“Next, Group 8. Step forward!”

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The students moved to the next stage on this remote island, where everyone’s eyes were fixed on them.


Somehow, it seemed like I should say hello to the camera and maybe sing or something…


Students walked with determination, leaving behind their personal struggles and supportive families.


“Take your positions!” 


I lined up at position 10, facing an array of unfamiliar weapons.


I hesitated to touch a handgun, realizing I had never handled one before.


‘Where’s K2? K2.’


[Synchronizing… 28.6%]


“Group 8, number 10, Park Jinwoo. Why are you just standing there?”


“Uh… well.”


“If you stay like that, you’ll be disqualified. Or is magic your specialty?”


“No, that’s not it.”


“Your answer is unsatisfactory. Then you’ll be disqualified…”




In the end, the only thing I held in my hand was a familiar worn-out pistol.


The instructor who had stopped speaking, nodded and shifted his gaze to the evaluation sheet before him.


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‘Even though he looked like a twenty-something year old warrior, he still has a lot to learn…’ Instructor silently remarked. ‘At least 50 points, if not more…’


“Come on, if you’re ready, start.”


Bang! Bang!


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!


Although I had not officially learned how to shoot a gun, I had indirectly experienced it through media like YouTube and movies for decades.


I roughly adjusted my posture and fired bullets towards the target, imagining I was a ninja.


Bang! Bang! Bang!


Ting! Ting! Ting!


All the bullets hit the floor with a light bounce, but it didn’t matter since they were just blanks for target practice.


I got the hang of it; now all I had to do was hit the target.


It was an easy task for an old brain like him.


I could even shoot with my eyes closed.


With a smirk, I pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


“Wow, what was that!”


“Did… Did I see it wrong?”



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As I finished using up all the bullets in the magazine and lowered the gun, the instructor, who had been watching, smiled and applauded.


Meanwhile, the children’s excited voices grew louder.


Praise that not even Yu Hyun-sung received.


“That’s truly impressive. How on earth…!”


It was a genuine exclamation of awe and a natural marvel.


Even I was astonished by the result.


“How is it possible not to hit even a single shot? There wasn’t even a graze; it’s astonishing!”


It was not a smile but a mocking laugh.


‘Argh, the once top-class sharpshooter in the game…!’


‘My special warrior vacation pass…!’


“No, this can’t be right.”


Though it sounded like a cowardly excuse, honestly, that was unbelievably fast!


Wasn’t I some kind of professional hunter? How could I not hit something like that?


“Are you kidding me? Does that mean that you just need to avoid being disqualified?”


After regaining my composure, I noticed the instructor’s face contorted with disappointment.


At this rate, I might get disqualified.

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Finally putting on a serious expression, I firmly replied:




“Rebelling against a senior instructor, huh? How amusing. Group 8, No. 10, Park Jinwoo! Zero points.”




Under the instructor’s disapproving gaze, I reluctantly moved on to stage two.


‘Damn it, I mean, the pistol isn’t the main weapon.’


‘Give me a rifle, a rifle! My beloved!’




[Synchronization in progress… 28.8%]




“Why are you glaring at me? Are you protesting because I gave you zero points?”


“Oh, no. Would I dare to do that to you, Senior Instructor?”


“Ah, next comes dodging and striking back. Raise your weapons!”


In this situation, long-range weapons like pistols were utterly useless.


Yu Hyun-sung effortlessly maneuvered through them with just a single sword, but attempting such acrobatics would only tear my muscles. I better play it smart and rely on my trusty shield.


Indeed, the shield held the key to conquering the second stage.


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‘There must be a way to block even when blinded by the enemy’s attack!’


I decided to aim for a minimum of 30 points, no matter what.


I was feeling truly confident this time.


‘I’ve got this!’


“Stage 2, get ready… Begin!”


Even before he says “Start,” I was already swinging my shield in defense!


This was the strategy for dealing with the damned situation!




‘Aghhh! It’s too fast!’


Hold on!




‘Ahhh! Wait! I felt that in my bones! Help!’


‘Where’s my shield! When did it fly away so far!’


The pain was so intense that I couldn’t even manage a scream!


– Whaaaack!


Aghhhh! I’m done for!


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