After hastily finishing my lunch, barely noticing if the food ended up in my mouth or up my nose, I found myself suddenly in the midst of the bustling crowd of students. 

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Without realizing it, I had entered the place known as the Guardian Training Center, a dome-shaped landmark often referred to as the “Training Ground.”


Until that moment, my mind had been partially absent, lost in thoughts of how I wished it was all just a dream.


But I couldn’t avoid the reality before me.


“Why out of all the games, did it have to be the unforgiving Laphocal?”


The Last Apocalypse.


Or simply Laphocal.


A game with a story set in a modern world where hellish creatures have invaded Earth, leaving players with no dreams or hopes.


It started with enrolling in an academy to train superhumans, and gradually expanded into a vast and enthralling world.


What began as a charming and cheerful adventure evolved into a brutal and intense journey, filled with bloodshed and hardships.


Traditionally, this game was notorious for offering players a doomsday scenario, leaving no room for hope, utterly destroying the atmosphere, and even challenging gamers’ mental fortitude.


‘No matter how much my current life revolves around this, it’s still the same.’


With its excruciatingly high difficulty level, leaving players no room for respite, and a diverse cast of unique characters, each with their own compelling stories, this game gripped players’ souls and minds.


Its immense popularity stemmed from the fact that the storyline dynamically changes based on the player’s direct or indirect choices, creating a truly immersive experience.


Until just three years ago, it was considered a game of epic proportions, captivating players from all over the world.


Amidst the unforgiving challenges and a seemingly never-ending string of bad endings, many eventually succumbed to frustration, and due to the insurmountable entry barriers, even newcomers fell into despair.


“Ah, such a delightful fragrance in the air…”


– Gossip! Gossip!


The students distanced themselves from me, unsure of what I was saying.


‘No, I am not on drugs, guys.’


Ignoring their concerns, I focused on assessing the situation.


I fell asleep and woke up inside the game.


Assessment complete.


‘What kind of absurdity is this ghost crap?’


Even the idea of ghosts seemed ridiculously out of place, making me want to do two somersaults in mid-air out of sheer frustration.


If this were truly a dream, there would be no way to wake up except by dying, but regrettably, I didn’t have the courage to take it that far.


So, let’s confirm that this was not a dream and rationalize the situation. It was better for my mental well-being.


‘It’s not a dream; it’s reality.’


I gently touched my cheek and repeated the words to reassure myself, feeling the warmth on my skin. I didn’t even remember how many times I had said it today.


Well, I couldn’t blame myself entirely; wouldn’t anyone react this way?


Of all the games, why did I wake up in the one notorious for its insane difficulty? It was a game cursed by gamers all around the world.


“Wow… I feel like giving up, damn it…”


And why did it have to be me, the one experiencing this? What rotten luck.


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“If it were on easy difficulty, I could effortlessly triumph while doing a hexadecimal Pascal kick.”


{TN:- 1. Hexadecimal: Hexadecimal is a numeral system with a base of 16, using digits 0-9 and letters A-F to represent values. In computer programming, it is commonly used to represent memory addresses and binary data.


Pascal: Pascal is a programming language created by Niklaus Wirth in the 1970s, known for its simplicity and structured programming approach. It was widely used in the early days of computer programming.


So, the phrase “hexadecimal Pascal kick” appears to be an imaginative way of saying that if the game were on an easy difficulty level, the character in the game could effortlessly and successfully perform powerful moves or actions, akin to a programmer manipulating hexadecimal data with ease in the Pascal programming language.}


Too obvious.


As I thought about it, there was no way it would be as easy as the ending of a casual game. Given the circumstances, it had to be a world with the difficulty level of “Last Apocalypse,” an error I had pressed just before.


Even if it wasn’t the case, the only option left through the process of elimination was the hardcore difficulty.


“Damn it…”


No matter how indifferent I was about my current life, a world destined for destruction was just not acceptable. I barely suppressed the urge to curse out loud. The gazes from people around me were still piercingly cold.


I lowered my head and took deep breaths, trying to control the rising emotions somehow.


“Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale… Huh?”


What was that smell?


A familiar scent, almost inseparable from my soul and body, tickled my nostrils and filled the air. That wasn’t the fragrance I wanted.


Absentmindedly repeating my deep breaths, my gaze unknowingly turned towards the place where the strong garlic scent was emanating.




Unknowingly, a small exclamation escaped my lips.


There was a girl who appeared much younger than the others, with a noticeably petite stature, small build, and a childish face. She was yawning as if she were bored.


Her reddish hair swayed and shook like a bundle of flames tied together whenever she blinked her drowsy eyes, leaving a lasting impression.


For some reason, her appearance felt very familiar.




Was I staring too intently? Suddenly, our eyes met.


Her crimson pupils seemed to draw me in like a deep red whirlpool.


Incredibly beautiful yet strangely filled with emptiness, her gaze engraved itself on my retina, refusing to let go.




As we stood there, the girl and I locked eyes for what felt like a bewildering 10 seconds.


Gradually, fine lines etched across the girl’s graceful cheeks, and her lips, like ripe plums, parted to release a melodious and pure voice, reminiscent of a canary’s song.


“What the fuck are you staring at, you moron?”




Perhaps it was some kind of spicy retort, and it gave a feeling of sipping pungent sauce.


I attempted to chuckle and turn away, but something about her familiar tone and voice compelled me to keep my gaze fixed on her.


Where had I heard this before… Hmm?


Could it be?


“Are you, by any chance, Liana?”

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“Who the hell told you it’s okay to call me by my name so casually? You imbecile!”


“Yeah, it’s Liana bitch.”


“What did you just say to me?”


Suddenly, Liana sprang to her feet, pushed aside the students around her and advanced aggressively toward me.




“Alright! Let’s get started with the practical exam. Hey! Everyone, take your seats!”


One of the instructors entered through the front door and gently scolded Liana, causing her to glare at me as if she could devour me, before returning to her place.


Oh, that was scary.


The cute Liana from behind the monitor had become a living, breathing presence, and there was simply no one else quite like her.


Her aura was unique.


Just her piercing glare felt like a sting on my skin.


“No, seriously, it hurts.”


It wasn’t just a metaphor; it genuinely stung. It must have been due to the immense magical power possessed by Liana in the game’s lore.


I caught a glimpse of Liana’s annoyed expression from the corner of my eye.


Sigh, why was this irritating troublemaker so adorable?


Anyway, by the end of the semester, she would either become a formidable and vexing villain, appearing as an episode boss, or she would vanish without a trace, never to return—a character simply forgotten.


But she was still immensely popular because of her cute appearance. Internet memes featuring her were widespread. She held a special place in my heart as my favorite character from my early gaming days, but…


No matter what I did, she would become an enemy. Let’s just ignore her.


As I averted my gaze, I noticed that the instructor’s explanation was coming to an end.


“The exam consists of four stages: Hit, Dodge, Destroy, and finally, Duel. There are no restrictions on the means and methods. Understood?”




“Good. Let’s begin then.”


From an unknown group of individuals, ranging from numbers 1 to 10, a total of 10 people began the practical exam simultaneously, one after another.


As time passed, a profuse sweat flowed down their bodies, causing their clothes to become damp.


“Wow… flying all around. It’s like we’re airborne.”


I couldn’t help but wonder if they were mere game characters, as the extraordinary and mesmerizing scenes unfolded, which were rarely witnessed even in a circus.


It was akin to watching an Olympic athlete perform an awe-inspiring routine back and forth three times over.


Yet, when faced with the exam tasks, they seemed to struggle, unleashing a series of futile efforts.


The difficulty of the exam was remarkably high.


The objective was to “hit” rapidly moving targets, which were so elusive that even keeping up with them visually proved challenging.


To “dodge or deflect” 100 magical beads flying at random from all 360 degrees.


To “destroy” solid, obsidian-like rocks that appeared incredibly resilient.


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And then, with their upper bodies bared, they engaged in a spirited “duel” alongside a grinning instructor, and showcased their blazing muscles.


‘… Are you seriously expecting me to pass this?’


Was I supposed to be the protagonist of some game?


Moreover, I was no superhuman like those individuals around me. I was just an ordinary person, no different from anyone else!


‘No, that can’t be. Since I’ve entered this game world, maybe I’ve gained some game-like abilities. No, I must have acquired them; otherwise, how could I possibly survive in this world?’


It was a rather predictable argument.


The protagonist of a novel, who transmigrated into a gaming world, would usually demolish the exam tasks with an extraordinary, unknown power, and achieve an unparalleled score, leaving everyone in awe.


Perhaps I was one such case!


‘Could that really be true?’


I let out a deep sigh, propping my chin up with my hand.


Although this scenario was pure fantasy, I was no fantasy myself.


If I lost control and ran wild, I was bound to end up dead.


As I pondered, I realized it was now Ria’s turn.


In the tutorial, Ria’s turn came before the protagonist, Yu Hyun-sung, so the gamers were left without any knowledge of her performance during the practical exam.


Curiosity drove me to watch closely.


Bang! Kwang! Kwagwagwang!


She unleashed a tremendous magical storm in all directions, turning the exam site into rubble, even causing the instructor to break out in a cold sweat. Now I understood why the game company chose to skip showing her combat scene.


‘This explains why Yu Hyun-sung’s achievements didn’t stand out….’


Ria’s power was simply overwhelming.


A one-person tank, a one-person army, the end-of-term boss.


The daughter of the prestigious Winterlake family, Ria Winterlake.


Nickname: “F*cking Ria.”


‘Oh, man, I’m screwed.’


“Ria Winterlake… 100 points. And from now on, I hope you can refrain from breaking any more pieces if possible.”




Ria didn’t even respond and left the examination room.




Then, it felt like my face got pricked as if meeting her fierce gaze.


Maybe it was just my imagination?


‘It must be my imagination. Yeah.’


The instructors, who were momentarily occupied with calming the commotion caused by Ria’s reckless actions, resumed the exam.


“Next! Group 7, Number 1, Kim Chanjo, Number 2, Lee Ho-Jae, Number 3, Marpo Dwyne….”


My number was  Group 8, Number 10. It was my turn next.


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“… Number 10, Yu Hyun-sung.”


As soon as I heard the name, I turned my gaze straight towards the examination room.


With black hair and a polished appearance, a handsome young man was walking forward.


Yu Hyun-sung, the protagonist of this game world, Last Apocalypse.


‘Kid, you’re good-looking even in reality.’


Perhaps because I had seen him countless times beyond the screen.


Even though it was the first time I saw him in reality, I felt a surprisingly familiar emotion.


Well, I had been his avatar for ten years.


Thinking that way, all sorts of indescribable emotions swirled inside me.




“Stage 1, Hit the Targets. Ready… Start!”






Swish! Swish! Swish!


Thud! Thwack!


Ten marksmen stood in their respective shooting ranges, preparing to take aim at moving targets using their unique approaches.


Dangerous weapons like sharp ice spears, flames, and heavy rocks were equipped. Some even chose to shoot directly with bows or guns.


Among them, Yu Hyun-sung, following the style of a tutorial character, unleashed precise sword strikes, hitting the targets with ease. 


While others struggled to score in the 50-60 range, Yu Hyun-sung’s impeccable performance consistently earned him a perfect 100 points.


‘Phew, I’m relieved it went well,’ I thought, knowing that the interference from the players guaranteed a minimum score of 100 points.


After the first level exam, the observing instructor smiled.


“Number 10, Yu Hyun-sung, 100 points. Well done.”


“Thank you.”


Yu Hyun-sung bowed politely with a smile.


As the exam progressed, he knocked away 50 beads in the second stage and deftly evaded the rest. 


In the third stage, he cleanly sliced through a black rock with a single swift sword movement. 


By the fourth stage, the instructor’s approving voice filled the air as he was impressed by Yu Hyun-sung’s skill.


He achieved a remarkable score of 400 out of 400 in the practical exam, a testament to his exceptional abilities.


“He’s the one!”


Look at him! He was the protagonist of this terrible game!


He was the puppet I manipulated for 10 years!


After celebrating for a moment.


“Next, Group 8. Step forward!”

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