter his sister’s courtyard. He was uncertain whether his sister really had nothing to do with the case.

He knew his own sister, she generally looked fine on the outside, but inside she was seriously headstrong to the bones, such a person could easily take the road to a dead-end. If someone told him that his Second Sister had hired killers to bump off Duke Jingting in order to let Ban Hua enter a three-year mourning period and thus unable to marry Rong Xia, he would believe it was possible.

The more he thought, the more he could not let them enter, at least not now.

However, his being unwilling did not mean Liu Banshan would just relent. The case was not trivial for them, if it was not done within five days, he would still be in trouble whether Shi family was offended or not. Morever, a case that involved Count Cheng’an’s future father-in-law, he had to solve it at any price.

“Shi-daren, the investigation is ordered by His Majesty, please do not make things difficult.”

“This is ridiculous, Liu-daren intends to search here, also by His Majesty’s order?”

Liu-daren retorted, “If the conscience is clear, is there anything to be afraid of?”

“What a ridiculous talk.” Shi Jin’s face darkened, “Were you like this at Xie and Ban residences?”

“Shi-daren overthinks.” Liu Banshan’s smile was merely skin-level, “Count Zhongping and Duke Jingting didn’t reject xiaguan’s request. They were open of where the pearls are, they hid nothing.”

All of the Dalisi officers were drenched in cold sweat on behalf of Liu Banshan. Isn’t this a direct confrontation with Shi family?



T/N – If you haven’t started on watching Love Like the Galaxy yet, please do. So good, no joke!
Never knew Zhao Lusi’s acting is this great…. ah Niao Niao ….. !!! If you have or are watching it, please no spoiler, I am only up to chapter 30-ish.
If you plan to watch, try to watch at Viki. For me, a good historical drama deserves good subtitle for maximum enjoyment. It’s also being translated but it hasn’t moved from chapter 3 since last month, I hope it continues.

T/N – I have also finished 100,000/Hour Professional Stand-in last week. If you don’t mind a story full of unlikeable people with painful retribution for the villains (i.e almost everyone), this is a good one, I quite enjoy it because the MC is larger than life. But if you want a fluffy story, stay away, the ML is quite ‘buried’ until almost the end, and he is barely relevant to the main story.

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