“Gong….. Gongzi, Fule Junzhu is here!” A pageboy came running in a rush with a panicking expression.

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Shi Jin stood up from the chair, “Who did you say?”

“Fu…. Fule Junzhu.” The pageboy thought of the guards Fule Junzhu brought, this could not be a social visit, this was coming to smash things up.

Shi Jin had no chance to speak, a clamour was heard from outside and a woman in a turquoise dress entered in quick steps. Her face was coloured with unresolved anger, “Shi-daren, I, this uninvited guest is here. You can’t not welcome me, can you.”

She walked like the wind, a whip in the hand, and sword-bearing guards behind. Not a visit, more like looking for trouble.

Just as the Dalisi officers thought that a fight was about to start, surprisingly Shi Jin was not upset at all. He said in a gentle voice, “Junzhu, please sit down and speak slowly. You are willing to visit, zaixia is very welcome.”

Ban Hua sat down on a chair, “Everyone says I am rude and unreasonable. Since I am used to being rude, Shi-daren needs not give me meaningless courtesy. I heard Shi residence has purchased a batch of pearls but won’t let Dalisi investigate. Why is that?”

“Junzhu, xiaguan thinks this is a misunderstanding.” Shi Jin persuaded, “My sister is a weak woman, it’s bad for her if it spreads outside that her wardrobe is investigated by Dalisi. Junzhu is also a lady, Junzhu must understand a lady’s inconvenience.”

“Shi-daren has forgotten whatever your sister has done. If a woman shouldn’t inconvenient another woman, then why did she make things difficult for me?” Ban Hua’s eyes met Shi Jin’s head-on. “Fine if Shi-daren won’t allow the investigation, but Shi-daren has to vouch that your sister is absolutely not involved. If you can do so, we’ll leave right away.”

Seeing the anger in her eyes, Shi Jin closed his eyes.

Four years ago he fell in love with a radiant and lively young girl, but she had had a fiancé. In a moment of despair, he volunteered to be stationed at the border and has only returned last year.

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The woman he thought would have been someone’s wife turned out to be still single, and she had become even more lively, even more dazzling, so bright that he did not dare to look too much. And now this woman, who was soon to marry someone else, was looking straight into his eyes for the first time. But there was no affection in her eyes, only hate and fury.

He thought the feelings from four years ago should have faded along with the past, but each and every sight of her, has brought back the yearning of the heart.

“Junzhu….. Is there the need push it so hard?” Shi Jin sighed, “This case has nothing to do with Shi family. You take such a risk to come, if nothing is found, how would you tell yourself?”

“There’s nothing wrong with taking a risk for one’s family. If I am wrong, I will apologise to Shi family in front of the whole Capital.” Ban Hua coldly laughed, “I am not afraid of losing face, but I am afraid of missing out on the culprit.”

Shi Jin stared at her dazedly, he was silent for a long time.

“You’re so…….”

So absurd, so wilful. How could there be such a woman on earth?

Shi Jin’s heart was overwhelmed by a complex and indescribable emotion that it was hard to breathe. He looked at Ban Hua and blurted out a question that he shouldn’t have asked.

“You’re doing this, have you thought of how Count Cheng’an will think of you?”

How many men in the world were able to accept such a woman?

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The eyes of the world, the words of others, was the bloodied knife able to destroy feelings between couples. Each of its stabs would drive through the heart, letting it bleed, oozing with pus.

Unexpectedly, Ban Hua laughed, “Today I’ve chosen to be here, what others think of me is not my concern. My life exists thanks to my father and mother. I am the pearl and the treasure of their eyes, their heart bleeds with love for me. How do I deserve to be their child if I put other people’s opinion above the justice for them?”

Once this was said, the faces of Dalisi officers who had thought Ban Hua as absurd and unruly changed. This was a woman who for the sake of her family, had fearlessly broken worldly proprieties and convention, a woman with a devoted and sincere heart…..

As Shi Jin stood there in silence, Ban Hua said, “Shi-daren, apologies.”

She made a gesture, the female guards behind her moved up to lead Dalisi female officer into the inner courtyard. If Shi family people did not allow it, she likely would use force to break in.

Dalisi officers looked at Shi Jin nervously. If he suddenly blew out in anger, should they or should they not take Fule Junzhu’s side?

But Shi Jin did nothing. He did not even order Ban Hua’s people to be blocked. His face was dark but he kept his silence.

Dalisi officers were so awkward, their eyes sought after their leader’s, Liu Banshan. But Liu Banshan did not speak, his head was bent, he was focusing on sipping his tea as it had been the tea from Mount Ling that could return his youth and prolong his life by a century.

“What tea does Junzhu like?” Shi Jin sat back down, he turned to Ban Hua, “Heard Junzhu likes Dahongpao. My humble residence has no such good tea, but we have a bit of Bitanpiaoxue. If Junshu doesn’t mind, please try some.”

Ban Hua’s eyelashes trembled lightly, “No need, thank you.”

Shi Jin forced a smile, gestured to the servants. Someone soon came with a pot of the tea, the very best Bitanpiaoxue.

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Liu Banshan put down the Maojian tea in his hand. His eyes swept past Shi Jin and Ban Hua and his eyebrows twitched slightly. He turned his head to look outside, letting the awkward atmosphere to go on.

Time plodded slowly, everyone’s teacup had reached the bottom, their hearts have became increasingly troubled. It had been so long since the female officer went inside, this really was not simple. But let’s say the case was related to Shi family, what was the objective?

Shi family was powerful, both inside and outside the Court, and they have a Crown Princess daughter. Ban family was an idle clan that did not compete for power. So what could be gained by killing Ban Huai? On top of that, why the esteemed Prime Minister household did not hire competent assassins instead of a bunch of unreliable small thugs?

Was it likely that the Second Miss Shi tried to kill Ban Hua’s father out of jealousy?

Then it should have been better to just kill Ban Hua, was there any benefit to kill a love rival’s father?

“Liu-daren!” An armed Dalisi guard came in a rush, he glanced at Shi Jin bewilderedly, “A report received. At dusk yesterday, a young woman and her maid passed through an abandoned temple. Shuxia and others have investigated, the young woman is none other than the Second Miss of Shi family.”

Shi Jin’s hand on the teacup shook. It splashed to the back of his hand, forming an instant red scalding mark.

Read this for free at SleepyPrawn site. Add to my viewer number and I will translate more happily!

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“Slandering!” Shi Feixian came in from outside. She pointed at Ban Hua, “Ban Hua, don’t bully people too much. What good it is to kill your father? Even if I want to kill people, it won’t be Duke Jingting.”

“I am right, am I not?” Ban Hua sneered, “I’ve been thinking, since you hate me so much, why do you keep smiling at me. Shouldn’t you just point to my nose and fight with me like this, isn’t it more satisfying?”

“I won’t speak rubbish with you.” Shi Feixian was furious. She did not expect that Ban Hua could sent guards to break into her courtyard. It was too much, it was not putting her in the eyes at all, “What do you want?”

“I want to know who the mastermind is.” Ban Hua’s voice was icy-cold. “There’s no need to be angry if Miss Shi isn’t related to this.”

Shi Feixian’s chest violently rose up and down, she turned to Shi Jin, “Brother, get her out of here. This is Shi residence, not Ban residence where she can do whatever she wants.”

“Miss Shi, afraid this is not up to you.” Liu Banshan folded his hands. He smiled a fake smile at Shi Feixian, “My subordinate has found an embroidered shoe with a missing pearl. This shoe is smeared with dirt and dry grass from the temple. May we ask why did you, a lady from the boudoir, go to such a place?”

Shi Feixian was stunned, staring blankly at Liu Banshan, “What do you mean with that?”

“Miss Shi,” The smile on Liu Banshan’s face gradually disappeared, “Forgive us, we have to invite you to be a guest at Dalisi for a few days.”

“For what reason are you taking me to Dalisi,” Shi Feixian sneered, “What thing are you.”

She was the dignified young miss of a prime minister house. These people wanting to convict her with just some words and a pair of embroidered shoes, wanting to take her to Dalisi. Most ridiculous.

Ban Hua laughed coldly, “For what reason is Miss Shi not going?”

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